Why I left the Seventh-day Adventist Church and became a Roman Catholic

My personal journey and advice to anyone searching. Respectful comments and dialogue are welcome.

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  • @JuanLuisLemaitre
    @JuanLuisLemaitre3 жыл бұрын

    Congratulations. I liked your testimony. I will pray for you that you are always faithful.

  • @karenfridie689


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @Misael-Hernandez


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@karenfridie689 nosey =Pharisees

  • @Misael-Hernandez


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@karenfridie689 Nosey people remind me of the Pharisees

  • @robbiebob6267


    14 күн бұрын

    Yes..... me to .

  • @timjimconnolly7sda
    @timjimconnolly7sda3 жыл бұрын

    None of any religious are perfect. Since I was little boy into adult man, I went to 8 different religious before I became SDA. I was catholic that no one taught me. But Sda taught me a lot made me so excite and then I have very peaceful now. I like SDA and I do love you all and smile... John 3:16...........

  • @juanaharibay


    3 жыл бұрын

    Same here... my parents didn't help that much... they expected the church to do all the work. The catholic church is very scripted... so that doesn't help.

  • @LauraBeeDannon


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@juanaharibay it's not scripted, you just had poor catechism.

  • @juanaharibay


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@LauraBeeDannon I did know how to be a catholic I guess. I'm glad I didn't get that much involved tho. There's no truth there.... better getting my questions answered I prayed to good on my knees to show me truth... an I was guided there, an I didn't know who to reach on my end. I never saw love on my parents words an actions, they didn't have light in them and there wasn't any fruit of the spirit. I never saw them reading a Bible. I bought my mother an audio bible so she can listen an a Bible but she's not interested her traditions are more important an that does save you. I love my parents an I'm praying for them because know I now what being born again by the spirit is. I have nothing against the catholic people that truly love Jesus an walk the talk cause I know there going to be saved.

  • @elenaneens1326


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@matthewjoseph9897 But how can we explain the Jesuit Oath to kill protestants?

  • @miguelpasamano4995


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@matthewjoseph9897 the "CCC" is loaded with "œcumenist" and "syncretist" apostasy. #841 says you adore the demon idol "Al'lah"

  • @alexmbire3529
    @alexmbire35294 жыл бұрын

    I will cut right to the point. Your beliefs need to based on the Word of God not personal feelings. 2 Timothy 3 vs 16, Matthew 4 vs 4, Psalm 119 vs 105.

  • @MrPanchoak


    3 жыл бұрын

    You need to understand 1Tim, 3:15. Please answer what is the final authority?? It simply AINT what you think.

  • @MrPanchoak


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Aqua Fyre apparently you didnt read it either.

  • @niakoch9390


    3 жыл бұрын

    You believe in sola scriptura- bible alone, catholics don´t, because sola sciptura is not biblical. Nowhere in the bible does it say "you shall only read the bible to know how to practice the christian faith" or "we as the apostles are writing down how to practice your faith after we are gone ". The biblical canon was put together by the catholic church, so I stick with them on how to interpret the bible, what books belong in the bible and how to practice the faith. The bible didn´t even have chapter and verses before catholic monks and priests defined them What the bible does say is: the church is the pillar and foundation of truth (1 Tim 3:15) and the scriptures are inspired and USEFUL/PROFITABLE (2 Tim 3:16-17). It also says to hold on to the tradition taught either by word of mouth or by letter (2 Thess 2:15). It also says to stay away from those who do not follow the traditions tought by the apostles. (2 Thess. 3:6) And therefore is is not only important to know the bible but to look at what the apostles tought the early christians outside of scripture. And there are really interesting writings from like Eusebius of Caesarea, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp. The bible also says in several chapters how we need someone with authority to interpret the text so we can understand it: Mark 4:33-34; Acts 8:30-31; 2 Pet. 1:20 + 3:16 Jesus gave this authority to his apostles and to Peter. Also read Eph 4,11-15

  • @MrPanchoak


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@niakoch9390 "sola scriptura" is every bit as "unbiblical" as anything a Protestant desires to point out against Catholicism. It definitely CANNOT be "proven" from scripture.

  • @niakoch9390


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@MrPanchoak you are of course right, but maybe with bible verses you can get the bible-alone Christians thinking and searching... God bless. 🙂

  • @monidominic4505
    @monidominic45055 ай бұрын

    Praise God for Pr Walter Veith and his passion for spreading the Sabbath truth.

  • @sandracapra6130


    5 ай бұрын


  • @jack-ch5lr


    4 ай бұрын

    Veith has his personal issues and readons.dont follow him blindly.

  • @cavinotieno3952


    4 ай бұрын

    We are Adventist and we are going nowhere the truth will remain

  • @cavinotieno3952


    4 ай бұрын

    We are here to stay in God's presence

  • @lincolndunstan3057


    3 ай бұрын

    Veith should be the last person anyone with a sane mind would follow. Try following Scripture not through the lens of a charlatan as well!! Sorry about that!!

  • @edivettez1642
    @edivettez16424 жыл бұрын

    I used to be catholic but when I was 10 years old I decided to read the word of God because I felt wrong everytime I will kneel down and pray to all those images. It felt even more uncomfortable to talk to a stranger about my problems and wait for him to decide to forgive me. After I left the catholic church and I went into a seventh day adventist church I felt peace because there were no contradictions to the word of God. If it's in the Bible I want it if it is not I don't need it. In time, one of the ""fathers" came to me because my aunt wanted me to come back to the catholic church. He asked me why I left the church? I told him all I read in the Bible and since God knew how I desperately wanted the truth, I like to believe that He reassured me of my path and didnt want anyone to mislead me at a young age because that "father" surprised me by telling me that I was in the right place. Then he said something that I never understood, when I told him if he knows the truth he should get out, he answered that it's different for him, he made a promise and his life could be in danger. Furthermore I just want to say that following God is not just about religion is a lifestyle, studying the word of God every day with a humble heart no matter about our traditions or what we feel because our hearts can be deceitful, we have to be open to the idea that we might just have it all wrong and if God shows us the way, we should leave everything behind and just follow Him. We should all be in search of truth! God bless you all! 💗

  • @richardpotihin5794


    4 жыл бұрын

    Edivette, you need the right lance to read the Bible as and understand.All the Catholics teachings is in the Bible.But always remember that the tradition was there before the Bible.People will never understand or see the Catholic teachings untill they have the eyes to see or maybe untill the father wants them to see and digest the word in that manner.I love the way God's words is kept so holy for only certain eyes to see so that mankind will continue to find, make accusation, do continuous conclusions and judgements untill one day they will come to know the truth in the one true Roman Catholic Apostolic church which established by Christ and headed by Peter and continues until today with Pope Francis. Jesus Christ reigns through his body and blood.the true lamb of God celebrated at the upper room and continue until today in all Catholic church.

  • @edivettez1642


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@richardpotihin5794 The Word of God is Holy and we need to discern from the holy and common things such as traditions. His Word is meant for everyone not just for a few. He is not a God of confusion, He wants all to be saved and no one to perish. 1 Timothy 2:4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. The truth never changes for its Author is the same yesterday, and today, and forever. All His wisdom and power are available to those who believe and trust Him. When the greatness and infinity of God are perceived, the utter foolishness of idolatry is clearly seen even by a 10 year old child just like I did at that age. Even without knowing the revelation, men have enough common sense, if any, to realize that idols made by man's hands are not appropriate objects for worship. What virtue could there be in putting as object's of worship the things made by the hands of man? Something similar to what would happen if the Creator worshiped what He has created. Sadly we still see this pagans traditions today. As for me, I will serve and worship only God because He created the heavens and the earth and me, only He is worthy of worship. I will not worship any of His creations. Romans 1 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Exodus 20 4 You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. John 14:6 Jesus answered, " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Amen! 💗

  • @brathaadi8728


    4 жыл бұрын

    If you are really was a catholic that's weird if you pray to an icon. All catholics are pray to God. not to the saints or mother Mary. Catholic always asking help to the saints to pray for us as catholic. Yeah it is good to read the holy bible but what kind of standard did you use to understand the word of God. every non catholic denomination teach different theology.

  • @edivettez1642


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@brathaadi8728 I did not really understood what you said. Perhaps you didn't understood me, I wrote that when I was a catholic (coming from a family that are Catholics) I had to kneel down to "saints/icon/ images" which is an act of worship to pray to them... when Jesus our saviour is the only one who died for our sins and resurrected is clear in his word by saying that there's only one lifeline into heaven and to the father and that's through Him (Jesus) only. John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Amen! 💗

  • @alexmbire3529


    4 жыл бұрын

    Can you please help me to see where God said you should ask for Mary and the other saints to help you. From the scripture inspired by good Himself. Thank you in advance.

  • @maryingold1368
    @maryingold13689 ай бұрын

    I was only eight years old and was invited to the Seventh Day Adventist Church for evangelistic meetings, which drew me to accept Jesus as my Saviour. I love Father God and the Holy Spirit also. That is why I trust and obey God, and through the Holy Spirit indwelling my mind and heart, I can keep all ten of His Commandments habitually. I am saved only by Jesus' death on the cross, and I trust and obey Him because He loves me and gave up all of heaven for me and all humanity.

  • @DonKilluninati


    6 ай бұрын

    The Seventh Day Adventist False Religion: A False Religion: The 7th Day Adventists were originally called Millerites because their group was founded by William Miller, a false prophet who predicted Jesus would return in either 1843 or 1844. When Miller’s prediction of Christ’s second coming failed to come to pass, the Millerites disbanded in dismay; this event became known as the “Great Disappointment.” But then a couple of Miller’s followers claimed to have visions (lies to support their false religion) to account for the failed prophecy. Instead of coming to earth, Jesus had entered the heavenly temple-thus, Miller was right, after all, they said, except his prophecy had a spiritual fulfillment instead of a physical one. One of the seers who covered for Miller was 17-year-old Ellen G. Harmon, who had her first of 2,000 purported visions in a prayer meeting shortly after Miller’s disgrace. With her vision, Ellen soon became a beacon of hope for disillusioned Millerites. She united Adventist factions and became the spiritual guide for a new religious group. Right from the start the Seventh Day Adventists were a false religion with false prophets and false biblical teachings! Other problematic doctrines in Seventh-day Adventism include the teaching that Satan is the “scapegoat” and will bear believers’ sins (The Great Controversy, p. 422, 485)-this is the opposite of what the Bible says about who bore our sins whom is Jesus (1 Peter 2:21-24). Seventh-day Adventism also identifies Jesus as Michael the archangel (source: Jude 1:9 of their Clear Word Bible, published by Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1994)-a doctrine that denies the true nature of Christ, and teaches that Jesus entered a second phase of His redemptive work on October 22nd, 1844, as prophesied by Hiram Edson. The Clear Word Bible is the bible the Adventists created for themselves to support their false doctrines; it’s a Seventh-day Adventist paraphrase of the Bible that alters numerous verses to bring them in line with SDA doctrine. And, of course, the Adventist promotion of Sabbath-keeping as a primary doctrine goes against the teaching of Scripture on the matter (see Romans 14:5). Seventh-Day Adventism is a diverse movement, and not all SDA groups hold to all the doctrines mentioned above. But all Seventh-Day Adventists should seriously consider the following: a recognized prophetess in their church was a teacher of aberrant doctrine, and their church has its roots in the failed prophecies of William Miller. Due to the penchant of Adventists to accept extra-biblical revelation and the doctrinal issues mentioned above, one would strongly encourage believers to not get involved in Seventh-day Adventism. The Bible says suffer not a woman to teach (1 Timothy 2:12-15) contradicting Ellen G. White’s leadership; the Bible says that it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27-28) and that when unbelievers die they go to Hell as the wrath of God abides upon them (John 3:36; Revelation 21:8) and that unbelievers will lift up their eyes in Hell being in torment (Luke 16:19-31) and that Hell is a place “Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:48); when you die you go to Heaven or Hell (John 3:36); there is no soul sleep for to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8)! The Bible states that there is no annihilationism, because you literally burn in Hell until the Great White Throne Judgment where unbelievers will be taken out of Hell, the book of their life will be read to them showing all their sins and their rejection of Jesus throughout their life and then they will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15). The Bible also states that the Lake of Fire, like Hell, is also a place where humans will suffer torment forever (Revelation 14:9-11), that unbelievers will be cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15) and that Satan, the Beast (the Antichrist) and the false prophet will be in the Lake of Fire for eternity (Revelation 19:20). The Bible states that Jesus is God (John 1:1-2; 1:14; 1 Timothy 3:16) and not the archangel Michael as the 7th Day Adventists claim; they have a false Jesus that cannot save them, as only the Biblical Jesus exists and the Bible says that He is God! The Bible states that Christians have a faith-based-salvation and not a works-based-salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9), which means the Seventh Day Adventists are trying to earn their way into Heaven, which they cannot work their way to Heaven: “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:21-23), hence they are heading to the very Hell they often lie about. The Adventists also disregard the Bible and instead use their Clear Word Bible, which was made by them to support their false doctrines. The Jehovah’s Witnesses do the same with their New World Translation. You either trust the Word of God, or the lies of the 7th Day Adventists. Yet another blunder by the 7th Day Adventists is that the Sunday service is the Mark of the Beast, while lets examine the verse that talks about the Mark of the Beast: “And he [the 2nd Beast, the False prophet] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the Mark, or the name of the beast [the 1st Beast, the Antichrist], or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).” Revelation 13:16-18 Nowhere in this verse does it state that Sunday service is the Mark of the Beast. Rather it states a few things about the Mark of the Beast: 1. It goes into our right hands and foreheads, like a bio-chip, microchip, electronic tattoo, etc. 2. It is connected to a cashless economy; how else can you stop everyone on earth from buying or selling? 3. and that if you do not have the Mark of the Beast you cannot buy or sell anything. So no the Mark of the Beast is not Sunday service! The 7th Day Adventists are a false religious cult whose leadership will take the Mark of the Beast to have access to their billions because they have been deceived about the Mark of the Beast. They will have their followers do the same and they will all be damned to the Lake of Fire for eternity!

