Three Alpacas in my Ford Transit Connect Wagon!!!

Үй жануарлары мен аңдар

We have owned all three gelded boys [Remi (brown), age 8; Rico (white) and Finn (grey) both age 4] for just over one year. Before today, I was only getting two to ride at a time. Now, after much rehearsal in my mind, and the help of Jamie (my very trusted friend and alpaca helper), I was successful!!! All three did seem to be pretty comfortable as we took about a 10 minute ride in our neighborhood.
My technique was for me to bring two to the van on their leads. I stood outside and loaded Rico and I immediately jumped in after him. Then I held the lead and Finn immediately loaded with very little coaxing. So I was inside the van in the back far corner and had to make my way to the open slider door (driver’s side). Jamie handed Remi’s lead to me and he loaded very well!! As soon as he was in, Jamie gently closed the slider. I had a small foldable stool placed behind the front passenger door where I seated myself for their first van ride as a trio!! They certainly did seem more comfortable that ever. Rico was the one who previously had verbalized very stressed “crescendo” humming and he was very quiet as were the others.
After the ride, I VERY carefully opened the passenger slider just a crack and slid out back first, giving hand/verbal signals for the boys to stay back!! After I was out, I very gently closed the van door!!! After a couple of minutes, I opened the door and allowed them to enter directly into their training pen. Rico was the hold back, enjoying grazing on the fresh grass. Some clicker/treat was enough for me to hold onto his little “mini” lead and lead him into the pen with the other two. All three were given treats.
I forgot to mention that before we loaded them, we walked them around their potty area just outside the training pen. Finn and Rico both did their business and Remi did not (probably had just gone potty).
For this very first triple loading, I had them on their regular leads (with their mini-leads also attached). Taking off the long leads was a bit tricky. I plan to just use their mini-leads next time. The mini-leads are best for van riding as there is no chance of them stepping on it.
I will continue to load all three and hopefully be able to do with without my also jumping into the van. We shall see!!! This is so nice to finally do because we have a couple of events coming up where I would like to have all three participate in and not have to make separate van trips for the transport.

