10 Movies Where Every Character Thinks They're The Hero


Everyone had a hero complex in these movies.
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  • @LoveHandle4890
    @LoveHandle4890 Жыл бұрын

    “The villain is the hero of their own story.”

  • @damianstarks3338


    Жыл бұрын


  • @neekfenwick


    Жыл бұрын

    I agree, and this is why this list is quite boring to me. I struggled to continue as I like the channel but gave up at the Planet of the Apes bit. It's all a bit too obvious, just rehashing movie plots.

  • @BMakabre


    Жыл бұрын

    There is a brilliant villain monologue in the classic Doctor Who episode "Pyramids of Mars" with the villain Sutehk (a powerful alien once worshiped in ancient egypt as the god Set) that states his belief. The Doctor (played by Tom Baker): "You use your powers for evil" Sutehk: "Evil? Your evil is my good. I am Sutehk the Destroyer. Where I tread I leave nothing but dust and darkness. I find that good."

  • @liloiax22
    @liloiax22 Жыл бұрын

    Who else can't wait for that supposed _"The Penguin"_ series on HBOMax? I'm just super curious if what it'll actually be about ...anybody else feel the same way about the apparent spin-off streaming service show from _"The Batman"?_

  • @Justlov4
    @Justlov4 Жыл бұрын

    Every character thinks they are the hero of their own story. That's what fuels motivations and actions. From an acting standpoint, you can't go in judging a character. I go in trying to understand what makes this person tick and what drives them. If you are the "villain" you don't go in thinking I am the viliain. You go in thinking that what you are doing is important and necessary even though from an objective view you might not be taking the most moral approach. Even every day life...you are the hero of your own story and life.

  • @steveevans7805


    Жыл бұрын

    it was the taliban tapes that freaked me out. used to think terrorists were evil and knew it. the way they talked about being the good guys and fighting off the imperial army like star wars really freaked me out. no-one looks in the mirror and thinks they are the bad guys. even the cartels think theyre justified because theyre copying what happened to them from the US hit squads. people forget that america sent soldiers into south america to brutalise people to cause instability! paid and american trained soldiers, raping, abusing and murdering innocents purely to destablise anyone they didn't want too strong. its all public record now and the men who ordered it are generals and statesmen!

  • @neekfenwick


    Жыл бұрын

    Not every character thinks this. Your point is better made by Based earlier, “The villain is the hero of their own story.” .. I suggest people go like and comment on that comment :)

  • @Justlov4


    Жыл бұрын

    @@neekfenwick you're right. Not everyone thinks like this but people go off on their own thoughts feelings and motivations. If you feel strongly about something then you will most likely act on it. Someone else might not agree with your view and therefore you are wrong in someone else's eyes but not your own. Also yes I agree with what the other comment said. I basically elaborated on it. It's not a competition of comments. I merely putting my own thoughts down which some will agree with and some won't. People can like and comment on many different comments. Just like you have. 👍