  • @TheGuitarReb


    6 ай бұрын

    Well you didn't have to write a book about it.@@DonKilluninati

  • @3DL1


    6 ай бұрын

    No-one has kept all the Law....... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, rom 3:23

  • @michealclear3265


    6 ай бұрын

    Yep. Pray that they all repent and come to the true Catholic faith.@@DonKilluninati

  • @peternyabuto577


    6 ай бұрын

    ​@@DonKilluninati My friend read 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. The canal mind cannot understand spiritual things, spiritual things are spiritually discerned. So if you claim Adventists have their own 'Bible' which they have changed verses to get inline with their doctrines, which one? It's laughable😂.. Just bring your Bible and we study the doctrines word by word.

  • @arirangsunduanhyung4227
    @arirangsunduanhyung42272 жыл бұрын

    I love Seventh Day Adventist Church....

  • @jobjohn8654


    Жыл бұрын

    Me too

  • @Hanna_W


    Жыл бұрын

    I didn't have a good experience in the Adventist Church and I found out a lot of information was hidden from me which would have deterred me from joining in the first place.

  • @mdeshaies9803


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Hanna_W What type of information did you find out?

  • @mdeshaies9803


    Жыл бұрын

    @po18guy I agree with you that some SDA churches preach against Catholics. But that can be said with any church. I go to a non-denominational school, and they are constantly putting down Baptists, Adventists, Catholics, and every other churches. That doesn't just happen in the Adventist community. I agree with you that it's not Christ like. The bible tells us to Love one another, and people sometimes do the exact opposite. You could even simplify it by saying that 'I don't like you because of this or that reason'. It's pathetic. We are all just people living in a sinful world. We try to be a witness for God, but we all make mistakes.

  • @mdeshaies9803


    Жыл бұрын

    @po18guy The biggest reason that differentiates the Sda church from the Catholic church is the Sabbath. On the 7th day of creation, (Saturday)God rested. Jesus even kept the Sabbath. The Bible does say that Jesus changes the Sabbath. Roman Emperor Constantine changed the Sabbath in the year 321 AD.

  • @ImpulsoCreativo9322
    @ImpulsoCreativo93223 жыл бұрын

    I totally agree with you. God bless you!

  • @hlasitevolani1575


    6 ай бұрын

    How can God bless someone that is in rebelion? I don´t get this...

  • @bryllebadiana373
    @bryllebadiana3733 жыл бұрын

    "why do you ask Me about what is good ?" Jesus replied." There is only one Who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the Commandments. Matthew 19:17.

  • @tdickensheets


    2 жыл бұрын

    Did you broke one Commandments??

  • @Mr420marty


    2 жыл бұрын

    One very important commandment is, thou shalt not murder. SDA as an organization totally supports the murder of the innocent unborn children. Something to think about.

  • @dannynos5066
    @dannynos50664 жыл бұрын

    Brother thank you for making up your mind. But remember God is not a dump God he will take you back from were you are now. God bless you brother. We people from the world will not have the power to judge you but God the Father will judge you according to his might🙏

  • @helenabara2092


    2 жыл бұрын

    Welcome home to true Church. I love people who hate Roman Catholics. Because theirs is the Man made Church but Roman catholic is Apostolic Church.

  • @phibipohthmi7525
    @phibipohthmi75253 жыл бұрын

    Proverbs 28:9,10 9-One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination. 10- whoever causes the upright to go astray in an evil way, he himself will fall into his own pit; But the blameless will inherit good. Amen.

  • @jeansamedi9303


    Жыл бұрын

    What is the truth dough?

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    4 ай бұрын

    @@matthewjoseph9897 #1--Where in the Bible does God REST on the first day of the week to make that day special? #2--Where in the Bible does God BLESS the first day of the week to make that day special? #3Where in the Bible does God SANCTIFY the first day of the week to make that day special? #4--Where in the Bible does God give a name the first day of the week to make that day special? #5--Where in the Bible does God DECLARE the first day of the week as HIS HOLY DAY to make that day special? #6--Quote the Holy Bible that says Mary prayed to/with beads. #7--Quote the Holy Bible that says Mary went to/ will go to heaven. #8--Quote the Holy Bible that says Mary is an mediator/intercessor. #9--Quote the Holy Bible that says Mary remained a virgin all her life. #10--Quote the Holy Bible that says Mary did not sin. #11--Quote the Holy Bible that says a mere man is Head of the church. #12--Quote the Holy Bible that says there are popes in God's kingdom. #13--Quote the Holy Bible that says we are to confess our sins to a priest. #14--Quote the Holy Bible that says there is an "one holy Apolistic church? #15--Quote the Holy Bible that says the seventh day is not the Sabbath. #16--Quote the Holy Bible that says Rome is where Jesus will have His headquarters. #17--Quote the Holy Bible that says Peter was in Rome. #18--Quote the Holy Bible that says Mary is the Ark of the covenant. >>>FACT: I have asked OVER 100 supposed experts on Catholicism to reply to those questions. All I have received are out of context quotes, told to watch this or that video, or no reply at all!!! Will you answer them???? At least the first 5 basic questions FROM THE BIBLE. --AGAIN, NOT ONE supposed catholic "expert" has ever answerd those questions!@!!!

  • @Super-chad
    @Super-chad3 жыл бұрын

    This isnt an objective message; you haven't seriously informed us as to the fundamental reasons for leaving the Adventist Church

  • @Lepewhi


    3 жыл бұрын

    Because it's his choice?

  • @SaleSarajlija


    3 жыл бұрын

    Zero Max: Exactly! This was all about his personal impressions and feelings, no theological reasoning.

  • @Lepewhi


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@SaleSarajlija He owes no one an explanation. His life, his choice. He believes one thing, you another. Get over it.

  • @SaleSarajlija


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Lepewhi Of course he doesn't, but why make a video called "Why I left the SDA and became a RC", if he does not explain/say why?! The title of the video is misleading, that's all. He should at least change it, so that people do not waste time listening to something that has no relevance to the title. And what makes you think that he believes different thing than me? I am Catholic, too.

  • @LauraBeeDannon


    3 жыл бұрын

    It's a false teaching so he went home to the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.

  • @bryllebadiana373
    @bryllebadiana3733 жыл бұрын

    If you loved Me, keep My Commandments. John 14:15. "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? Luke 6:46. They worship Me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules. Mark 7:7.

  • @solovief
    @solovief2 жыл бұрын

    Brother, I'm so happy for you. I am glad you found freedom. I grew up Methodist so we were more open to Catholicism. But I did see how harsh some non-Catholic Christians could be toward Catholics. It took me a few years to unlearn some false beliefs and prejudices about Catholics. Now I'm happy to finally be in the Church. I hope by now you've been able to enter fully into the sacramental life. All the best to you. ~Bill from Tampa

  • @miguelpasamano4995


    2 жыл бұрын

    Many "prejudices" about post-"schism" "catholicists" and "orthodoxists" are very well-founded. Noone is his right mind would ever want to be "catholicists" or "orthodoxists" (specially these days)!

  • @cc-cy


    Жыл бұрын

    @ sovief..that's BS..read the Bible for yourself and don't rely on paedophile priests..

  • @bornbranded29


    Жыл бұрын

    @@miguelpasamano4995 that's your opinion, as a professional... What? Psychologist?

  • @007samfb


    Жыл бұрын

    Truth hurts.

  • @valdez380


    Жыл бұрын

    In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died-more than that, who was raised to life-is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. (Romans 8:26‭-‬28‭, ‬34 NIV) For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8‭-‬10 NIV I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! (Galatians 1:6‭-‬9 NIV)

  • @lmirra6744
    @lmirra67443 жыл бұрын

    Hi! 💗 I admire your sincerity in searching your heart and your journey of faith. Everyone's personal journey is different, and mine of course tells another story. Seventh-day Adventists do not teach us to hate Roman Catholics. I have many Catholic friends whom I love and I am really close with. Many of my other SDA friends have tons of Catholic friends too and we go along well. I never see Roman Catholics as an enemy to avoid but rather a brother/sister to care about and that's enough reason why we're evangelizing. Because we love our neighbors and we want them to know the truth. Now I won't say that SDAs know all the truth in the world and we're perfect, sinless or blameless and so on. No matter what church you claim to be, you're still a sinner and the same goes to SDA church members! But as a church, it's the only church that is the "closest" or most aligned to the Bible (that I have found so far). In the book of Daniel/Revelation, + historical facts, current news, and obvious characteristics, Rome (I believe) is still the fourth beast. Yet the people, individually they are not a beast on their own. Same goes to Jericho, Ninevah and other cities before in the Bible. Even though as a nation they were said to be enemies of God, in every individual hearts there are people who truly love God and these people were protected and accepted. I believe the same way with Roman Catholics. On the other hand, many SDAs are not living their faith too because of the world's pull and attraction. There are many distinctive truths that is enjoyable to talk about but I won't include it here 😆 Also, you mentioned about SDA being the remnant people. I do not know why people see the word "remnant" as something to be proud of or highly respected. The same goes to Israel, even if they were chosen as a nation, they were to bring forth the good news to their neighbors. Claiming to be the remnant is a heavy responsibility. We are to be God's witnesses to people around the world, and it is said that God's people will be persecuted for His name. Claiming to be the remnant people does not change the fact that we are all the same in God's eyes. No one is higher than the other. Yet we are to bring others to have the spirit of the remnant people which is proclaiming the truth and that Jesus is coming soon. You see, we're all looking for the truth. Many of the things you talked about in the video was a matter of "feelings." You don't "feel" connected, or you don't "feel" united. There are many reasons for you to not rely upon feelings only. Feelings are like waves, it goes up and down. One day you feel like praising God at the top of your lungs, and the other day you feel like there is no God at all. But choices are constant. That is why in the end, you'll only have to choose between obeying God's laws or men's laws. You'll see clearly which laws are established by men, and your choice will determine your faith. God bless!!

  • @Hellomaeyy


    3 жыл бұрын


  • @Hanna_W


    Жыл бұрын

    I used to be an Adventist, but when I found prophesies by Ellen G White from the Ellen G. White's estate themselves that are so troubling about how slaves who never knew Jesus because their masters never allowed them to will not be resurrected but God will allow them to remain dead and the black race is part animal that was it for me.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    10 ай бұрын

    @@po18guy Catholics claim Sunday is a holy day made by God. I will ask these questions again which NO ONE can answer. And I know you will NOT!!! ---Where in the Holy Bible does God say He rested on the first day of the week to make that day special?? ----Where in the Holy Bible does God say He BLESSEDthe first day of the week to make that day special?? ----Where in the Holy Bible does God say He SANCTIFIED the first day of the week to make that day special?? ---Where in the Holy Bible does God say He Gave a name to the first day of the week to make that day special?? ---Where in the Holy Bible does God say He DECLARES the first day of the week as HIS HOLY DAY to make that day special?? FACTS" --The ONLY day GOD RESTED ON--Seventh day!! Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11 --The ONLY day GOD BLESSED--Seventh dayt---Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11 --The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED--Seventh day--Gen 2:1-3, EX 20:8-11 --The ONLY day GOD NAMED--Seventh day--SAbbath--Isaiah 58:13 --The ONLY day GOD DECLARES as HIS HOLY DAY--Seventh day--Isaiah 58:13 PROVE THEM WRONG!!

  • @AngelaGillman-nb9ro


    7 ай бұрын

    Aptly said. I am now beginning to wonder if it is that some of us feel as if we are in a straight - jacket and are not free to do as we please. There is no middle fence......you are either for OR against the word of God.

