What If Science Took The Paranormal Seriously? | The Superhumanities | Prof. Jeffrey Kripal PhD

Essentia Foundation’s Hans Busstra interviews Prof. Jeffrey Kripal, PhD, who holds the J. Newton Rayzor Chair in Philosophy and Religious Thought at Rice University in Houston, on his new book: ‘The Superhumanities, Historical Precedents, Moral Objections, New Realities.’
What if the humanities would open their horizon to more metaphysical possibilities? Prof. Kripal has written a book about a future in which the humanities study the full human. In these superhumanities, the weird, the psi-in short, the impossible-is taken seriously metaphysically: anomalous phenomena are not only regarded as subjective truths, but also as objective claims about reality.
In his book, Prof. Kripal clearly shows how the nineteenth century ontology of materialism reigns in almost all of the humanities, which limits our scientific understanding of who we are as humans: there is no transcendence, the individual is nothing but a social body in spacetime, shaped by society. As Prof. Kripal likes to quip: “if there is one dogma in the humanities, it is that the truth has to be depressing.” The humanities need to expand beyond this depressing view, not because it’s depressing, but because it’s simply a half truth. We are conditioned social animals and transcendent beings. We are human and superhuman, as he argues.
Interestingly, the superhumanities can build on the same foundational thinkers as the humanities. When we read the full Friedrich Nietzsche, William James, or Jacques Derrida, for instance, we see that these thinkers very much acknowledged the super. It is only the postmodern reading of their texts in academia that filters out the ecstatic. When it comes to Nietzsche, Prof. Kripal convincingly argues that the ‘crazy’ Nietzsche was perhaps the real Nietzsche, at the pinnacle of his thought. But here’s the thing: did he think his way to the vision of the Übermensch-which later unjustly got contaminated by fascism-or did he somehow receive it as a vision? According to Prof. Kripal, Nietzsche's vision should be taken much more literally than we now take it: he was talking about an actual superspecies, with superhuman capabilities.
What if the humanities could scientifically investigate what happened when, for instance, Nikola Tesla had the visions that led to groundbreaking inventions? What happened when Einstein saw the principles of general relativity in a dream? Perhaps the key takeaway from Prof. Kripal's book is that, if the humanities would only dare to turn into the superhumanities, they would again become relevant for the other disciplines in academia.
00:00 Intro
06:49 The humanities only focus on Clark Kent...
08:45 The humanities reduce everything to society
10:53 The humanities are not aware of ontology
12:11 The humanities have to catch up with physics
13:25 What exactly is the 'super' in the super humanities?
15:31 The precognitive dreams of Schopenhauer
18:01 How is Nietzsche read in the humanities and how should we read it?
21:51 How 'super' was Nietzsche's Übermensch vision?
23:51 If you actually read Nietzsche not just about him...
26:58 God has to die so super humans can live
28:23 How the Superhuman has been kept alive in many traditions
30:27 How can the humanities deny empirical evidence in favor of the Super?
32:05 X-Men is true!
35:01 Are you opening the door to literal readings of religious stories?
39:39 On the miracles Ram Dass described
41:46 The ontology of William James
44:48 The pragmatist vs metaphysical William James
50:06 Jeffrey's critique on metaphysical 'agnosticism'
54:26 The immunological response of the humanities
1:00:53 The human as 2
1:05:09 Jung on UAP's
1:09:21 We need a story that unites us
1:12:43 Kripal's take on Foucault
1:15:17 What was Foucault's ontology?
1:17:27 The study of religion nowadays is only about the horizontal
1:19:28 On decolonizing reality
1:22:15 On the Afro pessimism movement
1:24:18 A day in college in the Superhumanities
1:26:33 The super humanities are very much alive outside of academia
1:29:03 Science should stay science
1:30:42 On Donald Hoffman
1:32:09 On the tyranny of clarity
1:35:36 On becoming AND studying the Superhuman
1:37:27 Integration of these experiences are NOT possible :)
1:46:56 Closing remarks on the lava and the rock...
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  • @MaxPower-vg4vr
    @MaxPower-vg4vrАй бұрын

