Why You Can't Regulate Social Media

Ever wonder if it's possible for the government to create laws that effectively regulate Big Tech and Social Media?

Пікірлер: 87

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology
    @CenterforHumaneTechnology2 жыл бұрын

    We want to know what YOU think. Is it possible for the government to regulate social media? Comment below!!

  • @thedougsutton


    2 жыл бұрын

    LOVE this and all of your work! Only recommendation is to remove the background music, it's distracting from the conversation. If you're going to keep it, turn the volume WAY down. Otherwise, please keep sharing more of these and I'll do whatever I can to help share the message

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for the feedback and willingness to share! What's the topic you'd love to see covered next by CHT?

  • @mattmatt2417


    2 жыл бұрын

    This is a shortened/the shortest version I could put together about section 230/companies first amendment rights/company policy/user agreements/TOS, it doesn't have A LOT of info behind these thoughts, BUT IF you understand ENOUGH, you can understand MOST, IF NOT ALL, of this. I think the even crazier thing is/funny/ironic thing is/ A LOT of people seem to want to punish these companies/honestly at this point, there is no logic, behind what people are TRYING to do, IF you remove section 230, you will force companies to moderate EVERYTHING vs just what they are moderating now/IF you violate a companies 1st amendment right, to run thier OWN business, how they want, your not solving anything, IF you try to use the Monopoly card, that doesn't make sense either, because to much business/opportunity is in the market, for EVERYONE, for that to make sense/Apps/Websites/Servers/online shopping/messaging/sending pictures/videos,buying things online, online stores/browsers/ads, are available from thousands, if not more companies/big tech doesn't have ANYTHING, another company doesn't already have/their not doing ANYTHING, other companies aren't ALREADY doing. What are you fighting for? Freedom of speech doesn't apply in private business/on private property/IF you go in Walmart yelling and screaming, you will be escorted out/kicked out/MAYBE banned from the store. If these companies are considered editors/publishers, then you will be censored EVEN MORE. Then even after section 230 gets removed, these companies have TOS/User Agreements/Company Policy/Contracts and so on, to fall back on. These companies can ALSO claim that the censorship, is a direct reflection, of their customers/the companies/people paying for ADs, don't want certain content, around their ADs. ALSO I think a company has a right to disassociate its self with certain things/certain companies, MAY not want to be affiliated with certain things. Meaning SOMEONE could post something crazy like, mouth wash will cure the pandemic, as a company/business, you might not want to be affiliated with that/you MAY not want your customers to think of you, when this is talked about/you may ALSO feel morally responsible, IF thats on your website/server, ALSO these companies/Employees/CEOs, aren't doctors, so they don't want certain drug information about curing something, on their website/it MAY be a political free website/it may be certain hateful attitudes, they MAY not want to be affiliated with, point being is, a company should be able to form, what ever community they want, good or bad/thats the vision the creators, of the website, had/have, IF someone wants to create something else, they can do that and they can make it, whatever they want it to be, as well. What's the point/what's the end game? The ONLY other thing I see here is, its a game/a charade/a show/political/talk/ basically its congress/the government/other political people just talking, to make it sound like their doing something, even though they don't understand what their trying to achieve/do, other than make their voters, THINK they care/for them to TRY and get re-elected, I mean beyond this, I can't see a purpose, for ANY of this. ALSO honestly I don't think the government NEEDS OR SHOULD be involved in any of this/I think the market will figure its self out/IF someone doesn't like a certain business,because they were censored/because they don't like a business's business practice, then, people/consumers/users have the option to not use that service/not use that business AND IF ENOUGH people feel this way, then the business will adapt/change OR no longer exist, in this BIG market/the internet, people have a LOT of options, so basically, let the customers/users/economy/market sort it out. We ALREADY have government regulated laws/the FTC/FCC/DOJ and other regulatory organizations, that handle the things that need to be handled, EVERYTHING, is ALREADY in place, the way it NEEDS to be. We don't want to get to a point where the government ONLY allows us, to see certain things/the government doesn't need to control these things/we don't need to turn into china/have to have a VPN, to get news/information. These two companies MAY be REAL monopolies TSMC and ASML, along with utility companies, water,electric,gas,internet,trash companies, SOME areas MAY only have one option, for these services, that is what a TRUE monopoly is,being big, alone, doesn't make you a monopoly.

