I’ve already shown you the Moscow Metro, from the old stations to the new modern ones. This time, I want to show you the Saint Petersburg metro! 😍 It makes you feel like you are inside a palace. I filmed some of the most beautiful stations there, and talked about the history behind them. Discover the grand Avtovo station with columns made of glass, or the Admiralteyskaya station that has the deepest Metro in all of Russia! But the real question is, is the Metro in Saint Petersburg as beautiful as the one in Moscow? What differences do they have? Why are Russian metro stations so amazing?! Watch and find out! And make sure to leave a comment about which one you prefer 🚇
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00:00 Welcome to the Saint Petersburg metro!
00:30 Unique payment system!
00:55 It was used as a bunker?!
01:12 These doors are so strange!
01:45 The Square of the Revolt Metro! 💪
02:27 This station is named after a famous Russian poet! 📝
03:12 Metro station or PALACE?! 🏰
04:32 What’s different?
04:55 Soviet Style Metro!
05:50 Saint Petersburg metro is missing this! 💍
06:24 The DEEPEST metro station! 😱
07:11 This station is international! 🌎
07:55 Who did I find in this station?!
08:37 Are the trains here slower or faster?
08:48 This metro has GREEN MARBLE 💚
09:30 This metro is for Olympians! 🏅
10:15 First ever travelator in a Russian metro!!!
10:50 Which stations do you like more?! Moscow or Saint Petersburg? ❤️

Пікірлер: 595

  • @SashaMeetsRussia
    @SashaMeetsRussiaАй бұрын

    Для русскоязычных зрителей доступны русские субтитры! Включайте в настройках и присоединяйтесь к просмотру ❤

  • @honesty_-no9he


    Ай бұрын

    Uprising Square ! is the best translation.

  • @improveyourenglish10


    Ай бұрын

    все и так понятно без субтитров 😁😻

  • @nikolaykhramov1269


    Ай бұрын

    Сашюля, а почему ты так мало питерских станций иностранцам показала?! Есть же и другие... - не менее красивые и оригинальные!!

  • @evro2011


    Ай бұрын

    Почему иностранцы никогда не упоминают товарища Сталина? Именно из-за его мнения станции метро в ссср строили как дворцы и красивыми. И до сих пор строят красивыми. Вы стесняетесь упоминать товарища Сталина?

  • @maya4ok705


    Ай бұрын

    да и так все понятно. вы видимо специально разговариваете несложными словами и не быстро, чтоб перевод был не нужен

  • @tata46229
    @tata4622928 күн бұрын

    Когда-то давно я услышала историю о человеке, выполнявшем заказ для метро. Это была картина из мозаики, из маленьких кусочков разноцветной слюды. Художник жил в блокадном Ленинграде,в холоде, голоде, при свете коптильной лампы он создавал шедевр. Не было сил поднять тяжелый молоток для работы. Но он выполнил свою работу и вскоре умер от голода. Мы помним подвиг людей, которые вложили душу в эту красоту!

  • @vovabelyaev


    26 күн бұрын

    Брехня. Метро только в 1955 году открылось.

  • @tata46229


    26 күн бұрын

    ​@@vovabelyaev Художника звали Владимир Фролов, он умер в 1942 году, через три дня после завершения своей работы. Поищите в интернете, и пусть вам станет стыдно за свои слова.

  • @user-zj2qo6zb3t


    25 күн бұрын

    ​@@vovabelyaevзаказ был для московского метрополитена, мозаики установлены на станции "Новокузнецкая". Фамилия художника- Фролов.

  • @vovabelyaev


    25 күн бұрын

    @@user-zj2qo6zb3t ну если для московского, тогда да, возможно. Ну "при свете коптильной лампы" это через чур. Мозаики большие по размерам , делаются в огромных помещениях , хоть и по частям, но при дневном свете , по другому правильные цвета не подобрать

  • @mirpi868


    24 күн бұрын

    @@vovabelyaev Les metro en Russie sont magnifique 🤗

  • @stojanpavlovic5935
    @stojanpavlovic5935Ай бұрын

    Got bless Russia and the Russian people! May the Lord be with you, my brothers and sisters. ❤💪🙏

  • @1966Gleb


    Ай бұрын


  • @Alina-fe5tr


    Ай бұрын

    Скоро Восхищение Церкви (невесты) Иисуса Христа, вы готовы ??!!! (христиане, ожидающие Второго Пришествия Господа) "покайтесь, ибо приблизилось Царство Небесное" (Мф.3:2) "И как было во дни Ноя, так будет и во дни Сына Человеческого: ели, пили, женились, выходили замуж, до того дня, как вошел Ной в ковчег, и пришел потоп и погубил всех. Так же, как было и во дни Лота: ели, пили, покупали, продавали, садили, строили; но в день, в который Лот вышел из Содома, пролился с неба дождь огненный и серный и истребил всех; так будет и в тот день, когда Сын Человеческий явится. В тот день, кто будет на кровле, а вещи его в доме, тот не сходи взять их; и кто будет на поле, также не обращайся назад. Вспоминайте жену Лотову. Кто станет сберегать душу свою, тот погубит ее; а кто погубит ее, тот оживит ее. Сказываю вам: в ту ночь будут двое на одной постели: один возьмется, а другой оставится; две будут молоть вместе: одна возьмется, а другая оставится; двое будут на поле: один возьмется, а другой оставится." (От Луки 17:26-36) "И кто выдержит день пришествия Его, и кто устоит, когда Он явится? Ибо Он - как огонь расплавляющий и как щёлок очищающий." (Малахия 3:2) "и сказали: мужи Галилейские! что вы стоите и смотрите на небо? Сей Иисус, вознёсшийся от вас на небо, придёт таким же образом, как вы видели Его восходящим на небо" (Деян 1:11) "тогда явится знамение Сына Человеческого на небе; и тогда восплачутся все племена земные и увидят Сына Человеческого, грядущего на облаках небесных с силою и славою великою; и пошлет Ангелов Своих с трубою громогласною, и соберут избранных Его от четырех ветров, от края небес до края их" (От Матфея 24:30). "Итак, раскайтесь и обратитесь, чтобы изгладились ваши грехи..» (Деяния 3:19) "..И сказал мне: не запечатывай слов пророчества книги сей; ибо время близко. Неправедный пусть ещё делает неправду; нечистый пусть ещё сквернится; праведный да творит правду ещё, и святой да освящается ещё. Се, гряду скоро, и возмездие Моё со Мною, чтобы воздать каждому по делам его. Я есмь Альфа и Омега, начало и конец, Первый и Последний. Блаженны те, которые соблюдают заповеди Его, чтобы иметь им право на древо жизни и войти в город воротами. А вне - псы и чародеи, и любодеи, и убийцы, и идолослужители, и всякий любящий и делающий неправду. Я, Иисус, послал Ангела Моего засвидетельствовать вам сие в церквах. Я есмь корень и потомок Давида, звезда светлая и утренняя. И Дух и невеста говорят: приди! И слышавший да скажет: приди! Жаждущий пусть приходит, и желающий пусть берёт воду жизни даром...Свидетельствующий сие говорит: ей, гряду скоро! Аминь. Ей, гряди, Господи Иисусе! Благодать Господа нашего Иисуса Христа со всеми вами. Аминь." (Откровение Иоанна Богослова, 22:10-21)

  • @nikolaykhramov1269


    Ай бұрын


  • @stojanpavlovic5935


    Ай бұрын

    @@nikolaykhramov1269 Da brat😊

  • @nikolaykhramov1269


    Ай бұрын

    @@stojanpavlovic5935 Слобода за Србију - од америчких окупатора! No pasaran!

