Up Out It - Post University Mental Health

Up Out It - Post University Mental Health

UP x OUT x IT | POST-UNIVERSITY MENTAL HEALTH produces video content that raises mental health awareness for current university students and university graduates (recent and not so recent), as well as for their families, friends, partners, and employers.


Created by and starring: Brian Mihov
Written, shot, and edited by: Brian Mihov





Toronto, ON


  • @mysticapexdeitygg4377
    @mysticapexdeitygg4377 Жыл бұрын

    As a selfkept quiet black male hypersexual homosexual person I can relate to everything you said it is the worst and I am so grateful for this video I'm not straight/heterosexual but I understand everything about this topic thank you so much for this breakthrough peace and blessings to you💯💎💗🙏

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Was it a transition losing the goal of striving to get good grades in uni/college?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Ever feel capable of succeeding at something, but mentally you're not ready to go for it?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    What's your morning routine?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Ever dread going to bed because you don't think you'll get up when your alarm goes off?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    What are your creative outlets?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Do you feel like, to a certain extent, you were clinging on to your student identity after you graduated from uni/college?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Do you feel like nowadays social status is partly a function of how busy you are?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Did you have inflated standards after you graduated from uni/college?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Do you have pent up POSITIVE emotions lurking inside of you?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Have you learned about your current self by learning about your parents' past?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    How did your high school experience affect your subsequent years?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    How have your relationship needs changed over the years?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    How do you express your love and gratitude towards your friends?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Did you feel lonely after you finished uni/college?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15225 жыл бұрын

    Do you ever find yourself held back by your fears of rejection?

  • @mysticapexdeitygg4377
    @mysticapexdeitygg4377 Жыл бұрын

    I'm in a much better position now with my problem 💯🌺

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    How did you first job after school go/how is it going?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    Do you find it easy to criticize past decisions since you now know the outcome of those decisions?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    Do you feel like there are any specific gaps between your current self and your desired self?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    What are some of the arbitrary deadlines that you've set for yourself after uni/college?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    What are some things you compare yourself to others on?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    What are some of the behaviour-outcome relationships that you feel fortunate for having?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    What are some of the options that you're considering/did consider now that you are finished your undergrad?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    Ever felt guilty for struggling mentally after uni/college?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    What are some of your experiences with being too hard on yourself because you were/currently are, struggling after uni/college?

  • @upoutit-postuniversityment1522
    @upoutit-postuniversityment15226 жыл бұрын

    Hi all! My name is Brian, I am 27 and I graduated from McGill in 2013. During my undergrad I had no real reason to picture myself having to deal with mental health struggles, nor with mental health illnesses, once I was done school. I was getting good grades, had an amazing friend group, and I was confident in my ability to succeed after university. Simply put, I was very comfortable with my current identity - a student. When university ended, the resulting shock and abrupt change took me completely by surprise. I was not ready. Losing my lifelong identity as a student, losing the structure provided by attending university, losing the day-to-day proximity to my core group of friends, all combined with a whole new set of options, expectations, standards, deadlines (real and arbitrary), as well as a whole new set of ways to compare myself to others, resulted in me spending my next few years dealing with those mental health struggles that I had no real reason to picture myself having to deal with while I was attending McGill. 2016 was the peak. Two trips to the ER, psychologists, psychiatrists, anti-depressants, and a day-to-day life that was usually centered on trying to get out of bed. I was constantly in a debilitating internal debate between my emotions and my rationale. Whenever my emotions urged me to fully delve into and explore how I was feeling, my rationale would jump in and counter with things like, “toughen up, you got this, it’s just a phase, no one else is struggling as much as you, etc.” Picture the song Guilty Conscience by Eminem and Dr. Dre, but with Dre wanting me to explore my emotions and Slim telling me otherwise ("You know what, Dre. I don’t like your attitude.”) Eventually, my rationale ran out of excuses and I opened myself up to what I was going through (sorry, Slim). From there, I slowly committed myself to learning more and more about myself in the context of a recent university graduate. I wrote those last paragraphs with ease. However, the content in those paragraphs took me about 3 and a half years to become aware of and internalize. It is still uncomfortable to look back and realize that once upon a time I was struggling so much, and without any real concrete understanding as to why. UP x OUT x IT is my humble contribution to raising awareness about post-university mental health. The first series, POST-UNIVERSITY DEPRESSION, is 24 episodes in which I go into my experiences with transitioning out of university, as well as certain things from my past that contributed to my struggles. How has finishing university/college affected you?