  • @mattmatt2417


    2 жыл бұрын

    When it comes to whistle blowers, Honestly none of this matters, UNLESS the company is breaking the law/allowing things that are illegal, on their site, that falls on them and isn't protected under, user agreements/TOS/Company Policy/Contracts/the first amendment OR section 230. The definition of hate speech/things that need to be censored, is up to/defined by the individual company/property owner. The main thing is, the first amendment protects companies AND individuals, from the government, meaning the government can't regulate speech, to an extent, BUT theres a thing called, disturbing the peace, BUT companies can/home owners can/speech can be regulated on/over private property, that could be a house/property/ Walmart/item,that could be a privately owned server,website or APP, ALSO each business/property owner has the right to make their own rules on their own property OR over their own property. Its not Jack Dorsey/Bill Gates/Ben Silbermann/Bernard Bergemar/Craig Newmark/Zhang Yiming/Sundat Pichai/Tim Cook/Mark Zuckerberg, responsibility to monitor your kids internet usage, thats the PARENTS responsibility/job,ALSO a website/company has a right to have what ever algorithms, community guidelines/user agreements/company policies, that they want, on their own site/property. We ALREADY have ratings on content/age restrictions/regulations/the FTC/FCC/DOJ/other regulation organizations and laws are ALREADY in place. Another reason this doesn't matter, is, think about this, if Facebook was to TRY and stop, certain age/kids, from accessing FB, what's stopping your kids from looking at other content on the internet,such as pornography/communicating with child molesters/other people/content, parents should be monitoring/have other systems/router security, in place, to prevent, certain devices/users, from going to certain sites/searching certain words/phrases/be a PARENT/take responsibility of your children. Examples of why section 230's principles work, and why EVERYONE should be responsible, for their OWN ACTIONS/WORDS,MAYBE the ONLY EXCEPTION to that, is IF the person CAN PROVE, WITHOUT A SHADOW OF DOUBT, that they were COERCED,a few examples of why section 230's principles work: Its a tool,IF you miss use the tool, thats not the manufacturers fault/IF you use the tool to murder someone, thats not the manufacturers fault. A car company could sell a car, to someone and that person could use that car for sex trafficking, thats not what the car company built/manufactured/sold the car for/thats not what facebook/thats not why other websites/companies were made, BUT thats what it was used for. This should DEFINITELY fall on the sex traffickers, NOT a platform/car manufacturer. The car company AND the platform/website profited, from this, with car sales and the platform, through ad revenue,BUT thats not what the car/platform/website was built for. This responsibility either falls on the parents or the adult/of age person, to prevent things like this from happening, and OBVIOUSLY, the crime falls on the sex traffickers and DEFINITELY NOT THE PLATFORM, LOL, can you imagine car companies having to take responsibility for drug dealers, delivering drugs or car companies having to take responsibility for reckless drivers, that would be crazy. The ONLY exception in/to this, is if a law is in place, ALREADY/by/through the FTC/FCC/DOJ or other regulatory organizations. These companies can also do what ever research they want on their business/websites/servers/its not against the law to do SEO work/ look at data/algorithms/analytics, to determine what the best courses of action are/is, to make your/their business/businesses thrive and become/continue to be/remain successful. ALSO these company's, research/algorithms/data research, CAN come back with MULTIPLE DIFFERENT outcomes/answers, depending on the algorithm/data its fed/if one things left out, of the equation, the answer/outcome CAN/COULD be wrong/totally different, ALSO, because analyst know this, MULTIPLE studies are made/a LOT of data is examined, with varying answers/outcomes,so one study alone can't always give you the right answer/one study alone doesn't mean much. Whistleblowers arent completely protected; Whistleblowers are required to present information and other documents that can back up their claims when filing a dispute. If it is found that they are lying, they may be subjected to criminal charges. ... Whistleblower Protection does not always protect federal workers. A whistleblower does not have unfettered permission to take documents. “Nothing in this subdivision shall be interpreted to prevent any law enforcement authority from bringing a civil or criminal action against any person for violating any provision of law. Going public, isn't always the best option either: Whistleblowing legislation is designed to protect people who blow the whistle in the right way, and for the right reasons. If you reveal your concerns via social media or by going to the press, you may not be entitled to receive the legal protection you'll need. This may also mark you as a risk/problematic employee/prevent you from getting another job in the future. NDAs forfeit whistleblowing eligibility and this is DEFINITELY something you need for certain things, for proprietary things, like inventions/recipes/algorithms/projects/hardware and so on. So whistleblowers do have their limitations and as you can see, they can also be limited/stopped all together, SOMETIMES, whistleblowers are good, but in this case its just a publicity stunt.

