Union Limited Steam 2001 Part 5 Zimbabwe - Insiza to Dete


A RTC tour on The Union Limited Zambezi from Cape Town to Victoria Falls and return mainly behind steam from 07 to 21-07-2001. An ambitious trip including the first steam haulage from Beitbridge to Rutenga and the first time a Class 25NC had operated in Zimbabwe. Also in Zimabwe at the same time was Zimfest organised by Geoff Cooke and that train features in later parts.
Part 5 includes the trip from Insiza to Dete 372 km (231 miles) on 12 to 13-07-2001 and from Insiza to Lochard it is filmed from the cab of the 25NC.
The Union Limited was a wonderful rake of vintage coaches where you ate, drank and slept on the train and were looked after by a great crew.
It was the last Union Limited tour presided over by Jenny & Ian Pretorius and I believe the train did not last too much longer under new management. Most of the coaches have either been scrapped or are derelict and vandalised after being dumped in a siding.
This was my first time using a video camera so not perfect but not bad for a first effort I think, it does improve as the trip progresses!
Featured are
Onboard and runpast footage plus passing trains.
Locos seen are
SAR North British Class 25NC 4-8-4 3410 'City of Bloemfontein'
NRZ General Electric Class DE6 Co-Co's
NRZ,General Motors GT22LC-2 Class DE10 Co-Co's
NRZ Franco Belge Class 15A Garratt 4-6-4+4-6-4 416 'Inungu'
NRZ Beyer Peacock Class 15 Garratt 4-6-4+4-6-4 394 'Umzwazwa'

