
  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeish8 сағат бұрын

    Glad I got caught up in time to make predictions! Fantastic show. So great to see the show rating finally ticking up where we'd like it to be. Keep up the great work! Sting (c) vs. Hollywood Hogan Hogan's time ruling the world has passed. Sting didn't spend a year in the rafters to drop the title right back to him a few months after winning it. Looking forward to seeing the Stinger move onto what would be his first substantial storyline, after this defense. Prediction: Sting DDP (c) vs. Curt Hennig Both of your singles titles are on babyfaces, and that never feels sustainable, so since I've got Sting retaining the Big Gold Belt, DDP's got to drop his. Hennig can still go at an elite level, and having him with the US Title opens up the possibility of him defending the belt in Nitro main events. I can see Hennig holding this title until you're ready to give it to Goldberg. Prediction: Curt Hennig Anderson/Eaton vs. Mortis/Wrath vs. Faces of Fear Feels like a toss-up here, and honestly, I can't even remember which of these teams is babyface. With the Steiners gone, this division needs a new focus. Anyway, I'll go with the team containing Arn Anderson, because... it's Arn.... Prediction: Anderson & Eaton Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair Jericho got the dirty win essentially via timeout, so I'd like to see Flair make him tap out now that Jericho's doctor can't call a stop to his momentum. It would definitely make sense from a "put the young talent over" standpoint to give it to Jericho, but considering he got an 80 rating in this Nitro main event, I'd say he's already where he needs to be. Can't put Flair completely out to pasture. He's still only in his 40s, after all! Prediction: Ric Flair Bam Bam/La Parka vs. Giant/Chavo This one feels very up in the air. I could honestly see any one of these four being the one to get the pin. I assume one of the cruiserweights will die for the one of the big fellas, but I'll mix it up and go with a double DQ. Why not get weird, sometimes? Prediction: Draw Bagwell vs. Goldberg GOLD-BERG GOLD-BERG GOLD-BERG Prediction: Goldberg Royal Tea vs. Los Locos You know when I said the tag division needs a new focus? Well, we all know that a good cup of tea is a GREAT way to increase focus. Prediction: Royal Tea Demon vs. RVD A match made last minute, with the build being "RVD's manager told him he has a match"? Yeah, not liking Demon's chances here.... Prediction: RVD Eddie Guerrero & Konnan vs. Totally Cool I like this team of Totally Cool. Perfect pairing to add some depth to the tag ranks. That said, when you're given Eddie Guerrero on your roster at ANY age, you push him. It's just science. Prediction: Guerrero & Konnan Bret Hart & Randy Savage vs. The Outsiders And at last we get to the match that's toughest for me to call. On the one hand, you've got the namesake of this series teaming with a guy that you've said you don't want to have jobbing out all the time, but on the other hand you've got one of the most dominant tag teams of the 90s, with potentially Sting's next challenger. It's that last point that will tip the scales for me. Prediction: The Outsiders Looks like a terrific card. Can't wait to see it.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95185 сағат бұрын

    Great predictions. Not giving anything away, but they are interesting in the way you give reasons for what you've gone for. The Bam Bam/La Parka vs. Giant/Chavo is particularly interesting.... I do like a good draw sometimes.

  • @danland81
    @danland8114 сағат бұрын

    You have some great opportunities to explore the stories never told, John Cena turning heel could be an option

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95185 сағат бұрын

    As I've said on a previous comment on the last episode, recent announcements curtailed this series.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestling4 күн бұрын

    You mentioned doing a current say save. Absolutely no way I could begin to tackle booking that much TV every week! I don't know how people do it and find it enjoyable!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95184 күн бұрын

    I wouldn't get too excited about what you're seeing here. Recent announcements have curtailed this series.

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast4 күн бұрын

    Ooh looking forward to this! Especially something I'm more familiar with. Already love the concept of a "what if", in this case no brand split. And top marks for bringing back Unforgiven as a PPV, love that name! Can't wait for the next episode!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95184 күн бұрын

    Don't get too excited.

  • @user-sk7qk7jy7v
    @user-sk7qk7jy7v5 күн бұрын

    What mod is this

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95185 күн бұрын

    This was RWC Redux - 2016. Looks like it was converted over from TEW 2016.

  • @Theforestburns
    @Theforestburns17 минут бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 where did you find the mod, i´ve been looking for a 2016 mod forever

  • @Ratonvaquero27
    @Ratonvaquero276 күн бұрын

    Doing more angles with just one top guy might just do the trick to stop the low ratings for the shows

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95186 күн бұрын

    I'm waaaay ahead in recordings, and things do get a lot better. Using a top guy in an angle is a sure-fire way of helping others get over.

  • @lukestephenson7518
    @lukestephenson75188 күн бұрын

    Why cant you convert it over? Iam in the same boat with a wwf save 9 years into the save. Really want to get to minimum of march 2000. But if new game is like tew2020 it might be pretty much unplayable for first 6 months until they get it sorted.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95187 күн бұрын

    I will probably do that. I'm so into the save I'm not sure I can give it up, but I know I'll only want to play IX. I just hope some of the new features don't make this save too unplayable (I have some real egos on the roster). Part of me will really want to try something new as well though.