  • @alexanderpepkin4110
    @alexanderpepkin4110Ай бұрын

    Beautiful girl, beautiful city, beautiful country.. and somewhere in dirty New York subway commuters fight with rats over an old pizza slice …

  • @user-sl5xj2kg3v


    Ай бұрын

    😂смешно написали

  • @alexanderpepkin4110


    Ай бұрын

    Смешно, но недалеко от правды…

  • @victoriagorbunova1075


    27 күн бұрын

    К сожалению, это правда.))))

  • @user-xo4nw4wg7i


    27 күн бұрын

    Действительно, смешно. Так и представляется баталия-ристалище людей с крысами за главный приз - кусок засохшей пиццы.😄

  • @GrigVan


    24 күн бұрын

    Америка полностью разложилась и деградировала

  • @xuanthanhtraninh642
    @xuanthanhtraninh64229 күн бұрын

    Một tác phẩm nghệ thuật. Người Nga các bạn có tâm hồn và thế giới quan làm của riêng, điều này khiến cho các bạn không chỉ giàu có về vật chất mà còn giàu có về đời sống tinh thần (và nó vẫn luôn như vậy từ trước tới bây-giờ)

  • @GPKLR


    16 күн бұрын

  • @user-xo4nw4wg7i
    @user-xo4nw4wg7i27 күн бұрын

    A small and interesting nuance about Pushkin (after whom the metro station, the city and many other things in Russia are named), which not all foreigners probably know. Pushkin is one of the greatest poets in the world and the founder of the modern Russian language - a descendant of an Ethiopian/African who was at the court of Peter the Great. Which suggests that there has never been slavery and racism in Russia. And, moreover, the descendant of the African was a nobleman and an aristocrat.

  • @user-sz1xt9lu4g


    9 күн бұрын

    Рабство все же было, но касалось оно собственного населения, а не пригнанного извне Позже потомки рабов восстали, поэтому Ленин важен. Ну а сейчас в нашем обществе достигнут консенсус

  • @user-xo4nw4wg7i


    9 күн бұрын

    @@user-sz1xt9lu4g Какая чушь про рабство и "потомков рабов"! Это нечто запредельное, расчитанное на безграмотность и образование на основе комиксов. В том и заключется отличие нормального образования от попыток свести все к простым клише, лозунгам и штампам.

  • @Mrbrbusby
    @MrbrbusbyАй бұрын

    As somebody educated in UK, I always try to remind my Russian friends when they say Stalin’s statues should not be in the public space. Where was George VI during the London air raids? In the bloody Bahamas. Where was Comrade Stalin? With his people until the last hour and on occasion even sleeping in the Moscow metro right along with them.

  • @user-iq2st2el2d


    Ай бұрын

    Stalin's son was still a prisoner of the Germans and died in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in 1943

  • @user-sl5xj2kg3v


    Ай бұрын

    Второй сын Сталина Василий был лётчиком истребителя, чтоб не попасть в плен, летал без парашюта. У многих членов правительства дети служили и воевали в строевых частях.

  • @user-sl5xj2kg3v


    Ай бұрын

    И да, я согласен, что не надо убирать статуи и бюсты, это история страны, государства, по сути с 1000 летней историей.

  • @OLEG-gt2yt


    29 күн бұрын

    Your Russian friends are pretty stupid people if they say that about Stalin and about any monuments in general. Apparently, these are some of those who were nurtured by Soros's breast.

  • @victoriagorbunova1075


    27 күн бұрын

    You are right!

  • @DomingoGarciaMex
    @DomingoGarciaMexАй бұрын

    Another piece of art! St Peter metro system is as beautiful as Moscows one, a must stop for any tourist , so beautiful 🇷🇺🚈🚇

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    I agree 😍

  • @artursveshnikov7668


    Ай бұрын

    @@SashaMeetsRussia Вот только в Питере нет крутых суперсовременных станций как на БКЛ)

  • @user-kx1qi9qr6g


    23 күн бұрын

    Это метро построили коммунисты, и назвали его именем Ленина

  • @adamz8408
    @adamz8408Ай бұрын

    Да здравствует Россия ураааааааа урааааааааа урааааааааа с любовью из Одессе 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @romastep1875


    Ай бұрын

    Привет Одессе!

  • @user-jv6iz1dg8h


    Ай бұрын

    ....... с любовью из Харькова.......

  • @irinaiv2311


    Ай бұрын

    Ребята, пора домой

  • @avtobusnick1234


    Ай бұрын

    кто в Одессе не бывал, тот не видел моря. Кто на КАЗе не работал, тот не знает горя.

  • @sdana1881


    25 күн бұрын

    ​@@user-jv6iz1dg8h 😢

  • @annelieduffylindstrom7518
    @annelieduffylindstrom7518Ай бұрын

    Amazing so beautiful like museeum of history❤, I am so glad Sacha for take me travel around Russia with you, just sitting in my sofa in sweden see all this nice places, if I was 30 years younger I had try to travel to Russia😊 thank you for your videos❤❤

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you! So glad I can show them to you! ❤

  • @IvanIvanov-wh8td


    Ай бұрын

    Приезжай ! Через финов рукой подать !

  • @user-ye3sh9lr6u


    24 күн бұрын

    А что мешает вам посетить Россию сейчас?

  • @tonylong525
    @tonylong52529 күн бұрын

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and both cities have Metro stations that are beautiful to behold. Better still, Russia is fortunate to have two cities as physically beautiful and culturally dynamic as Moscow and St. Petersburg. Truly the crown jewels of Europe.

  • @user-py9pr6wt4s


    17 күн бұрын

    Москва и Санкт-Петербург туристические города. Другие города не сильно отличаются от Москвы. Только о них не знают в мире.

  • @GPKLR


    16 күн бұрын

  • @user-vs9uk8wr9z
    @user-vs9uk8wr9zАй бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your videos, I live in Canada and this allows me to travel to your beautiful country.

  • @D.A.G.1967


    28 күн бұрын

    В 2014 году я ехал на автобусе из аэропорта Пулково домой в центр. У метро московская все выходили к метро чтобы ехать дальше кто куда. Я увидел двух молодых девушек, явно иностранок и они были растерянны , и не знали куда им идти. Я подошёл к ним и предложил свою помощь , они были студентки из Канады. Сперва они нерешительно так отмазались, но я настоял на своём, узнал где их гостиница, она находилась на канале Грибоедова , вызвал такси и довёз их до места. Они были благодарны и счастливы . . я и сам кайфанул что помог людям. Мне не сложно. А людям приятно.❤😊

  • @user-vs9uk8wr9z


    26 күн бұрын

    @@D.A.G.1967 Вы хороший человек. Если бы в нашем мире было больше таких хороших людей, как ты, все было бы намного лучше. Желаем вам приятной недели. Простите за мою русскую орфографию, я пользуюсь переводчиком.

