Trying Shake Shack For The First Time


Me and my mom got to try Shake Shack for the first time recently. This is our reaction and overall thoughts. Of course, I also end with giving a review and ranking out of ten on the Shack Burger and Donut Coffee Shake I got. Oh yeah, I forgot to lower my video settings from 4K. Soo.... yeah. lol. I hope you enjoy! Description is below!
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Shake Shack is a international chain started and based in New York City, New York, who has a strategized business plan when it comes to expansion and where they choose to add new locations. They expand very slowly, but everywhere they go, they're overall well regarded and often loved. But how much of that is brand loyalty (buying for the name/status the name brings) and how much realistically is the actual quality and flavor of the food? In fact, with how much Shake Shack charges for their items, how do people justify paying the price for the food? These are all great questions, and really came to the forefront when I had given the burger a try.
Overall, I gave the Shake Shack Shack Burger as 5 out of 10. For a normal price of $6.29, that is beyond ability to justify even considering paying for. It's neither bad, nor good, just plain mediocre. Or as my mom now says, "Meaty Okra" lol. As a Oregonian, Burgerville is the way to go if you wish to spend way too much money on small, subpar fast food burgers over SS. I'd argue their burgers a even a little better. But genuinely, me and my mom both agree that Burger King and Carl's Jr/Hardee's are far better burgers than Shake Shack could ever hope to be. If you wish to pay a competitive price for a burger, go to one of those two over Shake Shack. Seriously. Flame Broiled all the way.
The Donut Coffee Shake however was really good, though lacked any flavor other than the Coffee. 7.5 out of 10 for me overall with it. The price of it was $6.59.
I was thankful and very fortunate to have my brother Mario (the one I record the 7 Days To Die Multiplayer series with) has T-Mobile, so he gets rewards each month with deals for free things, and cheap eats, which he sometimes shares with us, and this time, he did. That enabled me to justify trying Shake Shack. It would have likely been years if I hadn't got his free Shack Burger code to use. It of course still required the purchase of some menu item, and obviously I was going to try a shake. Since it unfortunately requires the use of their app, I of course did, and once I got home with my order, immediately uninstalled it haha. When I placed my order, I decided to give the workers a tip even though it is beyond unnecessary and abnormal. Give the cogs in the corporate system some extra peas for their work. So in total for the shake and tip I paid a grand total of $8.10. STEEP pricing. In fact, tantamount to robbery.
In the end, the overall food score is a 6.25 out of 10.
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And as always, stay safe, have a great day & night wherever you are and... I'll see ya later!
#foodreview #ShakeShack #RestaurantReview #Food #Foodie #TryingFood #BurgerReview #Burger #ShackBurger #Shake #Milkshake #FoodPorn #foodlover #isitgood #try #trying #letstry #letstryit #eatit #review #fastfood #howgoodisit #ranking #foodscore #firsttime #firsttimetrying #whichisbetter #4K

