Webisode 2 of 5: Effective Approaches to Meet Students' Needs

Five-part webisode series for state leaders on social and emotional learning (SEL) and career and workforce development. Webisode two features: Linda Dusenbry (formerly with CASEL), Laura Fridirici (Pennsylvania Department of Education), Kate Kreamer (Advance CTE), and Dr. Demetrius Roberts (Pennsylvania Department of Education),
Key takeaways:
Equity is essential to a shared theory of action.
Build coalitions across communities to increase access.
Start with high quality SEL and Employability Skill Building.
Organize practice supports for and with school districts, speaking the same language.
Offer badges and micro credentials to incentivize students.
Bridging SEL and career and workforce development is a win-win. By promoting the social and emotional development of all students, they are given rich opportunities to explore and practice new skills in a broad array of career fields.
Thank you for Learning Policy Institute for supporting the production of these conversations.