  • @mattmatt2417


    2 жыл бұрын

    This is how these companies protect their selfs, in the future, without section 230 AND this is how these companies do what they do now, with your data/you give them permission to/you agree to it. These companies have to moderate, because these companies NEED to make money/be SOMEWHAT family friendly, for their customers/companies/people paying for ads. So their ONLY choice, in general, BUT DEFINITELY without section 230, is to moderate EVERYTHING, well everything that violates Terms Of Services/User Agreements/Company Policy. Also The User Agreement,TOS and Company policy was created to protect that specific company/that individual company, meaning that company can make what ever decisions they want, about their own company/private property/servers. Another example, if I have guest over at my house and I set rules for them, they have to follow those rules, but I don't, I could also choose to enforce those rules, how ever I want to, meaning, if I have a close friend, I can tell them, they don't have to worrie about that, or I can say, if you pay this much, those rules don't apply to you, or I could have a separate contract with an individual company, where they get another version of TOS. Heres some more examples of how section 230 doesn't matter as much, as people think it does, well it does, if you don't want to be censored, but if censor ship doesn't bother you, repealing section 230, won't effect you. If section 230 is removed, user Agreements/Terms Of Service and company policy will protect these companies, the ones, we ALL agree to, when we access/use these companies websites/apps. Also these companies can claim they are not biased, the censorship is a direct reflection of their customers/the people buying ads, don't want certain content around their ads. Also EVERYTHING will be moderated/censored, EVEN MORE, IF section 230 gets removed. You can't go to Walmart yelling and screaming profanity, without getting thrown out and MAYBE even banned from the store, because of company policy, no shirt no shoes, no service; no mask, you can't enter the building. Also as another example have you ever read what you sign when you go to the Dentist? Some of what that says, basically says, if we break your jaw/deform you, we are not responsible and you can't sue the company or employee. Also to go a little further with that, Amazon, to protect them selfs, from law suits/reviews on their websites that are bad, companies would have to have an agreement, with these companies, meaning, if you want your product at Walmart/Amazon, you will need to agree to this, then that product would be approved, meaning that company can no longer sue Amazon/Walmart, for a bad review, a buyer/user leaves. This would protect the company from what the user says and does AND this would protect the companies selling other companies products as well. This could also go further, with website agreements too, meaning your ISP/Internet Service Provider, would ALSO be responsible for what you say and do, on the internet, so, certain sites would be on an approved list, based on their user agreements/you would have access to some websites, that are approved and some websites, you can't access. So MORE censorship.

  • @LuigiTrapanese
    @LuigiTrapanese2 жыл бұрын

    I'm a simple man with simple tastes. I see Daniel and I watch.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Ha! Great taste-- What was your favorite comment that Daniel made in this conversation?

  • @emjay9733
    @emjay97332 жыл бұрын

    BG music is unneeded.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for letting us know - we are experimenting with music.

  • @andybaldman
    @andybaldman2 жыл бұрын

    These are the two most important men in society today. FORWARD THIS to everyone you know. It needs to go viral, and the youtube algorithm isn't going to help.

  • @keitht.2727
    @keitht.27272 жыл бұрын

    I've been thinking about this for a while due to my own addictions to technology. I think it's possible for the government to regulate, but I see a crux whereby the top public tech companies have a foot in the door with government, disincentivizing any action to correct societal woes. I hope we get there in time, but meanwhile educating the people so they have a baseline on how to course correct would be a good start..

  • @allanthegreat5730
    @allanthegreat57302 жыл бұрын

    This is absolutly solid music production

  • @AshwinMaloo79
    @AshwinMaloo797 ай бұрын

    Dhanyavad 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @amandabenger
    @amandabenger Жыл бұрын

    Great info. Love the discussion. But please eliminate the music. It’s not necessary, and is actually distracting. Thank you, Tristan, for what you have done, what you are now trying to do for the world.

  • @tigermotive2378
    @tigermotive23782 жыл бұрын

    I found deleting social media was the best way to regulate it

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Interesting! How do you think deleting social media impacted your life so far?

  • @tigermotive2378


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@CenterforHumaneTechnology social media is ruining society and peoples brains. It’s made everyone petty and highly offended. Time to turn it off for Good

  • @TpolTime
    @TpolTime2 жыл бұрын

    It hurts me that this channel only has 5k subs

  • @muskduh
    @muskduh2 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for the video presentation.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for watching -- we appreciate it

  • @leedufour
    @leedufour2 жыл бұрын

    Thanks Daniel and Tristan!

