When Did The Doctor Accuse You Of Faking A Severe Illness?

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When Did The Doctor Accuse You Of Faking A Severe Illness?
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Пікірлер: 45

  • @dorothydedmonVato
    @dorothydedmonVato23 күн бұрын

    With all the pregnancy ones I don’t know why people in the medical field act like it’s too early when you can go into labor almost anytime like what did they think a preemie is

  • @Just1Nora


    21 күн бұрын

    28/29 wk old premie here! Born beginning of May vs end of July due date. I was just over 3 lbs at birth and quickly dropped to around 2 lbs. Relatively healthy, just really tiny. Spent 6 wks getting back up to 3 lbs to go home...still over a month before my due date. 😅 Also, miscarriages can happen anytime during pregnancy! I know Braxton Hicks contractions are a thing, and many first time moms can mistake them for true labor, but Cheesus, just CHECK!

  • @dorothydedmonVato


    9 күн бұрын

    @@Just1Nora so true. A family has a couple of preemies in it. Let me know for sure preemies. One of the preemies were so lucky they were born a little bit early because of how big they weighed.

  • @lucyxchan6808
    @lucyxchan680823 күн бұрын

    I have 2... first one: i had an climbing accident where i fell because of slack in the rope into the the cliffside. An edge slammed into exactly the gap of my knee between thigh and shin. Cartilage broke off and rubbed away all other cartilage in the inside of my knee for the next 3 years. The other is my schizophrenia that was long undiagnosed because i don't have some of the more typical symptoms. Instead they tried to diagnose me with hypochondria. It was an gut punch and an kick between my legs...

  • @KROkilljoy
    @KROkilljoy22 күн бұрын

    Going on one year ago now I went to the ER 3 days in a row because of extreme back and leg pain and loss of feeling in my left leg. I'm a fairly alternative looking person, pink hair, tattoos piercings and what not. On my first visit to the ER the PA came in, asked me what was going on, had be role over in bed and then without doing an exam told me I had sciatica and that she had it while she was pregnant and that if I just lost some weight I would be fine. I had told them that I don't do well on opioids and would prefer not to have them at all, she still ordered them and gave them to be and told me what it was after they pushed it through my IV and said "that should make you happy". They sent me home and the nurses actually laughed at me as they forced me to walk through the waiting room alone. Day two I decided to go to a different hospital since the first one was such a let down. Once I got there they told me I wasn't an emergency, which I was okay with since I was at a trauma 1 hospital. I laid in a back room for 5 hours crying and rolling around in pain, they talked to me maybe twice and refused to do any imaging even though I'd asked several times for a MRI or something to figure out what was going on. They told me that there was no way what I was experiencing was neurological and a MRI would be pointless. The ER doctor said he knew my type and that he wasn't going to play any games with me and that I was lying to get meds. He gave me valium and told me to go home and come back if I lost feeling in my leg (completely ignoring that that was one of my chief complaints). That night I lost all sensation in my groin and my entire leg, I was scared to go back to the ER because I was afraid I wouldn't be taken seriously again. When the ambulance arrived they even told me that since this was my 3rd visit in as many days that I could most likely end up on a black list for the hospitals in the area, but I was in so much pain I demanded to go and ended up back at the day 1 hospital. I got there and was in so much pain that I ended up throwing up and peeing myself because I couldn't feel anything in my groin. That finally got me taken seriously. I had arrived in the ER at 5am, by 11am I was in and MRI and by 3pm I was at a different hospital and was having emergency surgery for something called Cauda Equina Syndrome. Thankfully I can feel my groin again, but I have no feeling from my knee down on my left leg and struggle to walk. Thankfully the pain is a little better, but if they had looked past my appearance and had believed me I wouldn't be partially paralyzed.

  • @BrianaCunningham
    @BrianaCunningham23 күн бұрын

    I have a panic disorder where I cyclical vomit for days. Because I smoke pot (legal here) I was shamed and told it was the pot. Took 4 years for anyone to take me seriously. I now have 4 fake front teeth from the vomiting. I wonder how long it would have taken to get diagnosed if I had lied about my cannabis use. Sad.