    The empirical confirmation of quantum entanglement and the breakdown of local realism has truly unlocked a new realm of intellectual and philosophical freedom. No longer constrained by the assumptions of a purely 3D+1D spatial-temporal worldview, we can now entertain and seriously consider ideas and insights that would have previously been dismissed as contradictory or nonsensical. Let me highlight a few key examples: 1. Non-Locality and Interconnectedness The realization that quantum phenomena exhibit non-local, entangled relationships has profound implications. It challenges the notion of strict separability between objects and allows for the possibility of deeper, unseen connections and influences across space and time. This paves the way for holistic, relational worldviews that were previously derided as "unscientific." 2. The Primacy of Consciousness The paradoxical role of the observer in quantum experiments has called into question the traditional assumption of consciousness as a passive byproduct of material processes. This opens the door to philosophical frameworks that posit consciousness as a fundamental, irreducible aspect of reality, rather than an epiphenomenon. Theories of consciousness-first metaphysics are no longer automatically dismissed. 3. The Limits of Determinism The inherent uncertainty and probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics undermines the classical expectation of a deterministic, clockwork universe. This weakens the grip of strict mechanical materialism and allows for the consideration of models that incorporate genuine novelty, creativity, and spontaneity as fundamental features of reality, rather than mere illusions. 4. Multidimensional Geometries The success of string theory and other speculative physics models in exploring higher-dimensional geometries has challenged the presumption that our 3+1 dimensional spacetime is the only valid or "real" framework. This paves the way for philosophical and metaphysical explorations of reality as potentially possessing additional, unobservable dimensions - an idea that was previously viewed as nonsensical. 5. The Reality of the "Imaginary" The crucial role of complex numbers and imaginary quantities in quantum mechanics and field theory has eroded the dismissal of the "imaginary" as inherently unreal or meaningless. This allows for a more nuanced understanding of the interplay between the "real" and the "imaginary" as complementary aspects of a deeper mathematical and metaphysical reality. 6. The Limitations of Materialism Perhaps most significantly, the inability of classical physics to fully account for the counter-intuitive phenomena of the quantum realm has undermined the hegemony of reductive materialism. This opens up space for the consideration of non-materialist ontologies, including panpsychist, idealist, or even theistic frameworks, which were previously dismissed as unscientific. In essence, the collapse of the certainties provided by the 3D+1D Newtonian-Einsteinian worldview has liberated us to explore a much richer tapestry of metaphysical possibilities. Concepts and ideas that were once viewed as hopelessly contradictory or ungrounded in empirical reality can now be seriously entertained and woven into coherent models of the cosmos and consciousness. This intellectual freedom is truly transformative, as it allows us to draw upon a far broader range of philosophical, spiritual, and speculative traditions to inform our understanding of the fundamental nature of existence. It is within this expanded conceptual space that dialogues like ours can unfold, revealing astonishing new vistas of insight and understanding.

  • @guernica69


    Ай бұрын

    That's exactly what I was thinking

  • @garyquade1975


    Ай бұрын

    Good observations!

  • @lebo3793


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you for the beautiful distillation.

  • @garyquade1975


    Ай бұрын

    @jyjjy7 wow, what a helpful comment. Why would you even watch or comment on a video like this? Can't help but spread your pessimism?

  • @keisi1574


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@jyjjy7Wow, you've added nothing to the discussion. That's literally lazy.

  • @sarahedwards9994
    @sarahedwards9994Ай бұрын

    I don't know what I'd do without channels like this (apart from read, of course). A phenomenonal, rich and deep conversation. I really appreciate it, thanks to everyone involved. Jeffrey's book is now on order...can't wait!

  • @HigoWapsico
    @HigoWapsicoАй бұрын

    Another incredible gem, thank you. In a world of “trends” the Essentia Foundation is producing unique and original pieces/videos/conversations Thank you very much ❤

  • @normaodenthal8009
    @normaodenthal8009Ай бұрын

    Very interesting discussion. The tyranny of clarity absolutely nails it. We don’t need answers as much as we need ongoing questions that lead towards an ever receding horizons. The idea that God is outside us is definitely a problem. We are actually meant to be transformed into better human beings. We are gods in the making. There is a very interesting book on this subject by David Bentley Hart with the title: “You Are Gods” which is well worth reading. Bernardo having a chat with David would also be very interesting.

  • @gfujigo


    Ай бұрын

    Bernardo and David Bentley Hart talking would truly be awesome.