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast10 күн бұрын

    Oh no! No Scott Steiner for over a year!? Ouch! And a high risk of further damage if surgery is done? Talk about insult to injury! Good to see a decent rating for a Bret Hart promo. Ok, hes not exactly known for his mic skills, but any kind of promo he's asked to do, recorded, with the right road agent; i always thought he was decent and be able to make the point that needs to be made. Good to see! I wonder if Jericho if ever fought savage on Nitro in 98? I could imagine the two could put on a hell of match, just like they've done here! Hogan and Piper deserved better, dont know what went on there. Are the two involved in a storyline? Again, a better show than what the score would suggest!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951810 күн бұрын

    Hogan & Piper not involved in a storyline, they are both aging which may have had an impact. The Steiner thing is cruel. I was stunned. Savage and Jericho would have been fire!

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeish11 күн бұрын

    That sucks to lose Scott Steiner for over a year. I guess the bright side is that we may get to see what Rick Steiner can do to break out on his own (or maybe him & RVD become the hot new babyface tag team). I'm sure you'll find something interesting to do with them. As for the Tag titles, I wouldn't be too afraid to put the belts on the Outsiders. If they do pull out all the stops in refusing to drop them down the road, you can always do a one-night substitution so some fill-in can eat the pin. Ouch on that Piper/Hogan match and angle. Looks like those two are the old guys that need to get put out to pasture. Nice to see Randy Savage bringing the goods, though. That match with Jericho would have made for a great main event. Personally, I love the music video angle you did to just get people on the card who weren't otherwise appearing. Nothing wrong with giving folks the night off (sort of), to give the show room to breathe. When you're trying to advance every single storyline on every single show, it can get cluttered, and things can blend together. Rotating guys through keeps things fresh. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Unlike real-life WCW in 1998, I'd actually tune in on a Monday night to watch THIS Nitro.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951811 күн бұрын

    Wow, that final paragraph is certainly a compliment. Thanks. To be honest, Rick wasn't someone I was looking to put, but I'm not shutting him out completely either.

  • @arthurdaffos1490
    @arthurdaffos149011 күн бұрын

    Oh yeah that one on Scott Steiner is nasty. Shinya Hashimoto got it on my save, he retired and now does colour for New japan Also, 66 for an angle between hogan and piper??? Have you set those guys on entertainment? Because that's very weird to have these ratings for those angles, normally it would be 90+

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951811 күн бұрын

    It's always someone who you have plans for too.

  • @arthurdaffos1490
    @arthurdaffos149011 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 well yes, but on the other side it means that someone will have to fill in...

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestling12 күн бұрын

    I was stunned it was announced. My thoughts are for mods to be up and working and iron out all the bugs normally takes a while. So I'm going to sit it out for a bit with my own save personally and see what happens. I'm normally a day one release guy but history has shown the game takes a while to settle down and play well. So I'm going to stick with 2020 for a little while I think. But exciting times to get a new game out of literally no where!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951812 күн бұрын

    Yeah, the more I think about it, I might adopt that approach.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestling12 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 For me the booking is about telling a story and definitely have some ideas I want to complete. But honestly remember back, 2020 on release was an absolute mess. I mean even the skin had to be changed as no one could read it. It will also take a while for decent mods to come out, that are playable and have some longevity to them. Although last time the modding was awful in 2020, which is one of th things that really took the wind out of the sails of the game in my opinion. But from a viwers point of view I'm happy to watch someone still play 2020 IF i like the style and stories being told. Its not like playing an old FIFA game or something like that where being up to date makes a huge difference. Obviously all my opinion and not saying people need to agree. But I'd say don't leave ideas on the table and jump into the new game and have a few false starts with dodgy mods etc.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951812 күн бұрын

    @@davemacwrestling hopefully they've learned their lesson a bit. It's certainly a change of tact by announcing it only a few weeks before release rather than an entire year.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestling12 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 I think thats a plus and minus. It means the game is done. So wont be an endless stream of people wanting things added. But at the same time I find Adam Ryland likes things a certain way and sometimes likes the game to be played a certain way. Will it just be his vision of what the game should be with little input from others. Thats the only part that concerns me. And if the pictures are still the same in the Cverse then I'm rioting! lol

  • @arthurdaffos1490
    @arthurdaffos149012 күн бұрын

    Feel free to continue if you wants it, there has been an ecw serie made by a french youtuber that lasted years and had 70 episodes before coming to an end. You Can have this save on tew 2020 while experimenting with the latest one on the side.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951812 күн бұрын

    Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. But I also feel every time I play TEW2020, It's time taken away from grips with/learning the new game. I have a tough choice to make.

  • @SchnitzelCFC
    @SchnitzelCFC13 күн бұрын

    Hey Redhill what product are you using for WCW in the save ?

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951813 күн бұрын

    Classic sports Entertainment.

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast15 күн бұрын

    Just looking at the Bret Hart/Savage Vs nWo match. I haven't played TEW 2016 that much to know if it was something that would be shown there that wouldn't be shown here, but I think the reason that it hasn't shown in the main box that Lex Luger has interrupted Bret Hart, is because of the road agent note that says "Bret Hart should be distracted by Lex Luger as the finish", I think the "as the finish" refers to the pin, which you've had Savage take the fall, and not Bret. I imagine that Lex's distraction would appear in the main box if Bret was the one taking the fall, but totally understand if you're not wanting Bret to be pinned. I could be wrong about theory though! My god, you're getting your just rewards with some of the scores here, deservedly so!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951815 күн бұрын

    You could be on to something there. But I'm sure I've had it happen on singles matches. My thinking was Bret was distracted, leading to a 2 on 1 on Savage, but maybe TEW doesn't play ball in that way.

