

Hi I'm Lennox and I make videos for you all to enjoy, and I hope you have a safe day. I also now will be streaming on Twitch at twitch.tv/imalenfrompf

FFXIV: EX2 1st time clear SGE PoV

FFXIV: EX2 1st time clear SGE PoV



Eldenring: New Update glitches

Eldenring: New Update glitches



FFXIV: Toxic ERP player Update

FFXIV: Toxic ERP player Update

FFXIV TEA Toxic Drama

FFXIV TEA Toxic Drama

FFXIV is toxic and fun

FFXIV is toxic and fun


  • @Ririten
    @Ririten8 сағат бұрын

    Bro I just want to actually press buttons again. Healers have felt like shit to play since Shadowbringers. I don't want to press Broil 135 times per savage fight. Give me back my second DoT, give me back Shadowflare, give me back Miasma II. Like, come on, Baneful Impaction is such a joke. It feels like Yoshi P is laughing at us. Healer strike has a point.

  • @kyronmckinney
    @kyronmckinney13 сағат бұрын

    Cool, more healer slots for the rest of us😂

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen321713 сағат бұрын

    @@kyronmckinney 😂

  • @ScudLance
    @ScudLance15 сағат бұрын

    havent felt it. no one cares.

  • @ndbangling7332
    @ndbangling733215 сағат бұрын

    So is this a problem in Extremes or whatever the higher tier content is now called or normal mode? If this is about pugging ex then yeah expect noone to know mechanics and explain the whole thing for at least 15 minutes. When healing normal mode most times the problem is the tank pulling the entire dungeon with a new player healing. In EX if you are being yelled at find a new static. I swear at the the end i heard about pugging endgame content in finder 🤦‍♂️

  • @lThellRockl
    @lThellRockl15 сағат бұрын

    but why tho?

  • @FrostyDontSubPlsIgnore
    @FrostyDontSubPlsIgnore16 сағат бұрын

    Its definitely way funnier when you cant tell if its satire or not

  • @BHFBuDo
    @BHFBuDo17 сағат бұрын

    awwwwww how sad...... crybaby... striking in a game hahahhha. Stop treating this game as a real job srsly grow up.

  • @yeetusdeleetus4697
    @yeetusdeleetus469718 сағат бұрын

    A perfect representation of FFXIV. Gay casual on furry character in Quicksand on Balmung sneaking in a commentary video between ERP pretending they know literally anything about the game. Beautiful.

  • @LightDefender1
    @LightDefender116 сағат бұрын

    I feel like people forget it’s just a game. If they’re that mad maybe it’s time to switch games or go outside and realize there’s another world out there

  • @yeetusdeleetus4697
    @yeetusdeleetus469715 сағат бұрын

    @@LightDefender1 I feel like everytime someone wants to talk out of their ass about a topic they know nothing about, or want to deflect that they are very bad at something, they immediately default to "lol touch grass" You have a lolicon profile picture so I'd rather you not touch grass, you shouldn't be anywhere near children.

  • @Zamerus
    @Zamerus15 сағат бұрын

    Man, someone's got a stick deep in there huh

  • @stormkeeper1741
    @stormkeeper174114 сағат бұрын

    @@yeetusdeleetus4697 as someone who mained healer from ARR to ShB and has done and cleared savage content at least do I get an opinion? While I understand some of the complaints and where they are coming from I also think the overall strike is ridiculous and will achieve nothing in the end. Everything people are complaining about now is the exact same changes they were crying for in heavensward and stormblood. Now they have them and they realized they didn't want it. Healers should feel better to play, they should be more immersive experience, they should have a little more depth than a dot and a single damage button. This strike however will ultimately achieve nothing because there aren't enough participants. Ballpark around 600-800k active players worldwide. Let's say 20% of them play healers, I'm just spitballing as I have no real idea how many there are and while I could probably find out the exacts I can't be bothered. So going with the upper number that would 160k healer mains... how many are actually participating because last I heard the healer strike discord hadn't even hit 1000 members. So even if the playerbase was 300k players that's not enough to make any real noticeable difference. Then there's the fact that even amongst the healers on strike they can't agree on what they would like done. How is SE supposed to make adjustments when you guys don't even know what you want? Even if, and this is a big if, they agreed to make changes these would be big changes. You'd be looking at an 8.0 rollout at earliest since that's they expansion they plan on working on the jobs anyway. So that's still another 2-2.5 years away though I can say that at least some of them are aware of that judging off Xeno's interview with some members. I will say this though, talk of the strike has reached SE ears as they have noted the concerns. Which is good because this isn't the first "healer strike." And that one went about like this one is currently. Unnoticeable and quickly forgotten.

