Visualizing Osmose Port 2 MPE with Haken CVC and Soma Labs Illuminator

Note: This video contains flashing lights for brief periods.
Short video - no talking. Just got this really interesting (and cool) "Illuminator" from Soma Labs (through Perfect Circuit) that lets you trigger LED strips (or anything that can take its output voltage) with CV inputs in range 3-20 V (though for CVC 3-10V is the range that needs to be used). The CVC is wired to output its 4 W (10V) Gate ports to trigger four LED strips of different colors (they come with the Illuminator with all the connectors required). And in this case the four Y ports (Osmose Aftertouch) are connected to a second set of 4 LED strips - so on normal pressure the first 4 LED strips trigger based on MPE Priority set and the second set trigger in similar manner when aftertouch is reached passing the 3V threshold.
I thought this setup would be interesting to demonstrate how MPE channel output differs based on what MPE Priority is set in the editor for the Haken port (where you can set Oldest (default), Low and Same priorities in the editor. High priorities can also be set but they are not as useful in the general sense and are not shown here.
Can't wait to connect this to the EaganMatrix Module and create a light show with Osmose, EMM and Eurorack Sequencers!