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast15 күн бұрын

    Love the transition with Lex from face to heel, and an extremely believable reason; ah, the pain of rejection! lol. The Jericho time-out story with Ric Flair is genius. Incredibly creative; wish I'd have thought of that one myself lol.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951815 күн бұрын

    Wow, you've steam rolled this series! I thought the Jericho / Flair Time out match was just a proper old school heel thing to do on Jericho's part and I'm pretty proud of the Luger turn, would never have thought of it if Liz and Bret hadn't got into a relationship in game.

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast15 күн бұрын

    Hogan winning with the "lowblow", you may have figured this out already by the time I post this but, you've done the road agent things right. I bet that whoeever's created this mod has put in "lowblow" as one of Hulk Hogan's finishing moves, as if it's a legitimate finisher! Do love a match graphic card; very nice!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951815 күн бұрын

    I don't think I even picked up on that move to be honest! Sometimes I'm on autopilot after I've booked, unless there's something really specific I want to put across. Cheers on the graphics comment. I don't put loads of effort in, but I try to make some things look a bit presentable.

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast15 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 Again, same being on autopilot when it comes to booking! I've not being thorough and only booked matches without specifying pinfall or submission, and then I've heard guys win by submission, that don't have submission finishers! lol

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951815 күн бұрын

    @@iobeast That happens with me a lot. I'm much more vigilant on changing that now.

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast16 күн бұрын

    This show rating should be 100 based on Regal and Taylor's tag team name alone; love "Royal Tea!" Haha. And great idea Regal talking about his love of tea, playing into his English character! Great stuff. Think the idea of having nWo wanting the title and having Sting with his alliance in the same opening segment is a genius idea; VERY attitude-esque (well, to me at least!), and absolutely the way forward to open up a show. Agree with Dave Mac, that should be a 250 segment too haha. Booker T drawing with Scott Hall, not winning, but not losing, again great. I'd like to think you're telling a casual fan who'd be watching this at a show thinking "Well, he's gonna beat Scott Hall soon! It's only a matter of time!" Don't blame you for using Chavo Jr Vs Raven again; might as well as they've got decent chemistry, and before the annoying "there'll be a penalty to the score because they're fighting each other for the 5th time" warning. I don't think that should be a thing (e.g. Chris Benoit Vs Booker T Best of 7, which if I'm right in saying actually happened in WCW in 98?) I'll always enjoy the TEW aspect of booking, but as other commenters have mentioned, from the way you talk about your matches and angles, you definitely deserve better than a 71. Really enjoying this mod!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951815 күн бұрын

    Thanks again man. TEW doesn't always translate well to real life, especially with historical MODS. As we mentioned on DaveMac's live stream, TEW doesn't know Chris Jericho, or Sting or Raven, it just see's a bunch of stats.

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast15 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 Agreed. Stats are like appearances; they're deceiving!

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast16 күн бұрын

    Catching up as we speak, but you asking Hogan to do the job to Goldberg and the Hulkster turning around to the TEW equivalent of "That works for me, brother!"? You love to see it! Absolutely LOVING where you're going with Booker T; booking him as an "everyman" character (I think that's the right adjective? Where's Nash when I need him? Look at the adjective, Kevin! "Everyman"!), a gimmick that makes me think, "Well, back in the day he was just a young kid growing up, who managed to break in to the business and become a solid tag partner with his brother, and now he's going solo and could soon be breaking into the main event and challenging for the world title! And we're here for the journey! Wow!" I've a ways to catch up so looking forward how this progresses. Also, you've already done a better job considering how they broke up in 2000, oh dear, haha Liked the build up to the main event; Curt Hennig wanting to win all the singles gold and the idea of a Sting Vs Hennig main event is great. And I'm with you on not showing what goes on behind the scenes, but I'm glad you did at the end; I've underestimated how great a 1998 mod would actually be; contract negotiations, arrivals, defections. I bet you're having fun with this! (Fun? Or "fun"?)

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951816 күн бұрын

    Thanks. Appreciate it and glad you're watching. I'm way ahead of recording now and I can only say that I'm absolutely loving this save and I've got a much better structured roster. I hope you stay for the ride!

  • @iobeast
    @iobeast16 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 Oh absolutely! Strapped in and everything!

  • @arthurdaffos1490
    @arthurdaffos149016 күн бұрын

    Ive seen that you had a show in California, maybe try to spot where is your strongest region regarding pop, then do the TV shows from there. Hopefully it can help with the ratings. Also, when you have 74 main event with those guys, try to check the dirtsheet to see where it got a malus, so that you can be prepared for future. Personnally i prefer tew 2016, it may have some features missing, but its much more streamlined and the UI is way easier to read. Also check the promo Time your putting, if its short (5 minutes or under) it doesnt have a Big impact on the storyline heat, the trick is to put everything as at least 7 minutes to be safe with storyline impact. Also adding half an hour to your main show would be helpful as it would allow for more angles and longer matches that could really help the good workers of your companie

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951816 күн бұрын

    I'm glad someone noticed the venues! I'm running shows in a different region each month. Agree on what you say, but I want to travel the nation! Yeah, I'd love to have all my angles at least 6 minutes, but just not enough show time if I want to fit everyone on that I need to that week.