  • @KainsAddiction
    @KainsAddiction13 сағат бұрын

    ​@@LightDefender1They don't forget. It's all they have. They are absolute losers in life and use FF to feel better about that

  • @SirUmnei
    @SirUmnei18 сағат бұрын

    To me, the whole healer strike thing is such a crybaby move. They complain that they don't heal enough, but then complain when they get called out for letting people die. Then they say the person should use their personal defensives and heals to keep themselves alive, while also complaining that so many jobs get too much sustain and defensives and it invades their role. Then they complain that casual dungeon content doesn't give them enough to do, but also complain when they have to GCD heal bad tanks. Then they complain they don't have enough damage buttons, but then also complain that their kits are so bloated with buttons and they that have to do so much to deal the least damage in the raid. They complain that all the entire good part of their kit is on oGCD, that the bosses don't deal enough damage, that a group of extremely skilled players that are less that 0.01% of the populous beat X Ultimate with no healers, that people should stop dying on prog to mechanic this or that... They're *never* fucking happy. They've been complaining since Heavensward, then they got what they wanted in Stormblood, and proceeded to complain that it isn't Heavensward. "Boo-hoo, the game isn't exactly like my wet dream of being the most important individual on a group that has everyone's lives on their fingertips while also dealing competitive damage with other members and having a 1-2-3 combo and 3 DoTs to manage," even though in 98% of groups and situations, no one would clear (or want to clear) content without a healer, including dungeons, in an efficient timely and enjoyable manner. Healers need to get a grip, honestly, that ego complex is going way too far. And honestly, they don't know what they want either, because when/if devs listen, I'm sure they'll find something new that is even more devastating to bitch about saying that it makes them feel unwanted and uninportant.

  • @yeetusdeleetus4697
    @yeetusdeleetus469718 сағат бұрын

    Lmao what a deranged take you literally need a therapist, you should be on a watchlist lmfao. I highly advise you to seek employment and other hobbies, you apparently can't handle an mmo.

  • @Zamerus
    @Zamerus14 сағат бұрын

    My only issue was with sage, it has been clunky with a single target dot, which they then gave an aoe one but placed at level 82, making all content below 82 still clunky. if it had been placed at lower levels and given the same path as the dosis upgrades just slightly later levels, it would have smoothed up more content than 82+ Otherwise mechanically it only benefits late game even though rouletts still send you to earlya game It already has all the right limitations, weaker than the single target and cannot stack with the single target. It just feels like its placed too far down the line.

  • @SirUmnei
    @SirUmnei14 сағат бұрын

    @@Zamerus And that's a fair issue to have with the individual job clunkiness, as every job has it's own issues. But it's not a reason to go on a Sage strike for it, you know? XD

  • @Zamerus
    @Zamerus5 сағат бұрын

    @@SirUmnei aye I'm not a striker, but it certainly makes me less inclined as a new healer. I've been going back to dps since they feel the most streamlined

  • @desryu
    @desryu18 сағат бұрын

    If you think this started with the Xeno video you havent been paying attention.

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen321713 сағат бұрын

    @@desryu ohh no there’s tank ucob and no healer Top clear video. Till then nobody said anything so…

  • @Ærlvsedi
    @Ærlvsedi19 сағат бұрын

    I'm really confused...

  • @amanojaku5203
    @amanojaku520320 сағат бұрын

    Why not just post on the official forum and unsubscribe if you’re not enjoying the game?

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen321719 сағат бұрын

    @@amanojaku5203 that’s them not me 🤷

  • @Siredgey
    @Siredgey21 сағат бұрын

    Y’all mad about not having a rotation. Like DPS aren’t losing rotations too. The woke game is turning into press one button only (exaggerating ofc). If you want to be a DPS, then play DPS tf.

  • @avenged-khaos
    @avenged-khaos20 сағат бұрын

    woke how? quit throwing buzz words around you dont understand i will agree its shit decisions though

  • @yeetusdeleetus4697
    @yeetusdeleetus469718 сағат бұрын

    Casual players who know literally nothing about the game and have never cleared anything other than story mode content commenting on ultimate healing is my favorite. Hey, very intelligent person, can you tell me the average amount of GCD's used in an Ultimate raid? Then can you tell me what percentage of those are literally 1 damage button on healer? I would love to hear your response.