  • @ejacob1994
    @ejacob1994Ай бұрын

    “Those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it.” - George Santayan Congratulations to Russia 🇷🇺 using art to remind its people their great history and boost their sense of patriotism.

  • @ianjohnch


    24 күн бұрын

    Congratulations to America for having a New York metro that reminds people how little their government cares about them

  • @user-kx1qi9qr6g


    23 күн бұрын

    ​@@ianjohnchБуквально через пару дней после открытия станции метро Дунайская (Саша до нее не доехала несколько остановок) я сходил посмотреть на это "чудо". Ну что сказать, входная группа (особенно в зоне вспомогательного эскалатора, это какое-то убожество по качеству "отделки". Гипрок 🤦🏻‍♂️ Криво вырезанный. Убогость несусветная. И постоянные сообщения (даже стенд поэтому поводу в вестибюле станции на платформе) о риске протечек ...🤷🏻‍♂️ И несколько Мега скандалов при строительстве станции с подрядчиками. Где один сменял другого из-за воровства. Это лучше всего демонстрирует как капитализм может изуродовать даже ранее созданную жемчужну

  • @ianpeddle6818
    @ianpeddle681825 күн бұрын

    Wonderful gorgeous ravishing St Petersburg i lost my heart to it before I visited when I finally did I was in love for life ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @GPKLR


    16 күн бұрын

  • @thislue4376
    @thislue4376Ай бұрын

    Love your content, thank you so much. Love to russia from germany

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you ❤

  • @GPKLR


    16 күн бұрын

  • @user-px2jr7vt2y
    @user-px2jr7vt2yАй бұрын

    Both Metro Systems are breathtaking in their power and beauty. Whoever designed these stations/systems had a magnificent and brilliant plan. Their power and beauty transcends time. Well done Russia. Thank you beautiful Sasha....😍

  • @GPKLR


    16 күн бұрын

  • @Terence.1
    @Terence.1Ай бұрын

    It's so impressive. Nice video. I watched Eli's tour of the metros as well. I couldn't believe my eyes. Wow.

  • @user-yn8kc1gy8z
    @user-yn8kc1gy8zАй бұрын

    Всем привет из Санкт-Петербурга 👋🇷🇺

  • @lorisheheen2198
    @lorisheheen2198Ай бұрын

    Enjoyed watching this video Sasha and Domingo! Very nice metro in St. Petersburg! The history, the beautiful mosaics, the architecture as well. Have never seen anything like it! Thank you for the tour! Really enjoyed it!❤❤❤😊

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it ❤

  • @lorisheheen2198


    Ай бұрын

    @@SashaMeetsRussia ❤️❤️❤️❣️☺️

  • @stanspb763


    Ай бұрын

    The Metro is very attractive but wait until she creates videos of the museums and palaces, just stunning. Catherine Palace, a 1/4 mile wide for example or the Peterhof palace and lower park that has 13 smaller palaces on the grounds and the most spectacular fountain anywhere, all gravity fed, not pumps, or the great museums that make the Metro system look like slums..The greatest museum in the world, the Hermitage is in hard to even imagine. There are 400 museums in the city and area, some are small, for example the home of the writer Dostoevsky 2 blocks from my apartment and many museums for composers, scientists and palaces of royalty. The Hermitage has millions of display items such that if you stood in from of each item for 3 seconds your visit to the main palace would be 24hour a day for 3 years. Art lovers will need to move here to experience a faction of art collections. Catherine the Great bought up much of the great art of Europe when European monarchs got into financial problems due to all the wars of Europe and she has art experts buying up great art from every country because Europe has always been rising and falling due to conflicts with neighbors or their own people. But some of the most significant art of all types were created by Russians so for 300 years since the building St Petersburg to turn the swamp into the most beautiful center of arts, science and political spheres of anywhere. It is surprising to most visitors who walk around the city center and seen small plaques on almost every apartment block to see who lived there that had a major pact on the world. Surely the city was the most influential in the world in the arts, dance, music, drama, literature, science, , politics, religion, invention, manufacturing and more. Many developments were copied and claimed to be original thought in a foreign country. Ask anyone who invented radio and 99% of people say it was Marconi but the Russia navy was using wireless communications as a tool years before and the scientific principles had been established well before tinkers like Marconi had made their experiments but never understood the principles. In fake the RF wireless system installed in ships and the Admiralty next to the Hermitage and recorded the first sea rescue using wireless communications well before Marconi has made sparks radiate a few feet, A ship had struck a submerged obstacle out in the Gulf of Finland when it sent accurate coordinates and nature of the problem back to St Petersburg which launched rescue operations and all the sailors were saved. That was developed by a professor of electricity by the name of Popov and had written extensively on the subject and even established a degree program in wireless communications. The more one learns about St Petersburg to more in awe of its contribution to culture, science and politics., a city that was not very big in population. Anyone coming to St Petersburg let me know, I can give lots of tips on how to get the most out of your visit, how to get visas or how to get here since airlines and ships are not allowed by the US to come here.

  • @harutharutyunyan7749
    @harutharutyunyan7749Ай бұрын

    Я коренной петербуржец, пол жизни катался в метро, но так подробно не изучал станции ( материалы, рисунки и т.д.). Принимал это все как данное, и постоянно куда-то спешил, особо не оглядываясь. Интересно как гости города про это рассказывают) Thx for video, lovely lady :)

  • @karihonkanen1422
    @karihonkanen1422Ай бұрын

    Thank you Sasha. St. Petersburg is a amazing city, very nice metro system. 🎀

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you! Yes it is! ❤

  • @improveyourenglish10
    @improveyourenglish10Ай бұрын

    Помните фразу из Гоблинского перевода: Красиво как в метро Автово! 😁🤩

  • @EliaIoannou
    @EliaIoannou25 күн бұрын

    So Beautiful town l love st petersburg Hello from cyprus

  • @nikaaalnik2999
    @nikaaalnik2999Ай бұрын

    Russia is a beautiful country and powerful country i love Russia greetings from uk ❤

  • @GPKLR


    16 күн бұрын

  • @Aherz-yd4gs
    @Aherz-yd4gsАй бұрын

    It's amazing how Russland promotes its culture, its art, to all its people! It's so profound! Thank you for sharing!

  • @user-ot3vc6rs2m


    26 күн бұрын

    Yes, ruSSian propaganda channels are very active desperately trying to divert attention from ruSSia´s war and attrocities committed by ruSSian occupiers in Ukraine.

  • @user-kx1qi9qr6g


    23 күн бұрын

    Это метро у нас строили не при России, а во времена СССР

  • @Neil-ru7kw
    @Neil-ru7kwАй бұрын

    The beauty of those stations put all here in the states to shame .