  • @arthurdaffos1490
    @arthurdaffos149016 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 then you have two options: -Make some on which storyline to keep and which to drop -Make your shows longer, that Can be tedious

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeish16 күн бұрын

    That roster is looking in MUCH better shape. Great job building up the top end to where it needs to be. With regards to storylines, if they're not able to maintain heat that's at least comparable to what you're getting in match grades, then they're actively hurting you. How storyline heat is calculated is not terribly well defined, to my knowledge, but its effects are clear. Any segment that would grade out to about 5 higher than the heat value is getting dragged down (while giving the "increased heat" note), and most of the time that's not worth it. Unless you're using it as a way for someone really over to prop up someone lower on the card that can't get good ratings on their own (and higher segment ratings create big modifiers on the popularity increase calculations for workers), then anything less than a hot storyline is an anchor weighing you down. Specifically with regards to the Goldberg streak, that's generally better off without an associated storyline. The streak itself is represented by his momentum, which will fuel his popularity growth. The storyline is only slowing him down. Wait until he's in an actual feud to put him in a storyline. He'll climb the card much faster that way.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951816 күн бұрын

    I'm a few episodes ahead of this one and I'm very pleased with the way it's all going. Agree with you on all that. I guess the Goldberg storyline isn't so much "about" the streak (although it is a thing), but it just makes sense to put him in a storyline due to his pop.... watch this space.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestling19 күн бұрын

    I'm 3 minutes in, new drinking game, take a shot every time you get a 66 rating!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951819 күн бұрын

    I knew I wasn't imagining it! Yeah, I get a lot of 66's don't I?

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestling19 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 Maybe I just noticed it more than usual. But seemed to be 66 all the time!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951819 күн бұрын

    ​@@davemacwrestling I've just done a count up from the save #9including shows not yet uploaded you YT. 8 matches and 8 angles. No any many as I thought. There was one Nitro (Wk1 April) that seemed to have a few in one go though.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestling19 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 still seems odd as seems to be the number that always jumps out at me that you get!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951819 күн бұрын

    @@davemacwrestling Yeah, it does. I get A LOT of mid 60's generally. When are you uploading/streaming next? I've been off work for a few days, you could have had my full attention.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeish21 күн бұрын

    Great show! I like the look of that Bret/Luger feud going forward, as well as the potential for Totally Buffed to join forces. Predictions went about as well as I would have expected, haha. Hogan has been surprisingly generous with not making demands to go over all the time. Nice to see he can be a team player.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951821 күн бұрын

    Lex and Buff just came off a small feud so I don't think I'll be teaming them, at least not for a while. They are both heels now, but realistically, Bagwell would probably still be quite bitter about losing the feud. I'm glad Hogan is playing ball at the moment. To be honest though, it's only Goldberg who was fairly below his level, but he agreed to do the job, where-as Sting is pretty much on his level.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeish20 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 You don't think Buff would deflect blame for the loss to that harlot Elizabeth, and that jerk Bret, who came strolling in here and thinks he owns the dang place?

  • @1986Cochran
    @1986Cochran25 күн бұрын

    Where’s mania

  • @1986Cochran
    @1986Cochran25 күн бұрын

    Bam bam with a good debut

  • @1986Cochran
    @1986Cochran25 күн бұрын

    Gotta start the bulldog push now to get him ready for SummerSlam

  • @1986Cochran
    @1986Cochran25 күн бұрын

    This is awesome man… I’ve been wanting to do ‘92 or ‘93 for quite some time but haven’t pulled the trigger on it. Hope you keep this going

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestling26 күн бұрын

    I mean we all have to love Jericho in a story line where he is moaning about over the hill talent outstaying their welcome with how he is now a days right! 🤣🤣

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951826 күн бұрын

    I never thought of that. Oh wow, so true.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestling26 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 I like the irony to it to be fair!

  • @arthurdaffos1490
    @arthurdaffos149026 күн бұрын

    Ok, one thing i like to do when i have multiple feuds interacting with each other is to really use the 'minor role' option, that way you can still make people interact with each other while not having just one big bloated story with everyone in it. Its like, you have your hogan and sting and bret which are the three central guys, those are the major roles of your nwo story atm, put the rest on minor role on that storyline, that way you can still have other guys advance the main nwo story but also are free to be a major player in their own feud, for example the outsiders. As per predictions: I'll go Hall over Sting via NWO shenanigans because its easier to book a chasing babyface in that environment. DDP over Raven, granted i dont know the gap between the two's pop. Steiners over mortis and wrath. You have better heel teams. Guerrero over Traylor, because no need to elaborate really. Savage over Nash, because we gotta give the alliance a bone and we cant have them getting decimated. Bagwell over Luger. If i recall bagwell has decent stats and has potential for a future push instead of luger who is limited and not young. Konnan over Piper. Same thing, although a draw would be alright too Flair over Jericho, i love some jericho but Flair needs to be back on tracks to thr main event, jericho will get a pop increase regardless. Arn & Bobby over FoF. Because i love some bobby eaton. Hogan over Bret because come on, Bret is too small brother and ive done my job for the decade already.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951826 күн бұрын

    With regards to the storylines, I tend to do that too, it's not evident yet, but in a few episodes time, I do utilize that minor role tactic. Interesting predictions. I don't want to give anything away of course. Interesting take on the older guys losing to the younger talent, but you went with Flair over Jericho....all will be revealed!

