Black. White. Italian.

Black. White. Italian.

Black. White. Episode 6.

Black. White. Episode 6.

Black. White. Episode 5.

Black. White. Episode 5.

Black. White. Episode 4.

Black. White. Episode 4.

Black. White. Episode 3.

Black. White. Episode 3.

Black. White. Episode 2.

Black. White. Episode 2.

Black. White. Episode 1.

Black. White. Episode 1.


  • @averix84
    @averix843 күн бұрын

    She had a MacBook in poetry class while others have paper

  • @AG-ld6rv
    @AG-ld6rv12 күн бұрын

    I don't understand why the b word thing is so contentious here. It was literally on the worksheet as slang for something friendly. I comprehend the white mom has said some really weird things so far, but the black mom never was being fair from the start. She just straight up hates white people. What's going on is, in America, it's socially taboo for someone who didn't grow up under certain circumstances to "act black." The show is centered around telling an affluent white family literally to act black with worksheets, accent instructors, blackface, and all. Then there's the black family there to get upset. Wow, so deep. The issue starts with the black family though. Why agree to this experiment if you utterly hate the concept of it? If your #1 life ethos is that "cultural appropriation" is insulting, the show's claimed experiment is not for you. The creature thing is just from a different culture btw. It sounds kinda Shakespearean, and she was asked to do poetry. It's sort of whimsical and abstract rather than concrete, direct, and simplistic. Yes, I understand the immediate concept that "creature" might imply "not a human." She just didn't say it in that way, and if everyone in the room were a fan of massively popular poetry from the last 600 years with a formal education, they'd understand what she meant. And then now she has to explain that to them, which is now somehow insulting that she spent time to learn all that while they never did. "Oh what, now you're saying you're better than me for having read Shakespeare with a lot of deep thought into it instead of it just being a boring class assignment to block out?" No... that is just her damn culture. No one seems to be accepting other people's cultures here. The black culture on display is the rejection of history of English used in the arts. So it's kind of their culture to just hate "white" culture (which is just "the culture of people who had enough time to think poetically about stuff and write it down, gaining fans over the centuries enough to still be remembered."). Are we to get upset if some Greek mythology comes out, because that's not part of "black" culture either? There is an assault on education here, and it's not a good look. Even the poetry group ridiculed the white daughter for being too educated, and the guy who complained about having a feminine voice was like, "I can't keep up, and I don't want to!" Cool! Education is bad, yeah, that makes sense great job everyone. The addition of black is just poetic sounding... people are sometimes overly descriptive when writing or speaking poetry. It feels grand and needlessly descriptive, almost a little overindulgent, but for some people, they like that tone. It's certainly not a tone to take to mean, "This person is a racist." lol People just speak differently after they've read literature for 1000s of hours. The black family isn't looking to learn her culture at all, and for some reason, it's all on her to learn their culture. And their culture seems defined almost as, "Don't learn the arts unless it's the arts we came up with over the last few decades." I don't see the white mom as doing anything other than saying those "black" artistic expressions are interesting and beautiful. Then, she is assaulted for having her own culture. Strange.