  • @SameerKhan-ni1cr
    @SameerKhan-ni1crАй бұрын

    Yesterday I😊 subscribed to your channel👍, and I'm from🇮🇳.

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you! ❤ welcome!

  • @yurii222
    @yurii222Ай бұрын

    Саша настоящая русская красавица!

  • @rich_t


    Ай бұрын

    She's half American. 😂

  • @user-pf4qm4xj2l


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@rich_tспасибо русской половине, что сделала Сашу ещё прекраснее ☺

  • @stanspb763


    Ай бұрын

    @@rich_t The beautiful part is Russian....; )

  • @mila-mila1717
    @mila-mila1717Ай бұрын

    Старые станции метро и некоторые новые, в Москве и в Питере,очень красивы. Мой родной город Москва,но Санкт-Петербург люблю очень. Разные атмосферы и разные ощущения.❤

  • @user-kx1qi9qr6g


    23 күн бұрын

    Именно. Старые (советские) станции очень красивые, а новые в своей массе (по крайней мере у нас в Ленинграде) - ничего из себя в части искусства не представляют. Капитализм 🤷🏻‍♂️ Погоня за прибылью, коррупция и урезание бюджетных расходов

  • @kristofp72
    @kristofp72Ай бұрын

    I have been to Saint Petersburg more than 25 years ago and couldn't remember the metro like I did in Moscow. I'm blown away by the beauty.

  • @gambit4354
    @gambit4354Ай бұрын

    wow just when i thought it couldn't get better Russia goes on another level in St Petersburg's metro and the way Russia pays homage to its citizens says a lot about Russia and the people thankyou Sasha absolutely beautiful metro your content is awesome New Zealand fan here and jealous haha

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you! Yes the Russian metros are on a whole new level!

  • @GPKLR


    16 күн бұрын

  • @aquanews9633
    @aquanews9633Ай бұрын

    Любимы город, любимый метрополитен!

  • @user-ws1gy1kl7n
    @user-ws1gy1kl7nАй бұрын

    Всем привет! Саша лучший гид по России!!! Умничка. Так держать!

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын


  • @user-yw7lz8hi4i
    @user-yw7lz8hi4iАй бұрын

    Надо зрителей познакомить с метро в Казани,в Екатеринбурге и показать,что не Москвой единой живёт Россия.Спасибо за классный контент ❤

  • @frost_8266


    Ай бұрын

    Я была в Казани год назад. :) Компактное и миленькое метро::) Ещё обратила внимание, что станции на трёх языках объявляют и запах другой, мне понравилось:)

  • @FraochFlanagan
    @FraochFlanaganАй бұрын

    Greetings Sasha. To be perfectly honest, I cannot choose one over the other. To me Moscow metro and Saint Petersburg are both beautiful stations, unlike anywhere else. The workmanship and artistry are exquisite, and so clean and inviting. Thank you for another enjoyable video, I look forward to every one. Stay safe, healthy and God Bless

  • @stanspb763


    Ай бұрын

    I am partial to St Petersburg and choose to live in it but the Moscow metro is much more comprehensive and useful because there are so many ways to get to your destination. But it is also overwhelming in masses of people moving through it. In St Petersburg only in rush hours is it crowded and even then only in the center of the city. So the pace is relaxed getting to your line once underground 250 feet in St Petersburg but in Moscow it can be waves of people moving very quickly to their platforms so a visitor really has to know which line and what direction to move or else you will get run over. For beginners I tell people to avoid the metro in Moscow until they have a clear idea of where they are and exactly which path to follow to get to the right line for an hour before and after rush hour.

  • @FraochFlanagan


    Ай бұрын

    @@stanspb763 Very helpful advice. I would love to live there, but it is not possible. I am in the bananarepublic of turdeauland. Stay safe, God Bless

  • @D.A.G.1967


    28 күн бұрын

    ​@@FraochFlanaganгде это?😂😊

  • @genymamov


    17 күн бұрын

    ​@stanspb763нет, в Петербурге метро перегружено всегда, кроме воскресенья и кроме самых окраин. В Москве в метро гораздо свободнее.

  • @davidsthoughts60
    @davidsthoughts60Ай бұрын

    I hope to visit St. Petersburg and its metro stations someday.

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    I hope you can!

  • @IvanIvanov-wh8td


    Ай бұрын

    Приезжай! Никаких проблем !

  • @Nish_18
    @Nish_18Ай бұрын

    Yes, Definitely these stations are just as beautiful as the ones in Moscow. I'd say I like some of these more.

  • @vicomaya7448
    @vicomaya7448Ай бұрын

    Tus papás "Por qué no viene Sasha? La comida ya está fría" y Sasha haciendo video del Hermoso Metro de San Petersburgo 😉. Wow, definitivamente por si sólo el metro es una atracción turística en Rusia. Saludos

  • @user-kf1jw3gg4x


    Ай бұрын


  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Hahahah si! 😂 gracias ❤

  • @sx-ou2ns
    @sx-ou2nsАй бұрын

    Parece museo muy bello saludos 🇲🇽

  • @dikiykit3712


    Ай бұрын

    Такая была идея Советской власти. Метро-дворец для каждого гражданина страны, который может не только посмотреть со стороны на дворец, а пользоваться им как транспортным средством. Народ мог видеть, куда идут народные деньги.

  • @RogueSecret
    @RogueSecretАй бұрын

    Here in Norway our metro station look like public toilets with tagging, imported gangsters and dirt everywhere... What a contrast...

  • @lexburen5932


    Ай бұрын

    @-qv9bh ahh... Another ignorant overseas commenter. how much thinfoil hats you have been wearing lately?, i see that those must have been alot. Back to your brainwashing machine the TV. :)

  • @RogueSecret


    Ай бұрын

    @-qv9bh Still, the new metro stations in Russia also looks good compared to ours. And ours is pretty damn unsafe and dirty, cant say the same about the russian ones. And the tax money arent spent carefully, its a long time since that time. In the west we are slowly turning more into a digital communism world, while russia is capitalism where the state have more controll. How The World Economy Forum wants to dicate the west looks like a modern version of USSR and CCP.

  • @RogueSecret


    Ай бұрын

    @-qv9bh Norway is safe, but if you move to the capital city its very unsafe, someone dies there every week from a knife or a gun. As an Norwegian it feels like i'm in another country when i go to the capital city, and in year 2075 there is only around 10% true Norwegians living there, the majority will be from Islamic countries according to SSB. (State statestic company)

  • @user-sl5xj2kg3v


    Ай бұрын


  • @yaposhnia3724


    Ай бұрын

    ​@-qv9bhпочему Вы так решили? На основании чего? У меня много знакомых, но никто из них не хочет жить в Норвегии.

  • @malc121
    @malc121Ай бұрын

    Thank you for sharing the amazing metro station buildings in the beautiful city ❤❤

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Glad you liked it ❤

  • @malc121


    Ай бұрын

    @@SashaMeetsRussia 👏🏻🙏🏻❤️

  • @Iustitia777
    @Iustitia777Ай бұрын

    Я родилась в Курске, 12 лет живу в Питере. Мой прадед-коренной москвич. Но сколько бы я не бывала в Москве, и современные она Питера, и краше, но я лишь убеждаюсь, что Питер-мой город, и это по любви!