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeish26 күн бұрын

    Great show! Definitely once that storyline debuff is gone, you'll be off to the races. Sting vs. Scott Hall We all love Scott Hall, and I'm a firm believer that he absolutely could have been a world champion in his career, but not here. In THIS reality, Sting didn't spend over a year in the rafters just to have a BS reign. Prediction: Sting DDP vs. Raven An interesting one to call, as in real life, Raven took the US title in order to transition it to Goldberg. You could certainly take that same road, but I'm feeling something different. I don't know what that different thing is, but I'm feeling it. Maybe this is where Jericho or Guerrero end up next. Prediction: DDP Steiner Brothers vs. Mortis & Wrath You just split Harlem Heat. I don't think the tag ranks are ready to absorb the loss of the Steiners so quickly afterwards, even if the brothers are experiencing their differences. Prediction: Steiners Eddie Guerrero vs. Ray Traylor Eddie just tapped out Randy Savage. Interference or not, that means something. Prediction: Eddie Guerrero Kevin Nash vs. Randy Savage Of all the nWo/Alliance matches, this is the one that feels like it could continue as a series. With that in mind, I like the baddie getting the win, to keep Savage on the hunt for revenge. Prediction: Kevin Nash Buff Bagwell vs. Lex Luger I honestly cannot see a world where this doesn't just end up with shenanigans. This is the comedy feud of the show, even if they're playing it somewhat straight. Prediction: No Contest Konnan vs. Roddy Piper I'm going pretty heavily on youth over experience this show, so maybe this one balances it out a bit. I've never been big on Konnan. Prediction: Roddy Piper Chris Jericho vs. Ric Flair I love, love, LOVE the concept of a Time Out match. I can just picture Flair locking on the figure four, and Jericho getting the time out JUST in time to keep from submitting. This is the kind of BS I will always get behind in wrestling. Jericho riding that ridiculousness to what will technically be a win is what I'm here for. Prediction: Chris Jericho Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton vs. Faces of Fear I don't have any big reasoning for this one. I just love Arn Anderson, so why not go with him, while he's still got an in-ring career? Prediction: Arn & Bobby Bret Hart vs. Hollywood Hogan Hogan ate a loss for Goldberg. That's all the losing he's going to be doing for a while. Bret has Liz to nurse him back to health, anyway, so he'll be fine. Prediction: Hollywood Hogan

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951826 күн бұрын

    Loved reading this and had to go back to "remind myself" what I did. (I'm recording way ahead of real time). You've made some interesting points that will really become quite.....Interesting?.... in the coming weeks.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeish26 күн бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 Can't wait! Besides, I didn't ask for predictions because I think I'm GOOD at predicting XD

  • @mxt87
    @mxt8727 күн бұрын

    Do you have a link to this mod? all the ones I can find are dead links

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951827 күн бұрын

    Have you tried bethebooker.net? I'll have to wait until I get home from the office.

  • @arthurdaffos1490
    @arthurdaffos149028 күн бұрын

    Dont worry the ratings will come around, that's pretty nuts that you have just an ok main event with such star power in the ring.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle951828 күн бұрын

    Yeah, I'm miffed sometimes. I just need to sort the storylines out, then I know the overall ratings will increase.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    I love a bit of a prediction contest! I think showing the card on your last show before the ppv is a great idea. Very good chance I’ll nab this idea. 😂

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Wasn't my idea initially, it's a cool fun thing to do. I've already recorded the episode, so no chance of swaying my decisions!

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    Id love to know what Gorilla Monsoon's new catchphrase is! lol

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Yeah, maybe I could think something up!

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    How did that first segment with basically all the nWo and every mega star of the time only get rated 86 🤣 I was fully expecting a rating of about 250 with all the talent in the ring!! Quality show. As was already mentioned but I like Booker T being involved with the nWo feels like an interesting but good fit.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    I can only think Sid & Rick Rude brought the rating down a bit. I'm sure they would have gained pop form it, so I'm not too annoyed with 86.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle951886 is an amazing rating still. I’d be over the moon pulling in segments like that all the time.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    79 is solid for a main event. Jericho held his own in it, too, so it looks like he's ready to take on a big role. Definitely an improvement from Sid main events. Glancing over the rest of the ratings, it all looks good, so I think the show getting a 71 is just down to the storyline penalty, which as you've said is solvable as soon as you get more permutations of the nWo/Alliance angle. You're on the right track. I love the Regal/Taylor tag team, especially with them bonding over a love of tea. Brilliant! Booker T getting the draw with Hall is cool, and I like the idea of Booker getting roped into an nWo story. Breathes some life into the nWo stable to have more than one thing to focus on, and from a TEW standpoint, gives you more opportunity to put Hogan & co on camera to prop up those ratings. Enjoying the show, brother. Keep up the great work.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Thanks, really appreciate it. It is going in the right direction. I'm trying to give time to the storylines, even the ones I should probably just kill off already! I'm confident of things getting better soon.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    Honestly 79 main event for a TV show I think is perfectly fine. If anything I start getting my TV shows main events are getting 85+ I get annoyed as those are the matches we should be saving to PPV's.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    @@davemacwrestling to some extent, but my pop will not go up unless I get better scores.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 true. But st the same time there were other bits that tanked the shows overall rating. The other short term option is to spam the main event talent in the short term to steady the ship and then try and introduce some more up and coming talent later. What is your overall pop and what do you need to be hitting to gain popularity?

