The Pros and Cons of Setting Up A Second Location

I'm not trying to talk anyone out of opening a second location, but I think it is important to ask yourself WHY? Is opening a second location driven by logic or driven by ego? You can make more money from a second location, but there are no guarantees. However, more work and additional stress on you and your resources are guaranteed.
Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach -
3 Things that Set Me Apart from Other Business Coaches
1) I only coach podiatrists. I'm not interested in helping other allied health professionals succeed. The podiatry profession will be stronger when more successful podiatrists are in business.
2) I do regular business research and transfer this knowledge to you: I spend multiple hours every week reading books, listening to podcasts, watching webinars and attending live events so you can concentrate on being a better podiatrist and business leader for your team.
3) I have been fortunate to spend time with Navy Seals, Ninja Warrior Competitors, ex-CIA agents, Government Interrogators, Mentalists, and martial arts grandmasters. Meeting these people has helped me develop a unique set of business skills unlike any other Podiatry Business Coach I know.
You will love what I offer, especially if you want to evolve.