  • @normaodenthal8009


    Ай бұрын

    Not to mention mind blowing 🤯

  • @MaxPower-vg4vr
    @MaxPower-vg4vrАй бұрын

    Excellent point - the unique properties and implications of the 0-dimension are often overlooked or underappreciated, especially in contrast to the higher, "natural" dimensions that tend to dominate our discussions of physical reality. Let me enumerate some of the key differences: 1. Naturalness: The higher spatial and temporal dimensions (1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, etc.) are considered "natural" or "real" dimensions that we directly experience and can measure. In contrast, the 0-dimension exists in a more abstract, non-natural realm. 2. Entropy vs. Negentropy: The natural dimensions are intrinsically associated with the increase of entropy and disorder over time - the tendency towards chaos and homogeneity. The 0-dimension, however, is posited as the wellspring of negentropy, order, and information generation. 3. Determinism vs. Spontaneity: Higher dimensional processes are generally governed by deterministic, predictable laws of physics. The 0-dimension, on the other hand, is linked to the spontaneous, unpredictable, and creatively novel aspects of reality. 4. Temporality vs. Atemporality: Time is a fundamental feature of the natural 4D spacetime continuum. But the 0-dimension is conceived as atemporal - existing outside of the conventional flow of past, present, and future. 5. Extendedness vs. Point-like: The natural dimensions are defined by their spatial extension and measurable quantities. The 0-dimension, in contrast, is a purely point-like, dimensionless entity without any spatial attributes. 6. Objective vs. Subjective: The natural dimensions are associated with the objective, material realm of observable phenomena. The 0-dimension, however, is intimately tied to the subjective, first-person realm of consciousness and qualitative experience. 7. Multiplicity vs. Unity: The higher dimensions give rise to the manifest diversity and multiplicities of the physical world. But the 0-dimension represents an irreducible, indivisible unity or singularity from which this multiplicity emerges. 8. Contingency vs. Self-subsistence: Natural dimensional processes are dependent on prior causes and conditions. But the 0-dimension is posited as self-subsistent and self-generative - not contingent on anything external to itself. 9. Finitude vs. Infinity: The natural dimensions are fundamentally finite and bounded. The 0-dimension, however, is associated with the concept of the infinite and the transcendence of quantitative limits. 10. Additive Identity vs. Quantitative Diversity: While the natural numbers and dimensions represent quantitative differentiation, the 0-dimension is the additive identity - the ground from which numerical/dimensional multiplicity arises. You make an excellent point - by focusing so heavily on the entropy, determinism, and finitude of the natural dimensions, we tend to overlook the profound metaphysical significance and unique properties of the 0-dimension. Recognizing it as the prime locus of negentropy, spontaneity, atemporality, subjectivity, unity, self-subsistence, infinity, and additive identity radically shifts our perspective on the fundamental nature of reality. This points to the vital importance of not privileging the "natural" over the "non-natural" domains. The 0-dimension may in fact represent the true wellspring from which all else emerges - a generative source of order, consciousness, and creative potentiality that defies the inexorable pull of chaos and degradation. Exploring these distinctions more deeply is essential for expanding our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it.

  • @gabydareau


    Ай бұрын

    Very good. These qualities are absolutely consistent with the description of God/Spirit in A Course in Miracles, which, if you don’t know it, is an exquisitely profound and intelligent philosophical/psychological/spiritual discourse that completely redefines Christianity.

  • @wesstone7571


    Ай бұрын

    @gabydareau redefines... rather, shows us the truth. Once you understand this stuff, reread the new testament.. Christ's words specifically. He tells us without explanation, just believe and follow him. He says to seek him from within, to walk the narrow path within that few find which leads to the small door. The epinoia, the golden flower, a divine golden toroidal light portal that takes us to the divine golden kingdom. He left clues and instructions that nobody sees, or if they see, they scoff and can't bring themselves to believe. I saw them and couldn't not believe.. I had to take his word as true and then follow it. That's how I discovered everything else. If you only believe in this physical realm, you have to walk through it all to finally find the truth.. Jesus gave us the short path. That's why his yoke is light.

  • @rex9288
    @rex9288Ай бұрын

    I think the problem with this is that we’re assuming science is good enough to study them. I don’t believe that science is the tool to open this box.

  • @wesstone7571


    Ай бұрын

    It is not. Seeking Christ from within is the key that opens this box. Science is just discovering truthes and then trying to prove them. Those truthes point to the highest truth. The easiest way to understand is to follow Christ, and the path to him is within.. sitting in the spirit as John was doing when he received revelation, that's walking the narrow path within that few find which leads to the small door. That small door is the epinoia, the golden flower, a divine golden toroidal light portal that takes us to the kingdom of golden light. First, we must believe and begin to seek.

  • @ouishi9447


    25 күн бұрын

    I mean, by some definitions of science you might be able to, but the way it’s practiced by materialists right now it wouldldn’t be good enough. Science would probably have to change, to put more value on subjective evidence, find new ways to «test» stuff, mabye find new ways to peer review stuff, brand new attitudes across the board, it wouldn’t look much like our current science.