  • @AG-ld6rv
    @AG-ld6rv12 күн бұрын

    The comments are kinda funny. The situation is pretty simple: Two different cultures. There will be times when one culture misunderstands the other. One person's culture being the predominant one doesn't amount to every single moment of a misunderstanding from the predominant culture toward the smaller culture being some kind of sacred sin. Let's be honest here: Calling someone a bitch, in the right context, is perfectly acceptable to a lot of black people. I've seen it firsthand. Further, her roleplay instructions told her that was slang, so she was just trying to do the exercise. I can't comprehend the black mom's hatred. She just seems to dislike white women, especially if they are using her culture. I'm not sure why a family opposed to "cultural appropriation" would enter into this social experiment. While something like the white dad saying racism simply doesn't exist is insane (among many of the white mom's statements, especially during her confessionals), his sentiment about "looking for trouble" is true. There aren't any white people on the planet that will satisfy the rage within that black family. They don't understand they're here to learn about white culture just as much as the white people are there to learn about black culture. Remember, it's two different cultures. There isn't an abstract, formal law that one culture trumps another just by being rarer. Two people that are friendly toward each other will bond as they explain their cultures to each other. If one person in that relationship isn't willing to participate from either side, there will never be friendship. I'm seeing bad attitudes from all four parents just in different ways. I'm just pointing this out with more detail about the black family, because the comments are NOT pointing out the errors in how the black parents are approaching the situation AT ALL. (If you want to know about the white family, just read the comments of others... I don't want to be redundant.) I agree with Slavoj Zizeck about political correctness. He is a prolific philosopher that says to get to know someone and their culture, the first thing he does is ask to hear the dirtiest jokes from their culture against themselves and from their culture to his culture. When reasonable people are assembled and not looking to be insulted, this attitude breeds friendship. A person can't be having that meta conversation and laugh if they believe the stereotypes are actually true. Instead, the one hearing the jokes would be looking at the joke giver in disdain. The dick joke was hilarious, and I've used it myself with many black friends in various ways. We laugh, because it's so ridiculous. My friend obviously has a tiny penis, so he gets that just like I do. This is all PC police mumbo jumbo. It feels like the white family is there to learn while the black family is there to teach. The white family all seem to have a genuine intention to learn and to teach. It's so incredibly lopsided despite the situation plainly being just two groups with two different cultures learning about each other. Jokes and judgments the black family makes are taken as jokes like they are (well, with their anger and whatnot, I'm not so sure anymore.) Those same kinds of jokes from the white family is taken as some kind of Southern triple K member yelling out slurs in rage. Just look at the smile on the white dad's face when he says the penis joke. There isn't anything evil going on there. The joke either landed or didn't, but the intention is what matters. If you're insulated and part of PC culture, you can tell me all the theoretical mumbo jumbo you want and try to crucify me for what I'm saying, but I've hung out with people who are now lifelong friends, we chat all the time (I don't live in the area anymore), that were black in skin tone and in culture. It's not racism to say I went in to learn, and I ended up drinking a lot of Hennessy, smoking cheap cigars, smoking blunts wrapped in Backwoods, smoking menthols, smoking weed wrapped in this fat tobacco leaf (I believe it was part of Ethiopian culture in the area, but I'm not a historian about it), and a ton of other crazy shit. There was a lot of laughing and partying. When you hear all that, your PC alarm might go off, thinking someone is being racist. What am I supposed to do? Lie and say we didn't do those things, because we most certainly did. Of course, and I already knew (&have for a long time with many different people in many different cultures), there were human behaviors in common like everyone just wanting to get lit, listen to music, dance, and find attractive women. Naturally, I'm not a person that goes into an encounter with different culture pumped with ideas about who they are. I get a read on who an individual is each and every time. However, part of some people's individuality is membership to a greater group. I'm not judgmental and am there to learn, so I get along with people as long as they don't hate MY group (or as long as they're not PC police, infested with a demand that everyone have divine revelation of how every other person on the planet lives, which is impossible. They are about every other person being required to comprehend every tiny perspective and decision people in this or that group makes secretly in their head as they think. It's just not possible, and if you define bigotry as a minority culture being offended by any tiny action or thought of a person in a majority culture, every person in a majority culture is just default bigoted despite everyone in the picture being humans. The minority culture will make the same "errors" (aka just misunderstandings) as the majority culture.). TWO CULTURES. Not one that must pretend their culture doesn't exist or have its merits and problems and not one that apparently knows everything about the other culture just because he can don a white accent for job interviews. Both sets of parents are incredibly awful toward each other, and I wouldn't want to chill with either set. But keep mentioning only the faults of the white family when the black mom said that, if a white woman is asking her questions, she thinks, "Why are you asking me all of these questions." Before that, she said simply walking up to her makes her think, "What do YOU want?" That just isn't a person using the principle of charity. Perhaps, some shops send an employee to investigate you. Or perhaps they didn't. Be offended and angry AFTER confirmation of racism rather than starting with a crabby mood on the assumption that every white person in existence is definitely racist. That definition is only true if you believe one culture should somehow understand every single thing going on in some random person's head that belongs to another culture. Perhaps, something I might think up is something a thousand white people have thought up while trying to connect with a black person the same as I'd try to connect with anyone else of any other culture. I guess that must be de facto evidence of strong racism. My bad for communicating. I should have just stood COVID distance away from you, so you can then look my way and wonder, "Why is this racist being so aloof?" Literally zero winning when one culture demonizes another. That's the definition of bigotry.

  • @chadridgeway7171
    @chadridgeway717115 күн бұрын

    40:14 Bruno the real life Michael Scott

  • @BrokenFlawedandWhole
    @BrokenFlawedandWhole15 күн бұрын

    Baller Alert sent me here.... This is mind blowing at less than 5 minutes in. The special effects crew should all get paid again for their work.

  • @Fadeinwow
    @Fadeinwow17 күн бұрын

    Also all the judgmental comments about the white parents, but you tell me which parents are raising the better child? Being positive, upbeat and nieve is better then looking for problems everywhere that may not exist. Besides, isnt it the outcomes of your actions that really matter? Whos actions are producing the better outcomes for the next generations

  • @Fadeinwow
    @Fadeinwow17 күн бұрын

    When she left the bar and talked about being unwanted, i instantly knew she never spent time in black communities. If she took her white skin somewhere its not normally seen, she will have the same experience. Its not special to one race, it happens to everyone. Ofcourse its not right, but it happens everywhere. Also, people call bruno nieve but if everyone lived like him, the world would be better for everyone, even if racism is real.

