Thoughts about “community” Part 1

Some thoughts about community involvement and the impending future.

Пікірлер: 6

  • @martinattwell3166
    @martinattwell31664 ай бұрын

    I have posted this link on my local community group as you have said many things that are as applicable to my community. In my community there are the same people that are continually doing things to try and keep everything going but the vast majority abstain from assisting and only provide platitudes from the sidelines. When I took it upon myself to ensure that the street signs do not rust and fall over, there were only two other community members that came to the party and assisted me in sanding and repainting the signs. The one provided me with their gardener for the day and the other cast concrete around the base of two signs that required more than just a sanding, rustproofing and repainting. We are currently facing a security onslaught from one side of our enclosure but we just do not have the required community involvement to resolve the issues that will eventually affect all of us. I know everyone is under financial stress but just providing non-financial support to keep our area up would also be appreciated. A perfect example of people that have taken the initiative are the Clean Benoni group but whenever I go to one of their events I always see the exact same people, very few people from the local community are willing to provide their time to make their own area better. Just my 2c.

  • @JohanBuilds
    @JohanBuilds4 ай бұрын

    On the topic "collaborative efforts", when you look at society at a whole at this stage of our lives, you'll tend to see people want to blow their own whistle and be the "main peanut" in the packet. I have noticed, in more than one group, whatever group of people it is. You will always get these splinters where someone else wants to be the "main man / center of the operation" rather than to come together with the other people and form a collaborative effort that actually makes a difference. Society has become very self indulged and won't let any opportunity, for their efforts being noticed by other as not being their efforts, see the light of day. They need to get a constant tap on the back to say "good on you biscuit", keep doing that, we can not do anything without you. And this is the major problem in my opinion, people have NOTHING in themselves. They need to take every opportunity for someone else to give them credit and praise for the things they do. If what they have done, goes unnoticed or the "collective group" gets praise and not them, they simply melt and get upset. People have also become very "instant". Everything we do nowadays is instant. Instant coffee, instant milk out of a carton, instant noodle(2mins), instant apples, instant bread, instant eggs. Also very short term. Every 2 years(sometime less) a new phone, every 3-5 years a new car, bakkie(truck), boat, bike. This all is to the detriment of one of the quotes I love most: "Rome wasn't built in a day". No one wants to hear that, everything needs to be today, now, yesterday even. And the sense of accomplishment goes out the windows. That leave people/society with the above mentioned problem, they need affirmation every few seconds of the day. When we get to the community, people want to give time, money, effort once and they wat to see instant results. That is why I think people can not do that, as they get no "kick" form the instant gratification they need and lack on a daily basis. Why would people vote if it can take up to 10/20 even 30 years to see the bigger picture change? Let someone else do it, is the much easier answer. This behaviour(mostly cause by conditioning) in society goes a level deeper too, into relationships with spouses, kids, friends, parents, grand parents etc etc. This is where you get the generation where they need to say things and feel things and make people notice them in ways that is just unthinkable to the human race at large. Just to get attention or some sense of importance. But that too won't last long, as it is instantly gain, it will be instantly lost to. I know I have too gone off at a tangent, but I think this goes hand-in-hand with what you were saying and this is why I think we are where we are in society, in the mess we are in and no-one actually cares. Society have been conditioned beyond the point of trying to make a difference. They just want to be praised and get affirmation.

  • @nielwilson9778
    @nielwilson97784 ай бұрын

    The challenge with community is that people can't come together to do a thing. The egos, differences and options can not be put aside to achieve a result. The ones that do come together are normally like minded or open minded enough to see the picture of what is trying to be done.

  • @Nalakcinillam


    4 ай бұрын

    Ego and fear

  • @sergiodaascencao7996
    @sergiodaascencao79964 ай бұрын

    I think and for me this is what I believe is the saying that goes its like farting against thunder . Its like fighting a loosing battle . I think thats one of the big reasons why people dont attend because they have this same view. Maybe if we can get passed this mentality, we can start making a change. And why we get together when the wheels have come off is because desperate times call for desperate measures. Just my 5c worth

  • @user-sd5hy3tm3f
    @user-sd5hy3tm3f4 ай бұрын

    After watching & listening to the video a few things cropped up for me.There are things I know i know...there are things I know I don't know...& things I don't know I don't know,you may want to read that again.I ask myself the question,of the 3 scenarios above where would I possibly find the most value for myself,& for the people I interact with on a daily basis. In all probability if I were to venture down the road into the sector of the things I know I don't know i will find great value there simply because I'm operating out of the ordinary or what I'm accustomed to. Yes,it means taking risks at times,in the beginning it may seem 'out of sort' or uncomfortable for a while & then if I choose to continue with my choice because it enhances or adds value to my life & others then as far as I'm concerned progress is made.Furthermore,the more I do that the easier it becomes & it has a ripple effect from whichever perspective one looks at it.The degree of how it will impact on my life as well as others will be determined by the amount of energy I put in. Ultimately 'we' are here for a purpose,I can't tell you what your purpose is,wouldn't it be extraordinary if we could all share our purpose with each other. Wouldn't it be great to sit in a room of people and know that there is one thing that one can do better than anybody else & have the support of your fellow being & vice-versa.It doesn't mean you are better than them or they are better than you,it simply means YOU have an important or integral role in the bigger scheme of things,one can add value,one can have an impact,do one thing different today that will be impactful,watch the ripple effect it has on one's life & others & know within one's efforts will be a cause for good or for a good cause. I'm really not partial to believing I need 'help' however for me to believe I don't need support would simply be insane.