2024/04/26 Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners Board Meeting

1. Call meeting to order.
2. Public Comment.
3. Discussion and possible action to re-elect or replace Vice Chair Dolores Saenz-Davila, LCSW-S, per Texas Administrative Code §781.207 Elections.
4. Board review and possible action regarding appeals of application or licensure denials.
5. Board review and possible action regarding agreed orders to be executed by the Board.
6. Board review and possible action regarding contested cases from the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH).
7. Report of agreed orders executed by the Council’s Executive Director.
8. Report of cases dismissed by the Council’s Executive Director.
9. Status report of quarterly enforcement case activities.
10. Report from Committee Chairs:
A. Report from Ethics Committee Chair Mr. Brumley.
B. Report from Licensing Standards and Qualification Committee Chair Ms. Saenz-Davila.
C. Report from Professional Development Committee Chair Mr. Brumley.
D. Report from Rules Committee Chair Mr. Dollinger.
11. Discussion and possible action concerning Licensing Standards and Qualification Committee’s recommendation to defer consideration of rules that limit the number of supervisees to six in group supervisory sessions in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code, §781.102(28) Definitions and §781.404(b)(9)(B) Recognition as a Council-approved Supervisor and the Supervision Process.
12. Discussion and possible action regarding the Board’s January 5, 2024, instruction to staff to accept ASWB’s Advanced Generalist exam to satisfy national licensure examination requirement for Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) and recommendation for rule change in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code, §781.401 Qualifications for Licensure.
13. Discussion and possible action regarding jurisprudence exam:
A. Board review and possible action concerning the quarterly summary from the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners’ Jurisprudence Exam vendor.
B. Discussion and possible action related to changes in the Board’s Jurisprudence Exam.
14. Report from the Board Chair concerning current challenges and accomplishments; lawsuits; interaction with stakeholders, state officials, and staff; committee appointments and functions; workload of Board members; conferences; and general information regarding the routine functioning of the Board.
15. Report from the Board’s Delegates to the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council regarding the activities of the Executive Council, including the Council’s rulemaking actions taken at its February 20, 2024 meeting with
A. Adopted rules;
B. Withdrawn rule; and
C. Other Council updates.
16. Update on quadrennial rule review plan and anticipated timeline for completion of the review, and discussion of method for providing guidance and feedback to staff during the rule review process.
17. Report from the Board Administrator concerning operations, organization, and staffing; workload processing and statistical information; status of rulemaking; customer service accomplishments, inquiries, and challenges; media, legislative, and stakeholder contacts and concerns; special projects; and general information regarding the routine functioning of the program.
18. Adjournment.

