2024/06/25 Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council Meeting

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum.
3. General Public Comments.
4. Informational Items. Topics and items under this section are intended to provide the Council with updates or information.
a. Q2 and Q3 Performance Measures and calculations for FY2024.
b. Year-to-Date Financial Report.
c. Update regarding licensing functions and data reflecting the efficiency of licensing operations.
d. Update regarding enforcement functions and data reflecting the efficiency of enforcement operations.
e. Agreed Orders and Dismissals for the fiscal-quarter.
f. Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) Update.
g. Report on Children’s Mental Health Strategic Plan Subcommittee activities. Discussion to be led by Councilman Hallbauer or Janie Stubblefield, the BHEC delegate to the subcommittee.
h. Governor Abbott’s April 18, 2024 letter to Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regarding healthcare workforce shortages and the need to remove barriers.
i. Development of interactive maps reflecting licensee data (thpc.maps.arcgis.com/
5. Action Items. Topics and items under this section may require discussion or action.
a. Review and consideration of licensing and disciplinary recommendations from member boards. Recommendations are eligible for review, regardless of whether they are listed in this document, if they have been made by a member board in an open meeting.
b. Review and approval of 2025-2029 Strategic Plan.
c. Review and approve exceptional items for 2026-2027 Legislative Appropriations Request.
d. Review of bids submitted for online compliance management service for continuing education activities and selection of vendor.
e. Evaluation of the Executive Director’s job performance, together with any personnel action warranted following the evaluation. The evaluation portion of the meeting will take place in closed session pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Government Code, but any personnel action will take place during the public meeting.
f. Discussion regarding public education efforts needed to emphasize the benefits of seeking services from licensed mental and behavioral healthcare providers. Discussion to be led by Chairwoman Canseco.
g. Discussion on TSBEP’s request for agency action in response to ASPPB’s January 1, 2026 mandate to adopt the EPPP2. TSBEP has requested the Council begin exploring and analyzing the need for an alternative psychology licensing examination in the state of Texas.
h. Discussion concerning potential liability, together with the legal and administrative remedies available to the agency if it is required to adopt the EPPP2 in order to continue using the EPPP1. This discussion will take place in closed session pursuant to Section 551.071 of the Government Code. Any decision to seek a legal or administrative remedy will take place during the public meeting.
i. Review and approve psychology reciprocity agreement with the State of Oklahoma.
j. Review and approve revised organizational chart.
k. Update on quadrennial rule review and discussion about the need for an ad hoc Quadrennial Rule Review Committee to assist with reviewing and coordinating proposed rule changes. Additionally, discuss and approve publication of the proposed rule review notice for the Council and member boards.
l. Discussion regarding whether to seek OAG opinion about whether a complainant is considered a party to a disciplinary action under §507.205(b)(2) of the Occupations Code.
6. Rulemaking - Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council
a. Proposed rule changes:
i. 882.14 Petition for Waiver or Remediation of Deficiency
ii. 882.21 License Statuses
iii. 884.10 Investigation of Complaints
iv. 884.60 Witness Fees (repeal and replace)
v. 885.1 Executive Council Fees
b. Adoption rule changes:
i. 882.2 General Application File Requirements
7. Rulemaking - Texas State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists:
a. Proposed rule changes:
i. 801.114 Academic Course Content
ii. 801.115 Academic Requirements and Supervised Clinical Internship Equivalency for Applicants Currently Licensed as an LMFT in Another Jurisdiction
iii. 801.142 Supervised Clinical Experience Requirements and Conditions
8. Rulemaking - Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists:
a. Proposed rule changes:
i. 463.25 Health Service Psychologist Specialty Certification
9. Rulemaking - Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors - no rules for consideration:
10. Rulemaking - Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners:
a. Proposed rule changes:
i. 781.302 The Practice of Social Work
ii. 781.401 Qualification for Licensure
11. Report from Member Boards current or future issues that may impact the profession or the agency’s regulatory functions.
12. Recommendations for agenda items for the next Council meeting.
13. Adjournment

