Tomb of Inhankaman (Microbee) walkthrough


Walkthrough of the Microbee text adventure “Tomb of Inhankaman”. Author and year of release currently unknown.
Text solution:-
Comments are in round brackets. Optional command sequences are in square
brackets but they do help with understanding more about the game.
Only the first three letters of each word are actually needed, but I write
them out in full here for clarity.
(You start at the entrance to a pyramid)
S, [LOOK STATUE, GET PAPER, READ PAPER (GOLD leads the way), DROP PAPER], E, E, [LOOK HANDLES], PULL HANDLES, BEG, GET KEY (glass key), W, S, S, [LOOK TABLE, GET BOX, OPEN BOX, LOOK BOX (half a disk; *note1), SEARCH BOX (note), GET NOTE, READ NOTE (*note2), DROP BOX, DROP NOTE], [E, LOOK HEAD (“Two glass with a mummy makes one crystal”), WAIT (“BEG for the key …”), WAIT (“Mummy burns well…”; another glass key appears), GET KEY (glass key), INV (*note3), W], W, [S (to see bedroom; *note4), N], OPEN SARCOPHAGUS (Mummy swaps the glass key for an iron key; *note5), W, W (Mummy rushes into the furnace), TURN DIAL, OPEN FURNACE (crystal key & burnt linen appear), GET KEY (crystal key), GET LINEN, E, E, GET KEY (iron key), E, N, N, W, W, LOOK TABLE (locked chest), GET CHEST, UNLOCK CHEST, OPEN CHEST, LOOK CHEST (diamond), DROP CHEST, GET DIAMOND, [W, GET BOOKS, READ BOOKS, T (a clue about the sceptre is revealed; *note6), DROP BOOKS, E], S, [READ LINEN (hieroglyphics decoder), READ HIEROGLYPHICS (say SNAKES in reverse, i.e. “SEKANS”)], DROP LINEN, PULL LEVERS (*note7), G (boulder shatters and emerald appears), GET EMERALD, S, U, LOOK STAIRS, GET CHISEL (*note8), E, N, GET HAMMER, S, PUT KEY, KEYHOLE, U, DROP KEY (iron key), DROP KEY (crystal key), GET SCEPTRE, [LOOK SCEPTRE (two deep eye holes…)], D, E, D, S, SAY SEKANS (another room is revealed), W, PUT DIAMOND, SCEPTRE, L (*note9), PUT EMERALD, SCEPTRE, R, [LOOK SCEPTRE (two jewelled eyes…)], PUT SCEPTRE, HOLE (an opal mummy appears), [LOOK MUMMY (the other half disk is inside it)], CUT MUMMY, HAMMER, CHISEL, GET DISK, JOIN DISK (You have succeeded in joining the two half DISKs. You have W O N)
*note1 - this is a fake half disk. If you attempt to join it to your half, the game ends.
*note2 - “The Emerald was right and the Diamond left”.
*note3 - You now have two glass keys. Despite the previous clue, only one key is needed to complete the game. The robe room section is entirely optional.
*note4 - if you LIE or SLEEP in the bed, the roof collapses and the game ends.
*note5 - There seems to be a missing word in the response which should probably read “The mummy swaps the keys”.
*note6 - Attempting to read any of the other three books ends the game.
*note7 - Pulling the silver lever ends the game.
*note8 - don’t go down these stairs until the chisel has been revealed or you will trip over it and die.
*note9 - putting either of the precious stones into the wrong hole kills the player.

