That's how we garden May 28th Uuncovering tomatoes, peppers and squash

It's been unseasonably hot! Too hot to leave the covers on the tomatoes, peppers and squash, so off they came this week. If we have a June frost we will cover them up again. Did you know that the coldest nights are often a few days before or after the the full moon? Our next full moon is June 5, so we are watching to see if we have one more frost before summer.
Our Idaho winds can be so harsh on young plants. We leave the PVC tubes on the plants until they get a good start, or start to fill them up, then we remove them and set them by them for a wind break for a few weeks before they come out of the garden. The exception to that is the tomatoes. The PVC tubes stay on the tomatoes all season long.
When the covers come off the tomatoes we use a tomato set on the blossoms to help with pollination. We also use tomato set on the tomatoes and peppers in hot temperatures to help pollination and increase yields.
We planted our second crop of corn, spacing plantings about two weeks apart so we can have fresh corn most of the late summer and fall. We also planted another crop of radishes.
This week we are eating lots of strawberries, lettuce, spinach, and radishes and multiplier onions from our garden. The garlic we harvested last year is starting to go to seed, so it will be frozen to use until our new crop is ready the first of August. Check out our blog for some of our favorite garden recipes!