  • @AdamMiceli
    @AdamMiceli2 жыл бұрын


  • @mahendras999
    @mahendras9995 ай бұрын

    Excellent analysis with a great background music...What's the music name btw?

  • @ArkaGhosh024
    @ArkaGhosh0242 жыл бұрын

    Tristan, how about creating a social media platform that puts human relations at its core rather than attention? Given your deep understanding of the flaws of the current platforms and your background in ethical design, I think you are in the best position to give people an alternative to Facebook. Maybe if people had an alternative (that wouldn't eventually sell out to FB), they would switch.

  • @zmanx88


    2 жыл бұрын

    I'm usually a positive person, but - this new app - in order to "beat" Facebook and others and have more of a mass appeal it would have to play dirty and "fight for attention" just like they do. I think that they should make one, but I think the user base will just be the few million people that tune in to podcasts, IDW, long form discussion, etc. Then it would be a multi year possibly decade battle to try to get the masses to switch over.

  • @ArkaGhosh024


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@zmanx88 I am not sure about a smaller user base. I think the user base is potentially as large as FB's potential user base. After listening to Tristan's TED talks and following his podcasts, I think that his main criticism is that the existing social media sites prioritize time spent over time well spent. I think it should be possible to create a site that helps us spend our time online in a meaningful way rather than just mindless scrolling (of course I don't know how to create such a site, otherwise I would be doing that right now rather than watching KZread).

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    These are all interesting thoughts. We love to see your engagement with the ideas. Tell us more about the details of this potential platform!

  • @pequodexpress


    2 жыл бұрын

    @Danny Dreadnought And this works better if you and your friend have access to affordable housing.

  • @talfeingold9484


    2 жыл бұрын

    There is a way to do this. The question is how to make it commercially viable

  • @nodgy1
    @nodgy12 жыл бұрын

    Something about Daniel, he is got that demeanor, and the way he constructs his ideas, you just know you can believe him. I've missed his absence lately in youtube but I'm glad he is back.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for the comment! What would you like to hear Daniel talking about next?

  • @inter5090


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@CenterforHumaneTechnologyCould we please get input from Daniel about engineering efforts that must be done in the world of atoms rather than bits? Things that would have downstream negative effects from the conversion from atoms to bits. I've been thinking, modelling and gathering decentralized agents' mindshare for civilization-scale safety net projects that just so happen to align with Daniel's future model but I am weary of things like Carrington events taking out our world of bits so things like EMP-resistant chips, fortified self-sufficient above-ground Dunbar-sized communities (similar to superblocks in Barcelona) and Dyson sphere-adjacent tech is where my focus is. I hope Daniel and/or CHT can shed more light on necessary projects that can and should be pursued in the world of atoms. Thanks.

  • @JoshFlorii
    @JoshFlorii2 жыл бұрын

    I hope you dont mind that i start a channel helping amplify this message. Daniel and tristan are brilliantly leading the way and I want to help get that voice out to more people.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Thank you, Josh! That's awesome!

  • @MrMilk22
    @MrMilk222 жыл бұрын

    Great topic of discussion! Any plans to do live streams here on KZread? or on Twitch? or both? I'm saddened by the amount of views your videos get, since this is such critical information for ppl to be aware of in today's technical landscape. Would love to see this move into a live discussion format (enabling that social relationship we need to preserve democracy) to broadcast these ideas to a larger audience.

  • @MrMilk22


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@c3bhm As much as I realize that's good publicity. Rogan is a complete dotard, misinformation spewing moron, and his fan base is a cult that fails to think critically. Not exactly the audience that will take this information and run with it in a productive direction.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    We don't have any planned at this time, but so great to hear that would be of interest. We do host virtual events periodically which you can find at humanetech.com/events

  • @TheThundercow
    @TheThundercow2 жыл бұрын

    These are very scary times, but there is still a lot of hope for us to move forward in better ways. Modern democracy has never been perfect and it's about time we move on from it. Hopefully whatever comes after will be even more democratic and just. But Jesus I'm so scared that it might not. I can't say I trust you guys (nowadays noone can trust anything) but you hit some of the right points here.

  • @paul.d4990
    @paul.d4990 Жыл бұрын

    This seems like a clip taken out of a longer video, does anyone know the original video this is clip is taken out of? I want to the watch the whole conversation!

  • @particlelance
    @particlelance2 жыл бұрын

    They could regulate it given that there was an appealing incentive to do so although just regulation without information wouldn't be a stable strategy. I think instead people have to develop social media skepticism organically or at least gradually through education.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Love to see you breaking down some options here! What do you think is the most effective means of education around Big Tech?

