Trump Plays Rainmaker

A bunch of recent memes involving politicians and TTS as well as a frustrating Rainmaker game inspired me to make this video. Unfortunately, the game happened during Chill Season, so I can't share the SplatNet game link or whatever. Also I know the video isn't perfect, the TTS I used isn't the same as those other videos (I have no idea what they used but this is why there's no Joe Biden here), Premier Pro started lagging when I was adding the character photos and it took like an hour to render the vid and I'm just really impatient (this is why there are no subtitles in the video). Am I gonna make another one of those? Maybe, but let's see if people likes it first...
I really wanted to post something this week, it's spring break here, but I cought Covid, so I didn't wanted to work on Chill Season Part 2 (more like the rest of Chill Season at this point, lmao). Also Uranium Part 2 is nearly done as well, who knows when I'll upload it though.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Making shitpost is fun.
- BlueCamo
Here's some credits to the players please pay respect to them they were wonderfull actors from the Anarchy Battle Series S Rank gang:
Your's truly : Spongebob the Gootuber main
Katesiae: Queen Elisabeth II
Dr.Radical: Ben Shapiro
Fadretart: Donald Trump
Haley: The Nooby Nerd Jimmy
*^("A")^*(Sorry I can't pronouce your name right, mate): Barak Obama
Jaggery19: Saul Goodman
Walgreens: Sonic The Hedgehog