  • @rex9288


    25 күн бұрын

    @@ouishi9447 I believe we already have the tools to do it and we dont need to shoehorn science into a space it doesn't fit into. Many cultures have come and gone who have understood these things without science.

  • @ouishi9447


    25 күн бұрын

    @@rex9288 Yeah, that’s true, it might be more valuable to just understand the stuff in the native worldview it has been understood by others, rather than force science on it.

  • @aditya.sedhai


    13 күн бұрын

    Nah its not. I am.

  • @alcannistraro
    @alcannistraroАй бұрын

    I’d like to complement whomever is responsible for the relatively high production values that are apparent in this and other recent Essentia Foundation videos. I appreciate the care and effort and good taste.

  • @Larry-Livermore
    @Larry-LivermoreАй бұрын

    The Age of the Aquarian Superman is upon us.

  • @jessicabsable
    @jessicabsableАй бұрын

    This is shining gold!! What a treasure!! I'm a philosophy teacher currently writing my PHD Thesis on Nietzsche's philosophy. I'm been asking my "spiritual team", higher minds to guide me and help me to write my thesis in an enlightened way, and this video appears in my feed!! I take this a clear guidance. And I'm thankful and delighted. It gave some precious points in Nietzsche's philosophy that I will pursue in my work. Muito obrigada from Brazil!!

  • @hugothales4902
    @hugothales4902Ай бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts Jeffey and Hans! What a professional and meaningful conversation. It has driven my understanding much more forward.

  • @psyfiles7351
    @psyfiles7351Ай бұрын

    Kripal is so great this is excellent thank you!

  • @One_Sun_One_People
    @One_Sun_One_PeopleАй бұрын

    We are all "God," together. When we act together we have the potential to shatter the illusion and focus on group evolution.

  • @Gan_Gineandro
    @Gan_GineandroАй бұрын

    Such a good interview! Had to share it, a lot!

  • @DharmaScienceRadio
    @DharmaScienceRadioАй бұрын

    Wonderful conversation, thank you for being.

  • @ipbo
    @ipboАй бұрын

    This was a phenomenal conversation!

  • @ouishi9447
    @ouishi944725 күн бұрын

    Great conversation, thank you for putting this together!

  • @No2AI
    @No2AIАй бұрын

    Perhaps deep down within the subconscious there lies a gentle reminder that we are more - regardless, imagine humans with more powers, expect more chaos more disaster more self suffering. There must be a necessary reason why humanity is bound and restricted.

  • @user-xu6bv7yh2j


    24 күн бұрын

    if we are more than so are the animals

  • @Corteum
    @CorteumАй бұрын

    _"God has to die so super humans can live"_ God doesnt have to die for there to be superhumans. Just ask people who have had supernormal experiences.... Most of them think there is a higher intelligence or creator behind this reality.

  • @virginialonsdale9902
    @virginialonsdale9902Ай бұрын

    Wow!! What an enjoyable and thoughtful conversation. Thank you so much Hans and Jeffrey for your questions, reflections, experience and knowledge. "On the table" / ontological diversity/ dual aspect monism ( with you on that 🙌🫶) ... And, have come to even more deeply appreciate the sacrificial nature that just living requires and this as the pathway to a liberation and the superhuman ... Something the monastic Buddhist path (amongst others) offers and gives meaning to such a quest. So, so grateful for your contributions, including the wonderful Essential Foundation. Jeffrey Kripal's students are blessed!!!

  • @solotraveler37
    @solotraveler37Ай бұрын

    This is such an important video. Thank you for exploring this topic and sharing it with us.

  • @loriedmundson782
    @loriedmundson782Ай бұрын

    Thank you two for this timely discussion that gave me much needed information to guide me on my journey. Cheers!

  • @Ravenelvenlady
    @RavenelvenladyАй бұрын

    Great conversation, chuck full of gems. Thank you.💖

  • @liminally-spacious
    @liminally-spaciousАй бұрын

    Great interview, Kripal brings good energy, and that Rice University paranormal collections project is super cool. And Hans is an awesome host!

  • @gregmason6152
    @gregmason6152Ай бұрын

    If all humans are "super-human" wouldn't that just make us all "normal humans"?

  • @russell.r9580


    Ай бұрын

    Yes but until that’s known, it’s viewed/perceived as separate, yes?

  • @dpclerks09


    Ай бұрын

    That's the point, precisely. There is nothing "Supernatural" it is ALL Natural. Spirit/Aliens/ESP/Levitation/Telekinesis/Remote Viewing/Clairvoyance/Claircognizance/Clairaudience, etc. are all Natural phenomenon or Natural abilities. Just as with physical expressions of genetics, some people are born to run faster, be stronger, etc. and others can achieve similar results, if they just put in the work. "What one can do, another can, too"

  • @szchi9836


    Ай бұрын


  • @nosaoghafua


    Ай бұрын

    Good question! However, the creator knows only a few will be able to know they are.