  • @LightDefender1
    @LightDefender116 сағат бұрын

    Why is the game woke now lol? Please don’t say because of the VA shit. I’ve played this game in jp from the beginning so I don’t understand the problem. It’s definitely not woke because of the story

  • @Siredgey
    @Siredgey15 сағат бұрын

    @@yeetusdeleetus4697who tf cares it’s a video game.

  • @Siredgey
    @Siredgey15 сағат бұрын

    @@LightDefender1I’m not saying it’s woke. I was exaggerating the compaints about the game.

  • @shadowsage2636
    @shadowsage263621 сағат бұрын

    a few healers really out here striking because they can't have a dps rotation. people really are stupid.

  • @Xport9
    @Xport916 сағат бұрын

    And when healers becomes a defacto-DPS, they will complain again that they have way too many buttons to press, instead of focusing on healing. This was also an issue with the tanks in EW, people were complaining that tanks we're not doing enough damage during raids, so they upped the damage being done across the board; they are a tank for a reason, not DPS, let the DPS actually do their job. People are smoothbrains, bro.

  • @Ririten
    @Ririten7 сағат бұрын

    @@Xport9 We just want our buttons *back*. Scholar was so good back in Stormblood. We had two offset DoTs, and AoE ground effect, and Miasma II for utility movement. That's all I need. The way it is right now I press Broil between 116-135 times per fight. My 1 key is literally worn down. You don't think that's a little silly for a class in Savage?

  • @JimSmith69
    @JimSmith69Күн бұрын

    Healer strike is dumb

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen3217Күн бұрын

    @@JimSmith69 yup I know. But pray for the situation to die down. So we can get healers into statics for this raid teir.

  • @JimSmith69
    @JimSmith69Күн бұрын

    @imalen3217 good thing I got my lv 100 astro 2 help people lol

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen3217Күн бұрын

    @@JimSmith69 I got all 4 of my healers 100

  • @JimSmith69
    @JimSmith69Күн бұрын

    @imalen3217 astro only healer I like I tried the others I got whm to 80 but I felt the class as really boring astro only 1 I enjoy so that's my 1 healer unless next expansion is a new healer and tank then u never know 😆

  • @6lolwutlolwut9
    @6lolwutlolwut914 сағат бұрын

    And this video only shows how dumb and entitled they are; "if a healer doesnt heal it means they dont play healer" my brother in christ every person i see being a new and old, or non-healer main they OVERHEAL, they dont underheal, the only people i see underhealing (after reading the tank) are actual veteran players who parse really high and they are rare in pugs/roulette.

  • @kashodcagnolatti6129
    @kashodcagnolatti6129Күн бұрын

    forgive me, I'm a drama goblin 😥

  • @kashodcagnolatti6129
    @kashodcagnolatti6129Күн бұрын

    ty for the info

  • @GarnetDust24
    @GarnetDust24Күн бұрын

    Chilleeee you know I love some mess

  • @carlos82067
    @carlos82067Күн бұрын

    Len pf is calling you for fresh pf leave the healer strikes plus i think it was the community that made the mess that asked for everything devs just listens to the complaints

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen3217Күн бұрын

    You right I should leave the pf strike alone. But not if people ain’t getting healers.

  • @carlos82067
    @carlos82067Күн бұрын

    ​@@imalen3217 they'll just have to suck it up and it'll probably die down when that drama about EW and the glory days

  • @shadowsage2636
    @shadowsage26368 сағат бұрын

    Listen, i main all 4 healers and let me tell you, most of us do not care. this is a minority of whining cry babies that aren't getting their way, and they are getting together with the few other babies to whine together. i hated how healers were back then, massive MP issues from doing TOO much, i did adapt to all of it, but i didn't enjoy pre stormblood healers, for example. there is a reason they were changed. in other words: this will go away eventually, these people will either quit the game due to not getting their way or go back to their actual main DPS jobs. healer supply is really no different than normal they have always been somewhat scarce, it's just it's now being used for this fake movement. nothing will happen, let them cry it out and we'll get back to normal eventually, square isn't going to go back to how awful healers were. Remember: they have the data to see who is playing them, and there is a reason nothing has been done so far.

