Workplace Culture: Innovation to Action Speaker Series - Advancing a Culture of Care

On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Boston University's Office of Human Resources and the Office of the Senior Diversity Officer hosted another installment of their Innovation to Action Speaker Series. Attendees learned how front-line supervisors have the power to advance workplace culture by developing teams through inclusive excellence, technology, strategic outcomes, and more. Amanda Bailey, Boston University's Vice President for Human Resources, offered opening remarks and Dr. Allison Vaillancourt, Vice President & Senior Consultant at Segal gave the keynote presentation. Panelists included Dr. Constance Noonan Hadley, Research Associate Professor at Boston University; Dr. Angelique Grant, Senior Consultant & Principal at The Inclusion Firm; and Dr. Jim Johnsen, Vice President of Executive Search at Greenwood Asher & Associates. Mumtaz Badshah-Brown, Assistant Vice President of Talent Development at Boston University, moderated the panel discussion.