  • @markersandtea


    20 күн бұрын

    Weed can cause cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome which is hard to tell apart from cyclic vomiting syndrome on symptoms alone. Unfortunately, the only way to rule out CHS is to stop using weed for up to a year. It's awful that they shamed you rather than plainly explain their reasoning. But then in my experience, doctors are terrible at explaining/knowing/diagnosing cyclic vomiting syndrome so I'm not surprised >.> (I was never plainly told I had it, despite being put on the first-line treatment for it and having said medication stop my vomiting)

  • @BrianaCunningham


    20 күн бұрын

    @markersandtea I realize that yes. I even quit smoking to prove I would still get sick, and they still didn't believe me. :( People for sure need to rule out cannabis.

  • @markersandtea


    20 күн бұрын

    @BrianaCunningham way too many medical professionals suffer from tunnel vision of whatever their first assumption was. Unfortunately, it often lets them fob patients off with no/minimal care, so they basically get rewarded for sub-standard care through saving money. But if it's any consolation, I haven't had any cyclical vomiting for like over a decade now, so with the correct medication, knowing your triggers (and managing/treating them) and time, it does get better.

  • @BrianaCunningham


    20 күн бұрын

    @@markersandtea that does give me hope! Thank you for sharing :) I am very glad to hear you are feeling better. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

  • @tanyaredfield
    @tanyaredfield19 күн бұрын

    Another one (there are so many)...arrived at hospital in labor, told the front desk when asked that I had started labor an hour before and my contractions were 4 to 5 minutes apart. She said, an hour ago? Do you mean 45 minutes. I angrily replied, "I SAID FOUR TO FIVE MINUTES" and my husband told her yes, 4 to 5 minutes. She clucked her tongue and said, "well we will time them when we get you in your room. Had 3 contractions in the time it took her to get me in a room. She then said, "oh I guess maybe they are about 5 minutes apart" although my husband was timing and by then they were 3 to 4 minutes. I have so many stories like this with my 5 pregnancies. Women know what they feel in their own bodies. Listen to them!

  • @countrygirl7402
    @countrygirl740223 күн бұрын

    Twice this happened to me. The first time I was knocked off a ladder at work and was told I was faking an injury to "cash in" on workers comp. I had fractured vertebrae from top to bottom. I also ruptured disc's and got a love thing called disc's extrusion on L1 - L4 of my spine. Which means those disc's shoot out when ever they so choose and hit the nerve and drop you like a stone. The pain is enormous. My right leg I can feel but it drags and I can't lift it mor than an inch. My left leg I can lift but has no feeling at all. My back has severe nerve damage. I hit my shoulder in such a way that it didn't tear the rotator cuff it broke the joint. I lost 45% movement in that arm. So my piano and violin were lost to me. I'd played since a child. I was 40 and made a disabled with crippling pain. No surgery can help. I'm stuck. My legs go numb regularly. So as I was checking my mail one day I felt like a floating torso. Couldn't feel my legs. So down I go and my wrist is shattered. Luckily it was my already injured arm. So now I take many medications to function. Second I had covid and I was told I was faking how bad I felt because I wasn't congested. Well 2 cat scans later... my lungs are full of blood clots. I had decreased oxygen for days. I can type now. But speaking is hard. I stutter bad. I'll never be better than I am. I nearly died right before their eyes in the hospital and they didn't care.