  • @Fadeinwow
    @Fadeinwow17 күн бұрын

    The black parents are literally trying to convince their son to find and look for racism more, and dont want to hear him say he hasnt experienced it, but the comments care more about thr white parents weird behavior

  • @Fadeinwow
    @Fadeinwow17 күн бұрын

    Do people no understand that intent is what really matters? Someone can have nothing but positive intent and you reading negativity from it, isnt a description of them. The mom is annoying as hell, but its honestly bullshit to constantly get so offended by the things shes saying, when she obviously has no ill intent and if anything, wants to much to experience black culture.

  • @Fadeinwow
    @Fadeinwow17 күн бұрын

    Wait. Are we pretending beautiful black creature was rude? I would question mentioning race if it wasnt for the whole group coming to together because their black and talking about it constantly

  • @Fadeinwow
    @Fadeinwow17 күн бұрын

    The dude is trying to mske it as easy as possible for a racist to admit their feelings, but they flip it on those being his true feelings

  • @Fadeinwow
    @Fadeinwow17 күн бұрын

    All this shows is they the black man and the white man, saw the same thing but interpreted it differently. Can you really call it racism when its in your head? Doesnt it need to be objectively true?

  • @Fadeinwow
    @Fadeinwow17 күн бұрын

    If you have to actively look for racism, it's probably not there

  • @donsofthechi-wz3rs
    @donsofthechi-wz3rs17 күн бұрын

    The man was quiet through the entire focus group… soon Ashe got the opportunity to say nigga he jumped at it

  • @geakerleaker
    @geakerleaker18 күн бұрын

    they want their black son to act like a victim so badly, you can't teach someone to be offended by words

  • @meh-fp1mq
    @meh-fp1mq7 күн бұрын

    How are you teaching him to be a victim? They're telling him to not tolerate being called a literal slur.

  • @geakerleaker
    @geakerleaker6 күн бұрын

    @@meh-fp1mq if he doesn't care then he doesn't care, also i've been in a friendgroup where i was the only hispanic surrounded by white people, and they would say wierd racist/steryotypical things to me everyday and even once i was arguing with one of them and the dude called me a b#$ner. When your the outlier, all you can do is laugh it off, If you have a serious problem with it, then leave the friendgroup. Its just how the world is

  • @meh-fp1mq
    @meh-fp1mq6 күн бұрын

    Just wanna say sorry if I came across as rude in the first comment. Anyways, I do agree with leaving if people around you are saying racist, or mean things in general, but not really about just laughing it off. Laughing it off can be fine maybe the first or second time but at some point you have to set them straight and tell them they're being pretty bigoted or it may get worse. Though this is just my opinion, everyone deals with this situation in different ways.

  • @geakerleaker
    @geakerleaker6 күн бұрын

    @@meh-fp1mq Thats the thing with most of the modern in your face racism, everything is a "joke" or it's just ignorant questions. And when you're in the moment, your brain is having trouble fully processing it because it's somewhat shocking. You're in survival mode, trying to figure out how to respond without killing the vibe of the group. You don't even fully realize it till you get home and then you're like "oh that definitely actually hella racist but he just made to look more like a joke" I don't know what race you are or if you have ever been in a situation like this, but you don't understand what's going on fully until you're in a much better friend group of people of different races.

  • @GeoMega-Xis
    @GeoMega-Xis28 күн бұрын

    Bruno's such a clown lmao

  • @melanieluttrell7557
    @melanieluttrell755729 күн бұрын

    I come from a diverse family , so if someone comes up to me today saying something like that , my family would’ve slapped some sense into them

  • @melanieluttrell7557
    @melanieluttrell755729 күн бұрын

    I want to punch this show in the face if it had one 😂

  • @leahmorris1816
    @leahmorris1816Ай бұрын

    33:40 this gives 16 year old white guy tries shrooms and experiences empathy for the first time

  • @juelzm149
    @juelzm149Ай бұрын

    Absolutely ridiculous show. What are Ice Cube's reasons behind putting out trash like this??

  • @silkoutbar
    @silkoutbarАй бұрын

    Omg that's my Salon, my stepson just sent me this. This was many years ago. I'm doing the girl with the short copper hair. That's China from LA HAIR.

  • @VinOnline
    @VinOnlineАй бұрын

    This show is fucking insane how did this happen

  • @daffodilnicki
    @daffodilnickiАй бұрын

    im 7 mins in & i wanna watch get out

  • @tuckerisonyoutube
    @tuckerisonyoutubeАй бұрын

    I thought Bruno was much less racist than Brian. Unpopular opinion, I'm sure.

