Wanjina Watchers exhibition by Gina Sinozich at the Governor's Palace in Rijeka

Exhibition of selected artworks by Gina Sinozich:
Wanjina Watchers - Celestial Guardians
Full Circle - the return to the Soul
at the Maritime and History Museum in Rijeka, Croatia
Moja Rijeka 15 June 2015
Author: Zoran Krusvar
Gina Sinozich, an Australian artist of Croatian heritage (born in Istria in 1930), is now presented in an exhibition opened on June 12. Her first show of these artworks in Croatia is now on in Rijeka, at the Maritime and History Museum, titled the “Full Circle - the return to the Soul”.
Gina Sinozich is a unique talent in the international art scene.
She started painting when she was 70 years old, and immediately captured the attention of art experts.
Gina’s paintings are on permanent display at the National Gallery in Canberra, Liverpool Museum in Sydney, Casula Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, National Maritime Museum in Sydney, as well as in a number of private collections in Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Europe.
The “Wanjina Watchers - Celestial Guardians” opus, which we can now see at the Governor’s Palace in Rijeka, was inspired by Pre-Aboriginal Australian rock art. Her art is thrilling, delightfully warm, with marvellous colour-palette and exotic themes.
Co-organisers of the exhibition are the Maritime and History Museum in Rijeka, and ModroGorje-DreamRaiser Project in Australia.
The opening of the “Wanjina Watchers - Celestial Guardians”
art exhibition by Gina Sinozich
“Dreamtime Set in Stone - the Truth about Australian Aborigines, as requested by the Those-Who-Know” book by Vesna Tenodi is available on Amazon.
