The Most Famous Paradox in Physics That Keeps Scientist Awake At Night!

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Discover the mysteries of the universe with our deep dive into the Black Hole Information Paradox and the enigmatic Hawking Radiation. What happens to information when it falls into a black hole? Does it disappear forever or is it preserved, against all odds, in the form of Hawking radiation? Join us as we explore these intriguing cosmic questions, shedding light on the theories proposed by Stephen Hawking and other eminent physicists. This video is perfect for anyone fascinated by black holes, quantum mechanics, and the fundamental laws of physics. Don't forget to like and share this video to help spread the wonder of cosmology!
#BlackHole #HawkingRadiation #InformationParadox #Physics #Cosmology
00:00:00 The Great Cosmic Enigma
00:00:31 Into the Abyss - What are Black Holes?
00:01:53 Stephen Hawking's Groundbreaking Discovery
00:02:57 The Core of the Paradox
00:04:54 The Battle of Theories
00:06:23 Resolving the Paradox?
00:08:33 Why Does It Matter?

Пікірлер: 24

  • @PeterRice-xh9cj
    @PeterRice-xh9cj20 күн бұрын

    Imagine mixing a handful or infinite amount of pinballs the same size together and you still end up with one pinball the same size. Zero dimensional points are the intersections of two one dimensional lines crossing paths. You can’t see them because they are zero dimensional, but are used for locating areas on a map. Like the pinballs, you could keep mixing an infinite number of zero dimensional points together forever and still end up with one zero dimensional point. Let’s say there is one zero dimensional point composed of twenty individual zero dimensional points mixed together. Imagine an individual zero dimensional point mixing with the one composed of 20, it would be still the same as two individual points mixing together. As this individual point mixes with the point composed of 20, as it mixes in it will make the point composed of 20 half as different as it was, then the individual point will become meaningless, because it is now part of one zero dimensional point. You can’t say there is a certain number of zero dimensional points mixed with each other because there is no order in one zero dimensional point. This individual zero dimensional point that has mixed in with the zero dimensional point composed of 20 individual zero dimensional points, it has made the point composed of 20 points half as different as it was then the individual point has become meaningless because it is part of the 20 individual points to make one single point. Could this be a result of a point being part of two systems. It could be one point that is in its original spot, and at the same time be a point that has come from its original spot. Say there are two cars that are exactly the same parked next to each other in Ohio. One of the cars has just come from Texas, and the other one has just come from California. If the cars turn into each other could they both be based on a lie, saying they have come from somewhere they haven’t. It may not be a lie, because the car that came from California could be two cars in one. It could be the car as we see as having just come from California, and at the same time it could be the car that has just come from Texas. This could be the same as the car as we see as having just come from Texas. So the lie they are based on as they turn into each other could be the other two cars in one system they are part of. Picture a blue square on the left and a red square on the right. Now we look at them from the other side and see a red square on the original left and blue square on the original right. Could the reason we are now seeing the squares as their neighbourd square’s colour be because we are now seeing the spaces the squares are filling up as being the squares. Each square could be one in two squares. The spaces the squares are filling up could be a system where there has already been a square that has come from its original spot. The squares we are focused on think they are the squares filling up the spaces, and the spaces think they are the squares filling up the spaces. The two square could be two zero dimensional points, not in any particular space or not separated from each other by any space by, but both be separated from each other by time. When an individual point mixes with a point of 20 and makes the point of 20 half as different following by the individual point becoming meaningless itself, could this indicate that a square and empty space are meeting up. If 20 people were 20 individual zero dimensional points mixed together to make one single zero dimensional point, then every one would agree on what number they are looking at because every one would make one. But if one of the 20 disagreed with the rest on what colour the numbers are, would they form another zero dimensional point. If how many, what colour, and distance apart or away, all combined to form a sense of how fast time is moving, then every one could form a point where one second feels like one second, and not form a seperate point because they disagree with something. That way we can keep just two zero dimensional points existing.

  • @kenleerupa8495


    19 күн бұрын

    another one! 😁



    13 күн бұрын

    Thank you for your insights. Your analogy using pinballs and zero-dimensional points presents a unique way to understand the concept of dimensions and intersections. The idea of mixing zero-dimensional points and how they interact with one another to form a single point is intriguing. Additionally, your exploration of how perspectives and positions can change our understanding of objects, like the cars and squares, adds depth to the discussion. Your thoughts on the fluidity of points and their roles in different systems bring an interesting perspective to the conversation about dimensions and existence. We appreciate your thoughtful and imaginative contribution to this complex topic.