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen32173 күн бұрын

    For those of y’all who “can’t hear me” I made a new advertisement video since some people where wanna play with my existence kzread.info/dash/bejne/pmibw5OpdKy9kqQ.htmlsi=AuzbwL8Wvy74XPdW

  • @magicalhermitcrab5912
    @magicalhermitcrab59123 күн бұрын

    Please work on your enunciation, my guy.

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen32173 күн бұрын

    @@magicalhermitcrab5912 o7

  • @Setsuraful
    @Setsuraful3 күн бұрын

    Even closed captions doesn't have a clue what this loser is trying to say.

  • @NotJakeSmith
    @NotJakeSmith3 күн бұрын

    top lel at "dont let them hear " if they're a wow enjoyer: practically my ex coworkers

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen32173 күн бұрын

    @@NotJakeSmith 😹

  • @alexanderanghel7946
    @alexanderanghel79463 күн бұрын

    How? You are just spamming thorns and it didn't even kill you

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen32173 күн бұрын

    @@alexanderanghel7946 I mean look how the host died and tell me if the host can hit back

  • @Hagane17
    @Hagane174 күн бұрын

    Dude, Get a better mic, Or get your fingers out of your mouth. You are 100% unintelligible. The only word i made out is "ignorant" because you say it exactly how Michael Jackson from south park says it. Delete this shit.

  • @ramiselif9295
    @ramiselif92954 күн бұрын

    black mumblerap type shit

  • @GabumonFanx3
    @GabumonFanx34 күн бұрын

    Fr 80% of his speech is unintelligable af

  • @BadaBadger
    @BadaBadger4 күн бұрын

    oh that's racist.

  • @zeroexettv
    @zeroexettv3 күн бұрын

    I had no clue what he said

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen32176 күн бұрын

    Last thing: i forgot to mention. The streamer needs to play FFXIV.(Final Fantasy XIV online) to get theses rewards. And look at their twitch title and make sure they have [drops] on.

  • @xXSarahXx702
    @xXSarahXx7026 күн бұрын

    You are a goat thank you

  • @TheNade
    @TheNade6 күн бұрын

    This UI is absolute garbage. What kind of smooth brain animal plays like this?

  • @jessicaransom7837
    @jessicaransom78378 күн бұрын

    Which armor set did you use, as well as talismans?

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen32178 күн бұрын

    @@jessicaransom7837 pure sorcery talisman. So that’s health talisman, graven mass, school sorcery talisman l, radagon icon. With the azure helmet. And the high priest set. (Because it looks good)

  • @hindicountdownofficial283
    @hindicountdownofficial28310 күн бұрын

    I killed him in the cave by mistake. And the I completed ridans fight and ranis quest. I used the curch but he is not showing up I checked every location he is not even at lava pool. And he is also not able to summon for fire giant. What to do does anyone have clue?

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen32179 күн бұрын

    @@hindicountdownofficial283 sadly no

  • @ixiahj
    @ixiahj10 күн бұрын

    Summoning a spirit ash is a game mechanic. You don't get any bonuses from not using one. So From made it so that players are aggressively convinced to summon a spirit ash with this one.

  • @UrbanGarlic
    @UrbanGarlic15 күн бұрын

    couldn't have done it without you Len!!

  • @cl91xxx
    @cl91xxx15 күн бұрын

    Thank you! I completely respec ed my int build just trying to beat this. Glad to know it's possible. Which summon did you use?

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen321714 күн бұрын

    Taylew the golden smith +10

  • @Mattin_Satteo
    @Mattin_Satteo15 күн бұрын

    Infinite HP, infinite DMG, aggressive AF... I'm not liking this DLC. I'm not saying it's bad, because it is amazingly good. And don't get me wrong, the base game was way too easy. But this is so much they I can't enjoy it.

  • @sylwesterbaranowski7300
    @sylwesterbaranowski730015 күн бұрын

    I'm disappointed with bosses. The did it in the cheapest way: very, very aggressive + tons of damage. Few fights starts in the same way: boss is rushing towards you like a bullet and at the same time camera is showing your own ass.

  • @TG-oq2jx
    @TG-oq2jx15 күн бұрын

    I think some bosses are just extremely unnecessarily aggressive considering they can one shot or 2 shot you, they give you no breather to heal and I do feel the whole dlc will get nerfed at some point

  • @Shinku_no_sanbun
    @Shinku_no_sanbun17 күн бұрын

    What are you using the acronym 'ERP' for in the title? When I google "what does erp mean in ffxiv", all I get are matches about 'Erotic RolePlay', so that seems to be what the majority of people use it for. Or did I miss something you said?

