5v5 Epic Return | FAF Supreme Commander


Welcome Back... Today I bring you an EPIC!
Lots of experimental action, just like the good ol' days. 10 Player Team Game FAF Cast.
Regarding Emails & Contacts - I have a few emails from people who've written in - I haven't forgotten, I will begin reading them later today. If you are expecting a response (i answer them all) and haven't heard back by the end of the week, please give us a nudge.
Back to today's commentary - As some of you may figure, my commanders chassis is not yet 100% - but it's slowly repping up. I really wanted to bring you this game, so if you can put up with me not being quite 100% with it - then you'll certainly enjoy this, if not, then hopefully a few more days I'll be full pelt again.
Again a huge thanks to everyone who wished us well for the surgery and a speedy recovery - be that in the comments, or just in thoughts. It meant a lot, a appears to have didded the trick... sadly it can't help me lern proper english.
If you wish to support my work & receive extra perks: / tacticaltakeover
0:00 An Epic Cast for FAF Returns
0:42 Nobody Else Yet Cast It
0:54 BIG Thank You to ALL Well Wishers
1:37 Teleporting In To Todays Epic Game
2:56 Introducing Todays Commanders
Total Annihilation Soundtrack today. Regarding emails / sending in games - I'm currently full up / backlogged. If you wish to contact to shoot the breeze or to remind me about something I forgot, please do.
email: GWB@fox7simulations.com (ensure you swap the 7 with a 3 for spam purposes, so it looks like ..fox3sim….)
More information on Game / FAF community:
For those who like what they see, but aren’t entirely sure if they heard right, yes Forged Alliance is a game that’s 15 years old. You heard right, Fifteen! Kept alive & thriving, thanks to a fantastic team of people (where those words actually mean something). Check out FAForever (dot) com for information & quick start guide. The game is cheap enough on the steam store.
Legal: Tactical Takeover - this channel - found at / @fafcast is my own take as a "FAN / Commentary Channel". Any official FAF assets (including logo, name, lobby or core game) that feature in the making of this video should be seen as an incidental part of casting the game.
Finally, thank you for giving up some of your precious time today, I hope in return I made this hour we've spent a little brighter. Also, if you read this far, you’re something else! Then again, I wrote this far, so guess that makes 2 of us.
For contact information, scroll up a bit, or see channel info tab.

Пікірлер: 27

  • @TrueFireMessiah
    @TrueFireMessiah Жыл бұрын

    glad your surgery went well, and looking forward to regular casts again. we missed you 🥰

  • @scfan7231
    @scfan7231 Жыл бұрын

    Stunning game, thank you for casting! Glad you're back, wish you a good further recovery. Also, pauses are ok in my view. Don't overdo em, but you'll sense those moments.

  • @leinis80
    @leinis80 Жыл бұрын

    About pausing: Pausing the game is not an issue, for me at least. I even think that casters should use pause more often when appropriate (as your pause was). I'd actually like a similar rewind function for the replays, as there is in starcraft 2. I really like how Starcraft 2 casters can quickly rewind to show what they missed. It's a nice feature for starcraft replays, but it would be a great feature for FAF replays (as FAF has vastly more armies/players/battles than 1vs1 Starcraft).

  • @fafcast


    Жыл бұрын

    Thanks Leinis! (note to others: this guy helped a ton with the channel graphics). A rewind function would be awesome, although I guess it's impossible without completely rewriting the game code, or we would have had it by now. Hopefully Sanctuary might be able to integrate this! Also expect email later, I'm finally catching up!

  • @kormoxkall6687


    Жыл бұрын

    @@fafcast I agree with Leinis, if you need to pause for a few seconds to give us a nice overview of whats happening with a bit of detail added, that's fine by me!

  • @leinis80
    @leinis80 Жыл бұрын

    Only at the intros, but could not wait to write: REJOICE - the man is back and alive! Also, dank farrik man, you need to (re)watch some Star Wars: banthafodder - > bantha fodder -> something you feed to bantha creatures -> worthless. ;)

  • @leinis80


    Жыл бұрын

    nevermind, you corrected yourself in game (regarding banthafodder)

  • @fafcast


    Жыл бұрын

    I always show myself up when it comes to characters from movies and TV shows. I guess with Star Wars, I should have no excuse!

  • @Sunset2022
    @Sunset20224 ай бұрын

    I have never seen so many ravagers -- esp. in this highly rated a game. :D

  • @123fffaaarrrttt
    @123fffaaarrrttt Жыл бұрын

    Chickens are OP. Especially vs bases and clumped experimentals.

  • @markof2116
    @markof2116 Жыл бұрын

    you put match day as 07.july.2020 thx for an amazing cast

  • @fafcast


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah - I wasn't able to cast it on the day, but you're right, I usually try to keep the cast day and match day within 24hr

  • @CanalPanorama
    @CanalPanorama Жыл бұрын

    This game was a SHAME... Gamer was giving a HEART ATTACK on me... Ayahuasca here

  • @fafcast


    Жыл бұрын

    Hey ;-) nice of you to drop in! Really good game all round, lots of fun to cast, and I doubt many could tell with any certainty, even at the epic mark, who was gonna win.

  • @boosyaevo9663
    @boosyaevo9663 Жыл бұрын

    Interesting how brain works, when we are allowed eco, time, and options we choose inferior tactics but sometimes when hell is walking into our base we go and pull a miracle out of our ass. Fantastic game

  • @mattipiirainen7440
    @mattipiirainen7440 Жыл бұрын

    Good to see you back!

