The Holy Bible (KJV) Audio Edition


The King James Version is a translation named after King James I of England who commissioned the new English Bible translation in 1604 A.D. King James 'authorized' the new translation to be read in churches in England and beyond after it was first published in 1611 A.D. Later known as the 'Authorized Version' in 1814, the King James Version became a standard among English-speaking Christians.
The King James Version is considered one of the most accurate English translations in existence. A skilled committee of 54 translators worked for 7 years to carefully complete the King James translation project.
The KJV was the third English translation approved by the English Church authorities. The first was the Great Bible (1535), followed by the Bishops’ Bible (1568). The Geneva Bible, produced in Switzerland in 1560, also played a role in shaping the KJV. The Geneva Bible was influential because it referred directly to the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures, providing a basis for the Authorized King James Version.
The translation is most noted for its poetic feel - prose that seems to flow with a certain rhythmic quality. The book is cited as the most published book in world history with a significant influence on literature and culture. It is estimated that more than 1 billion copies of the King James Version have been published.
The English from the original 1611 published version is noticeably different than the newer 1769 version, as the English has been updated for modern readers. People who are unfamiliar with the English language in the Elizabethan and Jacobean era can easily mistake the 1611 King James Version writing style for spelling errors. The same can be said for other writings of that era as well, for example Beowulf.
In summary, the King James Version is a significant historical translation of the Bible that has left a lasting impact on English literature and religious practice. Its language and style continue to resonate with readers even today.
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