Why Being Social Is More Important Than Being Smart

Most of us are taught to work hard to do well in school and then at work. If you study hard, you’ll land a good job and have a good life. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy, am I right? Yeah, didn’t think so.
I remember when I was in college and I heard a phrase for the first time that made me rethink how people are successful. The phrase is, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Nowadays, you may hear more about this phrase through something called nepotism, which is when someone with power favors their friends, relatives, or associates, especially by giving them a job or position that they aren’t qualified for. Cough, cough, in government and big business, cough.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to have a rich uncle or influential cousin to be successful. But you do need to figure out how to connect with strangers. Here are five reasons why being social is more important than being smart.
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