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 also how much are you happy to game the system in terms of storylines? Some think it’s a bit cheating. But I think if you can start weaving storylines together you can start getting your big names into the lower down stories which drags all your storylines rating up fairly quickly.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    That "lack of heat in the associated storyline" penalty is a KILLER. It knocks a BIG chunk off the grade. Fortunately, getting hot storylines is one of the easiest things to turn around once you get through the early game, and can settle in for the long run. You're definitely on the right track. It's coming together.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Yeah, too many top guys in one storyline doesn't help. That'll change soon.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 Definitely! One of the hallmarks of a lot of the booking for stables that I've enjoyed in real life over the past few decades is for members of the stable to be involved in different storylines. Keeps everyone still feeling unique and like their own people when they are both a unit and individuals at the same time. Bret & Liz is a nice start down that road.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    @@GregMcNeish Not sure how often I've mentioned it or if you picked up on it, but this is the first time I've ever really played with stables. I generally don't use them, but this series has made me see some benefits.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 You've made that clear XD I tend not to use them, either, at least not as we think of them. I like taking the 80s WWF approach of building a good roster of skilled managers, and then shuffling the majority of my heels between them. In general, heels in my world need a compelling reason NOT to have a manager. These "stables" aren't unified groups, and the wrestlers might NEVER interact or help each other. All they have in common is having the same manager. I should try my hand at a for-real stable. Maybe in the WWF 1995 game I recently started (booking my first In Your House PPV tonight).

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    Great show! Definitely moving in the right direction, both in terms of grades and with those increases in perception. I hadn't even considered that you could have asked Hogan to put Goldberg over. I imagine you did it just to see if he'd agree, but yeah, you get that promise and you have to capitalize. I'm a huge Goldberg fan, so I'm stoked to see where you go with him. Or rather, I should say I'm stoked to see WHO'S NEXT!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Thanks man, appreciate that. I've just finished editing the Uncensored episode, in my opinion, it's even better!

  • @edwinbetancourt3958
    @edwinbetancourt3958Ай бұрын

    I don't particularly feel a need to push Goldberg yet personally anymore than keeping his streak running on jobbers and low level guys for momentum and steady building up that momentum until he's sizzling hot and start having him bump heads with better names and into the main event around the end of '99. I think it's more natural and organic that way. Even keeping many of his wins on B shows and dark matches will keep him building momentum while not becoming a cheat magnet.

  • @edwinbetancourt3958
    @edwinbetancourt3958Ай бұрын

    The hardest Goldberg booking will always be the who, what, where, why, when he finally loses. And what do you do with him once he loses? Because his streak is really all he has going for him. I'm interested in other peoples ideas of using him after the streak ends.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    @@edwinbetancourt3958 I agree with you actually, usually I would go the more slow, organic route, but I'm kinda desperate for younger Major Stars and in real life, I notice he won the world title in July '98. I'm not saying that's where I'm going, but I'm not too concerned about getting him over quicker than I would normally like to.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    @@edwinbetancourt3958 I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, but you're absolutely right. When and who will be the biggest questions.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын


  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын


  • @danland81
    @danland81Ай бұрын

    Prince Iaukea, pronounce it I-U-KAYA Keep up the great work, I’m running a similar save with WCW, enjoying building up the likes of Guerrero, Regal, Raven and Jericho to be my next lot of main eventers

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Yeah, there's three names I'm looking to push for sure.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    Grades are moving in the right direction. You'll get over the hump soon; I'm sure of it. Nice to see that you are able to get Hogan to take a loss, at least in a tag match where he's not getting pinned. That's not nothing. Can't wait for Superbrawl!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    I was quite happy with Superbrawl. I think most people will take something from it.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 For future PPVs, do you think you could include the announced card either in the description or a comment of the go-home show? I always love doing predictions.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    @@GregMcNeish You mean at the end of the Go Home Show? That's not a bad idea actually. OK, I'll start doing it form the next one....if I remember.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    Not going to lie Lex looks AMAZING in the thumbnail.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Struggled to find a decent photo of him from this period, I wasn't completely happy with this one, but perhaps I'm wrong.

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 it sounds silly but finding half decent pics from around that time in good enough quality for thumbnails is so hard. I mean finding a press shot of the Taskmaster around that time is near on impossible for me lol

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    @@davemacwrestling Try doing an 80's / early 90's UK save!

  • @davemacwrestling
    @davemacwrestlingАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 lol aw man I can imagine that is a nightmare!