  • @jorgesantos4683


    6 ай бұрын

    “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 That's why I agree with you.. our heart, our feelings cannot be trusted..

  • @cantokz6381
    @cantokz63814 жыл бұрын

    :). God bless u men... Still i will remain as a seventh day Adventist..

  • @rebeccabiakzahnem9788


    3 жыл бұрын

    Me too I love SDA Even though it not perfect it's the truest belief If you don't like Ellen g White Then try to read her writing You will see her writing really help you to be nearer to God She also said that if you understand the Bible exactly as it is you don't need her writing

  • @rebeccabiakzahnem9788


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Andre Fouche ewe.... Really??? Only Roman Catholic??????? You are funny

  • @fragilewarrior33


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@rebeccabiakzahnem9788 facts

  • @rebeccabiakzahnem9788


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Topo Chico I don't know what kinds of book you read But it's really helpful for me

  • @ArcanicFire


    3 жыл бұрын

    @Andre Fouche These people are lost Andre. They would forsake the proper understanding of scipture and the early church fathers for some obscure woman whose own husband discredited her.

  • @jerryjeremiah3372
    @jerryjeremiah33726 ай бұрын

    I was born baptized a catholic but to the glory of God I find out the truth in SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST and I'm so thankful to God Almighty. They have the truth about Daniel and Revelation. You can't find that anywhere

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    6 ай бұрын

    any church that contradicts our salvation with Romans 10:9 and Ephesians 2;8-9 and Galatians 2:16 is not from God.

  • @Bromos777


    6 ай бұрын

    Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. Mt 5:17 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Rv14:12

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    6 ай бұрын

    @@Bromos777 Jesus said "it is finished". Also, we aren't saved by the requirements of keeping all the commandments as we will fail. Thankfully, we are saved by grace an not by our own individual works. Grace is free, and free always means no cost or requirement otherwise it's not free. Romans 11:6 highlights this perfectly.

  • @Bromos777


    6 ай бұрын

    @@georgebauerschmidt5289 It is finished does not mean the commandments are finished. Absurd if one commits m@rder every week and expects to be saved . Grace and faith is also observing commandments. Jesus said I did not come to do away with the laws and the prophets. I came to fulfill them. Mt5:17-20

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    6 ай бұрын

    @@Bromos777 YES! Jesus fulfilled all the laws of the Old Testament fully on Him and Finished them all. Paul is clear that the believer in Christ is no longer under the Law: “We were held in custody under the Law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the Law became our guardian to lead us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian” (Galatians 3:23-25, BSB). We are not under the Mosaic Law but under “the law of Christ” (see Galatians 6:2). If the Law is still binding on us today, then it has not yet accomplished its purpose-it has not yet been fulfilled. If the Law, as a legal system, is still binding on us today, then Jesus was wrong in claiming to fulfill it and His sacrifice on the cross was insufficient to save. Let me know if you believe in your heart the the grace of our Lord can save you by your faith? Yes or No?

  • @sacropoema
    @sacropoema3 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for your sharing! God bless your courage and obedience to the call of The Father!

  • @hlasitevolani1575


    6 ай бұрын

    obedience to the Father is to keep HIS commandments Exodus 20, but, you might be talking about different father and if that is the case, I understand. But then you do not have the same Father that Jesus had...

  • @RosealetRobinson
    @RosealetRobinson6 ай бұрын

    I'm still listening for what you were looking for, you said you found freedom, freedom from what. May God be with you and help you as you truly seek Him

  • @vincentsimuzoshya7013
    @vincentsimuzoshya70136 ай бұрын

    Faith is not about feelings brother. It's about what the word of God says. Romans 10:17. It is your choice though. Remember Lucifer now called the Devil wanted freedom and put the blame on God's government.

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    6 ай бұрын

    true freedom is not obeying men but obeying God. Obeying the doctrines of men from groups like JWs, Mormons, Catholics, SDA, Unitarians, Scientologist, etc. is never the way to serve Jesus our God and Savior.

  • @vincentsimuzoshya7013


    6 ай бұрын

    @georgebauerschmidt5289 Doctrines to me aren't a problem so long they are in harmony with the Biblical truth. However, as things are right now, almost all denominational Doctrines have been adulterated. But I still believe there's a group of believers with the pure teachings because God cannot just leave us without guidance through human instruments.

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    6 ай бұрын

    @@vincentsimuzoshya7013 you wrote: _"God cannot just leave us without guidance through human instruments. "_ huh?? Why not? The Holy Spirit has no value? The Holy Spirit can't guide us? We need sinful, men of flesh and imperfection to be our guide? Wow! That's how many of the world cults have gotten started. We can listen to 'human guidance' as long as we verify it as biblical truth, but some 'human guidance' has an agenda to sway those that are weak and create cults.

  • @vincentsimuzoshya7013


    6 ай бұрын

    @georgebauerschmidt5289 I believe we are talking about the same thing here. If the holy spirit is working in you,He can equally work through you to help guide others in truth. But like you put it we are to apply the principle in Isaiah 8:20. God will always have his servants.

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    6 ай бұрын

    @@vincentsimuzoshya7013 we are talking about the same thing as long as you aren't trying to push the idea that thesee "servants" are part of an organization. I believe I can meet someone on the street who can share a word with me that might be affiliated with NO organization but the Holy Spirit has guided them to talk to me. That I can say has happened and can be possible. Because with over 8 different "servants" in the word that claim they are from the "only true church" I already can say without contest, they aren't and I don't need that deception.

  • @shegadayos2813
    @shegadayos28134 жыл бұрын

    I have a question: Does a person from a religion not allowed to call others a brother or a sister from a different religion? what I mean is when you are a Catholic, you will not be allowed to call others a brother or a sister, in spiritual manner?

  • @AlexanderKnecht1


    4 жыл бұрын

    Great question! A big reason why I became Catholic is for precisely this reason - it is considered the universal church. Although Catholicism considers itself the privileged road to salvation through Jesus Christ, Catholics clearly acknowledge their brotherhood in Christ with Protestant Christians and even people of other faiths or no faith at all who may not know Jesus by name but serve Him by obeying their conscience to the highest degree that they have light.

  • @shegadayos2813


    4 жыл бұрын

    Alexander Knecht so we are still brothers right? because we only have one Father, Matthew 23:9, spiritually. Genesis 1:26,27, by origin.

  • @AlexanderKnecht1


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@shegadayos2813 Yes we are! That's right.

  • @richardpotihin5794


    4 жыл бұрын

    One of the point to remember is when Christ was just about to die on the cross he told John.This is your mother and woman this is your son. From that point we are all brothers and sisters even Christ himself address people as brothers and sisters in his teachings. That is why Catholics call everyone their brothers and sister in Christ including the different religions,faith,Muslims non believers etc. Jesus said come to me as you are.if you are a murderer,thief or whatever you can be in the eyes of God ,he will surely hug you and love you if you have the guts to go to Christ for his mercy and to forgive you.Jesus loves us all and we are all brothers and sisters in spirit.

  • @Theworthsearcher


    2 ай бұрын

    Dear@@richardpotihin5794 , Jesus sayed that on the cross because of there was a jewish tradition, if a woman stayed alone because she lost her husband and then became a widow, then her oldest then used to have taken care of her. If the woman didn't have a son (for whatever reason), then her oldest daughters husband should have taken care of her. If she didn't have any children, or any of the above mentioned family members alive, then there was a problem. And that is why Jesus left her mother, Maria, to John to take care of her. If Jesus had any brother, or sister, then it would not have caused any trouble. I probably used the words: Who is my mother and who are my siblings (relatives)/cousins? You are all... And in that age, when 3 generations lived together, it ment to be a lot... God bless you! 🙂

  • @RacistGuido
    @RacistGuido Жыл бұрын

    How can I reach out to you?

  • @cliffordpearsonjr.9748
    @cliffordpearsonjr.97486 ай бұрын

    OMG... you went completely backwards instead of forward. The RCC is the worst cult you could have Chosen.

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    6 ай бұрын

    the SDA cult is not much better. But any organization that claims they are the "only true church" will find out someday that they put their devotion towards an organization instead of to Jesus.

  • @cliffordpearsonjr.9748


    6 ай бұрын

    @@georgebauerschmidt5289 ...you are exactly right!

  • @Misael-Hernandez


    Ай бұрын

    Actually, the Catholic Church is the only Cult God is pleased with, everyone else has either fabricated theirs in man's image or have done away with giving cult to God, the only God.

  • @cliffordpearsonjr.9748


    Ай бұрын

    @@Misael-Hernandez ...and you know this Because?? Uhh No... No Way God favors the Occult,Pagan...Beliefs and rituals of the Catholic Church... You'd better do some Reading Before you make Ignoramus statements like That. And I mean the Bible!!

  • @Misael-Hernandez


    Ай бұрын

    ​​​​@@cliffordpearsonjr.9748 I have, and you have also but are ignorant about the New Covenant, The Good News, The Holy Spirit, because your religion is backwards thinking by wanting to follow The Law though you are not Jews, and you will never be able to fulfill The Law because you are not perfect, but Jesus already fulfilled it! That's why; 2Corinthians 3, and Colossians 2: 16-18, and Jesus says " It is finished" on the cross before he dies, and that's why the saints rose from their graves that same afternoon. Your religion preaches what itself cannot keep and it forces or judges others to follow them, as though they are keepers of The Law, but are actually breakers of it because by breaking one commandment, one is guilty. Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. (Col. 2: 16-17)

  • @prooxchannel7777
    @prooxchannel77773 жыл бұрын

    God Bless you brother. Don't leave your first Love... I LOVE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST AND I AM VERY PROUD TO BE PART OF GOD'S FOLD...

  • @jimmu2008


    8 ай бұрын

    My first love is Jesus, not the Sabbath and not even Sunday. We gather to worship on Sunday because it is the day the Lord rose from the dead. That is the custom we received from the Apostles. (Technically, Jesus rose on the first day of the week by the Jewish reckoning.)

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    6 ай бұрын

    @@jimmu2008 quote----We gather to worship on Sunday because it is the day the Lord rose from the dead. unquote ANSWER these 5 basic questions: #1-WHERE in the Bible does GOD REST on the first day of the week to make that day special?? #2--WHERE in the Bible does GOD BLESS the first day of the week to make that day special?? #3---WHERE in the Bible does GOD SANCTIFY the first day of the week to make that day special?? #4---WHERE in the Bible does GOD GAIVE a NAME to the first day of the week to make that day special?? #5---WHERE in the Bible does GOD DECLARE the first day of the week as HIS HOLY DAY to make that day special?? -------And I remind you--IT MUST be a quote FROM GOD!!! >>>>>quote---That is the custom we received from the Apostles. unquote ONLY when you take the verse OUT of context!@!!!!!!!!!! btw--when does "custom" over ride a commandment??? --quote---(Technically, Jesus rose on the first day of the week by the Jewish reckoning.) unquote Nope--according to the Bible. That does NOT make that day holy or special. Jesus fulfilled prophesy!!!

  • @melvinpervis6678


    6 ай бұрын


  • @peternyabuto577


    6 ай бұрын

    ​@@jimmu2008no scripture supports your idea, no scripture talks of God changing the Sabbath day from Sabbath to Sunday, if there is any, kindly share, it was a decision of man (check on the history of Christianity and the change of Sabbath by the authority of the Roman Catholic church). All apostles kept the Sabbath holy as it is written in scripture including Jesus Himself who showed us an example. Luke 4:16, it was the custom of Jesus to worship in the synagogue every Sabbath, it was the custom of Paul too Acts 17:2-3. The scripture does not say we change the day of worship because of the resurrection, that interpretation is wrong based on human imagination, Jesus rose on the first day of the week and that was a remarkable event and when we are baptized and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour, we celebrate and acknowledge the power of His resurrection, Romans 6:1-5, it has nothing to do with the day of worship, we get into a new relationship, a new life of resurrection having buried the old life through His death. Read the following; Hebrews 4:9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. 4:10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. 4:11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. This is the instruction found in the new testament, the Sabbath rest remains the way God ordained from the beginning, when He Himself rested, and invited us to rest from our 6-days labour. Exodus 8:11, Gen 2:1-3, Isaiah 58:13-14, there is a special blessing for those who will follow God's commands, especially keeping the Sabbath holy. Hope this helps, you have any questions? Feel free to ask. God bless you.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    4 ай бұрын

    @@jimmu2008 quote---We gather to worship on Sunday because it is the day the Lord rose from the dead. unquote So, quote the Bible that says GOD commands everyone to keep the first day of the week holy. The ONLY day GOD RESTED on? --seventh day The ONLY day GOD BLESSED? --seventh day The ONLY day GOD SANCTIFIED? --seventh day The ONLY day GOD NAMED? --SABBATH----seventh day (Isaiah 58:13-14) The ONLY day GOD DECLAREDas HIS HOLY DAY? --seventh day (Isaiah 58:13-14) ---quote----That is the custom we received from the Apostles... unquote Nope--the only way you can justify that is by taking the verses out of context!!!!! ---quote---Technically, Jesus rose on the first day of the week by the Jewish reckoning.). unquote THAT IS WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS!! I suggest you read matthew, mark, Luke and john again.