  • @yurii222


    Ай бұрын

    Тоже мечтаю там жить, а сколько средняя зп, и средняя аренда квартир? Вопрос как в нем задержаться и жить нормально

  • @stanspb763


    Ай бұрын

    @@yurii222 It depends what life style. If a foreigner comes and tries to reproduce their foreign life style it can be expensive because it revolve around a car. But living a better life without the limiting nature of privately owned cars that can have a very good life for $1000 a month. I live in the city center on a quiet street but is very convenient to everywhere, just 20 second walk to a metro and buses to everywhere walking 40 seconds. I do not own my apartment so my cost of living higher since most people over 20 yo own their apartment so only have $65 a month for utilities. My 72 meter home is around $500 a month including utilities. When I lived in California the cost of living was very high 25 years ago, and had a basic cost of living of $23,000 a month and that did not include home since I owned my homes free of debt. Now, my total cost of living for a MUCH better quality of life is $1000-1400 depending how many dates I have. The lack of stress, the safer living, better health care, 1000 times more access to culture(I attend plays, opera jazz clubs, ballet very often, but they are very affordable here and almost unavailable in the US. The last time visiting NYC my friend saw a notice for an opera we both liked and it was the only theater in the US that night staging an opera, the MET,. We are used to $20 tickets or free since I get free tickets from my many opera, ballet and theater friends, but going to the box office we found two mid grade seating location was $1600!!! but we had spent less than expected on other things so splurged and were very disappointed in the acoustics, the sets, cast and orchestra were all lower standard than in Russia. I lead a very active social and cultural life that would not even be possible in the US and do it for very little money, zero stress and lack of fear that is the main constant in the US city life.

  • @uginli9184


    Ай бұрын


  • @OlegR46


    Ай бұрын

    Привет вам из Курска!!!

  • @Iustitia777


    Ай бұрын

    @@OlegR46 Привет прекрасному городу Курску!

  • @monchateauamoi3641
    @monchateauamoi3641Ай бұрын

    I think they're as beautiful as moscow, it's just a different city and a different vibe...especially the people are totally different from moscavites!

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын


  • @ScalapendraS
    @ScalapendraSАй бұрын

    Самый главный плюс нашего метро в том, что оно чистое!!! 😊

  • @garysenn4809
    @garysenn4809Ай бұрын

    Another Incredible video! I love ALL the metros! Just Amazing! Thank You Sasha, Thank You Domingo. ✨

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you!! ❤

  • @Buldachev
    @BuldachevАй бұрын

    Блин, как же я прусь от чистого американского и русского произношений от Саши) Крайне редкий случай, когда человек в совершенстве и без акцента оперирует обоими языками)

  • @alexanderbelov6892


    Ай бұрын

    Чисто американский без акцента? Акцент есть. Нужно чаще слушать американцев. Русский также с особенностями. Наподобие тех, что зависят от места рождения, где Саша учила русский, где слышала русскую речь.

  • @sergeylugoff8862


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@alexanderbelov6892нет у нее акцента в английском. Говорит на хорошем американском. А в русском иногда проскальзывает американский акцент.

  • @kristofp72


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@alexanderbelov6892 Her English is flawless

  • @Sakh10


    Ай бұрын

    Она когда про спорт читала в ролике, то Кубертена на французском произнесла - тоже прекрасное произношение. Американо-английский хороший у нее, но он тоже разный в штатах, и у нее точно не техасский! Где-то восточно-побережьевский.

  • @sergeylugoff8862


    Ай бұрын

    @@Sakh10 ну, французский у неё беглый, но не безупречный. Чувствуется, что не родной. А американский и не должен быть техасским. На фик он нужен кому этот дрол...

  • @wulffdendad8957
    @wulffdendad8957Ай бұрын

    Very interesting didn’t know how extravagant the subway stations were in St. Petersburg #wulffdendad

  • @user-oq2sd9uu1p
    @user-oq2sd9uu1pАй бұрын

    Саша где ты появляешься, там все расцветает кругом и любая станция метро кажется еще прекраснее....

  • @Egor_from_Briansk
    @Egor_from_BrianskАй бұрын

    Саша, спасибо за твой замечательный канал и контент! Я сам русский, поэтому мне стыдно говорить, но я познаю Россию вместе с тобой) Ты замечательный, светлый человек, который даёт миру, который сейчас ополчился на нас понять, что мы тоже хорошие люди! Готов поклясться, твой канал - сейчас мой любимый❤ Подписался не так давно, но жду каждое видео с нетерпением! Всему нашему миру нужно больше добра, больше любви, больше САШИ! ❤ Мечтаю когда-нибудь встретить тебя лично)

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Спасибо большое за такой замечательный комментарий!! ❤

  • @stanspb763


    Ай бұрын

    The world loves Russia with the exceptions of those countries controlled by the US(Europe, Canada, UK. Australia, Japan,), all dying societies but the rest of the world really appreciates Russia as the only country with the will and strength to stand up to the US. So the world has split into two factions and 75% of world population and all the growing economies are appreciative of Russia The largest trading pact in history is BRICS that is 20% larger than the G7 and 40 more countries are waiting to be inducted into that trade group and by the end of this year BRICS Plus will have 74% of world population in this peaceful trade alliance that will not trade in dollars and needs nothing from the west. The majority of patents and innovation are already coming from BRICS countries and that will only get more lopsided as time goes by. So the current conditions in Russia are good and, unlike the west, Russia is getting better with each new day. I know both countries very well, visiting the USSR first in 1976 and returning many times until the 1990s when visiting increased to every few months and finally moving full time to Russia full time the first week of 2000 from my native USA and have spent time in 92 countries so have general view of the realities of the changing conditions of the world. Right now, regardless of the sanctions and views of the collective west, Russia is a better place to raise a family or start a business or just live a good, secure desirable life. Remember, the harsh claims from the west and belief of the people are all based on the most comprehensive propaganda machine the world has ever seen so the people of North America and Europe know nothing about their governments actions around the world, that is true. Nothing they are told about you and your country is true. Logic and facts do not matter when all the media are aligned in the same disinformation system. It is only by chance that this channel is not blocked, many thousands have been deplatformed for revealing less.

  • @1966Gleb
    @1966GlebАй бұрын

    7:20 this mighty Atlant, holding the firmament on his shoulders, reminds me of Vladimir Putin. He is also selflessly, struggling to keep our huge, multinational, sovereign Russia on his shoulders.

  • @user-ew2yy6dt3b
    @user-ew2yy6dt3bАй бұрын

    This subway station looks like a Art Gallery

  • @jpr4747
    @jpr4747Ай бұрын

    Very very interesting ! But so amazing for a Parisian and our métro

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Yes the Paris metro was not so nice when I went 😅

  • @jeanpi314159


    Ай бұрын

    @@SashaMeetsRussia ha ha ha ! it's so nice that I have better to go by foot and watch the métro from outside and from far, because it smells too. My Russian friends take the bus...Anyway, it's faster by foot, because он всегда ломается и мы застреваем в тоннелях на 2 часа ! Seeing the Soviet metro is like watching a science fiction movie from a western point of view !