  • @sparrowflyaway
    @sparrowflyaway23 күн бұрын

    Stories like these make me amazed that my appendicitis got taken seriously, considering I was a teenage girl at the time and my only symptom was a mild stomach cramp that didn’t go away for days on end. I’m sure many doctors would have dismissed it as a) a girl, b) an attention seeking teen, or c) a schoolkid wanting time off, but for some reason they took my mild cramp seriously and admitted me. Still took a week of running tests trying to figure out what was wrong because they were adamant I didn’t have enough symptoms for appendicitis, and it ended up being my GP passing through who finally sent me for an ultrasound(which upon reflection feels like it should have been one of the first tests they’d run for abdominal pain), but sure enough, it was my appendix. Was in surgery shortly after the ultrasound, and only in hospital for a couple days after before I was well enough to go home. My mum was scolding me during the ultrasound though, because I was so curious to get the chance to see my insides, so I was chattering away about what I was seeing on the screen, and my mum thought that if I was too happy, the doctor wouldn’t think I was sick anymore.

  • @tanyaredfield


    19 күн бұрын

    See my story above....you were fortunate! But I am like that with my kids. I tell them don't act tough or you will never be taken seriously. We all have high pain tolerance. Sad moms have to feel like that.

  • @kitcat-xn1mn
    @kitcat-xn1mn22 күн бұрын

    Ive got a drawn out story about how i got diagnosed with a chronic illness but i feel like this one fits with the other stories better: When i was 19 i got pregnant on accident and only found out at 26 weeks which is past the cut off for abortion so i decided to adopt the kid out. Did that whole thing, kinda a cool experience and made a couple really really happy. After you give birth it takes like 6 months to a year to be fully back to normal but i hit the year mark and was having some weord bladdar issues. I could hold urine just fine but had trouble getting all of it out which is abnormal obviously. I let my GP know and he scheduled me with a urologist. When i got to the office my first red flag was literally everyone in there was over 60. I fill out papers which are handed to me by a nurse who looks suspicious of me but doesnt say much and am taken back. I explain my symptoms to the nurse who took me back then wait like half an hour for the doctor to come in. When he finally does he has me rexplain my symptoms so i do and he cuts me off almost immidiately to ask how much alchohol i drink. I let him know that im underaged so i dont drink alchohol. He doesnt react so i start explaining whats wrong again at which point he gets up and just fucking leaves the room. Id brought my then boyfriend (now husband, father of the kid actually) with me and this is the first time hes seen me get treated like this by a doctor. I had warned him that this could happen as it happened for 14 years trying to get my chronic illness diagnoses but he figured i was exagerating. Doctor finally comes back in after like 15 minutes and leads with "ok. Im going to need you to cut WAY back on the alchohol, soda and coffee" at which point husband loses it and very firmly tells the doctor that i dont drink alchohol, dont like carbonated drinks at all and stopped drinking caffine back when i was pregnant and basically just drink water which is entirely true even now, years later. The doctor ignores him and explains super condisendingly and like 5 times how to measure my urine output at home because he wants me to keep track (hes saying stuff slowly like "you need to know how big the container is ok? Only pee into the container and write it down. Just one container and write down how much every single time ok?") But also doesnt give me anything to pee into and phrased things like he expected me to pee into a solo cup. Then he hands me a medication without explaining it at all other than "this is some cool new stuff i have, they made the particles bigger so they dont affect the brain. Ive got samples so start taking these and well find out if your insurance will cover them, theyre so new theyre not always covered so if theyre not just call and we can work something out" and then he just gets up again at which point husband is now fuming and he stops the doctor from leaving and asks if he intends to do any sort of examination or at least listen to what im saying to which the doctor responds super non commitally and i jump in to say that he hasnt even explained what the meds do and hasnt heard all my symptoms. So the doctor huffs like a pissed off kid, crosses his arms and just stands there. So i very briefly explain everything going on and he says just take the pills. I ask what they do and he essentially says "they help". I tell him i dont want medication if i dont even know what it does at which point he switches to "you want an exam? Ok lets do an exam!" And calls in a nurse and has me take off my pants, lie back on the table and spread my legs. I do so and he puts on a glove and lubes his finger and tells me to cough. He literally touches nothing at all and just as quickly as he got me doing that he says im fine and leaves so fast neither me nor husband can say anything. The only reason i didnt file a malpractice suit is i had no evidence. I did refuse to pay the copay though and they havent bothered me about it. Like 6 months later i got a reminder call about another appointment with the guy to which i very politely told the receptionist to tell him to go fuck himself. Never did find out what was wrong but over the course of another year it either went away or i got used to it. Fun times