  • @esmirnazapata9104
    @esmirnazapata91042 жыл бұрын

    I still stand proud of being apart of the SDA

  • @bobreese4807


    2 жыл бұрын

    Humans want ..affection. acceptance, appreciation and achievement. They will roam around to whatever to get that. Typical for them to be conventional minded, follow the crowd, immature groupies. Being a REAL Christian means JESUS is #1..not some religious denomination. Many SDA preachers bash their audiences with ..you are a tithe robbing, sabbath breaker, love-lacking lukewarm Laodicean messages and promote paranoia with SUNday law, Death decree, Mark of the beast eschatology, POPE/USA= Beast image rants. SDA preachers = poorly trained inept & irrelevant..... and so are Catholic priests. Most church attenders have never read the whole bible or even new testament and thus are gullible fanatics just knowing a little bit of churchianity and the cliches/lingo. Most in churches HATE JESUS. They just prize His blood to keep them out of HELL. See how Jesus was praised coming into Jerusalem and soon after... "We have no King but Caesar, crucify Him. we wil not have this man reign over us, give us Barabbas" Earthlings have a death drive and are suicide wannabes headed to be ZOMBIES and extinction. Most in church are still LAW trashing GOD haters (ROM 8:7) phonies..hypocrites...Catholics and Adventists.

  • @bornbranded29


    Жыл бұрын

    Do you actually believe in a Sunday Law, where Catholics and other churches will be arresting you for observing Saturday church attendance?

  • @neuverrolandneuverroland9089


    Жыл бұрын

    Hi friend... I'm seventh day Adventist youth from Sarawak... nice to meet you

  • @willsoo8470


    Жыл бұрын

    @@neuverrolandneuverroland9089 Hey , im a baptized Roman Catholic from Sabah. May God bless you

  • @AdventistHomemaker


    Жыл бұрын

    Same here . ❤

  • @susanayabei3846
    @susanayabei38464 жыл бұрын

    Short and clear, you want a church where you can be free, to do what youlike. And sunday confess, and your sins is forgiven by man. I m praying for you.

  • @richardpotihin5794


    4 жыл бұрын

    Hi Susan you got it all wrong and it's opposite than you think.Catholic church is or may be the only church that free will/self interpretation etc. is not entertain or even experienced in the history of the church over 2000 yrs.It is the POPE and his colleges of CARDINALS that decide the teachings base on their deep understanding of the word of GOD and according to aposles teachings and through GODS DIVINE intervention.They are called by GOD to be Shepard's of his flocks like your PASTOR,however Catholic church has an authority that decsides.that is why Catholic church has been in existence for over 2000 yrs.Regardlss of what you say,Christ will protect what he started and commission overtime. Most new church are breaking and new poping up because of no authority and continuous individual interpretation of the Bible and false prophets of doom.You will never find a false prophesies or an interpretation that was proven wrong in Catholic church.The sacrament of reconciliation or forgiveness of sin is also instituted by Christ and not by men like you think.This was practice by prophets in history and now given to Peter and the church.Jesus Christ actually forgave the sinner,not the priest.It is one of the seven sacraments Christ gave his church on earth or his earthly kingdom to practise.Read your Bible well with open mind and you will understand.pls ask with open mind and we can help. The holy bible is one of the prove of the church fathers to all mankind.The trinity is another. The same reading heard on Sunday all over the world, the lord's prayer ,the cross in all churches and so forth. These are all Catholic decisions now practise in other churches.Some of the decisions and teachings were made by church fathers while the aposels were still around and were part of. Example sacrament of confirmation or of the holy spirit after the water baptisim.It is all the Bible yet people don't have eyes to see. God Bless you with kind heart from me. Thankyou

  • @mikemiguel5073


    3 жыл бұрын

    Richard Potihin very wrong young person

  • @Vanvau
    @Vanvau3 жыл бұрын

    I really respect and appreciate your patient tolerance to such crooked comments especially that of your "ex-lovers" (LOL). Thank you for your sharings and your replies to some questions. I got a lot of things from this video. Share your faith more, but those quarrels (like ex-lovers') ignore!

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381Ай бұрын

    ​ @Misael-Hernandez *Your dim intel is not appreciated. That was already answered. LEarn to read.* *Bible says "one who believes in Jesus is saved". So it does include anyone. No need names.* you said Where in the Bible does it say Jediv is saved?

  • @dku746
    @dku7463 жыл бұрын

    I was baptized Catholic, and raised in a baptist church and converted to Adventism. I’ve been to various religious faiths and studied their texts. Many people leave Adventism because they have a heart issue. They never had a love for the truth and lived in fear. It’s what I’ve observed from many ex Adventists unfortunately. Loma Linda, which is a southeastern liberal conference, had its truths stripped from it by ecumenism. Never confuse faith with feeling. Those who let their guard down will be persuaded by the world. I just hope you speak of Adventism in honesty and not what ex Adventist perceived it to be. Either because they’ve never studied diligently, or because they’ve had a heart issue and will try to disapprove the truth. Never look to man but only the Bible and spirit of prophecy. I just pray the LORD that you’ll come back to the remnant church bro.

  • @rjyahin05


    3 жыл бұрын

    "They never had a love for truth and lived in fear"? You're the ones who fear always, acting like paranoids connecting dots whenever Pope Francis does something.

  • @dku746


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@rjyahin05 I don’t know who told you that 😂😂😂 the pope is Antichrist indeed. But it’s not the only thing we discuss as a church. We labor in the vineyard to spread the love of Jesus unto the world. Amen.

  • @johnosumba1980


    Жыл бұрын

    @@dku746 you never understood your Catholic faith if you were one and still don’t understand your faith even now?

  • @avyyya.r7809
    @avyyya.r78093 жыл бұрын

    I respect your choices man but I will stan with my religion which is SDA and I hope u will not regret about the decision you had made..

  • @b11jiral63


    3 жыл бұрын

    Yeah but you will because SDA is a false church founded by your heretic founder, Ellen G. White and she is in hell along with her followers who died as SDA

  • @avyyya.r7809


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@b11jiral63 Instead of praying to Lord Jesus,Roman Catholicism they pray to Mary. The worship of Mary is not biblical but just an idea some pope came up with. They removed the 2nd Commandment because it forbids idol worship and forbids the erection of statues in the likeness of Jesus or Mary or anything that would become an object of worship. I don't want to put a fight here because I believe tht No religion can save a person, only a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ His Only Begotten Son.

  • @avyyya.r7809


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@b11jiral63we should not say things that we ourselves are not sure of. We are not God so never say things that are inappropriate or hurtful. Only God knows who is right and who is not. the important thing is that we need to know the truth and not say things that have no facts. If so, tell me the fact that God said Ellen White was going to hell. Do not listen to explanations from others even if the person is a pastor or pope because the matter of entering heaven or hell is only DETERMINED BY GOD . you have no qualifications to determine who enters heaven or hell . STUDY THE BIBLE AND LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING

  • @kelemae


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@avyyya.r7809 If you believe that Jesus is King. Mary is mother and Queen. God gave us unity which is family. We honor our parents equally the way we honor Mary and through Mary we honor Jesus even more because he loves his mother very much. We do not worship her. We as broken children pray which means "to ask" Mary to help us get to Jesus just like when we fall or have a need, we tend to go to our Mother first. To know Jesus, to love him more is to love and honor His family the way we should honor ours. The 5th commandment. God Bless

  • @AJ_Jingco


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@avyyya.r7809 ONLY an INFALLIBLE Church can INTERPRET an INFALLIBLE Book.

  • @Eloisealmeida
    @Eloisealmeida2 жыл бұрын

    Hey, thank you for the video. Spot on. Would you make another video on why Roman Catholic Church? The more I think about any denomination, the more I want to be christian and faithful to the Lord without a denomination.

  • @sarahbear4848


    5 ай бұрын

    The Catholic Church is Jesus's church--The origin of the Bible and all of Christianity. The first protestants broke away in defiance of the doctrine.

  • @sqzbxkd
    @sqzbxkd5 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your candid, honest testimony!

  • @nievelatino9691
    @nievelatino96914 жыл бұрын

    I know one day God will call you back, because not all who are seventh day Adventist are SDA! God will call his sheep's out of Babylon

  • @nievelatino9691


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@Ohohhohoh exactly my own family don't keep the Sabbath and I will admit it neither do I but I'm trying to exclude that routine

  • @lmirra6744


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@Ohohhohoh lol

  • @debbieallanah


    3 жыл бұрын

    I don’t know why y’all are so brainwashed into this CULT! if you search up 7th day Adventist or Ellen white. All you see are negative things, about people leaving SDA and that haven’t returned for years and how all of Ellen white’s prophecies are trash. How come most other denominations of Christianity are not having this issue? Y’all need to sit down and reevaluate your lives.

  • @darrensteward3335
    @darrensteward33352 жыл бұрын

    They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. 1 John 2:19

  • @saliebeesi6593


    3 ай бұрын

    Theres nothing wrong with this verses but this is only applicatble for Real Christian the Catholic who leave catholic and go to the man made sect. Remember that the bible was made by Roman Catholic.

  • @darrylbatchem8985


    Ай бұрын

    @@saliebeesi6593 "Remember that the bible was made by Roman Catholic" but you place all your faith in the Bible? Oh boy thank God for creating mankind with man made logic so we can just bypass sanity and go straight to this nonsense.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    Ай бұрын

    @@saliebeesi6593 quote---- Remember that the bible was made by Roman Catholic... unuote ALL they did was COLLECT what was ALREADY WRITTEN. Translate it to Latin, decide on the books to fit their idealogy, bind into a book. NOTHING MORE!!!

  • @Gio-ce8ob
    @Gio-ce8ob12 күн бұрын

    Appreciate your testimony and welcome Home brother. God bless!

  • @Grace-gm9ii
    @Grace-gm9ii3 жыл бұрын

    You look so young, but what a thirst you have for God! God bless you too. Your thirst has lead you to study Him more, has lead you to evangelize and in such a humble way. God really loves the YOUTH! Maybe you were only there to open the eyes of other SVD and lead them in all truth. I love the scores of holy annointed youth of today. they are amazinggggggggggggg

  • @southernPacificRR
    @southernPacificRR Жыл бұрын

    I will pray for you brother that you will someday seek truth again. God bless.

  • @truthhurtsalways4u


    7 ай бұрын

    SDA is a cult like Jw ,LDS. The members are manipulated and brainwashed. There have been at least two SDA Ministers/Pastors who converted to Catholicism recently!

  • @aadschram5877
    @aadschram58773 жыл бұрын


  • @joshuag.4873
    @joshuag.48734 күн бұрын

    Thank you for sharing! I also grew up SDA and converted to Catholicism. Went through RCIA in 2009 and was confirmed at the Great Vigil of Easter in 2010. Grateful for the SDA upbringing, but blessed to have been brought to the fullness of the Truth!

  • @TheTrona
    @TheTrona4 жыл бұрын

    My ex-brother, may God be with you and may He help you find your way. But please do not try to encourage persons to not seek out a church based on your experience. Let everyone have an opportunity to find their way. God bless.

  • @miguelpasamano4995


    2 жыл бұрын

    That's not how Christianity works. God leads to Truthful. The Truthful follow.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    8 ай бұрын

    @po18guy quote----Christ founded a single Church. He promised it would not fail and the Holy Spirit would ALWAYS guide it. How can you deny that without blaspheming the Holy Spirit? unquote And what chirch is that??? QUOTE it FROM THE BIBLE!!

  • @jimmu2008


    8 ай бұрын

    @@mitchellosmer1293 you can be certain it is not the SDA or any similar church. Such "churches" were founded in modern times by men and women who sought to restore what was never lost.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    8 ай бұрын

    @@jimmu2008 quote--- you can be certain it is not the SDA or any similar church.--unquote YES!!! --quote--- Such "churches" were founded in modern times by men and women who sought to restore what was never lost.--unquote Obviously you think ALL churches keep the Sabbath. IT was "lost" through the lies by the CC!!! About the catholic church: Change the Sabbath" Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her,- she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."- "A Doctrinal Catechism," by Rev. Stephen Keenan, page 174. "The Catholic Church of its own infallible authority created Sunday a holy day to take the place of the Sabbath of the old law."- Kansas City Catholic, Feb. 9, 1893. "The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."- Catholic Mirror, official organ of Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893. "Ques.- Which is the Sabbath day? "Ans.- Saturday is the Sabbath day. "Ques.- Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? "Ans.- We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council of Laodicea (A. D. 336), transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday ."- "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine," by Rev. Peter Geiermann, C. SS. R.., page 50, third edition, 1913, a work which received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X, Jan. 25, 1910. What was done at the Council of Laodicea was but one of the steps by which the change of the Sabbath was effected. The date usually given for this council is 364 A. D.