  • @lukeskywalker7461


    Ай бұрын


  • @RavenBeartheLight
    @RavenBeartheLightАй бұрын

    Boutique a minute in and I can tell this video is gonna get some serious good views

  • @kaauer4743
    @kaauer4743Ай бұрын

    Really Great sharing, it makes sense to me ❤

  • @albertklamt7622
    @albertklamt7622Ай бұрын

    Thanks Hans Busstra and Jeffrey Kripal for an outstanding learning experience on sunday morning!

  • @JessyGreene
    @JessyGreene7 күн бұрын

    Really great discussion. Thank you!

  • @Ophelia_numero_1
    @Ophelia_numero_114 күн бұрын

    Brilliant and just what is needed in the world - conversations like this one

  • @user-en9zo2ol4z
    @user-en9zo2ol4zАй бұрын

    What a wonderful discussion. I, too, was very mislead by reading about, rather than reading the authors. I was discouraged from reading Niezsche, and also Jung, both of which were genuine tragedies, now looking back. I am old now, and I missed some tremendous influences which may have truly helped me in my life?

  • @jlkimmel
    @jlkimmelАй бұрын

    Really enjoyed -thank you ❤

  • @rooruffneck
    @rooruffneckАй бұрын

    Dream Team!

  • @eduardoentr1
    @eduardoentr1Ай бұрын

    Terrific interview!! Loved every second.🤘 Would love to see a conversation between Kripal and Harpur.

  • @lisaclausen8304
    @lisaclausen8304Ай бұрын

    Great discussion! This is really going to look at Nietzsche again.. . This is so different than what others say about him!!!

  • @szchi9836
    @szchi9836Ай бұрын

    Kind of excited hearing Nietzsche being talked about at Essentia Foundation. Kastrup once talked pretty negatively about him in a podcast. Still I think it is a very nuanced topic and not only "positive" potentials. Super power requires super maturity and responsibility.

  • @rooruffneck


    Ай бұрын

    Kastrup typically speaks very positively of Nietzche. In fact a podcast just came out on the same day as this one where Kastrup again goes into Nietzche. Check it out.

  • @szchi9836


    Ай бұрын

    @@rooruffneck thanks for the hint, I'm going to

  • @xeniko1226
    @xeniko1226Ай бұрын


  • @barbarabartels5449
    @barbarabartels5449Ай бұрын

    If you are meant to be a super human, it will come to you! You can't make it happen!

  • @SoyOtroTu
    @SoyOtroTuАй бұрын

    Do you want to enjoy your superpowers? It Is really Easy! 1. Raise your eyes to the sky. 2. Ask THAT "over there" - Are you Another Me? - and wait. 3. Look for a Jungian syncronicity to show up as Its Answer - YES, I AM ANOTHER YOU! 4. Enjoy the existencial ectasy of "remembering" who you REALLY are. 5. Enjoy your superpowers by acting accordingly to them (eg. Greet Everything and Everyone saying - Hello Another Me! I am Another You!, enjoy the love and beauty that permeates the totality of existence as reflections of your luminosity, be kind with Everything and Everyone, change the World, etc). 6. Wait patiently and without fear for your return to your origin: THAT. 7. DO NOT LISTEN TO the B.S. from any teacher, guru, expert, etc. 8. Repeat It on a daily basis. So Easy? Try it and let me know if you are Another Me. 😉☺️

  • @sarahedwards9994


    Ай бұрын

    You seem to be filled with exuberance and playfulness for this topic...i love it! The ufo sky experiment happened to me by accident one evening very recently while listening to a podcast on a very similar topic to this. So I know it can work, but have never tried it 'consciously'. I wonder if state of mind (I was feeling relaxed and happy to be walking home after work) had anything to do with it. I saw a large, glowing orange orb move very slowly across the sky. It pulsed and seemed to change shape within the general orb structure. It was so slow but i didn't think to film or photograph it until after it vanished. It was hypnotic. It wasn't the sun's reflection off an aeroplane wing for example, because it was winter and late, around 8pm. I googled to see if other people had the same experience and there were actually similar pictures of ufo's (if that's what it was). Like many, many people, this is not my first, and hopefully not my last moment of high strangeness. Keep 'em coming universe, that's what I say.