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    Stories are coming along nicely, and you've made Nitro an easy watch (something I don't think it ever was in reality). Ratings are fighting back, but it's not unsalvageable. Just put an extra premium on the main event match, and shave down the potential players aloud to partake. I'd be looking at limiting the main event to workers who are providing 70+ in segment ratings for matches. Anywhere else on the show, I love the mixing and matching of big timers, but the last match of the night is carrying so much of the weight for the overall show grade. That's got to be hallowed ground. At least until you've been able to get some of these talented guys more over, it's just too early to get them into the main event. The time is coming for the nWo and the old guys fighting them to hand the show off to the likes of Jericho & Booker, but that time hasn't yet arrived. Gotta squeeze the juice out of Hogan, Savage, Sting, and Bret while they've still got it. All that said, I'm loving this series, and it's cool to hear you talk about seeing the value of booking stables, now that you're experiencing it. That's the beauty of any creative endeavour; there's always more to learn.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Thanks for the advice. In any private save I'd be booking the hell out of my major stars/stars in the main event, but I'm trying to be realistic here and don't want to repeat matches too often, so I'm kinda stuck a little. People are getting over, some quicker than expected so I don't think it'll be too long until ratings get a bit better.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 You want to be realistic by NOT spamming the nWo in TV main events? XD

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    @@GregMcNeish I wasn't watching wrestling during this era so can't connect with your comment, but I'm assuming that's exactly what WCW did. I watched WWF from 1992-1994 and spamming anybody, even the champion wasn't a thing on TV, so my realistic is probably vastly different to what most people would consider in the late 90s. But even with the nWo being the focus every week, surely the main event of each Nitro wasn't the same match(es) over and over?

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 I watched WWF from 1993 onward, so I feel you on that. I wasn't a WCW viewer (I always thought it looked and felt like crap as a show), but that's certainly my impression that the nWo dominated the show, especially in the upper card. Granted, they had like 27 people in the nWo, so there's a lot of variety of matchups they could trot out there even with the same basic dynamic. And yeah, I'm not suggesting having a carbon copy every show, just narrowing the focus. For instance, just looking at Hogan, Nash & Hall from nWo and Bret, Sting, Savage from the anti-nWO alliance, that's 10 tag match combinations (including 3v3), and 9 singles pairings. That's a much tighter focus than I'd ever dream of suggesting - especially since multi-man tag matches afford the opportunity to sneak in a "lesser" (merely based on segment contribution) worker or two - but even just with this tiny selection of wrestlers, you could get 4 months of main events (including PPV) before you'd have to repeat a match-up. Now, I'm 100% with you that this is a boring approach. All I'm really saying is that for the first little while - and it really shouldn't take long for the uber-talented folks like Jericho to break through - you might have to bite the bullet and figure out how to MAKE the faction warfare interesting. That was really what WCW did during this period, when they were leading the way for the first couple years of the Monday Night Wars. They locked in on how to make "WCW vs. nWo" the hottest thing in wrestling, while trotting it out at the end of every single show for a solid couple of years. It's not easy, but it can be done. Just maybe not with Sid as the in-ring workhorse :p Again, loving this series, and if story is more important than grades, then you're rockin' it. I'm just throwing in my 2 cents in response to the frustration you voiced in the video. If you DO want the grades to tick up, this is how to do it in the short term. Cheers!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    @@GregMcNeish Yeah, I get you on all of that, I also want to leave most alliance vs nWo matches for the PPVs to make them a bit special. Something else that was the done thing in the early 90's. Also worth noting is that TEW doesn't always translate real life booking (particularly historical) very well. I I'm about 4/5 episodes ahead of what you're seeing now and things have developed somewhat. I never anticipated having the nWo around for too long (goes back to my old view on using stables), but might have re-invent them in some way rather than just get rid.

  • @arthurdaffos1490
    @arthurdaffos1490Ай бұрын

    Yeah that rating is rough, but your doing good to put the guys you wanna push with bigger stars, if only those stars werent 40+ years old... Try to recruit indie guys on ppa and one night deals and just make them job out for your ffuture stars with a promo as a next segment. Overall, the situation doesnt look very pretty, but as long as you keep the ratings high enough to not piss off your TV company you might reverse the situation, getting the pop back is easier than finding a strong TV deal when your WCW on a losing pop streak.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    I know I'll reverse it eventually. I'm getting younger guys over, I guess I'm playing through a "transition" period for the company and I'm shaping the roster for the next half decade. Once I have the likes of Jericho, Booker T, Goldberg (and a few other guys I'm looking to bring in) all in the main event, it'll look better.

  • @StraightEdgeJunkie
    @StraightEdgeJunkie2 ай бұрын

    Yo Redhill. It caught my eye that you're embarking on a fitness challenge! Nice! Just wanted to say good luck, have fun. It happens to be my field, so I'm always happy to see stuff like this. I hope it goes well for you. It's such a great service to yourself, in basically every way possible. Also, never feel bad for letting that get in the way of TEW - health comes first, hah.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Thanks, really appreciate it. I hope to keep updating my progress every now and again.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeish2 ай бұрын

    Sounds like Gorilla Monsoon is the News Correspondent or Backstage Reporter. Hennig trying to complete the set of titles is a fun way to go with Sting. That should be a banger. Goldberg against Hogan is an interesting call. I can't see Hogan being willing to take the loss, but this is the Streak we're talking about. Looking forward to seeing where you go with it. Nice to see the grades ticking upwards, although trotting out Sid for a singles match in the main event every week seems like an anchor. Surely getting any of the Alliance members in there would improve things, especially if you're trying to get Bret more over. Put him in the ring and let him work his magic. The people will respond. Keep up the great work. I'm loving this series.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    Correspondent is a good word, I kinda wanted it to appear that he almost spies on people to get the scoops, like he's a mole of something. Gonna have to wait and see on the Hogan / Goldberg thing. I mean, I may have messed up to be honest, anyone who's played MOST mods know that Hogan very rarely likes to do the job.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 Now I'm envisioning an actual gorilla peeping through the underbrush. Delightful image!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle9518Ай бұрын

    @@GregMcNeish Wow, the Attitude era took a turn there.

