Two Simple Secrets for Building INSTANT Likeability & Trust

So, exactly how do you do this? How do you build trust, rapport and actually get people to like you in the first few minutes of a conversation?
There are two simple secrets.
First, your intentions must be pure so your actions are sincere. People can sense a disingenuous act within seconds. Don’t be this person. Do what you do because you care, and for the love of helping people buy and sell real estate. Real estate is a contact sport and your success relies on your ability and desire to build lasting relationships.
Second, do something completely unexpected, thoughtful and kind, and expect nothing in return. Pure acts of thoughtfulness and kindness are sure-fire ways to build instant likeability and trust, especially when your intentions are right and you expect nothing in return.
Take a look at this short video where I reveal a few brilliant acts of thoughtfulness and kindness that two of our coaching members do so naturally. It will amaze you at how something so small can mean so much to others.
Enjoy and be sure to share in the comments section what you do to wow your clients and build relationships.
Until next time, make it count.
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