What Causes SUGAR CRAVINGS: top 7

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Here are some of the most common cause of sugar cravings that you might not be aware of and need your attention:
1. Dehydration
Dehydration is probably the most common cause of sugar cravings. Lack of water consumption is often mistaken for sugar cravings and hunger pains. That afternoon pick me up so many people crave in the form of a granola bar, cookie, latte or sweet treat is often a signal of dehydration, not a need for sugar. A lack of fluid intake can make it more difficult for the body to metabolize glycogen for energy. Our bodies will crave sugar to provide us with a quick source of energy, when we actually just need to drink a little more water.
2. Stress
I can’t talk about sugar cravings without talking about stress. Stress is linked to sugar cravings in two ways; emotional cues and physical cues. From an emotional perspective, sugar is comfort food that provides a temporary escape from a stressful situation. From a physical perspective, the consumption of sugar increases our dopamine levels, the body’s happy neurotransmitter, giving us a temporary boost in pleasure. However, because this experience is very short-lived, our body begins to crave sugar again, creating a vicious cycle;stress causing sugar cravings, consumption of sugar causing stress, and stress causing more sugar cravings.
The stress response is controlled by the hormones cortisol and epinephrine which are released by the adrenal glands. Over time, this creates a serious hormonal imbalance, raising blood pressure and increasing insulin levels. This triggers the cravings to consume more sugar.
3. Carbohydrates
Believe it or not, overconsumption of even healthy carbohydrates can lead to sugar cravings. Carbohydrates can be broken down into three categories; fibrous complex, starchy complex and simple. Fibrous complex carbohydrates include most vegetables and are likely not a trigger to sugar cravings because they contain so little sugar themselves. Starchy complex carbohydrates include foods like potatoes, grains, lentils, and beans, while simple carbohydrates include foods like fruits and refined forms like sugar, candy or soda.
Although it might be easy to understand why refined simple carbohydrates may cause sugar cravings, many don’t realize that overconsumption of even healthy complex carbohydrates can cause sugar cravings. Whenever we eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates, our bodies convert them into a simple sugar known as glucose, which is our primary source of energy. However, consuming even complex carbohydrates in excess causes your body’s insulin to work overtime to store these sugars.
Eventually, the body’s insulin becomes overworked and our body becomes insulin resistant, meaning glucose is not able to enter your cells and stays in your bloodstream. Eventually, your cells become starved for fuel, and even though you might be eating enough, your cells can’t access the fuel. So although a diet of granola for breakfast, a wrap for lunch, and gluten-free pasta for dinner might seem healthy, it’s simply too many carbohydrates for one day.
What To Do: Focus on adding more protein and fat to the diet, ensuring that you have a source of protein at every meal, and limiting carbohydrate intake. Starting your day with 15-20 grams of protein and a serving of fat will help balance blood sugar, limit cravings during the day, and promote higher energy levels.
4. Digestion
News flash - your body is not a garbage disposal. Many people tend to think they can eat whatever they want, and their digestive tract will sort the rest out. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Our digestive system is a delicate ecosystem of flora, microorganism and bacteria. All-day long our body’s beneficial microbiome are fighting for space with bad bacteria. This bad bacteria is invading the body, and are populated by a diet high in refined foods, processed foods, sugar and alcohol. A lack of beneficial bacteria can allow for an overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract which literally lives and thrives on sugar. What this means is that your sugar cravings might be coming from an overgrowth of bad bacteria, and every time you consume more sugar you are feeding their party in your digestive tract.
5. Skipping Meals, Low Blood Sugar:
6. Not Eating Enough, Chronic Dieting:
#SugarCravings #BeDifferent
