"The Girl Inside" - Long Trailer

“The Girl Inside,” an Emmy-Nominated short documentary by 1 Girl Revolution, in partnership with BEHOLD, features a poignant look at the stories of incarcerated women within Cook County Jail and a life-changing academic course taught by Dr. Laura Biagi (formerly of DePaul University in Chicago) called, “Storytelling as a Healing Art.” This short documentary, which is a part of an on-going series featuring the stories of everyday women changing the world through their lives, reunites Dr. Biagi with five of her former students for a special one day course on the transformative power of our stories and our voices - and what is revealed is: “The Girl Inside.”
For more - listen to episodes #126-135 of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast to hear more about women + incarceration in our world today.
The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and everywhere you listen to podcasts.
Special thanks to:
Cook County Jail,
the staff at Cook County Jail,
Dr. Laura Biagi,
the five women who participated in this project,
Rob Kaczmark,
Jason Knade,
the Inside-Out students of the Winter 2019 “Storytelling as a Healing Art” course,
the Theatre School at DePaul University,
the administrators, Inside-Out staff, and the Steans Center at DePaul University,
the Inside-Out Center,
Lori Pompa,
John Culbert,
Helen Damon-Moore,
Kim Bogucki,
the If Project,
Mary and William Bryan,
Peter Bryan,
Moira Singh,
Delia Bryan,
June Tanoue,
and every woman and girl around the world - the world needs you, your voice, and your story. You have the power to change the world through your life.
Every woman has a story. Every woman has a voice. Every woman has the power to change the world through their lives. Every woman is a 1 Girl Revolution!
FOLLOW 1 Girl Revolution on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and INSTAGRAM: @1GirlRevo
SUBSCRIBE and LISTEN to The 1 Girl Revolution podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and everywhere you find podcasts.
For more information on 1 Girl Revolution, please visit: 1girlrevolution.com
For more information on BEHOLD, please visit: www.wearebehold.com
For more information on Dr. Laura Biagi, please visit: soulsound.it
“There are a lot of problems in society because people are not able to be heard!” - Dr. Laura Biagi, the professor who taught “Storytelling as a Healing Art” to Cook County Jail Female "Inside" students