  • @hcho7776


    6 ай бұрын

    Protestants ignore one important passage in the Bible John 13:16 Amen, amen I say to you: The servant is not greater than his lord; neither is the apostle greater than he that sent him

  • @SPQRapid
    @SPQRapid4 жыл бұрын

    So this was me: I had severe depression, anxiety self harmful thoughts (sometimes acted upon), multiple addictions, suicidal thoughts, and yeah some other things. I remember I tried going into religion, I even prayed, I tried to fill up that emptiness deep inside of me with things of this world BUT nothing worked....... Now the thing is that I am changed now BUT it's nothing of my own doing....... I told you that I even went into religion, and that I even prayed BUT it was all done in a mechanical way, besides you won't find God in man made religion. The change was went I went in prayer and sought God with all of my heart basically I cried out to Him! He changed me from the inside out He gave me PEACE! Again whether you are a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, even Atheist... If you are wiling to go in prayer (NOT religion) and seek God with all of your heart you will find Him! and you will see it's Jesus. Debating doesn't change people's hearts....... only Jesus does that!

  • @takmaps
    @takmaps2 жыл бұрын

    Glory be bro it is the church that Christ left us here on earth. Amen

  • @floogelhornzzz4770


    6 ай бұрын

    Christ left you with the "church" of blasphemy and the Antichrist (in the place of Christ)?? Blasphemous titles claimed for the pope have been embellished and enlarged over the centuries. But a few of these boastful claims appear in an ecclesiastical (Roman Catholic) dictionary, by Lucius Ferraris, entitled _Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica,_ Vol. VI, pgs. 438, 442, article "Pope." _The Catholic Encyclopedia,_ 1913 edition, Vol. VI, p. 48, speaks of this book as "a veritable encyclopedia of religious knowledge," and "a precious mine of information." "The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God." "The pope is of such lofty and supreme dignity that, properly speaking, he has not been established in any rank of dignity, but rather has been placed upon the very summit of all ranks of dignities. . . ." "He is likewise the divine monarch and supreme emperor and king of kings." "Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth and of the lower regions." "So that if it were possible that the angels might err in the faith, or might think contrary to the faith, they could be judged and excommunicated by the pope." "The pope is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief king of kings, having plenitude of power, to whom has been entrusted by the omnipotent God direction not only of the earthly but also of the heavenly kingdom." "The pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man but of God." The above quotes are from _What's Behind The New World Order?_ Go to CatholicNewWorldOrder.com and click on the top link. ---------- "The Pope has power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ." _-Decretal De Translat. - Espiscop. Cap_ "I am all in all and *above all,* so that God, Himself and I, the Vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do ALMOST ALL THAT GOD CAN DO . . . What therefore, can you make of me but God?" -Pope Nicholas, quoted in _Antichrist_ by Ian Paisley, pg. 54. "You know that I am the Holy Father, the representative of God on the earth, the Vicar of Christ, which means I am God on the earth." -Pope Pius XI, April 30, 1922. The pope calls himself God, i.e., "Lord God the pope," "another God on earth." "We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty," Pope Leo XIII said in an _Encyclical Letter,_ June 20, 1894. "The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under the veil of flesh," the _Catholic National_ said in July 1895. And every priest is an "Alter Christus," Another Christ. So every priest is Jesus. Plus, during the Mass the priest transubstantiates the bread into the literal, "real presence" of Christ. In other words, man creates God. He is "the creator of his Creator. . . . 'The power of the priest,' says St. Bernardine of Sienna, 'is the power of the _divine person;_ for the transubstantiation of the bread requires as much power as the creation of the world.' . . . As the Word of God created heaven and earth, so, says St. Jerome, the words of the priest create Jesus Christ." _-The Dignity and Duties of the Priest_ by St. Alphonsus de Liguori, Ch. 1, Part IV, pg. 11. How is any of this _not_ blasphemy?! Christianity teaches that the pope is the Antichrist. The proud pontiff's official title is Vicar of Christ, meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ translated into Greek is Antichristos, in English Antichrist, also meaning "in the place of Christ." Vicar of Christ and Antichrist are the exact same word in two different languages. Vicar of Christ in Latin is Vicarius Filii Dei, meaning Vicar of the Son of God, or Vicar of Christ. VICARIVS FILII DEI. Add up the 11 Roman numerals and you get 666. Rev. 13:18. angelfire.com/on/3angels Revelation 13. 1 I . . . saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns . . . and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. 2 And _the _*_dragon (Satan)_*_ gave him (the beast) his power, and his seat,_ and great authority. 4 And _they worshipped the _*_dragon_*_ which gave power unto the beast:_ and they worshipped the beast . . . 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies . . . 6 And he opened his mouth in *blasphemy against God,* to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, *_Come out of her,_** my people,* that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities." Rev. 18:4, 5.

  • @hopefortoday6795
    @hopefortoday6795 Жыл бұрын

    Unity in error can be fatal. Remember the Flood... only 8 survived. But in vain they do worship me, Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Matthew 15:9 KJV

  • @louiebotabara
    @louiebotabara3 жыл бұрын

    Let's help one another to share the word of God. Help us to reach the unreachable. Let's be guided by the Bible.

  • @johannefoster3480
    @johannefoster34803 жыл бұрын

    Welcome home bro! I thank God for your courage to speak out. Out here without fear! :D hope your faith journey has been blessed so far We continue to walk and grow by God's graces in the fullness of His TRUTH and LOVE 🙏🏾❤ blessings from your faith sister in Jamaica 🇯🇲

  • @jojobosque3912
    @jojobosque39123 жыл бұрын

    As a Seventh-day Adventist, I didn't see any reason in this video stated for your absence of the seventh-day Adventist church. The reason we may criticize the catholic church is because we do believe that they are teaching the wrong things. We are in no way against the catholic members but against the beliefs of the church. The catholic church has edited the bible many times to suit them. the original catholic church was all about paying for your sins to be taken away. it was created by greedy people who wanted money. they said that if you bought a paper you would go to heaven if you didn't you would be doomed to hell. they have also changed multiple of the te commandments including the "no other gods before me" law and the "honor the Sabbath to keep it holy" they have also changed the truth about death.

  • @franklasia4086


    2 жыл бұрын

    Catholic Church never edited the Bible nor change any thing.Its you guys edited everything remove some the books from it to suit your beliefs.Catholic church is the one canonized the holy Bible and put together books and decided which books are inspired and should be in new testament Bible.

  • @jojobosque3912


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@franklasia4086 notice how you only are allowed to use one one bible, and not the thousands of other translations.

  • @jonathanm4738


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@franklasia4086 yep

  • @Misael-Hernandez


    Ай бұрын

    @@jojobosque3912 notice how you have believed even your own statement, who told you that?

  • @underthesun6039
    @underthesun6039 Жыл бұрын

    Proverbs 14:12 [12]There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. Proverbs 14:14 [14]The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, But a good man will be satisfied from above. Proverbs 14:16 [16]A wise man fears and departs from evil, But a fool rages and is self-confident. Romans 1:22 [22]Professing to be wise, they became fools Proverbs 3:5-7 [5]Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; [6]In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. [7]Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. A checklist for you... God bless!

  • @baiandyvlog6584
    @baiandyvlog65846 ай бұрын

    No religion can save us,but by OUR faith and mercy coming from GOD WE ARE SAVED...

  • @EIonMusk1
    @EIonMusk16 ай бұрын

    Crazy to see how deceived you are, Satan has you in his clutches, will be praying you wake up brother, SDA is the ONLY church upholding the Bible fully and not keeping pagan Sunday.. Jesus kept sabbath and even after his death the true sabbath was kept… repent kiddo

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    6 ай бұрын

    Jesus kept sabbath?? Have you ever read the Bible? Mark 2:27-28, Jesus said "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath". This means that the Sabbath was not for man to serve the Sabbath. if you believe the ENTIRE Bible, then you will see that in Ephesians 2:8-9 we are SAVED by our faith, not of ourselves or our works. Galatians 2:16 and Titus 3:4-5 make this clear as well as Romans 5:1, 4:4-5. Any organization that makes rules means you are following MAN instead of GOD.

  • @jimcovell1067


    4 ай бұрын

    So approving of homosexuality is biblical.

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    4 ай бұрын

    @@jimcovell1067 does SDA approve it? I'm not familiar with that religion.

  • @andrewmaluwa2713


    4 ай бұрын

    ​@@jimcovell1067that behavior is also numerous in SDA, this guy made right decision not to follow Ellen g white

  • @andrewmaluwa2713


    4 ай бұрын

    Never SDA can't be the true church, but it's a political organization in spritul sense

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381Ай бұрын

    ​ @Misael-Hernandez *Jesus founded His Church. Jesus did not found any Roman pagan religion. Still waiting for your proof. Roman pagans claimed Mat 16 refers to Roman pagan religion. Which part says so? WHere is your proof? Which part says Roman pagan religion inherited the authority of Peter or was successor of Peter? Still waiting ..* you said And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.(Matthew 16:18) So does Jesus leave us His Church? Can we agree yes, Jesus left us His Church through St. Peter?

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv33818 ай бұрын

    *There was not a single New Testament believer saved in a Roman Catholic way in the Bible:* - submit to Roman pope to be saved - devote to Mary to be saved - be in Roman Church to be saved - partake Roman sacraments to be saved - do lots of works to be saved

  • @bigtee5248
    @bigtee52483 ай бұрын

    I grew up pentecostal but having found the SDA movement the Bible has never been more clearer than it has now. May God's light shine ever brighter til that glorious day.

  • @darrylbatchem8985


    Ай бұрын

    If the Bible is the only focus of your attention then SDA is a better choice than pentecostal. But if you really want to understand the Bible and what it really says then thats a Catholic domain.

  • @Misael-Hernandez


    Ай бұрын

    2 Corinthians 3, the Spirit is even better.

  • @moonknight8115
    @moonknight8115 Жыл бұрын

    Don't place your faith in a church, place your faith in God. Seek the Holy Spirit when you read the bible and seek the truth.

  • @darrylbatchem8985


    Ай бұрын

    And in doing that series of things you will join the Catholic Church rather than any protestant church

  • @entertainingstuff27
    @entertainingstuff273 жыл бұрын

    No disrespect at all, but I'm curious as to how Catholics can justify making Sunday the Holy day when it is made crystal clear in scripture that Saturday is to be reserved as the day of rest/worship (Leviticus 23:3, Exodus 31:14) and also justify intercessory prayer to saints as supported by Roman Catholic doctrine when it is stated that "the dead know nothing?" (Ecclesiastes 9:5)

  • @koleseqvvv123


    2 жыл бұрын

    A very good question! It is true that the Old Testament speaks of a Sabbath that should be consecrated to God. God created the world for six days, and rested on the seventh day, Saturday. This should not be taken literally. God does not need to rest. The biblical author wanted to vividly tell us that every seven days a person should leave his job, rest and give glory to God. Pray, thank Him for His gifts, enjoy Him. The third commandment says, "Remember, keep the day holy." Literally: to keep the Sabbath. So why do we Catholics consider Sunday, the first day of the week, to be a holy day? There is one reason. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus! On the first day of the week, i.e. Sunday, Christ rose from the tomb. This is the most important event in history. That is why Sunday has become the most important day of Christ's disciples. The Risen Lord appeared to the Apostles in the Upper Room on Sunday. This is why Catholics "moved" the Sabbath to Sunday, the first day of the week, and called it "the Lord's day"

  • @chucksmith4624


    2 жыл бұрын

    See the Explicit commandment from the Apostles to stop preaching Sabbath keeping to the Gentiles in this video: kzread.info/dash/bejne/gnyF2bSSg623gaw.html

  • @chucksmith4624


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@koleseqvvv123 See the Explicit commandment from the Apostles to stop preaching Sabbath keeping to the Gentiles in this video: kzread.info/dash/bejne/gnyF2bSSg623gaw.html

  • @maureenbanks3702


    Жыл бұрын

    First of all Catholics celebrate church on Sunday because it's the Lord's day. The Lord resurrected from the dead on a sunday. The Sabbath is Saturday which is a Jewish law.. Celebrating the Sabbath is a Jewish tradition. I'm a Christian not a Jew I celebrate the Lord's Day the day he rose from the dead. And as for the saints it's the same thing as having a picture of your child or your grandma on your dining room desk you have a picture of the people you love because you love them and it reminds you of them. It is ridiculous to think that we worship saints or Mary. We honor them and we pray to them to pray for us just like we would ask a friend to pray for us. People want to act like we worship the wood the statue is carved of.. how insulting.. do you think we're idiots? As Catholics we understand that worship is reserved for God and Jesus and holy spirit alone but if you're a Seventh-Day Adventist you might not grasp that as I have found sda's to be intellectually shallow and ignorant of Christian history and Christian tradition which the Catholic church has held for over 2,000 years now..

