supermarket showdown


[Verse 1]
Grab my cart, I'm ready to roll
Supermarket sweep, it's time to take control
Lists in hand, I'm feeling fine
Until I hit the aisle, it's a checkout line
Supermarket showdown, chaos in the store
Dodging all the shoppers, gotta grab a little more
Supermarket showdown, racing through the aisles
Gonna make it out, but it might take a while
[Verse 2]
Produce section, veggies on the ground
Slip on a tomato, spinning all around
Kids are crying, someone's on the phone
Cart traffic jam, can't find a zone
Supermarket showdown, chaos in the store
Dodging all the shoppers, gotta grab a little more
Supermarket showdown, racing through the aisles
Gonna make it out, but it might take a while
Price check on aisle three, we're running out of time
Coupon lady's arguing, holding up the line
Stock boy's stacking, blocking my path
I'm weaving through the chaos, gotta do the math
[Verse 3]
Frozen foods, it's a chilly mess
Grab the last pizza, feeling the stress
Bakery's bustling, donuts in demand
Bread's all gone, this wasn't what I planned
Supermarket showdown, chaos in the store
Dodging all the shoppers, gotta grab a little more
Supermarket showdown, racing through the aisles
Gonna make it out, but it might take a while
Finally at the checkout, I’m almost free
Cashier’s moving slowly, staring back at me
Bag it up, pay the bill, head out to the car
Supermarket showdown, victory by far!