  • @mitzyallen6078


    Жыл бұрын

    9oklllllklllllll😂llllkklkllllllklllllk❤l Lllllkklllklkkkl ❤ll😂lllk😂kklkklllkl❤kkllkllkllkl😂lkl😂klk Klk❤k❤ 😂klkkkjk😂l❤kll😂kl❤😂 Kk ❤ Lkkllkk😂klll I'll 🎉lk K😂ll❤ K😂kkllk😂l😂❤lk❤llkl❤lkkkk❤ Kllklkkkkklllk Lkl😂kklll K Kk Lllkkkkkklllllkkkkll❤ Kl😂k❤klk❤kl🎉l😂klklilk😂llklkkkl look klklk Lkl😂k😂lkkkllk Ll😂kkk😂lkkllk😂kkkklll Kl❤ ❤kkkkklk😂😂 Lkllk ❤Lk Klk Lllk K K ❤Kkkkl❤lkll😂😂😂😂kkkk❤❤ or klklll😂 Kkkllll Klkk look llllklk😂k Lkkkk❤k😂❤llkllllkll😂😂😂k 😂kkllkkllkllkkll Lkllllkkl Llkl 😂it lk😂l😂kllllkl❤klkkl😂kk Lkkkllllllklkll K 😂lklk L❤lkklkkklk😂lklkkl😂lkk😂kk Ll Klk😂😂 😂 😂Klkkkklkkllklkl Lllkklllklklkikkkkkl Ll Kkkkkkkllklllk Kkkkklklkk Illkllkllkklkklkkkllukkkkklklklklkklkkkklllkllkkkkkklklll😂 Kkkkllkklkkkkkkljk Kkkkklkllkllkliklkiolk Lllllll Kkllllkkllllllllkljllllllllkllklklk0llllkllll kill l😂 look look lkkll0 my lil Klllkkll0llkllllkkklkkkkllllll Kkl😂l😂k look lk🎉ll Llkll0kk L Kllllllllkkllkl0kkkk😂l Llkl0😂lll😂l😂 look llkll0kllk0ll0kl😂lklllk❤😂kkkllkklkk 😂I'm llk0l😂ll😂lkll look ll😂kkl😂lkllklml0l😂kllkl😂kklkl it kklklllklllklkl😂lk😂 K❤lklkkll😂lll😂 look kll😂kllklk0llklkkllkl0k😂lkkl😂lkllkkkl😂llk look k😂 I'm 0lkll😂 look lil Llkk0kkllkkkkkl loop😂kkkkklkll look😂😂l0kkl😂l0kk 😂ll0kll0l look kk09😂ll😂l😂kmk❤k no k I'm 0 Klkkl0kkkkljkkl0llkl🎉lkl😂l0lkkkk😂😂kll😂lli😂k L0lkk❤lkkllklllkkklk0k0kkkklk😂0lklk look l😂lkkklk😂lklkkklkkk look kkl0klkkl Kkllkk look kkkklljlk0😂ll😂kklkkkkklklllk80kkllklllkll😂llkkk😂 look klkkl0l my lllkllkkkkkl0kkkl0l look 😂myk0lkl😂klkk😂l❤llkll0kkkkkkkl0kkl0kkkklk😂mkkkklllklllll😂kk😂 Lklk look kklkk😂0lmklk😂kk😂kk my llkl😂mkllkkl😂😂mkkl9kkkkl look kkk look l look lllkklkkmk😂😂m😂llkk0lklkklk😂llll0kk❤k look kl😂klk0kkk😂llkklkkllkkkkkl0kkkllklmklmlkkkk00kllklkk0k😂kkkk😂llklkkmlkk0lllkl0k look kk0😂kkk0lk😂kl0😂l😂0lklkkklkk0lkkkkklkklklklkklkkllkk no kk0😂0kklrkmkkkkkkkkkkl0k0klkkkllklkkkk🎉klklk😂kkk0kklkkklkklkkkklklkk0kl0lklkkkk0klklkkll9😂kkkkk0lklkkkkklkk00kllm I'm llkkkklkkkkkr0kkklkkmklkmk0jklkkk0kklkkll look kkmlmk0kk❤l9k0m000😂kl0kklklkmk0k0kk0 00l0😂lljl0klm😂kkkkmlkkkkkklmkk0klkkklllj0kklkklkklkkkll😂lklkll🎉😂lkl😂00lm 9k0kll 😂Llll ok klmlkllkllllklll😂k2ll L❤ Llllllllkkklk look lkl😂lk look 0k my l0❤0ll0klllll0klklkk😂llkl my😂llllllllllk to lkjlllllkkkllkklllltkllllkkklllkllllkkklll look kllllkllkkll2klkil pop lkklklll❤llllkllllkllklll🎉klllk0lll look lkllkllllk look Lkllklllllkllllklkllllkklllk or Jl look lylllk5lllllklkllllkllklklk 😂🎉😂😂❤😂😂 😂🎉😂😂😂🎉😂🎉😂❤😂😂😂❤😂😂❤😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤😂😂😂😂😂❤🎉😂😂 ❤ ❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤ 😂😂❤❤😂❤❤ Kllkllklkkkklklkllkkykllkllllllllllk2k😂kkklklllkllllklkllklllkklkmlllkllklllll Look lkkkklklllllll look lkklk5ll5lllllllklkllllkklkkkkklkklllll Klkkklkllklllllllk look kklllkklklkklkklllklllllllklll look lllkkklkkllklklklklkklklklkklklkllkllkkkkllllllkl look klllkllkl look kkkklkllllllklkllllllllklillllklkllkkklllllkkkkl0lllll look lkkllkllllllkllklkllllkklklklkkkll look klllllllklllllkllkkllll look llllklllklklklkl 0llklklkllklkllkklllllkllkl my ll6lllllllkkllkkklllkkl5lllkllllkklllllllllllllkllkllllllklkllllllllllkkklllllllllllkllll0klkllkllllllllllllllllklllllkllllllkklllllllklllkllllll look lkllkllklkkllkllklllkkllllll look lllkklllllllkllllllkkllkklllllllkllllllllllkllllllkllllklllllllk4llllllllllllllllllllkkllkkllllkllllll5llll look llkllllllllkll my llkkllllllklllllllk look lllllklllll look lklllllllllllkllllllklllkllllllllkllllklllkl0llllllklklllllllllkllllllllkllllllllllklllllllllllmllkllllll look llkkllllkllllllll my kllllllkllllllllllkllllklllllllllllllllllllll look lllllll look lol look llkllllll look llkklllllllkllkklllllllllllllllklll look llllkll5llklllklllllllllk5lkllllll look lol look llllllllkllllllllllllllk look llllllllllllllllllll my kllllllm my lklllkllllllkllk he lkllklllllkkllklkllllkllll it klllllllllkll look llllklllllllkl look l look lkkllllklkllllklllllllllkllll😂