  • @entertainingstuff27


    Жыл бұрын

    @@maureenbanks3702 In my opinion the man made labels are irrelevant; whether something is Jewish, Catholic, Christian, doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the question "what is God's will?" Are you saying that the ten commandments are only for Jews? Are you saying Catholics don't believe in the ten commandments? The foundation of all divisions of Christianity stem from the belief that Jesus Christ came to Earth and died to save us from sin. Jews do not believe this. It is entirely possible to have overlapping beliefs. Celebrating the day Christ rose from the dead is awesome! I think it is an important event to observe and celebrate. However, it is not a day we are COMMANDED by God to recognize unlike the holy day, the seventh day of the week, Saturday. As for your third point, I never said Catholics WORSHIP the saints. Praying to them is confusing to me because prayer is a form of communication for contacting a greater power (God himself.) It is made clear in scripture that prayer cannot be used to contact any dead human being because "the dead know nothing." Why pray to someone who has been dead for thousands of years, cannot see or hear you, and doesn't even know you exist? It is said many times throughout the Bible that no human being is greater than another. We should not be bowing down to each other or any image of each other. Regarding the statues, I would refer you to the 2nd commandment as well as the story of the fiery furnace. Perhaps it doesn't happen everywhere, but at the Catholic churches I've been to I have seen people kneel before statues of Mary and Peter and pray to them. According to scripture, this is blasphemy.

  • @franciscoavelar6471
    @franciscoavelar64713 жыл бұрын

    Welcome home brother 🙏

  • @davidfabien7220
    @davidfabien7220 Жыл бұрын

    In the letter to the Romans the apostle Paul teaches that we are all one body in Christ. Although there are many members we are one body and individually members of each other. The apostle Paul was stressing that that one body must be united in love and peace. Therefore the unity of the body of Christ must not be divided by disputable opinions such as the observance of the Sabbath or the consumption of meat. In Romans Chapter 14 Paul says that keeping the Sabbath or eating meat are personal matters between an individual and God. He even goes on to say as "one who is in the Lord" he considers all foods to be clean. One doesn't have to leave the Catholic Church if he is weak in the faith and his conscience compels him to keep the Saturday Sabbath; he will not be ex communicated by the Catholic Church. I believe the apostle Paul gives him the liberty to do so. The apostle Paul warns of the danger of being a stumbling block and causing the grievous fall of one for whom Christ died. By the way we observe Sunday because God brought into being a new creation/a new life in Christ with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • @crazybill2128
    @crazybill21284 жыл бұрын

    Welcome sir. Im looking forward to hear your detailed conversion story. God bless..

  • @sla-ptasnchorale9703
    @sla-ptasnchorale97034 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your journey. We respect your decision. But i think it will be better for you to just keep it to yourself. You dont have to tell any thing against the SDA in as much as you would not like to hear someone talking against your new church. God bless. Phil 4:8. Better share Jesus to all not the church. We are not making people SDA or Catholics, we are here to share Jesus.

  • @jennyhedouville4515


    3 жыл бұрын

    I could not agree with you more. For him to say to search elsewhere is absorb. Maybe you were the spy that could not endure the truth anymore. Please do not detour anyone’s faith that is not your job brother. God bless you and home you come back home !

  • @aileenbordelon7884


    3 жыл бұрын

    If he believes that the Catholic Church is the truth why would he not share this? I pray that you open up your heart and listen to him speak instead trying to silence him.

  • @rafaelmariano2972
    @rafaelmariano29724 жыл бұрын

    hi i want to ask some questions but i don't know how to reach u. lol

  • @AlexanderKnecht1


    3 жыл бұрын

    Feel free to contact me at aknecht@usc.edu :)

  • @mariareginarosaria8927
    @mariareginarosaria892717 күн бұрын

    Thank you Alexander for sharing your thoughts!

  • @carmenfana1
    @carmenfana14 жыл бұрын

    Welcome home brother. God set us free with his blood.

  • @dingcalma54
    @dingcalma546 ай бұрын

    Congrstulations in finding the truth in your journey towards your true faith. I'm prsying for more strength & enlightening in your new faith. From a Catholic in the Philippines.👍💖🙏🏼

  • @davidmccary9797
    @davidmccary97973 жыл бұрын

    Hi Alex. I'm glad you have a closer relationship with God now. Some find that closeness in the Mormon church, some in the Baptist church, some in the SDA Church (I'm a lifer also, but not like I used to be), some in the Catholic Church. God became my closest friend about 20 years ago after opening my mind to His Love for all of us. God showed me about 20 yrs ago, while I was very angry with Him, that He is not the old testament bully or SDA Lake of Fire bully or the Catholic church HELL FIRE or PERGATORY bully. God is going to save everyone! its the greatest news in the world. Even Lucifer and the angels that followed him! God cant lose!! Remember, God is Love, and He is right beside you everywhere you go. Let Him speak to you and don't be afraid to follow His teaching. God bless Dave

  • @dariusmot8440


    3 жыл бұрын

    Sorry, but Lucifer and his followers will die Acording to Revelation 19, 20, and 21. God bless brother

  • @jimmyhallstrom271


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@matthewjoseph9897 hell is a made up word long after the early church. more relevant word is Sheol, or hades. meaning death. have u read about the second death in the bible?

  • @jimmyhallstrom271


    2 жыл бұрын

    What is SDA Lake of Fire bully? SDA dont praech hell. We preach that when dying we are going into a sleep, as Jesus described when Lazarus died as a sleep, then he rised him up. Anyhow, the unsaved when seeing Jesus second coming in the clouds, they will die of fire, because God without filter in all his glory is a consuming fire, read the Bible, and all who hasnt tranformed will die of fire, lake of fire, and the smoke that willl come eternity is not forever, just until it is burend up, the earth shall pass and heaven shall pass, and a new eartha nda new heaven will be made for those who keep Gods commendments and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. This doesnt mean that only those who follow the commendment will go to heaven but God see ut through our heart, and accoring what we have read and understand. :)

  • @johnosumba1980


    Жыл бұрын

    @@jimmyhallstrom271 hell is not made up, it is right there in the Bible “ Jesus own teachings”.

  • @jimmyhallstrom271


    Жыл бұрын

    @@johnosumba1980 Have John studied the parables of Jesus Christ te son of God, our heavenly fathers way of teachings? 😊

  • @user-qt8re8lq7i
    @user-qt8re8lq7iАй бұрын

    God bless you Alexander on your faith journey. You seem to be a young man of great faith in the Lord.

  • @joelletaylor6570
    @joelletaylor65703 жыл бұрын

    My journey “home” to the Catholic Church is very similar to yours. God bless you and thank you for sharing!

  • @timothyhope8023


    2 жыл бұрын

    Your Church view are not similar to ours we keep the Lord's Day the Seventh day Sabbath. six days shall thou labor and do all thy work but the Seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. have a blessed day y'all

  • @chucksmith4624


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@timothyhope8023 Acts 15 PART 1 The first council of the Church is in Acts 15. *It's controversy over the keeping of the law.* It's the Judaizers on one side and the Apostles on the other. The question is, are the Gentiles obligated to keep the law of Moses in order to be Christian. Watch and see! kzread.info/dash/bejne/lWl2rq2gqba6e9I.html ACTS 15 PART 2. *See the Explicit commandment from the Apostles to stop preaching Sabbath keeping to the Gentiles in this video:* kzread.info/dash/bejne/gnyF2bSSg623gaw.html

  • @kevinruiz7663


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@timothyhope8023 Amén we need to spread this message

  • @wallamboklahong9125


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@timothyhope8023 Your view of your Church is completely faults, you are an Arianism heresy, you are already condemn by the holy words of St, Paul, and also by the holy words of St, James. Repent and return to God's holy call. One to remind there is no prophetest anointed by God for His holy Church neither in the Holy scripture, your so call elen g white is a devil 👹 in disguise, get out of that devilish Cult.

  • @wallamboklahong9125


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@kevinruiz7663 Faults, ignorant of scripture n blasphemy, condemned by St, Paul from ancient times, Repent n return His Church that was built on the Rock.

  • @bornbranded29
    @bornbranded29 Жыл бұрын

    Hey Alex. My younger brother became an Adventist, drawn by the health message and the kindness he encountered when joining this community. Over time, however, the theology became an issue. In particular, the controversy over the Trinity - which the Church has attempted to hide. Around that time, I became Catholic - having been a longtime Atheist. Coincidentally, the Pope was coming to my city - and the SDA congregation went nuts. They picketed my parish, as if we were some sort of criminal enterprise. Ultimately, my brother felt deceived. He left the SDA but has not chosen a new spiritual home, although he has told me that he believes Catholicism is true.

  • @bornbranded29


    Жыл бұрын

    Update: as of September, he's in RCIA

  • @lubitagunsiong7923


    Жыл бұрын

    Catholic is the true religion.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    10 ай бұрын

    @@lubitagunsiong7923 quote---Catholic is the true religion.--unquote THen QUOTE that from the Bible and NOT an opinion!!! --Churches named in the Bible from 33AD--100AD ----Church of God. Acts 20:28 , Body of Christ.--Ephesians 1:22-23, -----Bride of Christ Revelation 21:9 , -------Church of the Living God.-1 Timothy 3:15 , -----City of the Living God. Hebrews 12:22, ----Flock of God.Ezekiel 34:15 , ----Fold of Christ.John 10:16, ----Habitation of God. Ephesians 2:22 -----Heavenly of Jerusalem.Galatians 4:26, ----House of God. 1 Timothy 3:15 , ----House of the God of Jacob. Isaiah 2:3 , ----House of Christ. Hebrews 3:6 , ----Household of God. Ephesians 2:19 , ----Israel of God. Galatians 6:16,----Mount Zion.Psalm 2:6 , Hebrews 12:22, -----New Jerusalem.Revelation 21:2, ----Sanctuary of God.Psalm 114:2, ----Spouse of Christ.,Song of Solomon 4:12 ,----Temple of God.1 Corinthians 3:16-17 ----Temple of the Living God. 2 Corinthians 6:16 ---****-What is absent is the name Catholic!!! NOT ONE church ever named "Catholic from 30AD--to--100D!!!!!! --Facts--THe FIRST writing mentioning the Catholics was by Ignatius of Antioch in 110AD!@!!! ALL Churches mentioned in scripture were CHRISTIAN--NOT CAtholic!!!

  • @wjm5972


    9 ай бұрын

    where is adventism found? no such church name found in the bible@@mitchellosmer1293

  • @michaelalbertson7457


    9 ай бұрын

    I was an atheist and became a born again Christian, because only God can forgive sins and lead me in His ways. If you follow RCism long enough, you will find they don't teach holiness in living, without which, no man shall see the Lord. Then God will be able to draw you to Him, when you're sick of your sins, not before.

  • @Truth4elife
    @Truth4elife2 жыл бұрын

    Carefully notice Christ's prayer in John 17! He prayed for the unity, and UNITY in the TRUTH. What's truth? 'Sanctify them by the Truth, for thy word is Truth' (sanctify means set apart).

  • @piromchai
    @piromchai6 ай бұрын

    Hi Alex, thank you for your sincerity. We Christian, no matter what you are in your belief, are preparing to be with God when He comes -soon. While waiting for Him, we must do according to His will whatever that might be. I see that love one another is clearly what God wants us to do and love God with all our heart and mind. That’s what heavenly atmosphere will be like, if we plan to be with Him in His home! Remember one thing, why Satan and his followers were invited out of heaven!? We can be anything we want to be but where will it leads you. Our loving God doesn’t care where you have been but He care a great deal where you’re heading. Somchai- your brother in Christ.

  • @CapWalks1
    @CapWalks12 жыл бұрын

    Admirable courage. I, too, wrestle with returning to the RCC.

  • @jeffandchrissiepimentel3761


    2 жыл бұрын

    If I can suggest listening g to Scott Hahn. I too left the Adventist Church years ago and it was thru prayer and while listening to him and his messsges

  • @usualfeed2829


    2 жыл бұрын

    Question whatever faith it is, Catholic or non-Catholic, in the end the truth should be there where your faith guides you

  • @papflower610


    6 ай бұрын

    If I may suggest look up "Total Onslaught" by Walter Veith. It will truly open your eyes.