  • @SpartanSharp
    @SpartanSharp16 күн бұрын

    Some people refer to prog as 'epic/extreme raid progression' or ERP. But it's a play on the roleplay term, it's possible they didn't get the joke and other party members use it. Or clickbait.

  • @carlos82067
    @carlos8206718 күн бұрын

    Maybe I should do a carry from Len one day there will be Gil

  • @real_life_hobbit
    @real_life_hobbit18 күн бұрын

    I managed to prog to the very end of BJCC within like three days, I put up a BJCC party that explicitly stated "not LC clean up". Some of the people that joined me didn't know how to do dolls and complained about my mitigation when I literally used Dark Missionary at the right time. The DRG almost killed me during second protean several times after throttle, standing in my spot where I drag the hand SW. I love and hate party finder but it's also my fault for being too nice. I still don't the guts to tell another player to either leave because they don't know what they're doing or call them out for prog lying. I get that prog skipping is a thing, but only do it if you're 100% certain that you can do the mechanics.

  • @UrbanGarlic
    @UrbanGarlic18 күн бұрын

    7:54 set up suppression 8:44 predation (6) 9:03 puddles + radiant plume 10:01 annihilation (7) - 10:27 sprint 10:59 suppression 11:59 aetheric boom (knockback to eat orbs) 12:18 primal roulette 13:04 feather rain to tumults (marker 3 to 2)

  • @carlos82067
    @carlos8206721 күн бұрын

    Len one of my friends ran with you in DSR they were a SAM

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen321721 күн бұрын


  • @carlos82067
    @carlos8206721 күн бұрын

    ​@@imalen3217Aihtas Mori was them they told me that they were in a party with you

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen321721 күн бұрын

    @@carlos82067 i think they was but im just out of it 🫠

  • @carlos82067
    @carlos8206721 күн бұрын

    ​@@imalen3217 they're a Midlander but it'll hit you

  • @Venty179
    @Venty17924 күн бұрын

    Thank you so much again for this! It's so helpful especially now that we've reached ultima!!! 🙏

  • @yugiohplayer28
    @yugiohplayer2824 күн бұрын

    It's been 3 days no reply. Waiting to hear your response back :)

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen321724 күн бұрын

    What response?

  • @MyVanir
    @MyVanir27 күн бұрын

    ngl, seeing gcds on the dpad keys hurt my eyes and hands.

  • @alcandorhan2918
    @alcandorhan291828 күн бұрын

    What server is this, there are so many people in PF! I’m on Cerberus on the Chaos data centre and so dead lately so I can’t find people to do content with

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen321728 күн бұрын

    This is Aether PF aka NA(North America servers)

  • @yugiohplayer28
    @yugiohplayer2828 күн бұрын

    You are so fucking soft Btw. Imagin being upset because someone cuss at you. You are a no name loser and alway will be. I hope i see you in PF :) G.A.N boy.

  • @yugiohplayer28
    @yugiohplayer2828 күн бұрын

    Yall, are so fucking stupid, Let me tell you something THIS GUY IS THE BEST SCHOLAR IN THE WORLD You are talking about You are all delusional fucks who don't deserve a player like him balmung IS THE BESt SERVER PLZ PUT RESPECT ON MY BROTHER NAME thank you. Happy pride month.

  • @brysononline9380
    @brysononline938029 күн бұрын

    Finally someone who GETS it!!! It’s not fun when the settings are all, all mines are full effect as well 😂

  • @plus20charisma
    @plus20charisma29 күн бұрын

    Hey man, never have a chance to catch you live but catch some VODs here and there. After watching that DSR "clear" it gives me hope that I'm hardstuck on p6 by randoms messing up. Cause it seems like a ton of others are in the same boat lol.

  • @wontongo
    @wontongoАй бұрын


  • @imalen3217
    @imalen3217Ай бұрын


  • @imalen3217
    @imalen3217Ай бұрын

    And I play on that settings on ALL ULTIMATES

  • @wontongo
    @wontongoАй бұрын

    god ur mental LMFAO

  • @wontongo
    @wontongoАй бұрын

    wait even during top??? panto???????? 😭😭

  • @imalen3217
    @imalen3217Ай бұрын

    @@wontongo yes