  • @4tr3x92
    @4tr3x92 Жыл бұрын

    I'm guessing its been a while since you've seen Star Wars? It's not me but I am guessing Bathafodder or Ban Tha Fodder as you call him should be Bantha Fodder ;) But good work as usual.

  • @ciCCapROSTi
    @ciCCapROSTi5 ай бұрын

    Bottom team went full tilt into air, even when it was long not worth it.

  • @dlscorp
    @dlscorp Жыл бұрын

    The only chapter link i would care about should be around 4:43 ... call it something like "intros done at last, enjoy the battle" it seems utterly pointless to point out their colour, race, ranking, all the stuff that's clearly visible on screen for the entire match. It's the same routine every game, tells us nothing we can't see for ourselves, I skip it every time. Which means I also miss any news, etc that you might have included at the start. Better to introduce them by briefly mentioning the player's history, famous wins, something we don't already know. And if the player has no deeds worth mentioning, DON'T BOTHER MENTIONING THEM AT ALL until they do something interesting in the game. You don't have to be Gyle. edit: Very enjoy your casts, keep it up, wish you health.

  • @fafcast


    Жыл бұрын

    Hi, thanks for your comment. Big long answer, but you deserve it and anyone else wondering similar things... The intro & ability to skip through it, was something I gave a lot of thought, and spent quite some time addressing a couple months ago. I'll summarise briefly, and I know they'll be others new here: I put out a poll to ask what the audience would prefer. There was a very clear split. About 25% prefer to skip through most / all the intros. A few even skip 5-10 minutes into the battles. The vast majority however, voted to keep it the way it is (although most asked me to tighten up the player introductions a tad, which I've tried to do - but I agree with you, I have room to improve, and I'll keep doing). As for trying to be like Gyle, I've never had a comment suggesting this before. I can assure you, I respect his work, talent & dedication very much, but trying to copy would just fail (I think this goes for anyone, and when people try to be someone else / fake, they burn out really REALLY fast.) It's easier to be me, but I understand the risk - some won't like it. Sharing stats about the game, ratings & discrepancies thereon, is something that people previously said, is what helped make my videos different - from the off. It's actually why I put the rating on every thumbnail, nobody else does this, so it's easy to tell apart. Do I read aloud vital stats on screen, in the opening seconds? Guilty as charged! It's my little way of getting the audience to question "Is the next hour of YOUR time worth investing in this cast? Here's the vitals - read aloud - that will help you to decide." And it really works... MOST people who are still with me after 30 seconds, are also with me at the very end (that's an INSANE retention rate - although you could argue, I just put half the people off inside 30s 🤣 hey, I can't win em all!). I will always try to improve the way I do stuff though, and every comment really helps me to do this, but I can't do everything. I could adopt standard YT strategy - just ignore any suggestions or complaints - but to me these are like gold, people are literally giving you the answer on how to make it better for them - and if people can be bothered to write, then so can I. One issue that some wanted, as you've said, was this additional chapter to skip over player introductions, and get right into first shots fired. I get it, I really do, but i felt uncomfortable to do this - and I decided to go with my gut, despite it being such a simple thing. I knew it would be unpopular with some, but I saw it somewhat rude to the players, and also assisting in the race to the bottom. If people want to skip over me, fine, I'd skip over me too! I finish having to accept that I can't please everyone with this, but in return, I hope I'll always give every player a friendly welcome into the cast, and that for just a smidgen, some of those players who end up watching, appreciate it, and feel appreciated back.

  • @rystiya7262
    @rystiya7262 Жыл бұрын

    12:56 Never realized that reclaim destroys walls so fast... Can you do this with mantis or harbinger as well?

  • @fafcast


    Жыл бұрын

    Interesting question. Harbs yes (I've seen it done) - Mantis I'm gonna guess not, because the mantis doesn't have a reclaim ability (it's an assist only). Now if the mantis is assisting a unit on reclaim.... Never tried! Perhaps anyone can let us know

  • @chads3938
    @chads3938 Жыл бұрын

    Always cheer for bottom team

  • @Chxzz666
    @Chxzz666 Жыл бұрын

    where do i give you the raplays?

  • @fafcast


    Жыл бұрын

    Usually I post the info in the description, but I'm kinda full - so I didn't include the info this video. Normally, goto the channel / info tab, or just press on one of my previous videos and check the description. (For spam purposes I switch a number about). Despite being a little behind, If your replay is nicely above average skill rating (let's call it around 1250-1300, but no need to be exact) then send it anyways. If it's fun to watch, I'll certainly cast it, even if it's a few days late. Thank you Unfortunately I'm saturated with Noob & Joe games, and I'm not able to take on anymore of those at this time. There's still something I'm working on for those, and I'll let people know when it's done - I realise it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's something I really want to get done.

  • @alphaomega9650
    @alphaomega9650 Жыл бұрын

    I don’t think he should have gave up at the end he had a good chance of winning with some exp down the middle of red and plenty of Sam’s

  • @fafcast


    Жыл бұрын

    I would really like to have seen him try, although it was understandable. The fact his base got redecorated at least twice over, and he didn't quit, shows he isn't one for lobbin' in the towel lightly. (I'm being a little cryptic for SPOILER purposes). Edit: typos
