Woman is murdered to blame Buddha of murder.

Aourahi: (Huen Tsang page 7) In this chapter Huen Tsang goes south of Jetavan. I mean south of Galkara. It is stated in Buddhist scriptures that some heretics (non believers) lived behind Jetavan. They wanted to slander the Buddha. So they bribed a courtesan and made her attend the Buddhas meeting. When people saw her there the heretics quietly murdered her and went to the king pretending to be anguished at the murder. The king investigates the matter and the heretics blame the Buddha. They said he had intercourse with the courtesan, and when she became pregnant, he murdered her to hide the evidence. I will quote the last paragraph of page seven. Huen Tsang writes. “Not far behind the sanghramma (of Anathapindika) is the place where the Brahmachari’s killed a courtesan, in order to lay the charge of murdering her on the Buddha (in order to slander him). Now Tathagat was possessed of the tenfold powers, without fear, perfectly wise, honored by men and Devas, reverenced by saints and sages; then the heretics consulting together said, “We must devise some evil about him, that we may slander him before the congregation.” Accordingly they allured and bribed this courtesan to come, as it were, to hear the Buddha preach, and then, the congregation having knowledge of the fact of her presence, they (the heretics) secretly took her and killed her, and buried her body beside a tree, and then, pretended to be affected by resentment. The king ordered search to be made and the body was found in Jetavan. Then the heretics with a loud voice said, “This great sramana Gautam is ever preaching about moral duty and about patience (forbearance), but now having had secret correspondence with this woman, he has killed her so as to stop her mouth; but now in the presence of adultery and murder, what room is there for morality and countenance.”
Buddha, Buddhism.