  • @peternyabuto577


    6 ай бұрын

    It is not God's will that we remain in darkness, or confused, or anxious, or unnecessarily wrestle without any guide. That's why we have the Bible to give proper guidance and instruction: 2 Timothy 3:16 says "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." Study God's word diligently with the Spirit's guidance. You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. John 8:31 "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free". That's what I did, and that's why today I am a Seventh Day Adventist. Fully settled in the Faith of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. All my questions were answered in scripture. May God's name be glorified.

  • @Baccanaso


    2 ай бұрын

    ​@@peternyabuto577read Hebrews without the presuppositions of Ellen G White

  • @dentakleen5204
    @dentakleen52042 жыл бұрын

    Good for you. I also left the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Church literally redefines dozens of terms used in mainstream Christianity and teaches lots of conspiracy theories. When I was a member, I did not believe in the conspiracies about the Sunday Law but I noticed members that did not celebrate holidays, rejected the trinity (yup although the church endorses the trinity members who are not trinitarian get viewed in higher regard in the church) and viewed Ellen White as the Spirit of Prophecy all were viewed as the "examples" for the more "worldly" Adventists who agreed too much with Sunday Churches.

  • @bobreese4807


    2 жыл бұрын

    Humans want ..affection. acceptance, appreciation and achievement. They will roam around to whatever to get that. Typical for them to be conventional minded, follow the crowd, immature groupies. Being a REAL Christian means JESUS is #1..not some religious denomination. Many SDA preachers bash their audiences with ..you are a tithe robbing, sabbath breaker, love-lacking lukewarm Laodicean messages and promote paranoia with SUNday law, Death decree, Mark of the beast eschatology, POPE/USA= Beast image rants. SDA preachers = poorly trained inept & irrelevant..... and so are Catholic priests. Most church attenders have never read the whole bible or even new testament and thus are gullible fanatics just knowing a little bit of churchianity and the cliches/lingo. Most in churches HATE JESUS. They just prize His blood to keep them out of HELL. See how Jesus was praised coming into Jerusalem and soon after... "We have no King but Caesar, crucify Him. we wil not have this man reign over us, give us Barabbas" Earthlings have a death drive and are suicide wannabes headed to be ZOMBIES and extinction. Most in church are still LAW trashing GOD haters (ROM 8:7) phonies..hypocrites...Catholics and Adventists.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    10 ай бұрын

    Biblical Proof the seventh day (Saturday) IS the Sabbath Matt 27:62 The next day, the one after Preparation Day....... Mat 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, c Mark 15:42 - It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath). Mark 16:1-2 - When the Sabbath was over, Mark 16:9 When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week Luke 23:54 It was Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was about to begin Luke 23:56 Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment. Luke 24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, .... John 19:31 Now since it was preparation day, in order that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath, for the sabbath day of that week was a solemn one, John 19:42 because of the Jewish day of Preparation, since the tomb was close at hand, they laid Jesus there. 42 And so, because it was the day of preparation for the Jewish Passover John 20:1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, btw---Matt --14:19----- Jesus "broke bread"--Communion?? No. they ate bread and fish.

  • @wjm5972


    9 ай бұрын

    no mention of fish in the gospel@@mitchellosmer1293

  • @DadoMac


    6 ай бұрын

    @@mitchellosmer1293 Did you know that the founder and prophet of the SDA (Ellen G White) was exposed to mercuric nitrate when she was living with her parents? The substance causes lunacy. SDA members are fooled to believe a mentally deranged woman.

  • @nievesfrancisco2966
    @nievesfrancisco29666 ай бұрын

    You're now With the True Church Founded by JesusChrist

  • @georgebauerschmidt5289


    6 ай бұрын

    LOL!!! no. Matthew 16:18 is not the call for the first Pope. False teaching.

  • @jessetrujillo9756
    @jessetrujillo97562 жыл бұрын

    Proverbs 14:12 KJV There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. 2 Timothy 4:2-4 KJV Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. [3] For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

  • @AussieCatholic
    @AussieCatholic4 жыл бұрын

    Welcome brother, I'm new to the Catholic Church too, and I've finally found my way home. Praise be Jesus Christ. What would you say to somebody in the SDA church today to plant the seed? I work with some in the SDA church, and am confused by their teachings... Love the rosary by the way. May it serve you well. And I hope your first Eucharist changes your life. It still makes me cry sometimes before I receive.

  • @AlexanderKnecht1


    4 жыл бұрын

    Thank you brother! Really appreciate your comment. I'd say to make an effort to talk to Catholics who take their faith seriously, and read some books and media from their perspective. Many teachings about the Catholic Church from the SDA perspective are very different from what the Church actually teaches. The Word of Fire youtube channel and several books ('When the Church was Young / D'Ambrosio and Life of Christ / Fulton Sheen) were very helpful to me.

  • @ArcanicFire


    3 жыл бұрын

    Teach them the history of the Protestant reformation and how Martin Luther himself DID NOT want a schism among Christians. The SDA church was born from the American Protestant tradition. SDA for some reason ignore history that goes back further than Ellen G White the false prophet. They also do not cite verses in the Bible that negate their core differentiations from the Catholic and the Orthodox. Their interpretations focus too heavily on the old testament and they have judaized the scripture in their teachings. "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep." 2 Peter: 1-3

  • @miguelpasamano4995


    2 жыл бұрын

    The "RCC" is not the Home Church. You'd be better off as a "fundie" prot than even a "rad" "trad" "RC". Satan created both the rosary and the chotki to "replace" the Psalms and start the era of "private revelations". The "RCC" definitely invalidated all their "rites" at "VatiCan 2" and can't even theoretically prove theoretical Apostolic Succession as the alleged Scipione Borghese is produced of 95% of modern "RCC" lineage.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    10 ай бұрын

    quote--- I work with some in the SDA church, and am confused by their teachings...--unquote I have been an SDA over 40 years. Tell me what causes your confusion.---- quote---Love the rosary by the way. May it serve you well. --unquote I have asked these questions many times--NO ONE will reply. WHERE in the Bible does Jesus teach anyone to pray to/with beads?? Where in the Holy Bible is the story of mary praying to/with beads????? Where in the Holy Bible is the story of anyone praying to/with beads?????????

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    8 ай бұрын

    quote---Love the rosary by the way. --unquote Quote the HOLY BIBLE that tells of Jesus praying to/with beads!!!! Quote the HOLY BIBLE that tells of MARY praying to/with beads!!!! Quote the HOLY BIBLE that tells of anyone praying to/with beads!!!! Quote the HOLY BIBLE that tells of Jesus teaching anyone to pray to/with beads!!!!

  • @rmo6749
    @rmo67494 жыл бұрын

    Welcome brother!

  • @xansolskjr8628
    @xansolskjr86284 ай бұрын

    Wonderfully stated. Welcome home!

  • @ricardomarak
    @ricardomarak3 жыл бұрын

    Okay tell me which is actually the seventh day? Saturday or Sunday? I'm confused

  • @firefromaboveus5298


    3 жыл бұрын

    It's Saturday. Don't listen to this man

  • @ricardomarak


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@firefromaboveus5298 Yeah and I think after a few years he will probably change his religion again and upload a new video with the title "Why I left the Roman Catholic church and became a Atheist" LOL

  • @crishealjoyhanapin7091


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @elainesykes4452


    6 ай бұрын


  • @jmjaquinas7298
    @jmjaquinas72982 жыл бұрын

    God bless you brother! The journey with Jesus has only just begun as you draw nearer to Him in His Church. I was a Protestant before becoming Catholic as well

  • @thalithamngomezulu457


    7 ай бұрын

    Shame on you. I am shocked to find a person who decided to choose lies instead of truth. False teachings?

  • @salachenkoforley7382


    6 ай бұрын

    @@thalithamngomezulu457 : But the Seventh-day is filled with lies and false beliefs from a False prophet Ellen Gould White.

  • @bigtobacco1098


    6 ай бұрын

    ​@@thalithamngomezulu457so deep

  • @davidbeckhambecks


    6 ай бұрын

    SDA is gods true church

  • @salachenkoforley7382


    6 ай бұрын

    @@davidbeckhambecks : 😂😂😂😂😂😂invented by a Woman, who's known world wide as a False Prophet. Ellen White loses the vision : "In our frequent change of location in the earlier history of the publishing work, and I have crossed the plains no less than 17 times, I lost all trace of the first published works . And here I pause to state that any of our people having in their possession a copy of any or all of my first views, as published prior to 1851, will do me a great favor if they will send them to me without delay." (Selected Messages, Book 1, p.60). *E.G. White prophesied the world would end in 1843, 1844, 1845 and 1851 :* "Now time is almost finished, (1851) and what we have been 6 years in learning they will have to learn in months." (Early Writings, p.57). "I saw the state of the different churches since the second angel proclaimed their fall (in 1844). hey have been growing more and more corrupt. Satan has taken full possession of the churches as a body. Their professions, their prayers and their exhortations are an abomination in the sight of GOD." (Spiritual Gifts, Vol 1, p.189). White blames her failed prophecy on the members of the Seventh-day Adventist church: "Thus the work was hindered, and the world was left in darkness. Had the whole Adventist body united upon the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, how widely different would have been our history." (Selected Messages, Book 1, p.299). Concerning some of her revelations: "In one of her visions her accompanying angels told her that the time of salvation for all sinners ended in 1844 . She now claims the door of mercy is still open. In another vision she discovered that women should wear short dresses with pants and she and her sister followers dressed this way for eight years. But the ridiculous custom has now been abandoned." (Biederwolf, Seventh-Day Adventism, p.81). She also affirms that her visits to heaven were easily made: After having left there during one of her visits an angel "handed me a green cord coiled up closely. This he directed me to place next to my heart, and when I wished to see Jesus, take from my bosom and stretch it to the utmost. He cautioned me not to let it remain coiled for any length of time lest it should become knotted and difficult to straighten." "I was shown the company present at the Conference. Said the angel: Some food for worms, some subject to the last plagues, some will be alive and remain upon the earth to be translated at the coming of Jesus ." (Vol.1, p.131). NOTE: This statement was made in 1856 and every one present in that meeting is now dead . Obviously, this was a false prophecy. Some SDA's, in trying to extricate themselves from the dilemma of this false statement, have argued that had God's people been faithful the Lord would have come long ago. But this excuse will not hold water, because God knew ahead of time what would happen. And Mrs. White made no conditions for the fulfillment of her prophecy. Her statement is plain and to the point. "Thousands have been induced to enlist with the understanding that this war to exterminate slavery, but now that they are fixed, they find that they have been deceived, that the object of this war is not to abolish slavery, but to preserve it ." (Vol.1, pp.254,258). NOTE: We know now that the Civil War in the USA did indeed abolish slavery. Mrs. White was wrong . "Soon we heard the voice of God like many waters which gave us the day and hour of Jesus coming. When God spoke the time, He poured upon us the Holy Spirit." (Vol.1, p.59). NOTE: In this reference Mrs. White claims that the Lord gave her the day and hour of His coming. In Matthew 24:36, Jesus said, " But of that day and hour knoweth no man , no, not the angels in heaven, but my Father only ." And, of course, we know today she was wrong because Jesus did not come when she expected Him. On pages 42-45 of Early Writings , Mrs. White describes a closing of a door in the holy place of the heavenly sanctuary , and an opening in the most holy place (in 1844), that the "midnight cry" was finished at the seventh month 1844 , (see p.43), that then was the "sealing time", and that the time for salvation for sinners had passed (p.45). All the above statements have been proven false by the fact that Christ did NOT return to earth in 1844 . The " midnight cry" WAS NOT FINISHED IN 1844 , FOR THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT HE DID THIS AT HIS ASCENSION (See Hebrews 6:19 ; 9:24 ). The time for the salvation of sinners did NOT pass in 1844. If it did WE ARE in great trouble (LOST) TODAY!

  • @nonfecittaliter4361
    @nonfecittaliter436110 ай бұрын

    "...when I was a catholic (coming from a family that are Catholics) I had to kneel down to "saints/icon/ images" which is an act of worship to pray to them". "And the third captain of fifty went up, and came and fell on his knees before Elijah, and besought him, and said unto him, O man of God, I pray thee, let my life, and the life of these fifty thy servants, be precious in thy sight" (2 Kings 1:13). So when the captain knelt down before Elijah, he was worshiping him? Are you serious? You changed the truth of the true Church of Christ for a millenial sect beacause of this poor reasoning?

