2024/06/07 Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors Board Meeting

1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Call and Certification of Quorum.
3. Board review and possible action regarding Application Review(s) or Denial(s).
4. General Public Comments - Public Comment is limited to three (3) minutes per person, unless
otherwise directed by the presiding officer. Please note that the Board may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during public comment, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting. Limited public comment related to rulemaking may be allowed by the Presiding Member, in his or her sole discretion, prior to the Board taking up any rulemaking topics on the agenda.
5. Discussion and possible action regarding orders to be executed by Board Chair.
6. Report of orders from FY 2024 - Q2 executed by Council’s Executive Director.
7. Reports Review:
A. FY 2024 - Q2 Performance Measure Report
B. FY 2024 - Q2 Enforcement Status Report
C. FY 2024 - Q2 Complaint Dismissal Report
D. FY 2024 - Q2 Enforcement Compliance Report
8. Discussion and possible action related to State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) Proposals
for Decision (PFD) and Default Dismissal Orders, and possible orders to be recommended or ratified by the Board.
9. Report on Children's Mental Health Strategic Plan Subcommittee activities. Discussion to be led by
Janie Stubblefield, the BHEC delegate to the subcommittee.
10. Discussion and possible action concerning Committee Reports.
A. Application & Supervision Issues Committee - (Cristina)
B. Rules Committee - (Dr. Stubblefield)
11. Presentation and discussion of initial findings related to the quadrennial rule review and
announcement of town hall for soliciting public input.
12. Board Chair Report and update concerning current challenges and accomplishments; interaction with
stakeholders, state officials, and staff; workload of Board members; and general information
regarding the routine functioning of the Board, including BHEC updates.
13. Board Administrator Report concerning program operations; customer service accomplishments and
challenges; workload processing; general information regarding the routine functioning of the
licensure program; and enforcement compliance.
14. Adjournment