  • @austinhuber3131


    Жыл бұрын

    I'm so sick and tired of hearing that. It's hack advice for hack writers. In real life people know full damn well that they aren't the hero and simply don't care, don't believe heroes even exist, or hate heroes and oppose them out of spite. If everyone thought they were a hero, that would dumb down all of humanity and their motivations, wouldn't it? Yet that would be very easy for mediocre writers, wouldn't it?

  • @TarmenAmzarian
    @TarmenAmzarian Жыл бұрын

    Either version of The Ladykillers (1955 and 2004) should be on this list.

  • @shantshafwhaanjulius
    @shantshafwhaanjulius Жыл бұрын

    Honestly all of these was just spot on

  • @dbl007will
    @dbl007will Жыл бұрын

    Feast (2005) is the best movie where everyone thinks they’re the hero!

  • @Lullalies
    @Lullalies Жыл бұрын

    Smokin' Aces has the best music score, especially at the ending acene.

  • @jesperv.nielsen6090
    @jesperv.nielsen6090 Жыл бұрын

    4:07 - Think you got a part of "Burn after reading" wrong. Osborne Cox is not filing for a divorce as far as I rememeber. I am pretty sure it is his wife who is filing for a divorce. The scene where he gets served in his club is actually quite legenday.

  • @alm2187
    @alm2187 Жыл бұрын

    One scene in which every actor thought he was playing the villain: isn't it true the director of The Usual Suspects told every man in the lineup scene that he was secretly Keyser Söze?

  • @stevekirkpatrick1612
    @stevekirkpatrick1612 Жыл бұрын

    Going out on a limb to say that nobody in history has ever thought they themselves were the villain. Most especially those folks who are widely viewed as the worst in history.

  • @jordanvictoria5
    @jordanvictoria52 сағат бұрын

    Drago was a great villain! If he wasn’t Rocky’s win at the end wouldn’t have been so satisfying. The was such a nice movie. So glad that Rocky and his son reconnected.

  • @onlyme219
    @onlyme219 Жыл бұрын

    This one was a really good one. More, please 👍

  • @God-ld6ll
    @God-ld6ll Жыл бұрын

    Real life is probably, considering the intent is always able to pave the road to hell. Regardless it being good, bad, heroic, to oneself, to other, etc inclusively.

  • @Jobe00
    @Jobe00 Жыл бұрын

    In Marvel comics and movies, anytime the U.S. government goes against Steve Rogers, Rogers is correct. Every. Single. Time.

  • @jordanvictoria5


    Жыл бұрын

    He was wrong this time. Just like in the DC universe the Justice League creator a tower that protects the world but no one from earth was apart of the Tower that’s why Amanda Waller and others saw it as a threat. But even if you don’t think that his decision and everyone’s blind faith that this man is right every single time broke the Avengers.

  • @michaeljohnson6905


    Жыл бұрын

    Famous words from Tony Stark: Why does he always have to be right

  • @michaeljohnson6905


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@jordanvictoria5 nope lol He's not wrong. He actually points out what everyone else misses: that the accords would mean the governments could assign them to attack at a whim and remove their autonomy

  • @jasonjones2329


    Жыл бұрын

    Well you don't expect the government to ever be wrong do ya? 😮

  • @alyzu4755
    @alyzu4755 Жыл бұрын

    The first "Rambo" was so good and so interesting. The rest...

