What defines the “quality of motorcycling” for the rider!

What defines the “quality” of motorcycling for a motorcycle owner?
Every motorcyclist often feels that whatever motorcycle they own is the best bet for them and they will often try and make sense of the ownership in many creative ways.
Here’s a sneak peek into some Parameters that define the “right fit” from a motoring standpoint: the 4 P’s defining motoring purchases.
1- Purpose
2- Performance
3- Price point
4- Peer pressure (Surprising right?!)
These parameters above and their weightage in deciding which motorcycle you buy will define the quality of motorcycling you will enjoy.
Typically if your choice is weighing high on purpose and performance : The probability of you enjoying good motoring is very high!
If its weighing high on Price point :More often than not it will land up either being a compromise OR a big stretch and will spoil the motoring fun!
If its weighing high on Peer pressure : You should quit motoring immediately and look for alternate methods to “fit in”.
There is a 5th category too aspiration/desire! But there are no ends to desire and temptations, so I wont waste your time and mine on philosophical gyaan!
We are unfortunately living in a world where the focus is on virtual levers for dopamine boosts and have a generation knowingly unknowingly addicted to these dopamine boosts…(read social media acknowledgements)! Basically happiness = social and social media acknowledgements - Sad but true!
Social media followership, number of likes, the people who like our posts etc. act as ingredients in defining who and what we want to be perceived as.
There’s a distinct differentiator between what you are perceived as VS what you really are as a person…in this topic…as a motorcyclist.
Now lets come back to our core topic of what is a right motorcycle for you as an avid enthusiast / rider.
Figuring out what type of motorcycling you enjoy the most is the 1st foundational step towards deciding the right bike.
This is the 1st parameter - Purpose!
It sometimes takes years in trying to understand your sweet spot in this regard…one has to try out many motoring formats to be able to decipher which one triggers you the most!
It could be weekend getaways or offroad trails or track or distance touring, simply commute or a combination of many formats.
Step 2 (Interchangeable with step 3, which is price point) : Once you have figured out your motoring sweet spot and type of motoring you “really” enjoy…resultantly understanding the purpose of your next motorcycle…You now will have to figure out the performance aspects and look at your options. Which motorcycle in the type / category you are looking at, has a better performance…this will need a lot of research, trials, wisdom sharing etc. you can put your own experience to use here.
Step 3 (Interchangeable with step 2, which is purpose) : Price point - So, you’ve figured out the purpose and performance part which is a large chunk in choosing the right motorcycle..now comes the price point, your budget. A good tip here would be to not go way overboard and neither get too stingy! Try and find that balance…you dont need financial aspects governing your motoring fun..so finding a sweet spot financially is also critical!
Now if you have figured out all of the above…just go for it! 😎
Unless you are from the uber rich class (Ambani ka bhai Bambani…types) where none of the above logic would ever apply…please read the “pro tip” below.
Pro Tip :- PLEASE try and steer away completely from peer pressure! DO NOT try and buy something ONLY because it will be considered cool by your peers…let it be driven by other parameters…dont let emotion get the better of you…because emotional decisions often defy logic.
for eg. if you buy a supersport…please do try and take it to the track and experience its true potential…If you buy an adventure tourer…try and enjoy it on longish rides…dont just use it as a commute.
While you do this…you might learn something new about yourself and your motoring persona!
Rock hard roll safe!
Ashutosh (Tinu)

Пікірлер: 3

  • @vikrampandit2031
    @vikrampandit2031 Жыл бұрын

    Good Going Tinu ✨👍🏽 simple yet helpful insights…Phantastic ✨👍🏽

  • @Pyro83489
    @Pyro83489 Жыл бұрын

    👍 simple but effective way to narrow down the best motorcycle for yourself. Thank you.

  • @nileshsakore1403
    @nileshsakore1403 Жыл бұрын

    Very helpful for beginners or first time buyers. Bang on Tinu.