  • @Luke-kq6kj
    @Luke-kq6kj2 жыл бұрын

    It all comes down to liability. Right now, politians, on both sides of the aisle, are incentized to go in the direction of the polarization that continues. Unless they are held liable they will continue to enflame their own divisions as that is what their own constituents want. Personally I think it is more than possible, maybe even essential, for the government to regulate social media as the damage being done stretches beyond a typical externality.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Interesting ideas, Luke. Thanks for sharing :) Are there any topics related to this issue you'd like to see explored in future videos??

  • @Luke-kq6kj


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@CenterforHumaneTechnology Many thanks. Love the work you're doing. An issue I'd love you to cover is how do we treat/heal our minds from the damage already done on an individual level? It feels like that enough time has been spent scrolling and on social media that has done "irreversible" or "permanent" damage to our psyche or attention spans. What if any thing can be done about this and is it really as irriverasble as the cynics suggest?

  • @enchemin5652
    @enchemin56522 жыл бұрын

    What maybe would be helpful is if we were offered ways or a quick educative interlude on how to keep a better ownership of our mind so we don’t go down the rabbit hole and get our time hijacked systematically. I am sure there are existing psychological or mental techniques that would help and are easily teachable. In other words, it would be great if there was an automatically triggered engaging educational content in that direction; instead of some ads, for example. Like learning how to recognize emotional hijacking and apply critical thinking, for example. I’m sure there could be an algorithm to that effect. This idea goes in the direction of the forefathers’ view of the education of citizens. And this way, KZread or whoever would not feel like they have to engage in censorship and we would have the opportunity to make truly informed decisions and have intelligent and fruitful dialogue. It would be good and responsible citizenship on the part of Google

  • @Demosophist
    @Demosophist2 жыл бұрын

    Newspapers weren't instrumental until the advent of the telegraph. The instantaneity of the telegraph is what empowered news. Prior to that the power resided in books rather than periodicals, because they could encompass events. The telegraph enabled this encompassing to occur much faster and at a much larger scale, which was more or less invisible to the readers of newspapers. Thus, the new electrical media could control and manage immense narratives without the public being aware that they were being manipulated. This problem has been amplified by the current digital media but the medium itself is being encompassed even faster, and this is happening within the liminal awareness of the public. There is therefore, overall, less room for subconscious manipulation even as the industrial scale of it is increasing.

  • @HakWilliams
    @HakWilliams2 жыл бұрын

    You know what won't help? That music

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Hi HakWilliams, we did cut the music in future videos as we heard it was distracting. We appreciate your input, and thanks for watching.

  • @Tutkanator
    @Tutkanator2 жыл бұрын

    I will always up vote but no music please

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Thank you! We decided to cut the music based on you all's input! Please keep telling us what's working - and what isn't.

  • @jakespeakz
    @jakespeakz2 жыл бұрын

    Maybe you guys could leverage the same tech to viral these content man.

  • @talfeingold9484
    @talfeingold94842 жыл бұрын

    Tristan, firstly I think the algo is stopping this content from going viral. Secondly, you need to a wider reach whether that be via launching a new social platform with values that promote human upgrading, or a political run of some sort. A social platform where people were forced to hear debaters with polarised views, who aim to pull the listeners towards their opinion.

  • @lastwaveradio9405
    @lastwaveradio94052 жыл бұрын

    Schooling and educational reform requires, as a central locus, consideration of just how poisoned the field of sense-making is. Democratic phenomena is a large net in which to catch the implications of what's presented in the above conversation... but so is schooling and education. How to address this asymmetry of epistemological power that is the pollution of the sense-making-field through primary/secondary schooling and learning processes for youth? Adults with a capacity to see, understand and transcend the influences of these algorithmic technologies might stand a chance at knowing what to do with governance in the years ahead.

  • @forecast_hinderer
    @forecast_hinderer2 жыл бұрын

    I would say governments as they are couldn’t regulate social media, just as they can’t even get the proper tax revenues from large companies. When governments are comprised on the whole of wise and intelligent individuals committed to serving nothing else but the best interests of the public, then I think it would be possible.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Great observation. What kind of governance-related topics would you like to see covered in future videos?