  • @SapphireExile
    @SapphireExile22 күн бұрын

    Story 9 reminded me that I had one of those and it lasted for days. It lasted for a full week, and unless I needed the bathroom, I was essentially bedridden. I remember taking ten long minutes just to go down a short hallway to the bathroom, then taking another ten minutes just to use said bathroom. The two nurses who helped me were absolute sweethearts. I remember crying, the pain was that unbearable. Anyone who has ever had a pinched nerve or muscle spasm, I'm sending you e-hugs.

  • @Just1Nora


    21 күн бұрын

    I have myofascial pain syndrome and hypermobile joint syndrome. My vertebrae just sometimes decide to go for a slip, then the myofascial pain syndrome kicks in, pulls the muscles in some dumb self preservation attempt, and each successive spasm sends me back around the circle. I have a wonderful and very understanding chiropractor who will fit me in anytime I need. My lower back and hip got tweaked at the start of the year, and the last few weeks have been the first time I haven't been in constant pain and in need of a cane. I slipped a neck vertebra in high school right after lunch and the nurse said it wasn't excusable because she couldn't prove it, so I had to go to my last class of the day, an hour and a half of typing. Wanna know what doesn't feel good with a pinched neck nerve? TYPING. I was able to call my mom and have her pick me up at the end of the school day as I usually rode the bus, and lived with Dad, and rush me over half an hour away to the chiropractor. The three worst pains I've had, kidney stone lodged and too large to pass (doc named it Stonezilla, lol) and the doc who did the ultrasound was shocked I wasn't unconscious with the level of swelling I had, next the infected/botched wisdom tooth surgery (should'vesued and reported sooo many people to the medical board, but that's another story, and pinched nerves/neuropathic pain. Basically, piss off your nerves and those dudes make you PAY!

  • @cyberra0180
    @cyberra018022 күн бұрын

    While I am still sour about my doctor not believing me when I said there was something wrong about my period and taking ten years to get me diagnosed with PCOS, I am very glad I was believed when gallstones sent me to the ER. I was in for 9 days and now no longer have a gallbladder

  • @jamiethal1319
    @jamiethal131922 күн бұрын

    All these people need to sue, sue, sue.

  • @mari.s752
    @mari.s75212 күн бұрын

    To kick an old can around “it’s not called medical practice because they know everything” though there are many practitioners who seem to think they have nothing left to learn. It is so very frustrating to hear a doctor condescendingly say “and you know this because, let me guess, you are a google doctor”. While several members of my family including myself have a history in healthcare. It is maddening to be brushed off in such a manner by someone I am supposed to trust with my well being. My confidence in healthcare services in general is not what it used to be. I once had an E.R. Dr assume vocally that I was an ex con because of a tacky tattoo I had gotten as a teenager. I got up walked to the admin office and never saw that dr at that hospital again.

  • @megangerhart3540
    @megangerhart354022 күн бұрын

    Used to end up in the ER every weekend as a young girl with horrible stomach pain was always told it was gas or my period. (I was six when these spells started) I didn't get it figured out until my grandma noticed my poop was black. At age 14 I was finally diagnosed with h. Pylori. Now as a adult I still suffer and have a higher risk of ulcers and stomach cancer.

  • @vamp6767


    13 күн бұрын

    Suffer from the damage? Because h. Pylori can be killed with antibiotics.

