TRS-80 Games 3 - Crazy Painter (1982) - Games I Used To Play


Crazy Painter (Robert Pappas, 1982) a TRS-80 game I used to play 42 years ago. Best moments (2:00, 5:30, 19:00)
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Watch me paint the entire screen white, fulfilling a primal desire I still can't suppress. I finish multiple levels and showcase the criminally overlooked bonus stages. I also try to beat Level 9 which is impossible. An action game without shooting did NOT exist in 1982, and I don't believe this design has ever been copied. Hopefully casinos (and mobile game makers) don't watch this video.
Spacebar Strategy Clarification: When you hit spacebar, the code checks whether the entire screen is filled. Code loops from top left to bottom right exiting when it finds a black pixel. This is typically fast. However, if you paint from top left to bottom right, it takes longer and longer to reach a black pixel, so holding spacebar now slows the game down. If you remake Crazy Painter, make this official!
Note to Jim: Emergent was the word you were looking for. i.e. Crazy Painter had emergent gameplay
If you modernize the game: 1. Keep the chunky pixels (128 x 48 resolution) 2. Remove the enemies (or ensure their death paint explosion covers 1/4 the screen and don't spawn near player 22:52) 3. Slow player movement so brush can be easily aligned (a touch screen would render this moot). You'd make millions and you're required to give me half.
Buy Endlight - our modern game with TRS-80 soul!
"Games I Used To Play" Full Playlist
• Games I Used To Play -...
Matthew Reed writes about Crazy Painter
Creative Computing 1983 Review
"I like Crazy Painter because as the game progresses in difficulty levels, different creatures are brought into play. "
so ... so ... wrong
Crazy Painter on the CoCo
• Crazy Painter for the ...
While it lacks our fabled chunkiness, the challenge stage has a SQUEEGEE!
#retrogaming #trs80 #gamesiusedtoplay #retrogames

