Watch this before getting Dental Crowns!

Watch this before getting Dental Crowns! Before having a dental crown procedure, it’s crucial to be informed about the process and what to expect. Why Do You Need A Crown? How Long Does One Last? What Does It Cost and How Is It Made? Answers to these questions are part of what you need to know. Why Do You Need A Crown? Dental crowns serve various purposes, from protecting weak or damaged teeth to restoring broken or worn ones. They also provide support for dental bridges and can cover severely discolored or misshapen teeth. How Long Does One Last? The lifespan of a dental crown typically ranges from 5 to 15 years or more with proper care. Factors such as material choice and individual oral hygiene habits influence its longevity. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for monitoring the integrity of the crown. What Does It Cost? The cost of a dental crown varies depending on factors like material and geographic location. On average, it ranges from $800 to $3000 per crown. Material choice, the expertise of the dentist, and any additional procedures needed can affect the overall cost. How Is It Made? The process of making a dental crown involves initial tooth preparation, where the tooth is shaped to fit the crown. Impressions are then taken to create a custom-fit crown. Crown fabrication can be carried out in a dental laboratory or through advanced CAD/CAM technology. Temporary or Provisional Crowns. Temporary crowns play a vital role in protecting prepared teeth while permanent crowns are being fabricated. They are usually made from acrylic or stainless steel. Although not as durable as permanent crowns, they serve their purpose until the permanent one is one is ready. Disadvantages of Cheap Non-Precious Metal Crowns. Opting for cheap non-precious metal crowns may come with drawbacks. These crowns can cause allergic reactions in some individuals and are prone to corrosion and discoloration over time. Additionally, they lack the aesthetic appeal of ceramic or porcelain crowns. Always choose precious or semi-precious metal or porcelain fused to metal crowns. Thank you for watching! Remember to consult your dentist for personalized advice on dental crowns. If you found this video informative, be sure to like, share, and subscribe for more tips on achieving optimal oral health.
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This information is for educational purposes and is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. This information does not constitute or initiate a doctor/patient relationship. #dentalcrown, #dentalcrowns, #dentist.
