Wake Up With Purpose: Wake Up With The Intent To Improve Your life and The Lives Around You! Why?

Be intentional in EVERYTHING you do. In this video I give several examples of how to live a purpose driven life as an athlete, entrepreneur or anyone chasing their goals and dreams.
Waking up with a purpose will change your life and help you accomplish your goals AND help you help others achieve theirs along the way. Applying these principles will help you avoid distractions and focus on your MIT's Most Important Tasks each day to accomplish your bigger vision.
President Thomas S. Monson once said “We are the product of all we read, all we view, all we hear and all we think.”
Attach a purpose to everything that you do the way you think, speak and act on purpose.
I teach my athletes to throw with a purpose with the intent to improve every throw; Every time they play catch with a friend or go to a bullpen session they are working on something whether it’s mechanical, curveball placement, velocity etc. There’s Purpose or intent behind their bullpen session that day.
My invitation to you today is to wake up with purpose, with the intent to improve the areas of your life you feel you need to and invite others to do the same.
Are you 100% ready to gain the competitive edge you need to dominate your sport?
⭐️ Your ability to control your emotions, shrink your focus, avoid distractions including self-doubt and imposture syndrome can prepare you to perform with the best.
⭐️ Your behavior, body language, leadership and self-talk matter. They all contribute to your confidence and impact your performance.
⭐️ As you master the mental game your self-confidence increases and your anxiety is reduced, making it more likely you can perform closer to your best when the stakes are high.
Here are a few reasons why some athletes don’t take responsibility for their mental performance:
1. They think solely working on the physical (gaining strength and doing the reps) will give them all they need for optimal performance. Although repetition helps gain a certain level of confidence, correct mental rehearsal before, during and after performance shrinks the gap between average and elite players.
2. They are unaware there is proven science and strategies within the mental game of their sport that can help them overcome uncertainty, judgement, outcome-based thinking, self-doubt, performance fear and anxiety. This lack of awareness can lead to avoiding pressure situations that give them much needed experience that will help them grow and perform at the highest levels of competition.
Over the past 23 years working with thousands of athletes, I have developed the 8-Week Competitive Edge program. This program gives you the tools you need to achieve an elite mindset and gives you consistency required to set you up for success on and off the field.
If you’re serious about gaining a competitive edge in your sport, acquiring an elite mindset to increase your overall performance click the link and get started! www.dangazaway.com/home#contact