  • @forecast_hinderer


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@CenterforHumaneTechnology I would like to see an exploration of the underlying barriers that exist that lead to the formation of governance in its current popular iteration and how those barriers may be dismantled. Not just the perverse incentive structures that financial corruption gives rise to, but ways in which governments could be formed solely comprised of individuals committed to serving the best interests of the public as well as offering the best stewardship for the our planet’s ecosystem. For example, how might technology change education.

  • @branchestarot
    @branchestarot Жыл бұрын


  • @AlgoNudger
    @AlgoNudger2 жыл бұрын

    At least we can control ourselves. 😂

  • @paddyland74
    @paddyland742 жыл бұрын

    Regulate what's with in you (in between your ear), everything else will follow.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Tell us more ! What are some ways you practice regulating your own mind?

  • @paddyland74


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@CenterforHumaneTechnology Pause-n-Play the Decision I Make

  • @jonathanjollimore7156
    @jonathanjollimore71562 жыл бұрын

    If it want it to be a vector for cyber-warfare go head ignore it

  • @mattbartlett0
    @mattbartlett0 Жыл бұрын

    Then why are you in front of congress all the time? What is your end goal with all this? Spread awareness and pray society solves this dilemma?

  • @shauna_tikcuf
    @shauna_tikcuf2 жыл бұрын

    I disagree you can you, just need to have data governance and build AI to do the governing of social media. This is totally possible if the government had a data governance department. I automated data classifications, given access to the variables on social media, you can right AI to automate governance for social media.

  • @laurenpaer1860
    @laurenpaer18602 жыл бұрын

    Wouldn’t actually enforcing section 230 as it stands now solve the serious problems you correctly identify FB/social media is causing? Liability protection is only granted to neutral platforms in 230, correct? You have both said previously that social media is not neutral. Their algorithms are not neutral. In a recent law suit they admitted their “fact checks” (often used as a basis for taking down posts) are just opinions. That means they should be considered publishers (who have liability) if they continue to use their algorithms and make opinion-based editorial decisions about what can remain on their site and what they’ll take down. They are highly unlikely to assume liability for everything their billions of posters post. Their only other option (if 230 was actually enforced) would be to get rid of their algorithms. The algorithms are what’s ramping up division and are used for the targeted brainwashing you mentioned to get us to like FB more, etc. Eliminating their algorithms would go a long, long way to solving the serious problems you raised that social media is creating. I don’t think we need 230 reform - we need 230 enforcement. Am I missing something?

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Hi Lauren, thank you for your question - it's a good one. The level of change we need is much broader than 230 reform, and while not a 230 reform expert, enforcement as its currently written is not the issue. While 230 reform is a narrow slice, it does get a lot of attention in the press, and is worth understanding more. I'd point you to a recent WIRED article that outlines the 230 situation pretty well: www.wired.com/story/section-230-internet-sacred-law-false-idol/

  • @caleb1031
    @caleb10312 жыл бұрын

    The music is distracting, and inappropriate for the conversation.

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Thanks, Caleb. We did end up removing music from future videos in the series based on everyone's input.

  • @caleb1031


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@CenterforHumaneTechnology Aye. Sorry, I'm sure you tired of hearing this then. :p

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    No problem!! We appreciate hearing from our supporters!

  • @andrewscott8578
    @andrewscott85784 ай бұрын

    Simple pull the plug 🔌 from these internet links then wont come up on search engine

  • @ChristopherRyanPhD
    @ChristopherRyanPhD2 жыл бұрын

    Can I pay someone to turn off that annoying "music" so I can hear what you guys are saying?

  • @CenterforHumaneTechnology


    2 жыл бұрын

    Hi Chris, thanks for the feedback! We experimented with music in the first few of this video series. We heard that people found it distracting, so we removed it going forward. We hope it doesn't stop you from checking out the more recent videos.

  • @BillAugersdca
    @BillAugersdca2 жыл бұрын

    Please stop with the annoying background music. It's distracting.

  • @Vice81
    @Vice812 жыл бұрын

    I'll take my chances on the end of modern democracy.

  • @ajk_
    @ajk_ Жыл бұрын

    Delete the music

  • @mohammedanwar8048
    @mohammedanwar80482 жыл бұрын

    First viewer.

  • @richardhead9818
    @richardhead9818 Жыл бұрын

    Please don't play music in the background again, so distracting and pointless

  • @MonaMarMag
    @MonaMarMag2 жыл бұрын

    It is really very simple . STOP USING SO CALLED "SOCIAL MEDIA " - Which are anty - social from what I have understand and start to live your life .

  • @evaetc.1538


    2 жыл бұрын

    doesnt seem like a realistic “solution” to me .