The Script Road 2016 - Cristina Branco full concert


The Script Road 2016 - CRISTINA BRANCO full concert
Macau Cultural Center - March 12th
One of the most acclaimed voices in Portugal, Cristina Branco (March 12, Macau Cultural Centre) belongs to a generation of musicians that in the mid-1990s have found in fado their own way of expressing themselves (thereby contributing to an astonishing reinvigoration of the traditional song form of Portugal). Like them, Cristina has begun to define her own journey, in which respect for tradition walks hand in hand with a desire for innovation. For the singer, words have always been deserving of careful attention. Therefore, Cristina Branco is a singer of poets, amongst them the greatest in Portugal (Camões, Pessoa, David Mourão-Ferreira, José Afonso …) and abroad (Paul Éluard, Léo Ferré, Alfonsina Storni, Slauerhoff).

