Transforming Tourism Webinar: Nudging Green Behaviours

Influencing the behaviours of staff and guests must be a key part of any plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve broader sustainability goals in the accommodations sector. Through evidence-based communications and nudging techniques, significant progress can be made with relatively little financial investment.
In this 1-hour webinar we will provide practical guidance and real-world examples of when and how behaviour change approaches should be applied for maximum effect. As we will show, the results are not just great for the environment, but also great for customer experience, community engagement, and your hotel’s bottom line.
Delivered by the Travel Foundation within UNEP’s “Transforming Tourism Value Chains” project, funded by the German government’s International Climate Change Initiative, and in collaboration with the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).
For all related resources visit
For more details about the Transforming Tourism Value Chains work visit
