Vanuatu / Tanna : Mysteries of the Tribes and cults in Tanna l travel vlog pt2 l travel guide l

Have you ever heard of the Cargo cult John Furm that worship America?
We visit the cargo cult John Furm and went on a cannibal tour to learn more about there history with cannibalism.
If you are looking for a different and unique trip, Vanuatu is the place to go to here has untouched nature with gigantic trees that are like taken from the Avatar movie, active volcanoes that you can climb and beautiful blue holes to swim and chill in, the diving here is also unique and very good, here you can find things airplanes and ships from ww2. People here are very friendly who are curious and happy to talk to you and many who live in small villages and have their custom dance that they like to show off, Most of them speak very good English and some speak French as well.