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeishАй бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 I watched religiously through the entire Attitude Era. That totally would have fit XD

  • @mxt87
    @mxt872 ай бұрын

    Was this the last episode for this save? as a huge AWA fan i love the saves about them

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95182 ай бұрын

    I think it probably was, yes. A failed experiment. There was no way I could have rescued them. I hope to return to AWA one day, perhaps a different era.

  • @mxt87
    @mxt872 ай бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 maybe a run in 85 right after/before Hogan leaves, or 1987 since there are some great 87 mods out there!

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95182 ай бұрын

    @@mxt87 could you link me an 87 mod? That's probably a good time period for AWA.

  • @-M4cD4ddY-
    @-M4cD4ddY-2 ай бұрын

    Good episode. Wish something similar would happen in real life for UK wrestling. We deserve a decent product that ran weekly etc.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95182 ай бұрын

    Would be nice. Can't see it ever happening again though unless someone with a stupid amount of money wanted to do it. I can't see a network ever launching anything again.

  • @-M4cD4ddY-
    @-M4cD4ddY-2 ай бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 we need a wrestling fan to win the lottery or know a rich Saudi guy 😂

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95182 ай бұрын

    It's on my list if I ever win a silly amount of money!

  • @-M4cD4ddY-
    @-M4cD4ddY-2 ай бұрын

    @@redhilleagle9518 🤞🤞🤞🤞

  • @GregMcNeish
    @GregMcNeish2 ай бұрын

    That's a fun show. Simple stories that are easy to follow are always my favourites, and that's what you're building here. Love it. With regards to ratings, an important consideration for almost every product in the game is that only the 3 best angles and 3 best matches matter for the show grade. So, when I'm booking a company with relatively high popularity (where I need to work just to keep from losing some each show), I fixate on that. Especially with angles, I find it easy to lock in on a few people and rating categories that I can consistently exploit to prop up the show grade. The trick then is not to figure out "how do I increase show ratings?" but "how do I keep things interesting while using the same puzzle pieces?" How I can see that working well for the style of show you've been presenting, where there's typically an opening segment to setup that night's main event, usually with the nWo and/or the babyface alliance. Leaning on those stars to prop up more of the show grade would simply be a matter of adding a pre-match interview, maybe a locker room segment for one of the groups, a hype video, etc. Basically, rather than bookending the show with the main event players, you make them more of a river that flows through everything else on the show, checking back in with them between all the other happenings on the show. More than just show grades, that will also help address the problem you've noted of not having enough big stars. Popularity gains are made per segment, so if you want to get your big crop of well known guys into star and major star range, get them on screen more often. Not longer; more often. The big benefit from a booking standpoint to taking this approach is that once you've got those 3 angles figured out, you're completely free to booking whatever else you want without having to worry about anything tanking the show. Want to book a jobber in a promo for story reasons? Go for it. Have a fun idea for a storyline that you just know isn't going to go well in TEW? Not a problem, because it won't impact the show rating. Want to keep putting someone with low popularity out there until he gets over? Trot him out there and don't even look at the segment rating, because it's all good. Finding the right formula for matches can be a bigger challenge, as the guys with talent aren't necessarily the guys that are over, but I know you'll get that sorted out. I mean, you named the series after the Best There Is, the Best There Was, and the Best There Ever Will Be ;) Anyway, loving this series thus far. Looking forward to more.

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95182 ай бұрын

    Everything you mentioned I'm trying to introduce into my saves. I usually just go through the motions but I set out this series trying to make each Nitro it more of a "TV show". I could easily just put on great matches and angles with popular guys, but I'm learning the more creative "make sense" story-telling aspect to the game. I'll get there. Thanks for your advice.

  • @arthurdaffos1490
    @arthurdaffos14902 ай бұрын

    Good episode, i think your doing the right thing to feature heavily jericho and other younger guys, that's why the ratings are little bit below the bar of what your pop is actually on, but hopefully that is gonna stabilise itself. However you shouldnt job out benoit as he is an excellent worker who could really fill the shoes of an upper midcard gatekeeper while being featured for the cruiserweight title. Maybe you do not like him as a person but you shouldnt throw away a valuable asset to your company On another note, i found the 1980 starting mod but only for tew2016, its called the Big Bang, and i think it has not been ported to tew 2020. I myself converted from 2016 to 2020 and also tweaking some tbings a little bit, since database conversions can result in some weird stuff on worker stats and personnality/lifestyle. Maybe one day someone will do a longterm playthrough from that era. 1985/87 seems to me not as appealing with the nwa dying out at this time, and in 1980 you have workers from the 70's who still are in their prime and it opens up a lot of possibilities and 'what if'

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95182 ай бұрын

    Thanks, appreciate your insight. I've heard of the Big Bang mod, never tried it though. The Risky Business (1985) isn't too bad, I got a few months into a UK save on that once. I enjoyed getting people like Steve Borden (Sting) and Scott Steiner into the company as young rookies.

  • @jjr2707
    @jjr27072 ай бұрын

    Loveing this doing something similar but in 2011 on my fb page where I take screenshots

  • @redhilleagle9518
    @redhilleagle95182 ай бұрын

    Cool. Do you post on any of the TEW groups? send me a link to one of your posts if you do.