The Ozone Layer Plays an Important Role as the Earth's Natural Shield From Harmful Radiation

The ozone layer in the stratosphere plays a significant role as an invisible shield that prevents harmful radiation emitted by the sun from reaching the Earth's surface. It is a gaseous layer present naturally within the Earth's atmosphere, which keeps the planet habitable, hence labeled as the "good ozone" because of its crucial role in protecting all life forms on Earth from its devastating effects by absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays released by the sun. It should be noted that this is a very different ozone from the tropospheric one, which is regarded as a harmful air pollutant associated with premature deaths.
Until scientists observed that the ozone layer starts depleting due to various pollutants emitted from man-made chemicals, thinning increases Earth's exposure to harmful radiation, causing serious health problems to humans like premature aging, cataracts, and skin cancer. Agricultural crops and farm animals are becoming susceptible to diseases, reducing yields and resulting in economic losses.
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