Rae Fournier from Western Kentucky: DebateSensei NFA LD S1:E24

🎙️ In this episode, join us for an insightful conversation with Rae Fournier, a rising star in the world of debate. Normally featuring directors of debate from various colleges, this episode breaks the mold by welcoming Rae Fournier from Western Kentucky University, the recent champion of the NFA LD Grand Prix.
🏆 Rae shares their journey into the world of debate, starting from humble beginnings in high school with a student-run program. Despite early challenges, Rae's dedication and perseverance led to remarkable growth, culminating in success at online national tournaments during the pandemic.
💡 Discover how the shift to online platforms expanded access to resources and training opportunities, empowering debaters like Rae to excel in their craft. From the evolution of debate formats to the impact of digital learning, Rae provides valuable insights into the dynamic landscape of competitive debate.
🌟 Don't miss this engaging discussion with Rae Fournier, offering valuable perspectives on the past, present, and future of debate!

