Wethington & Dunifon, Research for the Public Good

In a September 2012 book talk at Mann Library, Cornell College of Human Ecology professors Elaine Wethington (Dept. of Human Development) and Rachel Dunifon (Dept. of Policy Analysis and Management) discuss their new publication, "Research for the Public Good: Applying Methods of Translational Research to Improve Human Health and Well-Being." Helping to bridge the gaps among research, policy, and practice, the book demonstrates how emerging methods of translational research can help us develop programs and policies that improve human health and well-being. This broader, more inclusive approach to translational research has gained popularity and is now being promoted by the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, medical centers, and university programs across the United States.
For more Chats in the Stacks podcasts from Mann Library, visit mannlib.cornell.edu/podcasts.