  • @srich7503


    8 ай бұрын

    Kneeling is an act of worship??? No wonder there are no plumbers in my church.🤣 Sorry but thats just silly. You might want to ponder the following… History shows us that Jesus didn't leave us a bible, the apostles didn't tell us which books belong in the bible, the church fathers never agreed on the 27 books of the NT through the 4th century, not only did they not agree but their list of would-be NT canons were GROWING during this time. So, if it wasn't the Catholic/Orthodox church, guided by the Holy Spirit, that compiled the 27 books of the NT in the 5th century, just 75 years AFTER the council of Nicaea which began the Trinitarian doctrine and subsequent councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and preserved these scriptures by laboriously hand copying them over and over throughout the centuries before the invention of the printing press, the “rule of faith” for many, please tell us, show us, who did? And if this church no longer exists today, what good is the text which came forth from her if she couldn't sustain herself?

  • @darrylbatchem8985


    Ай бұрын

    I have found that there are people on the internet who fake their childhood and invent things like "kneel down to saints icons images" but the statement is instead made by someone who has never ever been Catholic nor ever been to a Catholic mass and is actually just a life long SDA.

  • @Anon.5216
    @Anon.52163 жыл бұрын

    You are such a sweet humble man. And clever too.

  • @daughterofthekingnicole5938
    @daughterofthekingnicole59384 жыл бұрын

    I have questions

  • @AlexanderKnecht1


    4 жыл бұрын

    Haven't seen an email from you yet!

  • @Ricky-es9vg
    @Ricky-es9vg Жыл бұрын

    Nice video. I was raised seventh day adventist and I am in process of conversion to orthodoxy

  • @republicofkawthoolei5923
    @republicofkawthoolei59233 жыл бұрын

    Enjoy your way that you have choose.brother . But me will keep working in the narrow way. SDA.

  • @omj2605
    @omj26056 күн бұрын

    This was four years ago. I hope he has found the truth and came back to the true followers of God. God bless you. 🙏

  • @e.g.726
    @e.g.7266 ай бұрын

    Welcome home. Praying for you

  • @charliecruz1580
    @charliecruz15804 ай бұрын

    Welcome home! My mom is seventh day Adventist, but I converted to Catholicism when I was 24. My goodness, best decision ever. When you actually understand Catholicism from the outside instead of listening to what ppl think the church is like, it’s mind blowing. Read the church fathers, look into church history and trust in Jesus.

  • @MrPanchoak


    Ай бұрын

    I'm Eastern Orthodox, but I've had the same experience that you describe. I wouldn't go back to protestantism for ANYTHING.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    Ай бұрын

    WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD RESTED on the FIRST DAY of the WEEK to make that day special??? WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD BLESSED the FIRST DAY of the WEEK to make that day special??? WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD SANCTIFIED the FIRST DAY of the WEEK to make that day special??? WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD NAMED the FIRST DAY of the WEEK to make that day special??? WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD DECLARED the FIRST DAY of the WEEK as HIS HOLY DAY to make that day special??? Book, chapter and verse!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Where in the bible is said Mary can hear our prayers? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary went to/will go to heaven? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary is a mediator/imtercessor? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary remained a virgin? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary was sinless? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary is to be worshiped.prayed to? Book, chapter and verse I KNOW absolutely NO Catholic will reply!!! If one does, every answer will be either out of context, or twisted scripture.

  • @charliecruz1580


    Ай бұрын

    @@mitchellosmer1293 yet another prime example of someone who doesn’t understand. Like I said before. Once you actually understand what the church teaches and the background and history you will understand. I could answer the questions but you don’t actually want the answers.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    Ай бұрын

    @@charliecruz1580 quote-----yet another prime example of someone who doesn’t understand... unqiote A prime examp;le os a worthless opinion!!! yet, you quote NOTHING to help me to understand!!! ----quote----Once you actually understand what the church teaches.... unquote I KNOW what it teaches!! Lies and deceit!!!! -----WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD RESTED on the FIRST DAY of the WEEK to make that day special??? WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD BLESSED the FIRST DAY of the WEEK to make that day special??? WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD SANCTIFIED the FIRST DAY of the WEEK to make that day special??? WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD NAMED the FIRST DAY of the WEEK to make that day special??? WHERE in the Bible does it say GOD DECLARED the FIRST DAY of the WEEK as HIS HOLY DAY to make that day special??? Book, chapter and verse!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Where in the bible is said Mary can hear our prayers? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary went to/will go to heaven? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary is a mediator/imtercessor? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary remained a virgin? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary was sinless? Book, chapter and verse Where in the bible is said Mary is to be worshiped.prayed to? Book, chapter and verse I KNOW absolutely NO Catholic will reply!!! If one does, every answer will be either out of context, or twisted scripture. YOU WIL NOT REPLY to these questions with what I ask. BOOK Why not??? Because you CANNOT!!! >> quote---- I could answer the questions but you don’t actually want the answers... unquote Oh, but I do wnat answers to my questions. It is you that refuses to answer them!! Because I can rebutt every one with the HOLY WORD of GOD!!!!

  • @MrPanchoak


    Ай бұрын

    @@mitchellosmer1293 Where I Bible does it say that everything needs to be found in the Bible? Please proof text that one. How do you know which of our days is the "correct day" What gives you the idea that"the Lord's day" mentioned by the New Testament writers is Saturday? Start by answering these questions and you might get somewhere. Do you know what the name "Satan" actually means? How do you know what it actually means? Is it found in the Bible? Which version of the Bible? How do you know that that particular version is any more correct than the others?

  • @hanashiripsyche6293
    @hanashiripsyche62933 жыл бұрын

    Rome sweet home brother..

  • @nsabagwabrenda9924
    @nsabagwabrenda99246 ай бұрын

    Sorry about that confusion,and i pray GOD shows you the true light once again.

  • @bigkaris912
    @bigkaris9128 ай бұрын

    Hey can someone explain to me why we worship and rest on sunday and not saturday when Jews and Adventists do?

  • @phiripe3996


    5 ай бұрын

    The Roman Catholic church claims to have transferred the solemnity of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. That's the only explanation for this, but Jesus Himself as his custom was worshipped on Sabbath (Luke 4:16).

  • @darrylbatchem8985


    Ай бұрын

    The Catholic Church worships every single day all of them Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday all of them. The Lords day is the eighth day. Does your week have 8 days? No it does not. Have you even heard of the 8th day? Probably not by asking this question. The eighth day is the break through day into eternity which Jesus Christ did in his resurrection. Insisting of the 7th which Jesus is also Lord of, is denying the resurrection and keeping Him in the grave. SDA only came into existence in 1830s do you even history?

  • @MichaelSmith-wh7ld


    2 күн бұрын

    ​@@darrylbatchem8985you don't know what you are saying 😂

  • @MichaelSmith-wh7ld


    2 күн бұрын

    The Sabbath was from the beginning.

  • @MichaelSmith-wh7ld


    2 күн бұрын

    Not the 1830s

  • @evelynabido4575
    @evelynabido45753 жыл бұрын

    You choose the right path and the right church that founded by Christ Himself. God bless.

  • @Smoking_Lofi
    @Smoking_Lofi3 жыл бұрын

    Hi! A fellow Knecht here. I was just recently baptized by my uncle, a member of the one of the largest Adventist conferences. Thank you for sharing this message as I needed to hear this. I am so sorry for the rude comments you have received. I am not able to accept the doctrines of investigative judgement, sabbath, nor Ellen G. White. I applaud you for standing up to just say “God bless you” to fellow believers. Hopefully our paths will cross one day, Mr. Knecht (or should I say doctor!)

  • @AlexanderKnecht1


    3 жыл бұрын

    Thank you Mr. Knecht! I'm with you all the way. Where are you, by the way? My relatives live in PA.

  • @Smoking_Lofi


    3 жыл бұрын

    Alexander Knecht Tennessee - near SAU

  • @jimmyhallstrom271


    2 жыл бұрын

    what about Ellen g white cant you accept? she just teach from the Bible, do u say the bible is wrong? EGW say that dont believe her! believe the Bible, she points to the Bible and comments it further. the ten commendments is Sabbath included, so you dont accept the holy ten commendments, which angels follow, which lucifer was meant to protect as a cherub angel, but then wanted to be like God, so he fell and decieved other angels with him. What are u not accepting, and I will try it with the Bible :)

  • @wjm5972


    Жыл бұрын

    @@jimmyhallstrom271 i think it is egw's interpretation they do not accept

  • @ginacaluscusin9172
    @ginacaluscusin9172 Жыл бұрын

    Welcome home may the power of the Holy spirit guide you bless you all the way

  • @ifarotht5149
    @ifarotht51495 ай бұрын

    So what do they spesifically teach that is wrong? not asking acording to RCC but acroding to scripture.

  • @CPATuttle


    4 ай бұрын

    Jesus started a church. Not a Bible

  • @peternyabuto577
    @peternyabuto5776 ай бұрын

    I appreciate you are still on the journey to find God, somehow confused and not even sure of where your faith stands, so I advice that you don't throw everyone into your confusion brother, some of us we have gone through real experiences, and through revelations from the Word of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we have finally settled our faith firmly in Jesus Christ through the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Our faith is immovable and unshaken, and am ready to expalin every bit of the faith I have believed in with fear and meekness as the Bible tells us. Keep searching, seek Him truly, and if you are sincere He will surely guide you finally to the right place. My experience may be different from yours, and that's how God speaks to us, uniquely to each one of His child, through His word and the Holy Spirit's guidance, He is patient with us as we wait on Him until He finaly reveals the whole TRUTH as He did to His disciples. John 16:12-13. Blessings!

  • @darrylbatchem8985


    Ай бұрын

    Placing faith in Jesus Christ through a 19th century invention? Jesus sure took a very long time to define his "church" I guess, uhmmed and ahhed for 1800 years how to present His Church? Though many would say he set his Church prior to ascending into Heaven and probably anyone claiming a church in 1830s is not from God.

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    Ай бұрын

    @@darrylbatchem8985 quote----Placing faith in Jesus Christ through a 19th century invention? Jesus sure took a very long time to define his "church" I guess, uhmmed and ahhed for 1800 years how to present His Church? Though many would say he set his Church prior to ascending into Heaven and probably anyone claiming a church in 1830s is not from God... unquote Then WHY DID you NOT quote book, chapter and vereses that mentions THAT CHURCH??? Come on--QUOTE IT!!!!

  • @badgerden7080
    @badgerden70804 жыл бұрын

    My Aunt is an SDA. My late Grandmother was SDA after being raised Pentecostal. They never felt they were being held back. Maybe it's just your particular church that has made you feel that way. I was raised Catholic and escaped that plantation when I was in my teens. Now I am searching for a non-denominational church. God is great and truthful but I can't say the same thing for religion.

  • @statutesofthelord


    3 жыл бұрын

    Why are you not Seventh-day Adventist, Daniel?

  • @briana5667


    3 жыл бұрын

    Plantation? Not sure I got the reference. Is that about slavery, sin, or racism? Just curious

  • @YiriUbic3793


    2 жыл бұрын

    Lol because you can do whatever you want good leave, thanks that good people are joining the church and the bad one are leaving we already have too much bad catholics doing so much damage I wish all those bad leave to their respective diabolical sects where they belong

  • @CatholicCarnivoreHousewife


    2 жыл бұрын

    Praying your find your way back home into the Catholic Church, the only place you can be fed by God, Himself, where Jesus gives you His own Body & Blood. Gospel of John 6 which includes "unless you eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, you have no life in you".

  • @mitchellosmer1293


    8 ай бұрын

    @@CatholicCarnivoreHousewife don't stop on v53, John 6:60-61,63 KJV Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it? [61] When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you? [63] It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. -> you see, Jesus clarified on v63 that the WORDS HE SPAKE ARE SPIRIT, not LITERAL. -------I have never read in the bible of Jesus cutting up his body and giving those pieces away. How much blood did Jesus drain from His body that day?

  • @sheilatejada7748
    @sheilatejada77482 ай бұрын

    Welcome to Catholicism brother 🙏❤️

  • @mikejames303
    @mikejames303Ай бұрын

    Thank God you left that cult, you made the right decision.

  • @ethanbobb9814
    @ethanbobb98144 жыл бұрын

    I'm sorry that you went through that, but don't let people drive you away from God and Christ. I pray the our Lord, Jesus Christ will lead you in his word correctly. BTW , a true Son of God detests swearing and cursing, so plz stop. God bless you brother.

  • @paulmallery6918
    @paulmallery69184 жыл бұрын

    Glad this helped you be in a better place.

  • @AlexanderKnecht1


    4 жыл бұрын

    Thank you Dr. Mallery! Praying all is well with you and all others at LSU.

  • @user-ii1gv1cv2m
    @user-ii1gv1cv2m6 ай бұрын

    if anyone noticed what he is talking, his point is self serving, meaning that the religion that he needs is a religion that is centered around himself.

  • @Ahope4444
    @Ahope44445 ай бұрын

    Welcome brother. 🙌🙏🕊🌹