  • @alec5803
    @alec580321 күн бұрын

    The amount of rage that I would show to these doctors. When these doctors start to act like a**holes. Please ask for a hospital administrator

  • @shannonjones9455
    @shannonjones945522 күн бұрын

    Looking back in 2019 right before we knew really about covid. We swear I got it, I went to the gp for help as I’d never felt so ill in my life. The gp no joke told me I was an alcoholic, with an std due to a cheating boyfriend and dismissed me. I reported them don’t worry, not sure what happen to them. But I have no clue how she got from point a to bloody x like that

  • @TheRealKawaiiGacha
    @TheRealKawaiiGacha16 күн бұрын

    My mom told me that when I was 1-3 months old I had RSV. She'd take me to the hospital, but they'd take a cotton swab & clean the snot from my nose. Once they made it bleed for 2 weeks. It went on for so long when she said my first name the knew who I was. Eventually she found out I had RSV, but doctors didn't believe her until she threatened to see for medical malpractice. I had asthma, so it was a lot worse for me. If she didn't threaten to sue I would've been in the ICU on oxygen, just to stay alive. I wish she sued & she does too

  • @manahakume9870
    @manahakume987023 күн бұрын

    story 3. that sounds like me and my gull bladder x.x had attacks on and off for near a decade one or 2 close together then a few years before id get another, then i finally got pregnant, and i started to have attacks every few weeks at somepoint after the baby was born, had 1 while pregnant, eventually got it out, currently waiting to see if i have one stuck after cause i had that same 'OH GOD IM DYING LETS GO TO THE E- oh... its gone now' and the one i had before that lasted over a day and i just dealt with it for 24hours... when i got to the er it vanished as soon as i laid in the er bed x.x

  • @boyinthatbox
    @boyinthatbox23 күн бұрын

    With story 13, that makes me a bit mad, or at least frustrated. My depression became the most prominent when I was in the 7th grade. I was only 11 or 12. That also when my self destructive behavior began. I didn’t even get the chance to go to a doctor for years. If I was begging for help and got told I was just being a teenager I think that would’ve broke me and not bothered ever trying to get help again. I got lucky, being believed by my doctor and starting to get help, but I wish it was the same for others

  • @vamp6767


    13 күн бұрын

    To be fair. All teenagers are depressed.

  • @tanyaredfield
    @tanyaredfield19 күн бұрын

    10th grade. Had sudden severe abdominal pain, lower right. PA started by asking if I had any tests at school that day or if I'd had a fight with my bf. Nope. Then he launched into when was my last cycle and when did I last have sex. Honestly told him I had never even kissed a guy. Then he removed my mom from the room, asked again, got the same answer and left me to "think about it for awhile". After 3 hours in that office my mom got angry and demanded to see an MD who immediately sent me to the hospital to have my appendix out. The surgeon the next day told me I had been dangerously close to rupturing and asked why I waited so long to come on and I told him. I heard the PA got a very angry phone call. To he fair another girl from my class had had her appendix removed exactly a week before so I am sure it crossed his mind I was being a copycat, but....

  • @maranathaschraag5757
    @maranathaschraag575722 күн бұрын

    yes, a vitamin b test is fairly common. not part of a cbc or chem 10 or whatever, but very easy to order. should be one of the first doctors should order if there's something goofy - full vitamin and thyroid panel. the stroke - i hope they sued the hospital for negligence. there are international standards for strokes. treatment within four hours leads to almost 100% recovery (time is brain) and hospitals, at least in the us, are timing based on specific metrics for how quickly they got to a ct, how long before they got treatment, etc. the hospital violated well-established, evidence-based practice due to their own prejudices. there are similar protocols for chest pain and a number of other items. yes, people use drugs. but healthcare workers still need to treat everyone like a human being deserving of respect. and just because someone uses drugs (or maybe especially because they do), reasonable assessments should be done to rule out the big stuff. lab tests take very little time. a ct is about 15 minutes. if your doctor 1) dismisses your concerns 2) doesn't do a physical exam of any kind 3) accuses you of drug use, accuses you of faking, or otherwise blames you for your issues - it's time to get a new doctor. either go to a different place, or (in an er, for example) make a big fuss until someone else comes to get involved. not "someone call security" fuss, just demand to speak to the charge nurse and/or head of the ER. there's also usually an admin (clinical administrator or the like) at night, so there's always someone to escalate concerns to. source: i'm a nurse and i've worked in multiple healthcare facilities, including in executive leadership.

