Buddha Exhumed

Buddha Exhumed

'Buddha Exhumed', is a Buddhist channel dedicated to searching lost Buddhist sites in India. 252 holy sites and stupas are identified and photographed. Tracking the ancient Chinese scholar Xuan Zang across India we now know where Mahaprajapati Gautami's sangaram was, Suddatas house was, Angulimals stupa is, Buddha wrestling & archery stupas, Prasenajit Rajas Buddha relic stupa, Andhavan, Suddhodanas palace, Mahamaya pregnancy palace, four sights causing Buddha's asceticism, Siddharth's palace, the place where Buddha returned his horse and Channa, where Buddha changed robes with a hunter, Buddha ashes stupa, Sariputras & Mahamougliyayas home and relic stupas, Khushinagars, Lumbini's, and Bodh Gaya's Buddha relic stupas, Ashoka's first Buddha Relic stupa, his own relic stupa, his first sangaram, Magadh's share of Buddha Relics, Anand's relic stupas, the place where Buddha ate rotten pork, Capala shrine, Kotigama, Nadika, Amrapali's home and more. India is still a Buddhist country.