  • @Mrjohnsmith84
    @Mrjohnsmith84 Жыл бұрын

    Michael Douglas.. falling down

  • @jerrybeichner
    @jerrybeichner Жыл бұрын

    Doesn't every character in every movie think they are the hero? I mean any well written story gives all their characters motivations for their actions... thats what makes it a well written story...

  • @zacharyoff6805


    Жыл бұрын

    Ummmm, no. Not at all. Many, many characters know they are the bad guy and enjoy the fact that they are.

  • @TorQueMoD
    @TorQueMoD Жыл бұрын

    Great selection man! Well done. This was a blast to watch :)

  • @owie4070


    6 ай бұрын

    YUP. Gone Baby Gone is my top pick.

  • @MrNYC-2
    @MrNYC-26 ай бұрын

    The Rundown. You have an archeologist doing archeology, rebels rebelling, a business man providing jobs, locals over-throwing, bounty hunter dealing with an unruly child and trying to buy his way to a normal life, and even the father is trying to right a wrong done by his son. And of course the pilot, who is in fact the main hero.

  • @sonablom
    @sonablom Жыл бұрын

    Interesting list but I just couldn't get through it. The music is so loud and out of place. Doesn't fit with the narration ar all.

  • @everlenaoliver6912
    @everlenaoliver6912 Жыл бұрын

    Good list.

  • @MrNYC-2
    @MrNYC-26 ай бұрын

    Fool's Gold. One of the characters, when accused of being a side-kick, literally says "I don't think of myself that way. I am the lead character in my own story."

  • @chefdean7257
    @chefdean7257 Жыл бұрын

    I've always known I was the villain of every story.

  • @JorenMyers
    @JorenMyers6 ай бұрын

    Top 10 Most Powerful Gangsters in Comics (Kingpin, Penguin, Falcone, Hammerhead, Black Mask, etc)

  • @MattyStarfish
    @MattyStarfish Жыл бұрын

    That background music is awful 😂 love the video though

  • @RandomAnonamo
    @RandomAnonamo Жыл бұрын

    This particular background music is really grating and distracting with the high pitch notes.

  • @IamGulzow
    @IamGulzow Жыл бұрын

    Snatch, with the possible exception of Brick Top. I don't imagine him thinking himself heroic rather than just the biggest bit of the ferment, to borrow a concept from "The Sea Wolf" by Jack London.

  • @liloiax22
    @liloiax22 Жыл бұрын

    1:07- ...and that's the movies🎬 1st of 2 endings lol How many people thought that the movie🎬 was going to end right after Batman and the Riddler had their little conversation inside of Arkham Asylum? I did, that's for damn sure lol ...but _"NOPE",_ the movie had a whole other set piece that took place inside of Gotham Square Garden to show us with the Riddler's followers/goons and the flooding before it was actually all over with haha

  • @harvey785
    @harvey785 Жыл бұрын

    What is that dodgy music playing in the background??

  • @MonolithBrookshadow
    @MonolithBrookshadow Жыл бұрын

    Can't say I agree with first blood. He created an entire hunting party to go kill that man. He knew what he was doing, he knew he wasn't a hero. That was his own ego

  • @tobiasmyers3505


    11 ай бұрын

    If a prisoner breaks out of jail, the cops do not consider themselves villains for pursuing them. The posse is not shown details of how the prisoner was abused by the jailors.

  • @MonolithBrookshadow


    11 ай бұрын

    @@tobiasmyers3505 they weren't instructed to simply bring him in. The cops for whatever reason were very literally out for blood just for dude escaping. It was extremely weird.

  • @damianstarks3338
    @damianstarks3338 Жыл бұрын

    Great list happy Easter.

  • @stephpicher
    @stephpicher Жыл бұрын

    You've clearly made the point that every person irl and every character in fiction thinks he's the hero, making the liste kind of random.

  • @javib2978
    @javib29787 ай бұрын

    Gone Baby Gone. Amanda's mother, is the ture villain all along. Good thing Amanda got a step mother. I don't find this as disgraceful, but rather dealing with grief.

  • @javib2978


    7 ай бұрын

    No, Amanda's mother. Is not a victim in the story. Despite being sympathetic, she is a true villain and a heartless one.

  • @javib2978


    7 ай бұрын

    Gone Baby Gone. The child named Amanda. Has the most good heart in the film's story. No moral ambiguity.

  • @javib2978


    7 ай бұрын

    To me, everyone in Gone Baby Gone has sympathy views. Amanda's mother on the hand, is the most evil character in the film.