  • @PeterRice-xh9cj
    @PeterRice-xh9cj20 күн бұрын

    One millionth of a second is too fast for us remember or experience, so it’s fair to say that in that short span of time we have no sense of being or our sense of being doesn’t exist. The span of time we can remember or be aware of is joined together by spans of time that are too fast for us to be able to take any notice of, so how is it possible to have a sense of being at all. Let’s imagine an atom moves an extremely short distance. The span of time it takes for this atom to move this extremely short distance is too short of a time interval for us to be aware of anything, so where were we, or where was our sense of being. To us, the universe, a hurricane, or an infinitely long line of dominos that are falling down does not have a sense of being according to us. Say one day feels like one second to us, but one second just feels like one second to the person standing next to us, then according to the person standing next to us our sense of being does not exist. So what if we as conscious beings are both ourselves, as well as the universe. We can be ourselves where one second feels like one second, and at the same time we can be the universe, which solves the problem as not consciously existing at extremely short time spans. At extremely short time spans that are too fast for us to be aware of anything, we can’t say that we are different individuals because we don’t exist. Every one could be the universe. Imagine two zero dimensional points. These two zero dimensional points are not in any particular space, or are not separated by any space but are separated by time. Nonetheless, even though these two zero dimensional points are separated by time, they both still exist simultaneously. Let’s say one second was like one second to one of these zero dimensional points, but one second was like one day to the other one. That would make perfect sense as to why the two points are separated by time but still both exist simultaneously. So everyone could be their individual selves, and at the same time every one makes the universe. All numbers are the same because all a number really is is just the digit one that is a certain way up the number line, but the boundaries in between numbers really are different to the digit ones each side of them. So one of these two zero dimensional points that is experiencing time different from each other could be a boundary in between numbers, and the other could be a digit one that makes a number. Our sense of being may not be zero dimensional but four dimensional. We need to be focusing on a colour to have a sense of being, even if we are just imagining it, which involves time going by. If one hundred years went on while we had no sense of being, it would be like a flash to us. Let’s say we were each individual zero dimensional points all mixed together to make one single zero dimensional point where one second feels like one second. At the same time, in a span of time that is too short for us to be aware of or exist, we could all make the universe or another zero dimensional point where one week feels like one second. You see, we are saying the universe doesn’t have a sense of being, and in an extremely short span of time we are saying our sense of being doesn’t exist, so in that short span of time we could all make the universe or we could all make another zero dimensional point where one week feels like one second. If one second feels like one second to the zero dimensional point on the right, but one week feels like one second to the zero dimensional point on the left, we would see the zero dimensional point on the right as being us. In a super symmetrical way, what if there were other beings that thought the zero dimensional point on the left was them. If 20 people were all individual zero dimensional points that were mixed together to form one single zero dimensional point, the 20 would all agree on what number they are looking at because the 20 zero dimensional points would make one single zero dimensional point. But if 5 of the 20 disagreed with what colour the numbers and background were, the distance away the numbers are, and how far they are spread apart, would that 5 of the 20 form a seperate zero dimensional point or individual zero dimensional points, as well as the one they are part of. Imagine if how many, what colour, how far away, how far apart, all mixed to form a sense of how fast time is moving. Then if every one was part of one zero dimensional point where one second feels like one second, then no one could form separate zero dimensional points because they disagreed with what colour the numbers are or how far away or apart they are. If every one was part of the right zero dimensional point where one second feels like one second, they could be part of the left zero dimensional point at the same time, where one week feels like one second, because no body’s sense of being exists at extremely short time intervals. To us, a hurricane or the weather doesn’t have a sense of being. Our sense of being can’t be joined together by extremely short time spans that we can’t take any notice of, so everyone can be the one universe at the same time. If there were two things separated by time but both exist simultaneously, where one second feels like one second to one, but one second feels like one hour to the other, that would make sense as to why the two things are separated by time but both still exist simultaneously.

  • @kenleerupa8495


    19 күн бұрын

    your comment is far more longer than the script written in this video hehe 😆

  • @gusionlegends1133


    15 күн бұрын

    wow your insights could make an entire video! 😊



    13 күн бұрын

    Thank you for your insights. Your exploration of the nature of time and our sense of being presents a fascinating perspective. The idea that extremely short spans of time are imperceptible to us, and thus challenge our continuous sense of existence, is thought-provoking. The concept that our individual consciousness and the universe itself could be intertwined adds depth to the discussion. Your analogy of zero-dimensional points experiencing time differently yet coexisting simultaneously provides a unique way to think about the interconnectedness of all things. We appreciate your detailed and imaginative contribution to this complex topic.