  • @tuckerisonyoutube
    @tuckerisonyoutubeАй бұрын

    If Nick isn't offended, then he isn't offended. They have no right to make him offended.

  • @spluff5
    @spluff5Ай бұрын

    I'll give this to the creators of the show: They got a wide range of reactions out of the white people they chose.

  • @spluff5
    @spluff5Ай бұрын

    Those etiquette lesson aren't doing shit...

  • @DorkoDoes
    @DorkoDoesАй бұрын

    Carmen’s reaction to feeling like there’s racism towards her as opposed to other people is so telling. Her friend had to break it down for her to even get the comparison 😂

  • @DorkoDoes
    @DorkoDoesАй бұрын

    Carmen’s sense of entitlement isn’t surprising. She’s an OG Karen She hides behind claiming to be naive but she’s knows what she’s doing 😂

  • @WintersNstuff
    @WintersNstuffАй бұрын

    Truly insane that this went through dozens of people before it got on tv

  • @subhuman3408
    @subhuman3408Ай бұрын

    9:00 16:25

  • @subhuman3408
    @subhuman3408Ай бұрын

    They still lack rounder forhead, prognathism, faltter nose, protruding upper midface. And the so called black family wasn't fully black, they are half whites. A better expirement would be with actual blacks from sub Saharan Africa.

  • @jamesallen4599
    @jamesallen4599Ай бұрын

    How is it stereotypical when a black Teen buys a watch

  • @anaivanova-channel
    @anaivanova-channelАй бұрын

    10:51 the employer didn’t give him full service of putting his shoes on for him because he’s painted white. Theres an obvious large production cam and production crew in a business who also prepped the employer before the filming of this. thats why he put the dam shoe on for him. anyone who can’t see through what this show really is, i don’t know what. ice cube you are hilarious but at the same time, how high are those stocks and shares in the prison industrial complex? massuh.

  • @RossAchata074
    @RossAchata074Ай бұрын

    I hate the fact the black father wants his son to see racism everywhere. The son literally took the power away from the word. By not being offended he wins. Is it cool for them to say. No. But he did the right thing and has the right attitude. Best kid in the show.

  • @rhashadcarter2051
    @rhashadcarter2051Ай бұрын

    isn’t telling white kids not to say a black slur for fear of being attacked by black reinforcing the stereotype of black folks being violent ?

  • @michelleroselilley4637
    @michelleroselilley46372 ай бұрын

    This is why we don't talk about Bruno

  • @user-te5nh3li3f
    @user-te5nh3li3f2 ай бұрын

    Bruno feels like how michael scott from the office would act if he was doing the experiment

  • @bigpoppa800
    @bigpoppa8002 ай бұрын

    .......whats it like to be a ginger??? (orange hair, freckles)

  • @user-te5nh3li3f
    @user-te5nh3li3f3 ай бұрын

    literally the only rip I can find online of this series, HERO. we only missing a torrent

  • @anaivanova-channel
    @anaivanova-channelАй бұрын


  • @coffingxrl
    @coffingxrl3 ай бұрын

    Watching this bc Jarvis and jordan haven’t done another episode </3

  • @Swiper_no_swiping777
    @Swiper_no_swiping7773 ай бұрын

    I'm going to do this and go in the hood and the n word😂😂😂😂

  • @km6206
    @km62063 ай бұрын

    this is fucked up

  • @akeembrown7661
    @akeembrown76614 ай бұрын

    I wish they would bring this back 😂 cant imagine how much ppl would lose there mind in the 2020s...... Anyone know any other shows like this

  • @akeembrown7661
    @akeembrown76614 ай бұрын

    Bruno gotta be a plant 🤣 why is bro getting increasingly racist, that rap video killed me 💀

  • @JohnDoe-sw1rs
    @JohnDoe-sw1rs2 ай бұрын

    They’re all actors

  • @akeembrown7661
    @akeembrown76614 ай бұрын

    Never seen such a dumb group of 6 people. Not even one with sense it almost seems like a sitcom

  • @unisonbeck5872
    @unisonbeck58724 ай бұрын

    Bruno makes me so uncomfortable 😭

  • @DodgeRamGrl79
    @DodgeRamGrl794 ай бұрын

    Rose was SOOOOOO much more beautiful as a black girl. And she actually admitted at the end of the show.

  • @anaivanova-channel
    @anaivanova-channelАй бұрын

    they’re actors with scrips. 😉

  • @bylleish
    @bylleish5 ай бұрын

    at 36:16 the drums started going faster!!! they could tell bruno was in black face as well... not just bc he was with carmen.

  • @bylleish
    @bylleish5 ай бұрын

    7:40 is a prime example of white fragility