  • @jeanpi314159


    Ай бұрын

    @@SashaMeetsRussia plus : they decided to increase the price and it will be 4€ for a one way ticket ! former minister Valérie Pécresse explained why : "we decided to make too high in order no people will take the metro, we used our intelligence to think about it" From what I know, many peoples still renounced at 2€; The OG will be a mess ! The spectacle won't be in sports, but in Paris, it will be fun, after. May be the Russian athlets should come just to have fun and watch the mess...

  • @aleksandrbur8063


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@jeanpi314159вы очень пессимистичны , неужели всё так плохо ?

  • @D.A.G.1967


    28 күн бұрын

    ​@@jeanpi314159в России 🇷🇺 столько всяких международных соревнований происходит , что мы даже не заметим наше отсутствие на олимпиаде. Вам просто об этом не говорят.

  • @r.w.emersonii3501
    @r.w.emersonii3501Ай бұрын

    The stations are obviously a labor of love. They tell us that Soviet citizens were devoted to the main idea of communism: a system of, by, and for the people. Do Russians have that some devotion today, or do they take the stations for granted as they pass through? You, as an American, bring "fresh eyes". I think Russia benefits from the presence of appreciative Americans like you! You illuminate the stations with your radiant attitude. The stations thank you!

  • @sergsuper


    23 күн бұрын

    there was not devotion since end of 1970s, now there is not at all

  • @r.w.emersonii3501


    22 күн бұрын

    ​@@sergsuper Now, under capitalism, there is a devotion to Money? -- or just a void? To me, this loss of appreciation for human achievement seems like step backwards.

  • @VasiliyTolstoy


    22 күн бұрын

    1/2 of the stations shown were built long after fall of Soviet Union. I would say -- they make them even more decorated now than during the last decades of communism.

  • @sergsuper


    19 күн бұрын

    @@r.w.emersonii3501 outside it seems like archivement, but inside it was not so nice. There was trouble with people who didn't want to live in such way. If anyone could make a set of shops or works - he could not, all production belonged to the government. So there was no democracy, a lot of repression. People tried to leave that paradise. You can see Cuba now

  • @r.w.emersonii3501


    19 күн бұрын

    ​@@sergsuper It was a mistake to think of the Soviet Union as "paradise". Marx and Lenin both rejected such Utopian thinking. Giving economic power to the whole population was a huge new experiment, and some mistakes are made and need to be corrected over time. It was a mistake to try to limit all production to the government -- an impossible task. This mistake was successfully corrected by Lenin's "New Economic Policy" (NEP, 1922-1928). Why did Stalin end the NEP? I think it is because the country needed rapid industrialization. The need to prepare for the next invasion by the "West" led to excessive centralization. Was the capitalist alternative better? -- fake democracy, endless war, the Great Depression, people turned into zombies?

  • @BronxTsapkov-fy8hd
    @BronxTsapkov-fy8hd25 күн бұрын

    Удивително красиво! Поздрави от България. Здраве и Победа!

  • @user-yb5gt7dd1e
    @user-yb5gt7dd1eАй бұрын

    Первые секунды видео и уже хохма на стоп-кадре.. Спасибо за настроение 😂😅

  • @user-lr9mp8fu4d
    @user-lr9mp8fu4d23 күн бұрын

    Живу в Питере и когда на метро ,ни когда не обращаешь на это все внимания, а оказывается красиво))))

  • @joemccourt3434
    @joemccourt3434Ай бұрын

    Those metro stations are so beautiful and well maintained 😍😍

  • @denkuzmin
    @denkuzminАй бұрын

    К сожалению, в Автово не все колонны хрустальные. Когда станцию строили, хрусталь закончился и было решено оставшиеся колонны сделать обычными. А если бы все колонны сделали хрустальными, то было бы вообще шикарно. 🤠

  • @user-tw8hw2or5p


    Ай бұрын

    Это было бы супер!!! Мечты сбываются!!!

  • @user-ty3hs9rb2e


    17 күн бұрын

    Тсссс 🤫только никому это больше не говори

  • @michaelmakarevich601
    @michaelmakarevich60126 күн бұрын

    Guys, I am so jealous... I visited St. Pertsburt right before Covid and fell in love with the city. I want to revisit it so much! Well one day... Миша

  • @user-xt4no5dm9c
    @user-xt4no5dm9cАй бұрын

    It's a little dark in the Moscow metro (I'm not talking about the new modern part of it). If we compare, then in St. Petersburg the stations and subway crossings are much better lit. And the interval of train movement depends on the time of day. During peak hours, the interval is less - about a minute

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks for letting me know!😊

  • @D.A.G.1967


    28 күн бұрын

    Обычно 3 минуты ожидания поезда

  • @katyalavrentyeva2728
    @katyalavrentyeva2728Ай бұрын

    Avtovo is probably the most beautiful station in St. Petersburg ❣️

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Agree 😍

  • @user-de5dv7wk3m


    Ай бұрын

    Станция метро Достоевская на мой взгляд самая красивая в Санкт- Петербурге

  • @katyalavrentyeva2728


    Ай бұрын

    @@user-de5dv7wk3m да, она тоже очень красивая!

  • @IvanIvanov-wh8td


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@user-de5dv7wk3mавтово !

  • @avtobusnick1234


    Ай бұрын

    И в мире!

  • @flankerpraha
    @flankerprahaАй бұрын

    I'm glad somebody made the tour through SPB metro too.

  • @stass6222
    @stass6222Ай бұрын

    the price in the subway is 70 rubles (70 cent), this is the price for tourists. Locals pay 48 rubles in the subway - we have a spb-card. By the way, you're lucky, there aren't many old trains left in the subway, mostly on the red line - where you went most often.

  • @stanspb763


    Ай бұрын

    Plus another discount if using certain bank cards that increases the discount

  • @genymamov


    17 күн бұрын

    Эта карта свободно доступна для туристов.

  • @cresenciashamsoddin2942
    @cresenciashamsoddin294226 күн бұрын

    Thanks Sasha beautiful Metro in Russia modern and very clean

  • @lefortTV
    @lefortTVАй бұрын

    Саша, тебе пора показывать Эрмитаж :) Контента на месяц хватит! А еще не забудь показать статуи за ним "Атланты". Удачи тебе и Доминго!

  • @denkuzmin
    @denkuzminАй бұрын

    Мы вообще были уверены, что Адмиралтейскую никогда не откроют. За столько лет все привыкли к станции-призраку. Ещё и много легенд успело появиться про гигантских крыс и секретную правительственную станцию. 😸

  • @vlad0s754
    @vlad0s754Ай бұрын

    I'm from Moscow and it was really interesting to sees St. Petersburg's Subway. this place the same beautiful in moscow. Thanks for your video❤

  • @user-zo5rr9sh9h
    @user-zo5rr9sh9hАй бұрын

    Saint Petersburg stations are grandiose, definitely looking like palaces! But I remember of one looking like a flying saucer, near a mosque. If someone can tell me its name would be great!

