What is 7P Marketing - an extension of the traditional 4P concept 🤓

Hi! Quite recently, we’ve finished discussing the concept of 4P Marketing which consists of product, price, place and promotion. This was not, however, the end of our discussions concerning the letter "P" in modern marketing. In 1981, Bernard Booms and Mary Bitner proposed a concept of 7P marketing, which, in addition to the aforementioned four elements, included people, process and physical evidence.
Today you will learn:
- why is it worth to consider not just four, but seven "Ps" while designing a marketing strategy?
- what is the role of people, process and physical evidence for the prosperity of a company?
- how to apply the 7P concept to the activities of your organization?
So, let’s dive into it!
Scenario: Michał Moneta
Production: Kacper Żarski
Voice: Mariusz Sławik
An example of a customer journey map: www.visual-paradigm.com/guide...
Thanks to DOT Record for the possibility of recording!
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