When Your Man Pulls Away, These 7 Powerful Tips Keep You High Value!

In this video, you are going to learn exactly what to do to stay high value and maintain your dignity when a man pulls away from you. So, if you’ve been dating a man and he’s starting to act distant, then This is a video you don’t want to miss it.
When a man you’re dating pulls away from you and starts to become distant, it can be very disappointing and confusing, especially when you don’t know why. That’s when You start questioning everything and replaying your interactions over an over… trying to figure out what happened. Knowing what to do is challenging because you want him to come back to you, but you don't want to do anything that will cause you to lose your value or dignity, and you don’t want to come across as too desperate or needy. But, if you follow these 7 steps, not only will your value remain high, you’ll be in the perfect position for him to come back to you stronger than ever.
I’m Dr Antonio Borrello, and I’m a psychologist and relationship coach. This channel is all about helping you build great relationships so you can grow happy with the people you love. So, if you’re interested in dating advice and relationship advice that is focused on making your love life the best part of your life, start now by subscribing here.
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Are you interested in dating advice for women or advice on relationship problems? If so, you have found the dating coach for you. This channel is all about love tips, relationships and love, relationship problems and signs he likes you. Essentially, this channel is focused on love advice and helping you understand what men want.
I'm happy to answer subscriber dating and relationship questions anonymously. Email AntonioBorrello@icloud.com

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