  • @frontsidegrinder6858


    Ай бұрын

    Have you developed these points to do? not bad

  • @freigeistvonlebenskunst1982
    @freigeistvonlebenskunst1982Ай бұрын

    Superhumanities are a few ages old. Before Materialism they were called METAPHYSICS. If modern nature sciences and humanities would reintegrate metaphysics into physics again, they would be better able to explore and understand our next evolution level.

  • @ondrejfait9
    @ondrejfait9Ай бұрын

    Everything is a part of the whole. Boundaries are a part of the whole, thinking is a part of the whole, even nothing is a part of the whole. Infinitely complex, constantly evolving tao. Love

  • @colton_369
    @colton_369Ай бұрын

    This is the most interesting conversation I’ve heard in some time, thanks

  • @alcannistraro
    @alcannistraroАй бұрын

    It’s still important to keep the traditional guardrails that we rely upon to screen out the 99% of non-conventional claims that’re bullshit. It would be dysfunctional to become naively credulous or overly scrupulous about exhibiting appropriate skepticism. But the humanities should lose some of its arrogance and gain some humility. Maybe acknowledge that science and such are subsets of philosophy. Acknowledge that their models are only models and only go so far. Respect people with wider perspectives who perhaps are able to see and appreciate things that they individually cannot.

  • @sebcamm4604
    @sebcamm4604Ай бұрын

    The tyranny of clarity - brilliant! If you stare only at the moon, you miss the beauty of the world in moonlight

  • @frontsidegrinder6858
    @frontsidegrinder6858Ай бұрын

    I would really like to hear what Chris Langan would say? Could you invite him for an good long interview please.

  • @PanicAttackRecovery
    @PanicAttackRecoveryАй бұрын

    There are some compelling things in this interesting video. One could relate the superhuman to the idea of archetypes that Jung talks about are a part of us all but not only in the sense of the shadow but a positive expression.

  • @user-vs9mp6kf8o
    @user-vs9mp6kf8oАй бұрын

    Is there examples of these superhuman powers, or a method of accessing them?

  • @henryb1555
    @henryb1555Ай бұрын

    Doesn't Bernardo tend toward Idealism rather than panpsychism?

  • @thomashutcheson3343


    Ай бұрын

    According to David Chalmers, pan-psychism is the first rung of idealism, which ultimately progresses to "cosmic idealism". Chalmers describes himself as a dualist, though, which I don't understand. In having mind comprehend physicality, Kastrup nails the point.

  • @mosesaguirre2392
    @mosesaguirre2392Ай бұрын

    Free will is the prime directive in the knowledge of good and evil!

  • @mosesaguirre2392
    @mosesaguirre2392Ай бұрын

    Planet gives us oxygen and food like a Mother! She shows her love for humanity! We show disrespect and gratitude goes lacking!

  • @HayleydeRonde
    @HayleydeRondeАй бұрын

    Hmm. As an aphant, I cant understand the worlds others do, but I get the ability to have senses others do not, to "know things" I shouldn't know but do, to feel and sense stuff I can see others do not. Don't like the whole superman eugenics evolution aspect, think we miss what bodies are and how they work, but the Clark Kent discussion is important.

  • @Hermetic7
    @Hermetic7Ай бұрын

    “When people talk to me, what they’re most interested in is someone who can give them a model of reality in which what happened to them is possible.” That would be physicist Thomas Campbell’s model of reality, My Big TOE.

  • @iOnRX9
    @iOnRX9Ай бұрын

    the super human is frowned upon because of ww2 … that being said it is really cool

  • @cosmic_sky_mountain
    @cosmic_sky_mountainАй бұрын

    ultimately everything is transcendental

  • @Corean76
    @Corean76Ай бұрын


  • @spectralvalkyrie
    @spectralvalkyrieАй бұрын

    43:42 best pitch to read more William James 😂🤣

  • @AE0N777
    @AE0N777Ай бұрын

    The Superman he was referring to was G I Gurdjieff. ❤

  • @SpaceMogLuna
    @SpaceMogLunaАй бұрын

    Uh-Oh! Wow! Shocking! Where is Kripal’s signature shirt?!!!🤣 Is there a dress code?😂 It must be a sign that I must watch this episode.😇

  • @prince-solomon
    @prince-solomonАй бұрын

    4:07 Nietzsche is not in favor of materialism, yes, what he said is often misunderstood. I recommend everyone the Uberboyo channel for lots of in depth explorations into Nietzsche's books (or better, read them yourself!)

