tough mothers and money grubbers


[Verse 1]
In this world of concrete and steel
Where the rats scurry and the banks deal
There's a certain breed of greedy beast
That just can't get enough of the feast
They call themselves by many names
Investors, executives, CEOs
But we all know what they're really after
Money, power, control over others
Tough mothers, money grubbers
Cold-hearted, soul-sucking lovers
Of the almighty dollar green
All they care for is the bottom line unseen
[Verse 2]
They say it's the American dream
To climb the ladder, to achieve, to scheme
But at what cost do we ignore the poor
When the rich get richer and the gap gets wider still
We work our fingers to the bone
While they sit back and collect their throne
And when we dare speak up against their wealth
They silence us with threats of no more help
Tough mothers, money grubbers
Cold-hearted, soul-sucking lovers
Of the almighty dollar green
All they care for is the bottom line unseen
The rich keep getting richer while the poor keep getting poorer
It's time to stand up and fight back against this corporate greed
No more will we bow down to these heartless creatures
We demand justice, equality and a fair share of the treasure
From Wall Street to Main Street
We won't be silenced anymore
We're gonna take back what's rightfully ours
We're not just pawns in your game
Tough mothers, money grubbers
Cold-hearted, soul-sucking lovers
Of the almighty dollar green
All they care for is the bottom line unseen
So rise up and join the fight
Against corporate greed and all its might
Let's change the world together, one step at a time
End corporate greed and make it crime!