  • @juleskatt
    @juleskatt21 күн бұрын

    When I was 10, I fell in the snow and hurt my arm. I kept telling my mom I thought my arm was broken. She didn't believe me. After complaining about the pain long enough, she took me to the doctor. Guess what? Hairline fracture. I never let her forget that I was right.

  • @sparrowmira1115
    @sparrowmira111519 күн бұрын

    My entire 20s I went misdiagnosed & accused of faking, doing drugs, being crazy, etc... At first I went 9 months with a dead gallbladder. They told me I was just stressed & overreacting to the supposed pain. Then the meds they gave me after they finally removed my gallbladder stopped my intestine from working. I was told again, I was just stressed & probably constipated, but otherwise there was no way I could be in the pain I described & that my symptoms were all in my head. 2 months later a Student Doctor heard me out & knew exactly what was wrong & I was better in less than 2 weeks. Then the big one...less than 3 months after this I was hit with a new mystery illness. Pain, puking, hard time breathing, unable to eat or sleep. Symptoms sometimes lasting months making me completely bedridden. I went from being 150 to 109 in less than a few months. But my doctors (because they couldn't find anything wrong with me) accused me of faking, being crazy, blaming & shaming me for my pot use (which only started as way to deal with my symptoms), accused me of being a drug addict & more. This spanned almost a decade of me going to EVERY major hospital in my state. It wasn't until a regular overhead my husband talking about my problems that we learned I probably had Endometriosis & gave my husband the name of her doctor. Sure freaking enough! This doctor knew exactly what I was dealing with & diagnosed me. A year later & I'm FINALLY getting my life back.

  • @vamp6767


    13 күн бұрын

    How long ago? Cases of misdiagnosed endometriosis are so common, that it is the first thing I think about when women talk about recurring pain.

  • @kenna.b
    @kenna.b22 күн бұрын

    Not urgent but i was told i was faking my knee pain in the military. Before i turned 30 after i got out ofvthe military i saw a civilian orthopedic dr and he had a heart attack at that time from all the repeat injuries i had almost no cartliage left in my knee and was told ill need a knee replacement before 30. Im 36 now and still need that replacement but i no longer have civilian health care and the va health care wont do replacemnts if you are under 50 but prefer closer to 60. So i get to be in pain all my life except the last 20 -30 years. 😒🙄

  • @advena996


    21 күн бұрын

    I've literally never heard a single good thing about VA healthcare. I'm so sorry.

  • @Lily_of_the_Forest
    @Lily_of_the_Forest22 күн бұрын

    “My skin looked like butt”? What?

  • @kirilyx
    @kirilyx22 күн бұрын

    Sorta joking but if i end up with cervical cancer, I'm never gonna trust a doctor again. 🙃

  • @Athlynne
    @Athlynne22 күн бұрын

    First story - personally, I don't think I'd let a child with anhydrosis play sports, unless maybe if I lived in an always-cold climate.

  • @abbymurdock1685
    @abbymurdock16858 күн бұрын

    kids don’t have heart conditions?? My son had open heart surgery at 2 days old lol. That doctor needs fired for negligence. How Stupid can one be🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @dragonguerrero1622
    @dragonguerrero162221 күн бұрын

    I had this problem when being diagnosed with lupus. I checked all the markers for it but they didn't know that I had it until gout started showing up and a fatty liver and a better doctor period the doctor I had before tell me guys can't get lupus especially native guys. I said Nick Cannon Michael Jackson have lupus Morgan Freeman has fibromyalgia if they can have it I could have it too. so glad that guy is not my doctor no more

  • @Bennydoesntknow
    @Bennydoesntknow22 күн бұрын

    Is this your real voice or ai

  • @jamiethal1319


    22 күн бұрын

    Real voice.

  • @vamp6767


    13 күн бұрын

    Then why does he read some words so wrong?

  • @carlwatson4486
    @carlwatson448621 күн бұрын

    Really like this narrator. Do not like the busy background graphics.