  • @alm2187
    @alm2187 Жыл бұрын

    Remind me at 1:11 what cling wrap has to do with their terroristic intentions? They plan to blow up the flood wall and then get together for a nice potluck? 😜

  • @alm2187
    @alm2187 Жыл бұрын

    I haven't seen Burn After Reading. How do blackmailers convince themselves such behavior is any kind of heroism?

  • @ler3434


    Жыл бұрын

    Sheer stupidity

  • @sheboyganshovel5920


    10 ай бұрын

    I refuse to answer. Being the hero of this story, this is my clever way of forcing you to watch an excellent movie.

  • @MrDblum619
    @MrDblum619 Жыл бұрын

    What’s up with the background music. Annoying af

  • @thedreadedshad6413
    @thedreadedshad6413 Жыл бұрын

    Ryan Reynolds the vocies😊

  • @IrishScribbler


    Жыл бұрын


  • @f1b0nacc1sequence7
    @f1b0nacc1sequence7 Жыл бұрын

    "Big Trouble in Little China"....

  • @christermyrberg3661


    Жыл бұрын

    I was about to say this ☝️😄

  • @dthomas4566
    @dthomas4566 Жыл бұрын

    This was one of your best categories tks❤

  • @timleber2257
    @timleber2257 Жыл бұрын

    Tony Stark was clearly in the wrong in Civil War. The core of his conflict with Steve is that Bucky killed his parents. Yeah, mind controlled out of any shred of humanity Bucky. Tony should have known better.

  • @ScarlaPhi


    Жыл бұрын

    Tony didn't know about his parents' murder until they watched that video in Siberia. And then the first thing Steve does is try to justify it. The conflict until that point was Tony trying to get the Avengers to play by some type of rules and Steve trying not to be a dancing monkey again.

  • @aidzo5999


    Жыл бұрын

    Tony literally just learned that, in that scene. Expecting him to properly and fully process that kind of news the moment he hears it, is very naive

  • @atarahstinnes2300
    @atarahstinnes2300 Жыл бұрын

    Your background music is to loud and distracting the entire video. I it’s nice music, but can’t hear you or the story that you’re telling over the music

  • @tanaka7341
    @tanaka7341 Жыл бұрын

    Gta any one lol

  • @domhuckle
    @domhuckle Жыл бұрын

    Pulp Fiction

  • @luiscontreras1565
    @luiscontreras1565 Жыл бұрын

    I recommend the tall man where kidnappers take children from their poor family homes and give them away to rich families to a supposedly better life

  • @Hilz28
    @Hilz28 Жыл бұрын

    Some of these are just straight up psychopaths 🤷‍♀️

  • @gmlgml780
    @gmlgml780 Жыл бұрын

    Yeah. Everybody thinks they're the hero. And even those who don't they're just a bit more clever. They still wish to be the hero. And all sides are just sides. Even the darker sides are just sides. Nobody chose to end up on any side. We are just gotten there. 'Cause we all are just the slaves of this universe. And that's why the universe must be destroyed. No, not only brought to its knees. Totally destroyed. Annihilated, terminated, vanished. Fkng ended. We don't have to realize the one. There can be only none.

  • @MitchCyan
    @MitchCyan Жыл бұрын

    Thanos *was* right

  • @benjaminbotley
    @benjaminbotley10 күн бұрын

    Creed 2 is so stupid. “Hey we came here wanting to fight and I ended up killing your dad then his friend beat me now my son is going to fight you!”

  • @susanalderson8267
    @susanalderson8267 Жыл бұрын

    Batman is not a superhero.

  • @yadielenielbellecolon982
    @yadielenielbellecolon982 Жыл бұрын


  • @KatAspen
    @KatAspen Жыл бұрын

    “Woman she was protecting” is a really weird way to pronounce “in a relationship with. Its like people just forget Catwoman is bi, so much so, the ambiguity of it makes people innocently think they are just friends. Damn.

  • @filmsociety1311
    @filmsociety1311 Жыл бұрын


  • @marcjameswhelan6231


    Жыл бұрын


  • @onlyme219


    Жыл бұрын

    Well done, I'm sure you'll get a cookie from your mom

  • @filmsociety1311


    Жыл бұрын

    @@onlyme219 I did. I got a whole bunch of Easter Eggs when I visited her house today 😝

  • @steveevans7805
    @steveevans7805 Жыл бұрын

    i was always on cap side in the films but in reality! I WANT OVERSIGHT!