  • @ploskiyvovan


    Ай бұрын


  • @009agen


    Ай бұрын

    We have a lot of flying saucers, Gasprom arena stadium for instance or the roof of the business center Nevskaya Ratusha.

  • @user-de5dv7wk3m


    Ай бұрын


  • @user-ij1gg5kz9b


    21 күн бұрын

    Метро Горьковская

  • @yulinosifuentes4314
    @yulinosifuentes4314Ай бұрын

    Bonito metro impresionante

  • @denkuzmin
    @denkuzminАй бұрын

    Самое адское место в метро Петербурга - это узел Садовая-Сенная площадь-Спасская. Я всю жизнь в Петербурге живу, но до сих пор не понимаю, куда там идти надо. 😋

  • @stanspb763


    Ай бұрын

    It is really simple, what is wrong ....the lines are well marked and color coded .

  • @DrageFabeldyr


    Ай бұрын

    они ещё поменяли Садовую со Спасской местами, я до сих пор не могу запомнить какая на какой ветке

  • @borschbandit
    @borschbanditАй бұрын

    Great video! The stations in Russia are just incredible. I didn't know the metro was this beautiful in SPB. What kind of microphone do you use when you're filming outside?

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you!! I use a DIJI mic 😊

  • @pavlovskyalek
    @pavlovskyalekАй бұрын

    колонны выглядят просто потрясающе! хочу себе домой такие!

  • @user-xt4no5dm9c


    Ай бұрын


  • @alexsharlaev307
    @alexsharlaev307Ай бұрын

    Красота состоит из множества граней, и главное достоинство красоты - в многообразии! Сравнивать метро Москвы и Питера могут только люди с завышенной планкой снобизма. По мне - все они (не снобы, станции!) хороши, ибо красота многообразна!

  • @redrick1917
    @redrick1917Ай бұрын

    Fantastic. Thank you very much for filming this.

  • @uginli9184
    @uginli9184Ай бұрын

    Саша-красавица наша🥰. Питер прекрасен😍. Исаакиевский собор, требует отдельного видео!😊🙏☝️

  • @user-ub8zk8en1x
    @user-ub8zk8en1x14 күн бұрын

    Я конечно не был ни в Питере,ни в Москве,но определенно метро заслуживают уважение за наш народ и страну!

  • @user-jo6kw7hq9n
    @user-jo6kw7hq9nАй бұрын

    Thank you Sasha, both cities are beautiful! By the way, special thanks for the selection of background music for soundtracking the video👍, I got aesthetic pleasure.

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you! Glad you liked it! ❤

  • @user-hu2sn5zn1v
    @user-hu2sn5zn1vАй бұрын

    Есть кстати интересный факт. Долгое время (до 2011 года) когда в Петербурге было лишь 4 линии метро, а не 5, все станции от Садовой и до Комендантского Проспекта относились к оранжевой (или 4-й ветке), потом же когда построили Адмиралтейскую и другие от оранжевой ветки отрезали половину и сделали новую ветку (фиолетовую). Туда же теперь относятся и Международная и Звенигородская. Сейчас кстати оранжевую хотят продлить уже в другую сторону за счёт станций "Горный институт" и "Театральная".

  • @anatoliyvlasov4598
    @anatoliyvlasov4598Ай бұрын

    В Санкт-Петербурге много рек, и каналов, и много подземлей водных каналов, некоторые станции построены под ними! Во избежании прорывы воды некоторые станции сделаны с дополнительными дверями, они служат как шлюзами, чтоб не затопило!!

  • @Queeen7q


    Ай бұрын

    Это ерунда. Между стеной и дверями огромные щели. Это никакие не шлюзы.

  • @IvanIvanov-wh8td


    Ай бұрын

    Это бомбоубежки !

  • @Jsnukchannel
    @JsnukchannelАй бұрын

    Офигеть я как раз вчера вечером вспоминал твой канал и подумал о том, будешь ли ты в Петербурге, как вышло видео про петербургское метро

  • @darkmatter5424
    @darkmatter542411 күн бұрын

    St Petersburg Metro, although still very much lovely, needs to catch up to Moscow's. It's almost like a generation behind.

  • @user-ye9wf6cs5i
    @user-ye9wf6cs5iАй бұрын

    All stations are delightful but Kirovskiy Zavod is my favourite. I can see why your subscription numbers are mounting. ❤ from Australia

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you! Yes it’s a beautiful station 😍

  • @luisfigueiras5707
    @luisfigueiras5707Ай бұрын

    Really Amazing .... Thank You for sharing

  • @briangreen9677
    @briangreen9677Ай бұрын

    The one using glass in the pillars was awesome, in my opinion. The thing I love about Russian metro is that it looks like they actually care and it shows by how grand everything looks and how clean everything is. The comment about the lack of rings in St. Petersburg was funny. This does bring up a good question. I know that Moscow is growing and there's more people living there every year. Is the city of St. Petersburg growing too? Is the population increasing? If it is, it seems likely that additional stations and lines will be needed. They might just get their first ring! Thanks for bringing us along on this exploration of the St. Petersburg metro!

  • @yuliad4796


    Ай бұрын

    Санкт-Петербург растет и новые станции метро городу очень нужны. Но есть проблема. Санкт-Петербург построен на болотах, весь изрезан реками и ручьями. Строительство метро в таких грунтах очень сложное технически, и очень дорогое. Впрочем, планы по расширению там метро существуют. Жители Санкт-Петрбурга ждут.

  • @briangreen9677


    Ай бұрын

    @@yuliad4796 Wow. I can imagine building in swamps would be very difficult. I'm happy to see that the population of Saint Petersburg is growing. I hope the new lines and new stations will be as pleasing to the eye as those we've seen on this channel so far!

  • @user-lv3nq7zr9l


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@yuliad4796 ,да,да очень ждём 😅

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you! Glad you liked the video! ❤

  • @user-et3ld2xw7p


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@SashaMeetsRussia can you provide more video about those glass columns

  • @rudranarayanakb
    @rudranarayanakbАй бұрын

    I heard name but saw it's really most beautiful place, thank you so much for beautiful City explanation.