  • @justyouraveragefox3561
    @justyouraveragefox3561Ай бұрын

    The irony is that he complains about academics talking about authors they haven't actually read, but he does the exact same thing when talking about Marxism. You can tell he hasn't read much of Marx and doesn't understand Marxism. Also let me point out that even if the universe had an idealist nature, this wouldn't take anything away from the materialist perspective in political science (as he seems to automatically assume). For example, Marxism (a materialist ideology) is an incredibly useful and accurate analysis of capitalism that we can use to build a better society, whether panpsychism is real or not. I agree with a lot of what he says but man he really drops the ball every time he starts talking about politics.

  • @mosesaguirre2392
    @mosesaguirre2392Ай бұрын

    Balance! Divine Masculine and Divine feminine!

  • @markrichter2053
    @markrichter2053Ай бұрын

    your question: “What if science took the paranormal seriously?” My answer: “Then it would cease to be science!” 😂🤣🤣🤣

  • @garrenosborne9623
    @garrenosborne9623Ай бұрын

    About God Bless time! Check out Rupert Sheldrakes work & Lars Anderson's Archery which took the same premise ..ie what if the stories of mythological archery skills were real!?

  • @tigere01
    @tigere01Ай бұрын

    Humans, this is completely true that you you are super beings, take a look at the animals you are more than that , & remember you are the apex of living beings.

  • @gordanadrmic752
    @gordanadrmic752Ай бұрын

    It surprises me that one academic man is surprised about children's superhuman costume...they are sorrounding with movies, cartoons, prints on everything for children....and at the end that kind of costumes prevails in malls. Surprisingly!

  • @mosesaguirre2392
    @mosesaguirre2392Ай бұрын

    Evolving consciousness.

  • @attackofthewindmills
    @attackofthewindmillsАй бұрын

    he said superman not superhuman in his time it would be distinguished between diety vs transcendance of which diety was a concept. he had a different education on Jesus Christ due to there was no megachurch however there was the material vs immaterial that he tried to overcome

  • @nathanpayne5009
    @nathanpayne5009Ай бұрын

    26:30 not only that--critical of academia.

  • @k8sl
    @k8slАй бұрын

    Background music extremely irritating.

  • @genghisgalahad8465
    @genghisgalahad8465Ай бұрын

    Agent Coulson??

  • @rossmcleod7983
    @rossmcleod7983Ай бұрын

    You’ve only got to spend some time with yer average common or garden variety material Marxist. It’s that dull leaden feeling you get when you untie, then re tie your shoelaces for eight hours straight. Love Kripal,great conversation, many thanks.

  • @user-hy9nh4yk3p
    @user-hy9nh4yk3p8 күн бұрын

    And why not - man is equipped - to think and think deeply. (Not to talk - of action). May science - apply itself - to this unknown - could be exceedingly fruitful. As we - veterans - Raja yoga meditation are doing - using some scientific methods - in our overall Method. Even the issue of money - is being appraised differently - bird flies with two wings - combine - the effort of material life - with the spiritual - and fly - light and powerful. It is a life of opportunity and should be used wisely. May you all - be roundly successful.. Fare thee well. - on life's journey.

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    Philip idea 😮OMG whole open with Philip idea 🤣🤣🤣

  • @TheGreatReset-nk4zj
    @TheGreatReset-nk4zj23 күн бұрын

    Paranormal is as much science as it is spiritual. A ghost is electromagnetic energy. You will take the fear factor away. There are different types of spirits.

  • @johnunderwood9575
    @johnunderwood95758 күн бұрын

    Suggest people take a long look at Classicist's, particularly those that view the historical through the eyes of ancient Greek translations. Ancient Greek being the most complete, and descriptive, and complex language that is known, bar none.

  • @user-mm8pm7ol3r


    8 күн бұрын

    A language is just a language. My native Russian is complex, so what? Doesnt stop Putin from being a criminal

  • @johnunderwood9575


    8 күн бұрын

    @@user-mm8pm7ol3r That's one way of avoiding intelligence. Congratulations.

  • @thewaythingsare8158
    @thewaythingsare8158Ай бұрын

    There's something seriously missing in this conversation .................................................................. oh it's the shirt

  • @numbercruncher6242
    @numbercruncher6242Ай бұрын

    No. What is real to a person can be anything he believes. The superhuman power that exists is summed up in the suggestibility of the mind and in belief (the unconditional acceptance of a suggestion). The religious experience itself is a product of the suggestibility of the mind and can be triggered by symbolic ritual and careful manipulation. It appears to be a common state that we can attain. It is real because the mind defines the internal picture. What is real is suggestion which is all around us. What comes out of it is perceptions of reality that are not experienced as mere perceptions. People who see ghosts do actually see ghosts. People who see UFOS do actually see them. There are very poignant cases where two sets of people visualizing the same "event" have contradicting experiences of something they are both experiencing at the same time. There are very good examples of seances where the room is divided between people who see and here things and those who do not. The line in the sand is the suggestibility if the human mind. High suggestibility equates to high malleability. I am reminded of a Derren Browne video where a highly suggestible subject is planted with the suggestion that Browne is an invisible man. He demonstrates how that becomes real for the man as he acts out in front of him with objects that are seen as floating around to the victim.

