What kind of story does a song with 8 billion plays tell us?


Lyrics of the song Luocha Sea Market
Lyrics: Dao Lang
Composition: Dao Lang
To the east, 26 thousand Li away, there was the Luocha Kingdom.
Passing through 7 traffic arteries and crossing the Jiao Sea to three-inch yellow mud.
Just for the Hill-river,
The river flowed through the Gougou Camp.
The backer of the head was called Mahu at Gougou Camp
She has quite a reputation in the red districts.
She has ears hanging to her shoulders and a nose with three soles,
Before speaking, she turns her ass first.
Every day, she squats in the nest, incubating the eggs.
She believes she's a hen most of her life.
The Mahu doesn't know she's a donkey,
The Youniao don't know she's a hen.
The brothel always tries to appear elegant.
Through the ages, eunuchs favor reputation.
A young man from the west came, and his name is Maji.
With a handsome and gallant appearance, he is a descendant of China.
He came here to sail the seas and brave the winds and waves.
He wandered through dangerous waters and ended up in a wicked land,
In this strange Luocha Kingdom where things are always turned upside down.
Mahu loves to listen to the songs of the Youniao,
The hen crows at midnight, acting as the morning watch.
Standing by the half-open door, a street girl feigns true emotions.
Red-drawing wings, she has ugly skin.
The green embroidered hen crown and gold-inlaid hooves,
But the coal piece has always been black from birth,
No matter how you wash it, it remains a dirty thing.
Mahu doesn't know she is a donkey,
And Youniao don't know she is a chicken.
How can a pig or a dog ascend the painting hall?
Where can a shoehorn become a Ruyi?
Red-drawing wings, she has ugly skin.
The green embroidered hen crown and gold-inlaid hooves,
But the coal ball has always been black from birth,
No matter how you wash it, it remains a dirty thing.
The word "love" has a heart, and the heart has both good and bad sides.
Various kinds of love, also have numerous evil.
Women are good, but not all are good.
There are also stingers on the tails of bees.
In the west, there is a boss
who gave birth to Wittgenstein.
He talked about Mahu and Youniao.
Ultimately, is Mahu a donkey or a hen?
The donkey is a hen, and the hen is a donkey
The hen is a donkey, and the donkey is a hen
Mahu and Youniao is a fundamental issue for us humans.
In Chinese, the character donkey is formed by combining the characters Ma and Hu, and the character hen is formed by combining the characters You and Niao.