  • @Nikky_Sonny
    @Nikky_SonnyАй бұрын

    I am from Russia and I like your videos very much!!!❤❤❤

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    I’m really glad! ❤

  • @Nikky_Sonny


    Ай бұрын

    @@SashaMeetsRussia ❤️

  • @sergeihan3162
    @sergeihan3162Ай бұрын


  • @stanspb763


    Ай бұрын

    There are many Slavic women who are very attractive but the difference with Russian is they are not only very feminine, highly educated and highly cultured but also head more businesses and universities than males. I know surely a thousand women here and do not know one who is not highly and broadly educated, and cultured. I keep hearing from western women making claims that women in Russia are repressed and are just pretty in the ways men like, but they have more rights, and options than women in the west. They have had full rights longer, and yet remain feminine fit well mannered and an absolute joy to be around. They did not have to turn into the worst class of bad versions of men to gain all those options. So many females in the west rag on Russian women for dressing "for men" but dressing feminine is not for men, it is their nature and the nature of men is to appreciate the differences between men and women. One difference between western and eastern culture is the assumption that women need special advantages to become successful. When I started a business here in a field I never was in before all the competitors out of the appoximately 100 firms, except 2 were headed by women. When I first needed to add staff I put ads in a paper and interviewed a number of people.In the US an employer needs to be very careful because most applicates are unemployed for a reason and all claim more skill than they have, and overestimate their value by a wide margin so interviewing applicants I made choices slowly, after more than one meeting. But it seemed strange, those who I hired were far more capable than they claimed. After a month of interviewing I concluded it was a waste of time. I tried an experiment, in the rapid grow first few months I stopped interviewing anyone. When we needed more, I would just tell the whole office if they knew a friend who wanted a job, tell them to start Monday morning in 18 years I never had to fire anyone in a core staff of 83, with only 3 males, me a PhD in Philosophy who could not find a job that needed a philosophy doctor, and the male transportation manager. Everyone else was a female age range from 17yo(an art major in college who worked 1/2 day in the winter and full time in the summer. After we grew since it was a summer focused business, incoming tourism I paid full salary all fall and winter but each week they would elect one person to come in to handle and document processing such as contracts with the museums. Everyone in the industry thought I was crazy to pay the staff 7 months off but that was one of my advantages because I had a very loyal happy staff ready to tackle the next season and not have to hire new people like my competition. So within 2 years out of 100 competitors we had the second largest volume of visitors. Sure Russian woman are attractive, fit and well mannered but also very competent people so only of the real benefits of moving here is having so many close friends who brighten my life a super smart feminine stylish women from 17 to 55 years old. I had decades of business in California and the biggest hassle was dealing with staffing. One problem is education is so narrowly focused on a job that few people can do anything outside of a narrow window of their knowledge base. The future is bright for Russia, smart people who get along with each other, very adaptable and having a broad knowledge of the overall range of human experience. They have almost no debt and are eager to challenge themselves. They are modest and do not over estimate they capabilities which is one reason the decline of the west is happening and is not reversible while Russians are flexible, modest, and eager to learn in all realms of the human experience. Having little or no debt is major difference that presents so many options. I just got a call from a girl I know, a singer I am encouraging(in the US for decades I was in the music industry owning a large 3 studio complex recording studio, where we recorded 197 gold and platinum albums(another industry I knew nothing about before buying a high end but failing business recording studio and used all my money I had just for the down payment when it has not made a profit even one month in 4 years of operation. I had to break even the very first month of be wiped out. Not only broken even but became a top studio producing at least one song on the Billboard top 10 for every weekly chart for a 4 year run, with mostly rock and RnB with artist from Santana, Steve Perry Heart, to Metallica to Stevie Wonder and Whitney Houston and movie original songs for movies like Back to the Future) and she invited me to go to the Hermitage tomorrow with her 6 year old daughter Every kid her age here has been to world class museums, opera(free for students of any age from any county if they have school issued ID), ballet, symphonies and drama. They are exposed to culture very young and love it. The see no difference between a symphony and rock or opera, it all means something. There are dozens of cafes and pubs which have weekly poetry reciting. Starting young they all see value in all the arts and it is very accessible to them. The result is easily seen comparing a 15 year old Russian and a 15 year old American. Kids are wired for learning and in the US it is something isolated to a classroom. They are like different species from American kids. Here in Russia the most anticipated day of the year is Sept 1, School Day when they dress in their best clothes and bring little things they made over the summer to present to their teachers who is generally regarded as ranking only a little below grandmother in important people in their lives. End of school year is when they cry. They are taking instructions 3-5 grades ahead of the US, start a second language in second grade. Kids capable of much more than is expected in the west.

  • @sergeihan3162


    Ай бұрын

    @@stanspb763 ИЗВИНИТЕ НИЧЕГО НЕ ПОНЯЛ 🙄

  • @jeanpi314159


    Ай бұрын

    @@stanspb763 It's the case of the Russian women I know here in Paris, but also in Russia : they are mainly engineers, double degree, have read our litterature and know it, , have many skills, speak several languages... As concerns beauty, it depends on the women. But part of the beauty come from cleverness and high education. I would say Russian women don't consider themselves as dominated or jealous to western women, on the contrary : thus the so-called western feminism is more an imperialist speech, western women don't realized they are victims of dominating ideology.

  • @galinad9239


    Ай бұрын

    она наполовину русская, наполовину американка

  • @sergeihan3162


    Ай бұрын

    БЫТЬ НЕ МОЖЕТ😳@@galinad9239

  • @user-qw2ni1cc5g
    @user-qw2ni1cc5gАй бұрын

    Спасибо Саша за экскурсию! Удовольствие от видео , от вашего голоса ,доброты, крастоты! С удовольствием ждем новые видео!

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Спасибо ❤

  • @nadinmylove
    @nadinmyloveАй бұрын

    люблю и московское и питерское, в плане красоты оба города прекрасны

  • @user-pe6nd3zy3c
    @user-pe6nd3zy3cАй бұрын

    Саша. Ты умничка. Очень классные видео делаешь. Удачи тебе во всём ❤

  • @Spaceman719
    @Spaceman719Ай бұрын

    Ohh wow! 😮 I did get a tour of the Moscow’s metro station but didn’t get a chance to see St Petersburg’s ones, so I’m enjoying seeing this video for sure 😍

  • @littleclay5875
    @littleclay5875Ай бұрын

    So beautiful ! . and the subway stations are amazing too

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Agree 😍😍😍

  • @MickAV
    @MickAVАй бұрын

    Саша прекрасна!

  • @TimychKTR2810


    Ай бұрын

    Просто бомба

  • @WaliBayaran
    @WaliBayaran2 күн бұрын

    Sashaaaaaa... ❤

  • @Paand
    @PaandАй бұрын

    Really interesting to see something like this from you! with love from St. Petersburg ❤

  • @SashaMeetsRussia


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you ❤

  • @user-gd7fz1xk3x
    @user-gd7fz1xk3x24 күн бұрын

    Какая красотка❤❤❤ и метро произведения искусства

  • @selentheshy2015
    @selentheshy2015Ай бұрын

    Спасибо большое вам, Саша, за то, что несёте нашу русскую культуру в мир ❤

  • @yxeaviationphotog
    @yxeaviationphotog9 күн бұрын

    0:07 had me laughing so hard.🤣

  • @user-hj5uo7fm2c
    @user-hj5uo7fm2cАй бұрын

    Какая же ты Божественно красивая и умная девченка!!!, добра тебе Сашулечка! Видео твои мне очень нравятся,удачи тебе девочка! Дай Бог тебе и твоим родным и близким здоровья и счастья!!! Ты очень классный человечек, Господи я просто не могу какая же ты милая девочка!

  • @never516
    @never516Ай бұрын

    Каждый день катаюсь там))) ❤❤❤