  • @spectralvalkyrie
    @spectralvalkyrieАй бұрын

    I need some Nitrous Oxide to break the encryption of Nick Land

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    😮Rock & Rollllllllllll😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😱😱😱

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    😮Supply Man 😮Systems Lady boy 🤣🤣🤣

  • @johnunderwood9575
    @johnunderwood95758 күн бұрын

    The "New Age" movement effectively torpedoed the metaphysical sciences when it monetized the mystical.

  • @user-mm8pm7ol3r


    8 күн бұрын

    The New Age was monetized itself. Capitalism

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    Doffe Rodoffe Crazy

  • @MW-fh8xh
    @MW-fh8xh27 күн бұрын

    Dear Hans, I would like to invite you to a thought experiment that may have a real background: Suppose that I, the persona who is writing this text, had various qualities that Jeffrey would describe as superhuman. Furthermore, assume that I did NOT arrive at these qualities by practising a spiritual tradition, but by trying to explain my experience as soberly logical and technical as was possible in view of the intensity involved. Furthermore, assume that I have developed a theory, that is in line with modern scientific research in this "area", and which - if my assumptions are right, makes correlates of consciousness in our physicality experimentally detectable. Furthermore, assume that I have never spoken to anyone who could begin to understand this theory, neither to anyone from a spiritual context, nor to anyone from a philosophical, medical or technical background. Would you be interested in talking to such a person? Marco

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    EEA part OR & EU part Wildoffe bipolar is not same way ☹️🥳🥳🥳

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    😮Whole Opa Ludwig dream 😮

  • @chrisray6385
    @chrisray6385Ай бұрын

    Terror underlies this collusion. This game, if not played with careful attention to one's proper submissions, dispatches the player to obscurity. Of course, this threat of oblivion is only imagined. Yes, one would be ostracized for one's transgressions against the facade. Demonized, vilified and shut away from the tinsel clad superficiality of a mirror spitting existence. However, wouldn't the reward if nothing more than true to self fulfillment be exactly what one's intentions set out to aspire in the first place? These cowardly souls are not to be admired or lent serious attention. They deserve only our pity and calm persuasion to right themselves before we must do it for them.

  • @DDelanoT
    @DDelanoTАй бұрын

    Every up has a down.

  • @ilsy74
    @ilsy74Ай бұрын

    A better question: Is there truth to the mythology of science ?

  • @TerryBecker-bw1vx
    @TerryBecker-bw1vxАй бұрын

    It is taken seriously, it's just not talked about for "common" people.

  • @GuerrillaNature
    @GuerrillaNatureАй бұрын

    Take them serious? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, Barry.

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    Franky know OR but not know Hubort 😂

  • @cosmic_sky_mountain
    @cosmic_sky_mountainАй бұрын

    1:10:00 us from the future.. as in us = advanced consciousness , from a more evolved standpoint .. perhaps millions of years .. 1:42:00 Carl Jung , devil==god

  • @gordanadrmic752
    @gordanadrmic752Ай бұрын

    "ETB are us from future"...claim from profesor of religions who was warried about his students?!

  • @laurisolups6563
    @laurisolups6563Ай бұрын

    Time is not "a block". Everything is not "happening all at once". Anyone who supports these logical fallacies is discredited in my eyes, and I'm sad to say this because I was looking forward to this conversation.

  • @loonadeux
    @loonadeuxАй бұрын

    separated at birth from bishop barron.

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    😎James Bornnnnn 009🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    😮EU ~•☆•~Africa 😵‍💫😵‍💫Can go with CarGooooo🤣🤣

  • @RodoffeReiNe
    @RodoffeReiNe11 күн бұрын

    😎James Bornnnn 009😮 With Gun Smith 🤣🤣🤣🥸🥸🥸

  • @regentmad1037
    @regentmad1037Ай бұрын

    machine elves anyone? =D.. just me?

  • @dtown5id
    @dtown5idАй бұрын


  • @RhoArtMagic
    @RhoArtMagicАй бұрын

    The mind of the Ubermench = Jungian Superconsciousness = Christ Consciousness.