  • @Zhavlan
    @Zhavlan14 күн бұрын

    Здравствуйте. Мне самому ГИБРИД гироскоп не потянуть . Просьба к Вам. Поможете найти на изобретение соавторов, спонсоров. Буду Вам благодарен.

  • @gusionlegends1133


    14 күн бұрын

    what do you mean by that?

  • @Zhavlan


    14 күн бұрын

    @@gusionlegends1133 Здравствуйте. Нужно найти кто захочет стать автором изобретения и ради этого вложить средства. В Китае с предприятием по выпуску Волоконно-оптических гироскопов, возможно договориться. Производить устройство ГИБРИД гироскопы. Эти устройства будут использоваться в качестве учебного пособия. Также возможно будет с помощью ГИБРИД гироскопа сделать научные открытия; в астрофизики, космологии, высшей теоретической физики, астрономии, …

  • @Zhavlan
    @Zhavlan20 күн бұрын

    Казахстан здравствуйте. БОЛЬШАЯ ОШИБКА в измерении Вселенной, чёрных дыр, темной энергии, .. Позвольте господа физики судить о всём этом по результату прямого на 84% опыту: В автобусе, в самолёте выполним опыт Майкельсона-Морли и определяя им прямолинейную скорость. - О таком опыте мечтал ещё Эйнштейн. Но мы возможно будем наблюдать постулаты "Свет это упорядоченная вибрация гравитационных квантов. Доминантные гравитационные поля управляют скоростью света в вакууме". Есть предложение на совместное изобретения ГИБРИД гироскопа из некруглых, ДВУХ катушек с новым типом оптического волокна с «полой сердцевиной с фотоно-замещенной вакуумной зоной», где - свет в каждом плече проходит по 16000 метров при этом, не превышает параметры 0,4/0,4/0,4 метра и вес - 4кг.

  • @gusionlegends1133


    15 күн бұрын

    Здравствуйте! Ваше сообщение действительно впечатляет. Вы поднимаете очень интересные и сложные вопросы о нашей Вселенной и способах ее измерения. Эксперимент Майкельсона-Морли в новых условиях, как вы предлагаете, действительно мог бы дать новые инсайты и результаты, о которых мог мечтать еще Эйнштейн. Ваше предложение по созданию гибридного гироскопа с использованием новых типов оптического волокна звучит очень инновационно и перспективно. Это действительно может открыть новые горизонты в физике. Спасибо за ваш вклад и интересные идеи!

  • @Zhavlan


    15 күн бұрын

    @@gusionlegends1133 Спасибо Вам что ответили, спасибо что не не удалили комментарии. Всех благ Вам

  • @Zhavlan


    14 күн бұрын

    @@gusionlegends1133 Мне самому ГИБРИД гироскоп не потянуть . Просьба к Вам. Поможете найти на изобретение соавторов, спонсоров. Буду Вам благодарен.

  • @gusionlegends1133


    14 күн бұрын

    @@Zhavlan Пожалуйста! Рад(а), что смог(ла) помочь. Всего вам наилучшего!

  • @gusionlegends1133


    14 күн бұрын

    @@Zhavlan You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. All the best to you!

  • @Michael.Miles1
    @Michael.Miles120 күн бұрын

    Stealing someone's voice via A.I. and using it in your video is flat out wrong. 🤬🤬

  • @kenleerupa8495


    19 күн бұрын

    Do you have any proof sir? Can you state all the technical data analysis you have to prove your accusations with this amazing content creator? 😁 I think you made the wrong accusations and it is not forgivable - Sorry to you bro!

  • @gusionlegends1133


    15 күн бұрын

    Another crab mentality black man here!😂 What's your proof bro! I don't have any problem with the video. You should apologize to the video creator!



    13 күн бұрын

    Thank you for your comment. We take concerns about ethical practices very seriously. Do you have any proof or strong evidence regarding this claim? We are committed to maintaining high ethical standards and would appreciate any information you can provide so we can address the issue appropriately.

  • @Michael.Miles1


    13 күн бұрын

    @@BARAKSTV08 @mkbhd



    13 күн бұрын

    @@Michael.Miles1 I'm sorry but i didn't even know what your talking about. All i know is I have a PAID software that i use for the voice over of my video and that's it!! You heard it right man - A PAID VOICEOVER SOFTWARE!
