9-11 Story & Airline Emergencies on SocialFlight Live

Captain Brian Schiff was flying on 9/11 when his plane was headed toward an erratic Flight 93. His story is amazing.
Capt. Schiff is an Airline Pilot, Flight Instructor and one of the most innovative educators in general aviation. He flies for a major airline and is type-rated on the Airbus 320, Boeing 727, 757, 767, DC-9 (MD-80), CL-65, LR-JET, and G-V. And, in spite of all those big iron type ratings, you are just as likely to find Brian flying the pattern in his Citabria as you are to see him on the flight deck.
“SocialFlight Live!” is a live broadcast dedicated to supporting General Aviation pilots and enthusiasts during these challenging times. Register at SocialFlightLive.com to join the live broadcast every Tuesday evening at 8pm ET (be sure to join early because attendance is limited for the live broadcasts).
